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Interview Transcripts of CSE/IFoS 2021

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6th April, afternoon

TCA Anant board

Graduation _ Civil engineering

Optional _ PSIR

Hobbies _ Reflective writing, Guru dutt movies



Why you decided to join civil services?

Why not engg services? Or have you given engg services also?

Why specific guru dutt?

If you have to recommend me one  Guru dutt movie, what would that be?

Other movies?


What comes to your mind when you hear civil engg?

Why people have negative perception of PWD?

You are police officer, What will you do if a group of students block road?

What other steps will you take if you know that they have done criminal offence?

As a engg, how will you tackle corruption in govt dept?

What steps govt has taken to tackle private builder in regions of Noida and ncr?


What is the meaning of your name?

Which is more important, economic power or military power.

Why North Korea is not powerful despite huge military power?

What are the three areas you want to work on?

Why women empowerment was still not achieved?

What will you do if an influential person harasses women in a locality?

What can be done at level of family (by govt) to achieve women empowerment given family is a personal sphere? What interventions can be made to ensure women equality in level of family.


How can we build disaster resilient structure?

New technology in Civil Engineering construction methods?

On what technology Pmay houses build?

What steps government has taken to make sewage treatment plant in cities? 


 You talked about rural development  tell me What are panchayati raj?

 what steps govt has taken to empower panchayats in India?

Your take on merging of municipalities in delhi?

What administrative ineffiencies were there?

Is it right to have only one municipality for whole of delhi?


Transcript-8th April

Education: BA Political science

Optional: PSIR

Home state: Jharkhand

Hobbies: Cricket, Movies, Wordle

Board: RN Chowbey



1. What is e-governance? Where does it have scope for implementation?

2. Does India recognize Myanmar military regime?

3. What is the difference in diplomacy when a country is recognized/not?

4. Should India recognize Taliban government?

5. Is Taliban a legitimate government?

6. Does India recognize Taiwan?

7. Does India recognize Tibet?


Member 1

1. What are the different types of waste?

2. We have a seen in rise in which type of waste recently?

3. Why is the culture of recycling declining in India?

4. What provisions have been introduced to reduce plastic waste?

5. What are the provisions of the vehicle scrapping policy?


Member 2

1. Is Cricket a gender-neutral sport?

2. Which sport is gender-neutral?

3. Which country has successfully managed to land a lander on the far side of the moon?

4. 'Ab tera kya hoga kaliya' is a dialogue from which film?

5. Does the young generation still watch old films?


Member 3

1. What is a Chinaman?

2. How do you analyse India's position in the Ukraine war?

3. What is curfew?

4. What is the legal basis for implementing curfew?

5. What is the origin of the word 'curfew'?


Member 4

1. What is the position of India's drone programme?

2. Is India's drone capacity domestically produced or by imports?

3. What are the issues with using drones?

4. What are the counter-measures for drones?

5. What is the government policy towards drones


I'm forgetting some questions. Overall, a good interview(only marks will tell for sure). Sir will tell you to take your mask off. Good luck🙂


optional Economics

board BB Vyas sir

Hobby: Writing Hindi Couplets nd Following Cricket

Background Serving as an Assistant Commandant in one of the CAPF for last 5 yrs

MA Economics



View on one border one force

Challenges in border guarding

Technologies that we can use in border guarding

smart fencing


Member 1

When & where first radio broadcast

When printing press came to india

Your couplet writing style is similar to whom Kabir, mira, Bihari

Compare urself with above poets

Whom do u read, name the writers

Why poetry more famous than prose

How poetry captures the prevalent situation

Poet seems to be in anguish(in the verse that I had recited). Why?

Why bangladeshi immigrants come to India? How can we stop them ?


 Member 2

What are the qualities that I have as Commando nd what qualities will prove to be useful as civil servant?

Elements of Good governance?

How Bangladesh improved HDI score?

Why can we not have FTA with China nd resolve border dispute?


Member 3

Something special that Sikkim have done in last 5 yrs?

Organic farming in Sikkim vs Sri lanka

Are women more empowered in Sikkim?

Does Swaccha Bharat Mission ends at ODF or there is more to it?


Member 4

What are learnings post 26/11?

What is kamikara?

What are drone regulations?

Methods of killing drones?

What was PL 480? Bank nationalisation nd recent de nationalisation? nd it's success?


Chairman: BB Vyas

Home State: Delhi

Optional: Commerce & Accountancy

Work experience: under Training in BHEL (Finance Division)

Graduation: (H)



1. What did you do after completing in 2017?

2. Recent MPC meet is scheduled. Why hasn't the govt changed the repo rate for last 11 months. MPC formation and related questions. What is current repo rate?

3. Rationale of Navratnas, Maharatna categorisation.

4. NPAs, what steps by govt for correction.

5. What is corporate gov. Recent policy changes by govt. in CG

6. Blockchain Strategy of India. 3 areas the strategy covers.

7. Carbon dating. Carbon Pricing.

8. Is AUKUS formation to counter China in Indo-pacific.



1. My internship at CMO

What life lessons I learned there?

2. Name all Navratnas.

3. Who owns US forex reserves.

4. Minimalism, Inspirational interviews (my hobby)



1. Ballot vs EVM. Which is better for India? Few questions on VVPAT.

2.Difference and similarities  between yoga and meditation (part of my hobby).

3. Privatisation of PSUs



1. Continued with NPAs, shifted to ARCs. Counter question on utility of ARCs.

2. Why RBI wants to maintain liquidity. Tools of doing that.

3. Why to appoint women independent candidates on company boards.

4. Why RBI is reluctant to legalise cryptocurrency.

5. Has india lagged in taking advantage of CDM



1. Societal Patriarchy. Examples you have seen.

2. Similarities in SL and Pak issues in news. How it will impact India.

3. Role of communication in policy making- planning and implementation.


Chair: What are Principles of Natural Justice.


(There were few other questions on Environment and Economy that I don't recall)


Date : 8 April

Board: TCA Anant Sir

Graduation: Btech

Optional: PSIR


Chairperson: Read some parts frome DAF

1. Tell us about your hobby

2. What is blockchain?

3. Explain to me as a layman

4. What are it’s applications?


M1 :

1. Tell us about your project

2. Why don’t we see disabled people in mainstream ?

3. Do you know what are green buildings?

Counter questions



1. What are your service preferences?

2. Why civil services from btech?

3. How will you use technology in administration?

4. Mgnrega Scheme

 Counter question

5. How to promote startups

6. DU FYUP program



1. Why PSIR ?

2. Role of social media?

3. How to make it safer?

4. Use of technology in diplomacy?



1. What will be the effect of UP elections on Presidential elections?

2. What are the other constitutional implications

Counter questions

3. Reasons for new Parliament?



How are members of Rajya Sabha elected?

How many seats does UP has in Rajya Sabha


Thank you


7th April, Afternoon session

TCA Anant board

Home State: Delhi

Hobbies: Watching Bollywood movies, practicing yoga

Economics optional


Chairman: Why 2nd Masters?

Describe Srilanka crisis and lessons from it for India.


M1: Describe areas where work is needed for ensuring child rights.

Also what can be done to ensure their good health.

How to tackle child labour when families forced to push their children into it due to poverty?

Do you know an Indian who has done considerable work for children?

Do you know about Mid Day meal? What are its objectives?


M2: What needs to be done for construction workers?

What can be done in the current situation in many states where construction workers' cess remains underutilized?

What can be done by the states?

You talked about performance appraisal.

Told about an article in newspaper about forceful retirement of senior bureaucrats to ensure new talent gets opportunities? Is that viable? Views on it?


M3: Which genre of movies do you watch?

Should there be censorship for movies,OTT alike? Who has primary responsibility to regulate content for children, parents or state? Should there be self regulation or enforcement?

Tell me your service preferences.

Difference between hard and soft power.

Why India was called country of snake charmers?

What did India do to strengthen its soft power?


M4: Asked names of difficult asanas that i can do.

How many poses in Suryanamaskar?

What is Hatha yoga?

Told about a video of a boy practicing for army selection. Asked, is it good? Will it inspire people?

Do you know anything on army recruitment recently?

What is FCRA? Recent news on it related to NGOs ( I had mentioned about NGOs in an earlier answer).

Told about a recent CBI report saying about corruption among bureaucrats. Why do you want to join service then?


8th April

Afternoon session, 3rd to go

Board: BB Vyas sir

Optional: PSIR

Home state: Delhi, permanent address in Kerala

Graduation: English Literature

Hobbies: sudoku, food history

Overall time: around 35-40 minutes.


Chair: please pull down your mask and be comfortable (was asked to keep on face shield and gloves)

1. Is the novel a moral fable?

2. Can you tell us how the form of novel changed?

3. What is innovation?

4. What is India’s rank in Global Innovation Index?

5. What is blue economy?

6. What are blue flag beaches?

8. Have you heard of Passage to India? How does Forster describe India?

7. What are biosphere reserves? Can you name some?


M1: if we compare women of Kerala, women of Sri Lanka, women of Pakistan and women of R K Lakshman’s novel, can you draw some similarities and differences? (Wasn’t able to answer well and got a bit flustered so I said “sorry sir I don’t think I have been able to do justice to your question at the moment. Chairman sir very cordially replied that don’t give up try and say whatever you know we are just trying to have a conversation. So I answered somewhat, was even prompted to think along certain lines in this question)

2. Should stray cows be allowed to roam around freely on roads?

3. Think of the counter view to this argument.

4. Is every woman in Kerala empowered?

5. Can you say why despite education all women in Kerala are not empowered?


M2: why is LSR such a good institution?

2. What can we do to improve tourism in India?

3. Is social media the best way to improve tourism in India?

4. Why is sustainable development so important these days? What is being done? What is India’s stand?

5. Why do you say India is at the forefront of climate change?


M3: tell us a little about why panchayati raj is effective in Kerala?

2. What is the exact model of panchayat in Kerala called?

3. When is the next presidential election in India?

4. What kind of person would you like to see elected as a president?

5. What are your views on disinvestment?

6. What are the features of pm awas Yojana?

Added that women are main beneficiaries.

7. Have you heard about recent UNHRC news. When it was formed and why?


M4: can you tell about India France relations?

2. Asked about exact statement issued by India Pak in Sharm-al-Sheik in 2007.

3. Have you heard of NCLT, NCLAT, and some other organisation can’t remember the name of it. What is their function?

4. Explain dark web.

5. What is tor?

6. Have you heard about dabbawalas? What do they do?

7. Have you heard about padmanabhaswamy temple. Why an IAS is in charge of the temple?


Overall experience: extremely cordial board. But very factual based questions. Barely any DAF coverage. Nothing about hobbies, achievements etc


Utility of mocks: learnt how to handle unexpected questions, etiquette of facing a board.


BB Vyas sir

7th April


Madhya Pradesh

Commerce background

3 yrs Job experience in IT

Hobby: Mandala Art and Upcycling waste



I was the very last one for the day, he asked so you are the last one today, u must be tired.. and smiled. said to pull mask to the chin, and therefore I gave Interview with face shield on.


Repeated all details of my background from my DAF and asked why i left my job.?


1. Why has india shifted from look east policy to act east policy.

2. What did we do in act east policy.

3. Shud social media be regulated? If yes. How?

4. What is India's foreign policy.

5. Diff between fiscal federalism and fiscal consolidation.




1. What is upcycling waste? Give an example how u did it?

2. Clean city? Why can't Delhi be made that clean?

3. Tax terrorism? Govt steps for the same.

4. Govt Economic growth policies...what are you suggestion for improving it.

5. Some factual ques.. i said sorry.


Member 2. (Ma'am)


1. What is mandala art?

2. How to manage Menstrual waste ?

3. Voters turnout in last LS election? And what is ECI doing to increase it?

4. What is govt doing for our farmers?

5. What is e-nam?

I m unable to recall a few more ques


Member 3.


1. Sociology diff from anthropology?

2. What more do you upcycle? Explain more.

3. Brief about Wipro technologies, it's activities, and leadership

4. What was ur job profile?

There were some more ques..


Member 4.

1. Explain with examples ..waste to wealth?

(Multiple cross ques came here, including agriculture, sugar industry, thermal industry, )

2. MP: Medieval history.

3. Tendu leaves and tribals loosing livelihood? Explain? What can be done?

(Multiple cross ques)

4. Bhimbetka

5. Some more facts.



Ok we are done, have a good day. thank you


Anthropology, Civil Engineering

Hobbies: Quizzing, Reading Books (did not ask)

President of Quizzing and Debating Society (Mentioned as there was a question by the chairman)

Board: Smita Nagraj Ma’am


You have a background in Debating and Quizzing. Do you think India is a Debating Society or a compliant society?


Member 2:

What is your take on EV? Are they free of pollution?

I said something about coal.

Coal washing and coal pollution leads to hazards in these areas? Don’t you think we should compensate these people?

Counter questions and helped me achieve the correct answer.


Member 3

What is your idea about Criminal Tribes? Certain neighbourhoods in USA are considered extremely dangerous from policing perspective? What can be done?


Member 4

What is longitudinal studies?

What is an ethnography? Can it be used to study people over long term?

Has India Nepal relations become hijacked by China’s Influence?


Member 5

What can centre do to stop freebies by state?

All these scams, ILFS? What has RBI done for this? What about PMC bank?


No question on Civil or States, probably because my first preference was IFS. Mainly Current affairs. Lasted 25-30 minutes. Thanked them and exited.


Date and session of interview- 5/04/22 9:am forenoon session


Board- Smitha Nagaraj maam


Optional- history


College- civil engineering from DTU, MA in modern history from JNU


Hobbies- reading travelling numismatics


Your experience in interview-

No hi hello or questions on personal info,



Nagaraj ma'am

- why do you think about freebies

-Should they be discontinued, or modified in any manner

-Farmers and electricity

- do freebies encourage individuals to not work, remain dependent on govt




- how can civil engineering (graduation subject) help in civil services.

- issues behind time and cost overruns

- insisted on giving practical and on ground problems faced(follow up) rather than theoretical/bookish issues in civil engineering

- difference and similarities in crisis going on in Pakistan and Sri Lanka




- how can we keep the bureaucracy motivated?

(A number of follow up questions on similar lines)

Issues about bureaucracy, I

Why the image is bad ?etc




Don't remember specifically but questions related to application of civil engineering on problems in infrastructure

Why India's infra growth is shabby when compared to that of china.




Just asked about comparison between the response of indian and Canadian govt to protests in respective countries

Reasons behind why Canada is considered liberal and India is considered authoritarian

Were the measures used by Canada authoritarian or democratic ( follow up )



Experience- no hi hello no chit chat no questions related to daf( apart from grad subj- civil Engineering)

I felt the questions were really good, especially the ones related to infra and civil engineering. I wasn't able to satisfy the demands with respect to practical issues, a point that was raised twice during the interview. Not unnecessary grilling if a person could answer these questions he/she would definitely make a really good addition to services.



Mocks- focussed majorly on daf, and I felt the interview was of a whole another level- they knew what they knew what they were looking for.


Interview date: 8th April

Board: TC Anant

Optional: PSIR

Home state: Bihar

Graduation: Mechanical Engineering from VIT Vellore

Hobbies: Blogging, Watching football

Time: 25-30 minutes


This was my 2nd Interview and also, the 2nd with COVID protocols in place.


I entered the room and greeted all. Chairman asked me to sit and started reading out loud my DAF.


C: You worked as programmer analyst. Briefly tell me about your job.

A: Explained


C: Why did you leave your job?

A: Explained


C: So, you like blogging. What do you blog about?

Me: My emotions, educational write-ups and about football.


C: What was your last blog?

Me: Wrote about the impact of Russia-Ukraine conflict on the future of English Premier League.


(At this point, he seemed interested to know more)


C: Explain what you wrote.

Me: Explained the links of oligarchs like Roman Abrahamovic with Putin administration and future of Chelsea football club.


He passed on to M1


M1 delivers a long monologue about the dichotomy between environment conservation and economic growth and asks my opnion.

Me: Agreed with him. Told about the need to reform GDP accounting and also, how we have framework of EIA to take care of this dichotomy.


M1: What is NGT?

Me: Explained


M1: India is doing so much for environment conservation. What are our targets?

Me: Explained using Panchamrit.


M1: So, government is doing a lot. What do you do for environment conservation?

Me: Mentioned the use of grey water in garden, public transport.



He passed on to M2(Female panelist)



M2 delivers a long monologue on how we have so many legislations for women yet the ground realities are different. Linked it with Bihar. Now, asks my opinion on corrective measures.


Me: (Not verbatim just main points)Need social reforms. Legislations work in top bottom approach. Mentioned 37% women in Bihar justify beating up by husband as correct. Could recall this figure from NFHS-5


M2: What else?

Me: Education -->rational outlook


M2: We already have so many schools and enrolment. Do you really think it's a valid measure?


Me: Explained the disconnect between current measures focusing on enrollment rates (literacy) vs education


M2: What else?

Me: Talked about duplicity of institutions leading to confusion, constabulary force lacking soft skills so women fear to file cases- give them training etc.


M2: Difference between FR and DPSP

Me: Explained


Passed on to M3 (Female member)


M3: You are from small town in Bihar and went to Vellore for studies. How did you travel- train or flight?

Me: Train


M3: Mention the states that came your way in the journey

Me: Mentioned


M3: Why migration is happening? Why Bihar is still backward?

Me: explained


M3: Monologue on how food is different in North and South India. Asked if food is integrating factor?

Me: Explained + mentioned Chicken Chintamani which is still my favourite. Connects me with the culture.


M3: You worked in Kolkata and love football.  Give one distinguishing aspect of football culture there.

Me: Mentioned East Bengal and Mohun Bagan rivalry. Also, my experience from a local match I had watched.


M3: About PSIR. Describe the world order after Post world War 2.

Me: Explained


M3: What about world institutions? What is their status?

Me: Talked about UNSC reforms, WTO status etc.


M3: Should we reform them or leave them as they are?

Me: Explained the need for multilateralism


Passed on to M4

Probably the toughest part of my interview


Pointed out my answer to M1 on how I use greywater and mentions how my college was also using in-situ treatment plant to do the same.


I agreed.


He seemed to know my college really well.


Then, talked about how an underpass was constructed to connect two parts of my college that led to disruption in the movement of railways.


M4: Do you think if it wasn't your college and some small college, permission would have been given for such project?

Me: explained how cost benefit analysis must be done for any project and benefits must outweigh the cost + other considerations like environment, feasibility of construction etc.

He didn't seem convinced. Moved on to next.



M4: Asked some difficult theory of Pareto?

Me: I had no clue. I passed.


M4: CBI vs NIA?

Me: Gave answer but he didn't seem convinced.


M4: Can CBI investigate cases in states?

Me: Explained using General consent


More follow up on same issue with respect to West Bengal.


M4: CBI's procedural details on how the treatment of cognizable offence is different from other types

Me: I said I don't know.


M4: Why should I read your blog? Why do you put up your personal emotions for public?

Me: explained.


M4: From your favourite area. What's scissor kick?

Me: Explained.


He then passed on to chairman. Chairman said your interview is over.



Experience: Felt like a purposeful conversation unlike mocks. Take mocks with a pinch of salt and do what you think is correct :)


Date and session of interview- 08.04.2022, Afternoon

Board- Smita Nagraj mam

Optional- Mathematics

College- IIT Kharagpur

Profession (if any)- workex as Model Risk Analyst at an investment bank

Hobbies- Chess, watching socially relevant movies

Your experience in interview- very cordial board, some interesting questions, some easy questions, very thoughtful IR questions.




1. You have worked at Model Risk Analyst, how will that knowledge be useful for public administration?

2. Suppose I ask you to build a model to predict Russia Ukraine war. What will be the outcome of your model? (2-3 follow ups on this)

3. Do you know about game theory?

4. How can game theory be applied to look at Russia Ukraine crisis?

5. Why there is so much negative publicity for Russia right now but when western nations were involved in human rights violations in West Asia, there wasn't any hue n cry? (I mentioned psychological warfare in my answer)

6. Can you recall from your surroundings any instance of psychological warfare?


Member 1:

1. What are implications of social media on an individual, on national level and on international level?

2. Should social media be regulated?

3. What are the current provisions in India for regulation of social media?


Member 2:

1. There are some subjects in union, state and concurrent lists. Some states want a few subjects to be included in state list and vice versa. ( I said i can recall vice versa that water should be added to concurrent list)

2. Why water should be moved to concurrent list?

3. Tell me few provisions of Dam Safety Act.

4. What is interlinking of rivers and it's pros n cons?


Member 3:

1. What is the reason for establishing IITs/IIMs in each state?

2. Don't you have IIT/IIM brand is degrading because of it?

3. What are socially relevant movies? Aren't all movies socially relevant?

4. (*Chairperson mam) So you only watch such kind of movies? What last movie did you watch?


Member 4:

1. Some question on LIC, which i can't recall. (Not related to IPO though)

2. There is so much hue n cry over Russia in Ukraine, a European country. If Russia would have invaded any nation in West Asia, there wouldn't have been such hue n cry. What is your take on this?

3. Yesterday, Russia was removed from Human Rights council. Told me India's stand on it. What is your opinion on India's stand?


Thankyou. Your interview is over


Date and session of interview- 11.04.2022, forenoon

2nd last to go.

Board- TCA Anant

Optional- Agriculture

College- IIT Delhi

Hobbies- space documentaries, guitar

Time: 35 to 40 mins.



1. Why did you leave your job

2. Civil services except IAS are mostly limited to their domains so how will you find diversity there

3. What got you interested in space documentaries.

4. Where can I watch space documentary

5. What documentary would you recommend for me to watch


Member 1:

1. You have done production and industrial engineering.. so why are industries in India backward, why are we losing out to China and what can we do about it

2. How to reach India's goal of carbon neutrality

3. What will you do for it.

4. Can Hydrogen be a substitute of coal

5. Green hydrogen

6. Blue hydrogen

7. Grey Hydrogen


Member 2:

1. Impact of Russia Ukraine on global energy transition.

2. Can India be the global superpower

3. You won dance competition.. what type of dance.

4. You also play guitar..what type of guitar..what do you play

5. What is more important- 'India for world' or 'India for india'


Member 3:

1. You told about theory of relativity.Explain in layman term.

2. Why does earth revolve around the sun as per general relativity.

3. What will happen if your daughter leaves earth in a space ship and comes back after a few years.

4. What areas do you want to work on.

5. What will do in agriculture

6. Usa is giving huge subsidies.. how can India compete.

7. IIT.. people go abroad. Get into bureaucracy. How Will India get engineers.


Member 4:

1. Do you think India needs more iit

2. What is special about iit

3. Difference between iit and other colleges

4. Difference between  btech and be

5. Difference between engineering, technology and science.

6. Won't new iit dilute the image of old iit.


Chairman: your interview is over.


Board TCA Anand

Optional- Geography

Background - Civil engineering

Work experience- NHAI project

Hobbies - Kitchen gardening,  listening to sufi music , numismatics



Job related ( civil engineer) related questions.

Numismatics (hobby ) , asked to explain, what unique thing you've learned out of it. So many questions followed.

Take on college politics? Good or bad ( follow up questions on that )


Panel members


Again related to Numismatics . Asked about cryptocurrency and regulations. Also who issues coins in India?


Today it is motherhood day. I didn't know. So many questions related to that. Why it's celebrated ?


Type of vaccines that a child needs to take?

Pre natal and post natal care ?


Why civil service after civil engineering? Will it create a shortage of engineers ?


Why Kerala is underdeveloped compared to other South Indian states? Reasons and way forward


Asked me how to inculcate interest to learn maths ? Asked about Pythagoras theorem. How ancient Indians found the diameter of the Earth.


Asked questions on kitchen gardening? Like how was it done ,plants cultivated


Board: Smita Nagraj

Very cordial

CH: Question on name

Queue on Mount Everest - people deaths happening there - what drives them to climb mountain? (Hobby)

Do you think mountaineering sport is an example of white supremacy?

Why civil service?


M1: Explain your research project (daf)?

Did you use ISRO atlas ?

Why did you switch from Physics to environment studies?

How would you use your knowledge in adminstration?

Who appoint the liaison officer (mountaineering hobby)?

M2: Economic development vs sustainable development?

Follow up questions

Opinion on Fiscal deficit and subsidies?


M3: NEP scrapped Mphil. I think it is not justified. What do you think? (Daf - did mphil)

70% research thesis in India in the library lying in dust. Why is it so? Do you think we can make our research productive?


M4: Which state has highest coal reserve in india (optional geology)?

Which state has highest Aluminium reserve?

Subsidies vs free distribution?

Conflict between north and south korea - two basic reasons?


CH: Maximum height you climbed?

Did you use oxygen?


Some more questions on economy but not able to recall


Optional- Anthropology

state- Maharashtra

hobby-Vipassana, web series and movies

Background- Mechanical engineering

Optional- Anthropology

forenoon session

panel- Choubey Sir

chair- told me to remove mask if dont have any symptoms

1.Introduce urself with ur background

M1- when should one start doing meditation?young age or old age?

M2- Why Nano car didn't take off in India?

some counter que.

Rise of OTT and impact on movies.

M3-1.What is difference between strategy and policy?  

2.Atmanirbhar Bharat context and que on what should be done to make India developed country?

M4- what's famous in ur district?

origin of paithani Saree.

M5- why there is rise in inequality in world?

Impact of technology on inequality.

Electric vehicles -challenges in India, how should we roll out EVs in India.

Chair- is there anything u want to discuss.

I talked about Vipassana.



April 11 Afternoon

TCA Ananth sir Board

Graduation: BTech Geoinformatics

Hobbies: Reading books, listening to carnatic music



1. What is Geoinformatics? What areas of specialisation?

2. What have you been doing since graduation?

3. What kind of books do you read?

4. Tell me about your last book and follow up questions on that.

Member 1:

1. Can the problems of India-China border be solved by cartography? (Mentioned that cartography was one of the subjects in graduation)

2. What books of fiction have you read?

3. Any biography that has particularly influenced you?

4. Do you think we value house wife's contribution? (Follow up from the previous question)

5. If you are in govt, what would you do to change the perception towards house wife?

6. How do you see your learning curve from the entry through mid-career to the higher level in civil services?

Member 2:

1. If both parents are working, what happens to children's upbringing?

2. What do you think about having a system where mothers can take their children to workplace?

3. Today is safe motherhood day. Are you aware of it?

4. What do you know about safe motherhood?

Member 3:

1. He was very happy when I told member 1 that I liked Harry Potter. He shared his insight about JK Rowling :D

2. What Indian authors have you read?

3. Don't you think Indian English literature needs to get world recognition for its style?

4. Why do you like Carnatic music? Do you play any instrument?

5. What do you think of Obamas in the American trajectories? Did they come at an inflection point? (Follow up on my mention of Becoming by Michelle Obama)

6. What do you think about Trump in one line?

7. Do you think Trump's election is a consequence of Obama's time?

8. Have you considered joining private sector?

9. Why didn't you consider NGOs? (Follow up on my answer)

Member 4

1. What is the problem with our bureaucracy?

2. Why don't policies work?

3. Do you think we need reforms in bureaucracy?

Chairman: Thank you. Your interview is over.

The board was extremely cordial. It was a purposeful conversation in every sense of it. Overall it was a very pleasant and enriching experience.


Date and session of interview- 5th April, Afternoon

Board- BB Vyas

Optional- Geography

College- B.Tech(CS) + MBA

Profession (if any)- investment banking, software engineer

Hobbies- basketball, marathon, mandala painting, poetry writing



 1. Where were you working?

 2. What is PayU?( work ex)

 3. What is a start-up?

 4. What is a unicorn?

 5. What is a megacorn?

 6. Why the name unicorn ?

 7. What is fintech ?

 8. What is FDI? Why is it important?

 9. How will FDI be managed along with atmanirbhar bharat?

 10. What is your view on privacy ?

 11. What about surveillance ?

 12. Laws under which surveillance is allowed ?

 13. What id bobble? Why is bay of bengal important?

 14. What is the difference between cyclone, hurricane, typhoon , haloween storms? Who names cyclones?


Member 1( lady )

 1. What is internal complaints committee( POR )? What were your responsibilities?

 2. If you are a district collector and a lady comes with sexual harassment complaint what will you do?

 3. What is your view on simultaneous elections?

 4. Is there scope for innovation in civil services ?

 5. What about non technological innovations ?


Member 2

 1. Why the name marathon ?

 2. Where all have you run ?

 3. What is the distance ?

 4. What is your service preference ? Why IAS over IFS?

 5. What is sea of Azov? Geopolitical significance ? Environmental concern ?


Member 3

 1. Which book has Abdul kalam written ?( answered : wings of fire)

 2. What is wings and what is fire ?

 3. One more book. Didn’t know

 4. Why is there corruption in services ?

 5. Why are you then leaving a high paying job? 2-3 follow up questions ?

 6. If your chief secretary is charged with sexual harassment and you are in ICC what will you do? 2-3 follow up questions


Member 4

 1. What are non tarrif barriers? Examples?

 2. What is PLI scheme? issue with WTO?

 3. What is China + 1 policy ?

 4. Do you feel we are moving towards localisation from globalisation ?

 5. Technology has been a facilitator as well as a bane ? Comments ?



 1. I want to ask one last question. Why do we call foreign dignitaries in our republic day ?

 2. Who was the chief guest this year and last year ?

 3. A lot of people come to visit the republic day parade. What are the 3 key takeaways they take with them.


Satyavati Madam board

Forenoon session


1.10 pm to 1.40pm

Interview was on Round table... board members were very close.

(Seems like round table conference)


Chairman : mechanical engineering graduate then why anthropology?


What is aryan vs Dravidian debate and your opinion?


Then what about kezhadi excavation?


From where human came to india?


What is plogging? (Hobby bassd)

They Amazed to know new concept...


Member 2


What are SDG?


Tell SDG in brief..


What are MDG and why sdg replaced them?


How olive ridley exactly reach on same coast each year for breeding?? (Related to my hobby)


Whats mechanism in them(olive ridley)


How there conservation is done?



Member 3


You are from state board.. is there need  of various boards


What problems they create ....exact problem!?



What is spark plug and use?? ( Due to mechanical engg. Background)


Archimedes principle...


Tell in in Laymans language...Archimedes principle

(I explained using Glass infront of my table)



Member 4


What is difference in Hydrogen based vehicle and electric vehicle?


Should india go for hydrogen first or electric first?


Member 4


You make rangoli... Isnt it women special interest??


Festivals on which i draw rangoli...


Floral decor and nature type questions...


And interview was over...


Date of interview : 8/4/2022


Bb vyas board


Optional: law


Interview was more of factual rather than daf based. Nothing from hobbies or achievement.


Chairman : sir started with question that I have seen you earlier.


I will ask some quick questions from you.


1 what is SCO. ITS MANDATE


2 its importance for India


3 coastal security infrastructure


4what is Sagar initiative.


5 what section 498A of IPC( relax it is from my optional law)


M2 1achievements and challenges of India as we are entering into Amrit kaal


2 waste mangaement issue of india and solutions


3 when will phase out plastic.


4 India coming foreign relation meeting with USA


M3 what is MISA act ( law optional)


2 type of emergency in constitution


What is sovereign default


M4 why is Bengali doctors called Bengali( totally unexpected as he started with meerut that while visiting to meerut you can see lots of Bengali docs)


2 Issue of quick doctors.


3 issue of phc chc in India


M5 started with sovereign default which country has faced this issue recently then gave answer Greece.


2 response to 1991 financial crisis.



Some questions I am not able to recall


Unexpected experience due to factual interview 10 percent daf rest was current affairs or random questions. In 4 to 5 questions I answered that I am not able to recall or I don't know.


Advice - prepare for worst keep calm and have  confidence we can do it💪👊.

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