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Interview Transcripts of CSE/IFoS 2021

Please post interview transcripts of UPSC CSE or IFoS 2021 here, so that all can access and get benefitted from them.

curious_kid,Neyawnand9 otherslike this


Date and session of interview- 26 April forenoon

Board- RN Chaubey Sir

Optional- Sociology

College- Law

Profession (if any)-

Hobbies- Cricket

Indore (MP)

Your experience in interview- As usual Chaubey sir very cordial and always smiling

Utility of mocks (if any)- I recommend Samkalp and vajirao , SOMP sessions and specially one to one guidance by Punit Yadav sir had direct questions.

Medium of Interview- Hindi

Chairman - You can remove mask if not having COVID symptoms and you can refuse any question you don't know.

1. Introduce yourself in one minute about your academics and work experience.

2. What are Priciples of natural justice and from where it has its origin.


Member 1

1. Tell us something about Devi Ahilya Bai Holker (daf)

2. What is the process to nominate any tribe into Schedule Tribe ?

4. PESA act - what and why ?

3. Why kabirpanth is famous in malwa region ?


Member 2

1. Why NITI Aayog formed ?

2. Isn't our ministries have expertise?

3. What provisions we have for rural banking ?

4. What is NABARD ? What it does ?

5. What about Post office ?

6. Choose any one institutions from bank, NABARD and post office which is best suited for rural banking.

7. Should we dismantle other institutions then ?

8. Any best international practice for pollution control and solid waste management?


Member 3

1. What is swing bowling?

2. What is difference between act and statute ?

3. Malnutrition and follow up led to mid day meal and it's issues etc.

4. UCC and views on it.


Member 4

1. 3 provisions you want to include in UCC ?

2. On what provision do we need consensus ?

Some questions I cannot recall


Chaiman - we have asked what we wanted to ask. Anything that you want us to ask you ?

I said Indore is cleanest city so want to talk on this.


Duration - 28-30 min


Date of interview-27 april, forenoon session

Board- B.B.Vyas

Optional- Mathematics


Civil engineer iit delhi

MA economics


Budhia kabaddi- traditional form of kabaddi in magadh region of bihar

Watching short films

Second interview


1.Explain the triangle -why economics after civil engineering then choose mathematics as optional

2.earthquake resistance measures in UPSC building

3.what will you do for earthquake resistence in UPSC building

4..difference between magnitude and intensity of earthquake news 7.3 earthquake what is 7.3 is it magnitude or intensity much is global GDP india we talked about v shaped recovery then K shaped recovery whats does it mean

8.NGO's role in india, funding of ngo's

9.Role of foreign fundings of NGO's and need to regulation

10.Acts which regulate the ngo foreign funding


1.blast proof building and earthquake proof building major difference

2.what happened in world trade centre

3.what has been done to prevent this type of disaster

4.2 neighbouring countries whose relations with india was in news

5.india srikanka relations


1.What is Budhia kabaddi?? How it is different from normal kabaddi


1.Have you heard of short documentry movie from india nominated to oscar?what is tha name ?it is based on what?

2.Who won the noble for contribution to behavioral economics recently

3.What was his theory name ?What does it mean?

4 What is indian government doing to promote it?

5.Which country has official commission to promote nudge theory?

6.Recent indian origin economist who won noble

7.Is he alone won or some other person were also given noble proze with him

8.What was his theory name ?what does it mean?

9.Where he did his experiments?

M4 two economist from india along with contributions

1a. Critically analyse the theory of amartya sen -Capability approach will you build your team only knowing project and time for completion?

3.what do you mean by leader?

4.are todays politicians can be called leader?

5.why didnt you join politics?

Chairperson again

1.what do you mean by hate speech?

2.Is this room perfect rectangle

3.Minimum measurements required to proof this room as rectangle

Some of questions i am unable to recall


Date and session of interview- 29/04/2022 afternoon session. Last to go

Board- TC Annnat sir

Optional- Hindi Literature

College- Rajasthan University

Profession (if any)- IDAS

Hobbies- poetry & cricket

Your experience in interview- Cordial & Calm

Utility of mocks (if any)- No Comparison

No mask or Face shield



What are you doing now. What part of training you have completed so far.

What was your research topic?

What is urban morphology?

What you recommended about your study area.



1.You are from bordering district of punjab , haryana , and from corner of Rajasthan.

You are neither of them ( on lighter note).

2. Why there is so much issue in Hindi translation. Any suggestions?

3. Why we have FCI can’t we procure through APMC and store that ?




1. Tell about mountain ranges of JK

2. What are the Eastern and Western river in context of India and Pakistan .

3. Kaveri Dispute is related of which states. Why this dispute.

4. Who gets major share of kaveri water. (Sorry)

5. Dam Karnataka made on Kaveri. (Sorry)



1. Have your heard about MedCity.. where is that sorry

2. Why Indian people prefer Imported goods.

3. Any suggestions to promote local products?

4. How will you deal with sexual harassment case at your workplace.

5. Course of action if the victim doesn’t want to complain.



His volume extremely low

He said something which I figured out after coming out of UPSC.

1. What is URSA major URSA minor. He spelled it to. Sorry

2. Who is murugandam. Which morth indian good is similar to him.   Sorry,,,asked to guess. I said may be vishnu .

3. What is hight tide. Spring tide. (Sorry) was not sure about spring tide .

4. Difference between western and eastern ghat.

4. What is it benefited.

5. How it is beneficial for advertisers .


C:_ Your interview is over you can go.


Experience:- Achche log hai wo. Will ask you the questions from the domain you choose? Got good vibes.


Board- RN chaubey, 2nd to go on 28th april, Forenoon session



Working Experience - Home Ministry

Optional- Hindi literature(Ignore kar diya No questions)

Hobbies - Playing Piano, Nature traveling


Interview experience - Board was cordial but questions were random.

Mock utility -  remember Meme( Expectations v/s Reality)😂


chaubey sir started and ended the interview.


Sir asked me to remove masks .




1. What is your job profile

2. Give me some examples related to Minimum government maximum governance.

3. Which chemicals in Sanitizer ( bcs samne sanitizer rakha tha.) - I answered - Alcohol based ... Wo meko bole aur batao aur chemicals - I was like

Abhi maine kya factory khol rakhi hai kya sanitizer ki)

There were many cross questions.

4. How many layers in your mask.



He passed to member 1.

(Wo khi chal diye, 1-2 min wapas aae)

1. Have u heard about Malnutrition - ( I was - ab ise kaun nahi janta)

2. Why we need balanced diet-- we can use suppliments, tablets, steroids ( tumko kisne roka hai use Karo aur abhi labour aur farmer log kidhar se layega ye sb....🤔)

4. Mid - day mil scheme & what are provisions in UP, Bihar, Maharashtra

5. Food fortification?

6. How much edible oil do we export?




1. What's the difference between piano & harmonium ( my hobby was playing piano)

2. Which harmones released when u playing piano ( I was thinking - Ye kuch jyada andar ki baat nh ho rahi??)

3. Which physical changes you feel after piano( मदहोशी😅)

4. Cooperative federalism?

5. Delhi legislation handicapped?

6. Constitutional provisions for Delhi ? ( I was only able to recall 69th amendment😉)

7. Recent Supreme court verdict regarding Delhi legislative.

8. We should handover all power to central government ( तो केजरी जॉब छोड़ दे फिर🤔)




1. Vally of Flower kidhar hai ??

2. Suddenly shifted to Forest fire ( Flower, fire - I was thinking about Pushpa😅)

3. Recent case of forest fire and reasons?

4. Why CAG?

5. Why FC

6. Why SFC

7. Digital devide

8. Steps for digital inclusion




1. Again Piano par sawal( ab ye hobby kabhi nahi fill karunga)

2. Tell me about सुर?

3. How many सुर?

4. Difference between Bollywood & classical music सुर?

5. Okay Tell me high pitch Bollywood songs( Simple hai bedu Apna A R Rahmaan bhai h na - Maa tujhe salam.....etc)

6. Your UP govt changing Name for example Prayagraj ( हां तो करने दो ना अपने को क्या?)

7. Changing Name is solution?

8. Historical importance of Bithoor.

9. Kerala Saint - Social reforms, recently modi ji speech .




Mera ho gya - tere ko kuch bolna hai hamse.


I shared my view points about physical fitness (Fit India movement) and Influence of Westernization on Nutrition and Physical Activity.


Bola tum sanghars Karo ham tumhare sath hai.....


Aur Alvida....


Date— 26-04-22

Board — b b byas sir

State - uttar pradesh

Optional - history


Mock की उपयोगितातनाव कम करने , body language सही करने में, daf  के विभिन्न आयामों को समझने  में काफ़ी उपयोगी रहे।


अनुभवबोर्ड बहुत ही सहज और supportive था यह question answer से ज़्यादा एक discussion के जैसे था । daf और विशेषकर इतिहास पर ही पूरा interview based था

Hobby  से बहुत कम प्रश्न थे


Chairman sir-

 राष्ट्रवाद? इतिहास के बिद्यार्थी के हिसाब से राष्ट्रवाद का उद्भव, विकासऔर प्रसार कैसे हुआ?

 भारत में राष्ट्रवाद का विकास अंग्रेजों की देन या भारतीयों की ?

 भारतीय राष्ट्रवाद का भारत के बाहर किन किन लोगों ने और किस रूप में प्रसार किया ?

 कामागाटामारू प्रकरण क्या था इसने राष्ट्रवाद को कैसे प्रेरित किया ?

 गैप से जुड़े सवाल-2017 में ग्रैजूएशन करने के बाद से क्या किया ।                                                                     M1(women)

 Graduation subject से प्रश्न - प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास को ही क्यूँ लिया ?

 प्रशासन में प्राचीन इतिहास का उपयोग ?

 उदाहरण के ज़रिए प्राचीन इतिहास का वर्तमान युग में महत्व बताइए।

 Society 5.0 क्या है इसके विभिन्न आयाम बताइए.          M2——

 महिलाओं को सेना में भर्ती किया जाना चाहिए या नहीं ?followup questions लड़ाकू विंग में शामिल करना चाहिए या सिर्फ़ प्रबंधकीय कार्यों हेतु?

 महिलाओं के हर क्षेत्र में भागेदारी का प्रभाव?                               M3(women)——

 लम्बा वक्तब्य जो आज कल का ट्रेंड है फिर प्रश्न कि इतिहास का पुनर्लेखन होना चाहिए या नहीं? मैं उत्तर दिया होना चाहिए

 पिछले प्रश्न से जुड़ा क्यूँ होना चाहिए

 प्रफ़ेशनल हिस्टोरीयन कौन होते हैं ( मेरे पिछले जवाब से जुड़ा )

 किंतु प्रफ़ेशनल हिस्टोरीयन में भी वैचारिक झुकाव और सिलेक्टिव अप्रोच होती है

 विभिन्न राज्यों के इतिहास के syllabuss में भिन्नता है क्या पूरे देश के syllabuss में एकरूपता होनी चाहिए ?

 बच्चे इतने परिपक्व नहीं होते हैं अतः उन्हें कैसे संतुलित इतिहास पढ़ाया जाए अगर आप शिक्षा मंत्री हों तो आप इसके लिए क्या करेंगे

 सोशल मीडिया से जुड़े हुए प्रश्न(hobby) ट्विटर का अधिग्रहण और इसका प्रभाव ?                                          M4——

 गैप से जुड़े प्रश्न (हालाँकि पहले chairman sir ने पूछा था फिर भी )

 मूल अधिकार और निदेशक तत्वों में अंतर और इससे जुड़े सप्रीम कोर्ट के केस

 राष्ट्रपतीय ब्यवस्था(presidential system) और संसदीय ब्यवस्था(parliamentary system) में क्या अंतर है ? क्या हमें presidential system अपना लेना चाहिए?


   सबसे अंत में chairman sir ने कहा आपका इंटर्व्यू ख़त्म हो चुका है आप जा सकते हैं नमस्ते ।


25 April 2022 Afternoon 2nd last to go

Board : R N Choube sir

Graduation: B.A Economics

Optional : anthropology

Home state : Maharashtra

Experience : worked in Public sector Bank

Hobby : 1 Teaching @ school level

              2 Councelling


Board was cordial,

No face shield

Asked if no covid symptoms then can remove the mask ,


intro by sir on the same lines, to stay calm and accept anything you dont know honestly


Nothing specifically from DAF


- Utility of mocks (if any)- benefits in managing nerves, greetings, staying calm....

questions quite different in original interview




1. introduce yourself in 1 minute

2. You left the job …did your friends or anyone else stopped you from resigning ?

How you convinced them ?

3. What is DBT ? What is it's utility and benefits?

4. Why we should give food through PDS , can't we directly transfer money as per  market rate to people's account? Why so much efforts and cost to govt. and FCI?


Member 1 :


1. You are from Maharashtra? How Bhakti movement influenced society ?

2. Two saints you like?( Tukaram & Dyneshwar)

3. Tell about the Tukaram Maharaj's contribution.

4. Guru Nanak vs sant tukaram vs  sant kabir comparison ?

5. Two women Social Reformers from Maharashtra who worked for women ? ( I answered Savitribai Phule and Ramabai Ranade)

6. Savatribai Phule and Ramabai Ranade difference in their work

7. Guru Nanak was fond of Tukaram Maharaj's work. What do you think?


Member 2:


1. you told some qualities of saints. in which mordern indian leader you find those qualities ( I said Mahatma Gandhiji)


2. Can Gandhiji be called ‘Kabir Of Modern Time’


3. Which is the southern most point of India and its strategic importance?

4. What is Niti aayog's EV policy ?

5. What is battery swapping ?

6. What are the problems in EV expansion?

7. Why EVs are catching fire?

8. What is debt trap in general and in current context?

9. Why is China is upset with QUAD ?         


Member 3 :

1. Which are investigating agencies for financial crimes?

2. Difference between ED & CBI

3. Why two diffnt agencies? CBI can investigate the cases which ED investigates then why shouldn't we merge them ?

(I answered but not seemed to be satisfied hence asking again and again)


4. Diffnce between competition commission of india  and consumer forum

5. if ultimate aim of both is to protect end consumer then why two  seperate agencies ?

6. Should we merge them ?


Member 4:


1. What is the difference between gender equality and gender equity ?

2. What are the provisions of New education policy regarding education in vernacular language?

3. What are  the difficulties in implementing those provisions ?

4. What should we do to bring parity in vernacular education? and related cross questions

5. What are different economic regulators in country?

6. What are their functions?

7. Why so many multiple agencies , shall we merge them in one umbrella agency?


Chairman told me that it's over from their end if you want to share something you can.

I told about my district - as it is an aspirational district and it's progress under Delta ranking and recently PM mentioned it in his man ki baat


Date and session of interview-22 April. Afternoon.. 1st one to go

Board- smita nagraj mam

Optional- History


College- DU

Hobbies- cricket, jogging



You were born in 2000.. How you look at previous century


2 good things about 20 century and 2 bad about 21 century


History Repeats itself. Explain with example


Tell me history of uttarakhand


Who is ur fav cricketer and why


Is jogging a sport?


Who is Sunil mittal?


Why newly appointed army chief is from corps of engineers.. Is it a good choice?


China has banned all global social networking sites.. Is it good or bad?


India is lagging behind in these app because of absence of such policy... Is it right?


India is software superpower.. Why we are lagging behind.


How warfare is changing

What is cyber warfare.


One wish from God


Why you want to join civil services


Why Hitler's Holocaust is more criticized than Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing?

Why nobody stopped USA

Who ordered nuclear attack



There were few more question ...


Date-28th April Afternoon

Board- Smita Nagaraj Mam

Btech Computer Engineering

Rajasthan Technical University






Q.1 You worked in Rajasthan Electricity Department for 2 years then why did you leave the job.

2. Tell about Rajasthan Electricity Departments

3. Tell 5 better schemes of Delhi Education Department

4. What training is being given to the teachers by the department?

5. Will education become better only with smart classrooms?

6. Two scheme of Delhi state that you would like to implement in your district

7. what was your job in covid duty?


Member 1


1.Why is the IT sector on the rise?

2. What is big data?

3. How will you do it with Big Data if you become the DM of a district?

4. Do KPO and BPO services come under IT enabled services?


Member 2


Q1 why discoms are in loss?

2.Five ways to stop electricity theft Rajasthan a power surplus or Power deficit state?

4.Suggest measures to improve the condition of government schools of villages?

5.Don't you think SMC has a big role in this?


Member 3


1.What changes have been seen in the children if schools are opened again after covid?

2.What measures are being taken by the teachers in your school to remove the bad behaviour or irritability of the children after covid?

3.How far has the learning power of children gone after Pandemic ?

4.what is the situation in rajasthan?


Member 4


1. What do you like best about Delhi?

2. have you seen the war memorial?

3. do you like the traffic in Delhi?

4. Measures to improve healthcare system?

5. Do you give priority to infrastructure in health care or to doctors?

6. What will be the benefit of giving PPP mode to discoms?


Overall good experience ,Board was very cordial . Almost 95% 0f interview from my DAF. It was more of conversation. Preparation of DAF helped me a lot and interview transcript is a very good source to open your mind in various dimensions.

Not a single question asked on current affairs, Optional and Hobby.

Utility of mock: Helpful like in gaining confidence, improving body language but question asked were different.

I would like to a special thank Sachin Jain Sir (Ensure IAS Delhi) for boosting my confidence.

All The Best to all the candidates.


DAF keyword kota, petroleum engineering, border district , psir optional, sports secretary

Interview date 27 April

Duration ~30 minutes 

Medium Hindi

Chair Person B B Vyas sir


Chair person

1. Tell me 3 place from kota and nearby which you will suggest your friends to visit their

2. Various qns related to atomic energy

   . What is Heavy water

   . Why we use D2O

   . Which type of reaction take place in nuclear plant

   .Whether we import urenium or we have its reserve

  .Why are people talking about thorium

  .What is 3stage programme


3.Border related qns


   .Your district's  border is known as international border or LoC or LAC

   . Why is it known as international border

  .Then what is LoC /LAC

   .What is smart fencing

    . Component of Smart fencing


4. Crude oil price related qns



  . What is current price of crude 

  . Litres in  One barrel 

  . Then why it's price are high in India.

   .Why there is no uniform price across the state.

   .Why is it not under GST




Qns related to China-Taiwan 

  . What is opium war

   . What is mainland China and Taiwan issue

   . Who is leader of Taiwan at that time

  . Suppose China attack Taiwan,what will be the response of world community


2. SOCIAL issues of your District

And suppose you are DM how will you address these

3. What is khap panchayat ,

whether it is legal or not, 

in which community it is prevalent

What step you will take to address issues related to khap panchayat


4.Social impact of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan(ask not to include health and hygiene)



M2(lady member)

Asked me whether I read news paper or not

1. Tell me three news from todays newspaper..Each form national, international and sports

2. Guess What jaishankar told european leader on ukrain issues and some follow up

3. Srilanka  crisis:-


origin,reason,its impact on srilanka,India,whether india should help or not, what is difference b/w Indian and Chinese approach in Srilanka



All qns are related to Student politics

1. Which university is mostly in news for student politics.

2. What all happened 4-5 years back in jnu

3. Whether student politic is right or not

4. Parents send their children to study but they waste their time in politics

Then what should be limit

5. How you do politic in your college (means your college's model of student politics)

6.Then tell me student organisations which are affiliated to political parties

7. Monologue abt JP moment and role of students in changing India's political trajectory

8.tell me name of some political leader emerge from this movement.




All qns are related to Student politics

1. Which university is mostly in news for student politics.

2. What all happened 4-5 years back in jnu

3. Whether student politic is right or not

4. Parents send their children to study but they waste their time in politics

Then what should be limit

5. How you do politic in your college (means your college's model of student politics)

6.Then tell me student organisations which are affiliated to political parties

7. Monologue abt JP moment and role of students in changing India's political trajectory

8.tell me name of some political leader emerge from this movement.


M4(lady member)

1. Difference b/w Biodiesel and bioethanol 

2. What is their sources

3.what is  meaning of renewable

4. Explain me sustainability in layman terms

5. What is ethanol blending,tell me it's advantages and disadvantages.



Chairperson sir said Dhanyawad, ab aap ja skte ho


My experience in interview... found it purposeful conversation


Utility of mocks..Some qns may repeat but help in framing answer in better way.


All the best to remaining candidates.


Avlokit( beed, Maharashtra)

BE Entc

2 startups

Bamboo cultivation

Anapansati meditation

Optional :-PSIR

Panel- B. Bvyas sir

Second shift( 2nd last to go)

Duration:-35 min.


Entered the room...

Chairperson setting on round table, respective 4 members were setting at 4 corners with safe distance. (2 male +2 lady members)


Entered the room

Chairman:- (Greeted me good afternoon asked me to be comfortable and lower the mask. )

Q- (reading my daf... )

And asked after 2018 post job what we're you doing?

Q) (he told me that during lunch he was going through an article)

tell me about manufacturing and service sector growth and why manufacturing growth is important?

Q) Do you know something about Inner line permit?

Q) what is financial inclusion

Few follow up(I stared with jandhan, upi, he asked me to say more innovative ways, then I talked about SHG, cooperative, dbt etc,. Seemed satisfied)

Q) difference between financial literacy and financial inclusion.

Q) asked my experience in startups.

Q) your view on instant justice

Then he started on bamboo cultivation but stopped himself and said this area is interesting and Member 4 is very interested in this so I'll leave this up to him.





Q) asked about my startups

Q) what qualities should an entrepreneur must possess

Q) what do you think (since you have worked on ground) to cater the startups which are failing? (I talked about need for district level incubation hub)

Q) Russian recent ICBM test and it's significance

Q) range of ICBM( I asked if I can take a guess, some how I was near)



Q) difference between DPSP vs FR

Q) significance of Writ

Q) how to improve tourism in india. (On my answer he reaffirm my cluster based approach in the sector)

Q) asked about surenam (told the location but follow up I asid sorry)



(I guess she was from pune)

Q) Do you know "Rahul theatre in pune?

Q? Where is it located?

Q? Why it is unique? (She told me that when she used to go there it was only showing English movies, and asked me is it so? As I have watched 2-3 hindi movies also so u said that, she smiled and said it must be a thing of past)

Q) why pune is important for defence? (Hq of southern coomend, lohegao airbase, AFMC, NDA, IMA)

Q) why pune is industrial hub

Q) punes education reform movement? ( I talked about bhide wada, she asked me where is it located, I answered Budhwar peth, she smiled)

Q) do you thing pune is still education hub?

Q) Punes agriculture university founding year(said sorry) some follow up q on this.




Q) do you know mohammad ali(no where related to my daf)

Q) tell me 3 fighter who got famous after having fight with him? (I said sorry sir, he smiled and told me 3 names, and looked to member 2 and they were enjoying their nostalgia about 20-30 sec.)

Q) tell me about pravasi bharti divas and it's significance.

Few follow ups

Q) Indias and Africa how is indian foreign policy towards Africa)

Q) talked about how Bamboo can be multipled. (I told about 3 method of saplings)

Q) what is Rizome? (Seeds wanted more technical but gave him practical example and he asked follow up q)

Q) what is the shape of it? (I corelated with marathi musical instrument tutar)

Q) how bamboo was the reason for disaster in northeast ( I was aware of 2004 flowering crisis)

Q) asked about bamboo flowering.


Overall experience was good.

Felt like I was having a good conversation with really Accomodative and knowledgeable people.


How much mocks help?

They do help to understand basic Aticate of interview.

One can utilize mocks by controlling the nerve for the time between standing outside the door of interview and entering the room.


I wish everyone good luck and just enjoy your time for interview and thoes 30-35 mins.



Thank you.


Board -Ms. M. Sathiyavathy

Date - 27 April morning session

From - barmer ( Rajasthan )

Optional - history

TIME- 26_28 mint

Education -Bsc + MA (history )

(  Mask, gloves phn kar interview tha, face shield htwa di thi )



Chairman mam

1. Jrf aap ne clear kiya hain PhD/ MPhil kar rhe ho ya ?

2. UG or PG me aapne gap kyon liya tha

3. 2018 k bad se kya kar rhe ho ?

4.aapki camel riding hobby hain

Ye kese aapki hobby ho gyi hain ?

5. Aapne horse riding ki hain ?

6. Camel riding or horse riding me kya main deference hain ?

7. Camel k aaj kal kya utilities hain ?

8. Camel milk me kya kya hota hain ?

9. Camel mill k medicine benifit kya hain

( Second mamber ki or ishara krte hue ,   qsn kijiye )


1 aap barmer se hain  Barmer me refinery ki kya progress chal rhi hain ?

2. Barmer refinery k kya fayde hain ?

3. Es refinery me barmer k alawa bahri crude oil use hoga? Kha se aayega?

4. Rajasthan biofuels ki progress hain ?

5. Biofuels k khan Khan  centre hain

6. Renewable energy of Rajasthan k bare m batahiye ?



Qsn asked in English and qsn very long ( chairman mam ,  qsn nhi smjh me aa rha hain to anuvadak bualaun ? Yh UPSC ne  aapke liye hi  rakhe hain ? Bell bjakr , anuvadak ko bula kar bitha diya )

1. Corona me Indian doctor ne , medicine bevjah likh di thi ?kya aap mante hain

2. USA me medical me countie exam hote hain or India me doctor ki koi progress chek nhi hoti ? India ko kya krna chahiye ?

3. China me corona se konse City effected hain ?

4. China ki zero COVID policy kya hain ? Uske point batahiye ?

5. Quad Kya hain ?

6. Quad k reform k 3 point btahiye ?

7. Jammu ,Kashmir , laddakh 3no ko state banane chahiye ? Some cross qsn



M-3 (women)

1. Aapke district me only one river hain - Luni ? But irrigation me use nhi hoti ! Why?

2. Barmer me desert hi desert hain

 Eska development kese ho skta hain ? Some cross qsn

3. Camel riding aapki hobby hain ! BSF kis border par use krti hain ?

4. Barmer - Pakistan border ki challenge kya hain ?

5. Barmer border me very less taskri hoti hain ? Punjab me bhaut jyada ! Esa kyoun hota hain ?


M-4( only women releted qsn and corss qsn )

1. Rajasthan ki women ki kya condition hain ?

2. MMR kya hoti hain ?

3. MMR full form?

4. Women status Rajasthan me low level par kyun hain ?

5. Ese improve krne k 3 upay bataiye ?

6. Aapko lgta hain women marrige age , 21 kar deni chahiye ?

7. Child marriage case esase or badh jayenge ?

8. To kya 21 se aage bhi badha skte hain ?

9. Thik hain ,Women empowerment ki 2 scheme bta dijiye



Chairman mam

( Aapka interview ho gya hain , aap aarm se ja skte hain , face shield bahr lga dijiye )



Mock helpful hain,specially DAF k prepration me

Fact and New information khin bar hamre knowledge se bahr se aa skti hain, Esme confidence k sath sorry bol skte hain


All the best👍


Date - 27/04/2022 & noon

mains in English , Interview in Hindi

2nd interview


Board- R N CHOUBEY , M.A in economics (Questions asked from economics )

Hobbies - playing table tennis ,

                -playing badminton {no question from here )

Experience - Good

Utility of mocks - exploring DaF dimension .



COVID ke symptoms nhi h to ap mask utaar skte . ( mask Uttar Diya tha )

We are friendly . You have to be relax here .


 1. Tell us about yourself in 1 minute about your education , work experience etc.

 2. He asked about school where I was a table tennis coach during my college days (I mentioned in daf & intro )

 3. What were the two challenges you faced in giving table tennis coaching to children as a coach .      (I replied Ki table tennis Ki technicality ko explain krna , craze km h table tennis ka school children me , practice k like parents se negotiate krna )

 4.  Fiscal deficit revenue deficit trade deficit

 5.  Current account convertibility.( me - sorry sir )

 6. Foreign exchange reserve- kitna h .

 7. RBI kha rkhta h foreign exchange reserves ko  etc ( sorry sir )



Member - 1


 1. Cooperative societies - its acT,: further discussion on it .

 2. Quad is like NATO ( I replied   Quad is not like a military alliance & mentioned  China in indo pacific )

 3. Countries sharing resources chahte h , (I said China sharing nhi Chatha h - 9 dash line claim)

 4. China ka Indian Ocean pe influence ( replied ports development etc)

 5.  RBI governor ko kon appoint Krte h . ( sorry sir not able recall committee )

 6. Rbi governor ko independent authority bana dena chahiye .

(I replied ki power ek me concentrate nhi kr skte h , accountability ensure Krne k liye distribute krni chahiye members me . )


7  retirement age ko 60 se 65 krne ki baat hoti h aajkl . Kya krna chahiye ?

I replied - life expectancy increase Ho rahi h aur medical infrastructure me improvement bhi ho raha . Retirement Age increase kr skte h


Then chairman interrupted & asked - jo youth h unke liye jobs & opportunities ki kmi bhi ho jygi or vo Iskaa virod bhi krnge

I replied , sir ye transition phase tk hoga or fr normal Ho Jayaga .



Member 2

 1.  NGT act

 2. Green economy

 3. RBI kya cooperatives banks ko regulate krtaa h ?

I replied ki after defaulting of some cooperative banks  rbi ne guidelines Banayi h regulate k liye .


 4. Cooperative ministry ka kaam kya hoga .


 5. Cooperative me kamiya (negatives)

 6. What is public sector undertaking( PSU)

I replied about 50% presence & managerial task  in govt .

 7 . To PSU ko govt. hi kyu own kre

I again said others  shareholder ke are in share km hote h .

 I mentioned about privatization by govt .



Member- 3

1 . Supreme curt ka judgment jo uttarakhand & himanchal pr dharm sansad ( today’s newspaper se tha)

 2. Uttarkhand me haridwar district me DM h or dharm sansad pe hate speech hoti h or ap vhi h to ap us vkt kya krnge  ( I replied jab extreme hate speech hogi to speaker ko shut down kr denge  )

 3. Public gusa Ho jygi vhaa pe isse , Ho skta h pattar Baji kre ( I replied hate speech ko rokna jaruri h varna chain of hate speech bnne lgti h )

 4. Haal me ese chain of hate crimes/ violence hue h ?

( I replied - sir India me stability h lkin ese Ho rhe h  Kuch hate crimes/violence  ko control Karne Ki jarurat h )


5 . Scientific temper nowadays reducing ?   Long some lines said by him .


I replied phle ke comparison me scientific temper Bada h education & all .

Apne gain (village) ka example Diya Ki vha pe lkin Abhi bhi log jhadbhuk pe viswas rakhte h Bismar hone me ; education  se youth me jhadbhuk pe viswas km hua ; scientific temper develop aur hoga education & health infrastructure Me improvement hone se )


 6. Uttarakhand me police ka investigation system sbse alg h purée India se or world se .

Pardon sir ,

Then member explained Ki PatwAri investigation krte h etc


I replied sir  Han phle PatwAri Krte honge lkin  ab mere gaon pe thana h or investigation ka Kaam vohi  Krte h .





 1. LIC ipo , government kyu offer kr rahi h

( I replied insurance market m govt ka interference km Ho , competitive market Bne , strategic sector & non strategic sector etc,,,,...


 2. LIC to bs 3.7 % hi h market me isse kya hi hoga .

Replied - govt regulation ache se kr paaygi , or private sector  bdega .

( I think mene question got interpret kr Diya yaha pe .)


  3. Rural stress Sunne me Aata h ye kya h (Without my reply) he continued and asked about agricultural stress & mentioned about farmer suicide .

I replied - farmers suicide low income & agriculture me loan lete h moneylenders & banks se ; income achi nhi Ho Pati to debt hota h & virtuous cycle bnta


 4. Asked about solution of above problem

 I replied - post harvest facilities , insurance Ho crops ka , bank credit , cold storages .


5 post harvest se kya Meaning h .

I replied - grading kr paye farmers or market available Ho Jesse ki local traders se bache farmers .


6 . Farmers ke paas to jgh hi nhi h grading k liye

 I replied - ki infrastructure develop & govt. 22000 rural market develop kr rahi h .


Member asked that ki tumne farming ki h ?

 I replied sir ki phle or Bachpn me ki thi .



 7. Farmers producer organization ( FPO) Kese alg h cooperative societies se .

 I replied - alg to h , lkin me isme ache se aware nhi hu . Sorry sir !



6 .National education policy 2020 - vocational training  ko school me kese include kr skte h

I replied - ITI & poly technique ki thrh

Member - ye to phle se h

I replied - sorry sir , muje ispe pdhne ki jarurat h .




 Chairperson -  We have asked you most of the questions . If you want to ask anything etc....


Me -taken a pause & said that thank you for giving me opportunity .

Kbhi Uttarakhand aaye  to Uttarakhand ki dishes or cuisines try kijiyga   . Jesé Gahad , kalabatt , Mandua etc ab export bhi hone laga h ..

 Suddenly member-3 interrupted & said that ki haldwani ki vo Mithai bhi to popular h , knsi h .

I replied with smile - Baal methaai .

Member 3  said - haan with different energy  & smiled .

Chairman - Baal mithai achi dish h .( in a lower tone)



 Chairman - you are free now . Your interview is over


 Thanks to each member & came  out of the room




Overall experience - chairman was so cordial even interrupted in other member questions to explain question .


Mocks utility - Vajirao & reddy’s mock is good .

I have given less mocks this year .

Drishti is no value addition .

Chahal is average .

Ksg is also good .


 (5th person to go - 25 to 30 mins)

Interview: FN 29th April 2022


BE Civil

Tamil Nadu



Volunteering is my hobby

Prior work experiences: Freelance CE consultant with specialization in RWH  , Faculty at an IAS Academy.


Smt.Satyavati Madam board + 3 male members + 1 lady member


    Greeted me the moment I entered the room. I wished her as well as other members. Went to sit immediately but then told sorry and unfastened my coat button , sat in the chair.


Ch: Kishan remove your mask.

Me: (After removing)Madam do I have the permission to place my mask on the table in front of me?

Ch: No wear the mask. I wanted to see your face.


Chairperson read my DAF to other members but didnt know that I am under training in CRPF so had to declare it. She asked why I didnt mention it in DAF , then She verified  other files regarding my profile and said OK


Ch: What is volunteering?(my hobby) why did you take it up? What all have you done in  volunteering?

Ch: After training you are likely to be posted in LWE areas , is knowing the local language important ?

Ch: If language is important,  why is that people of TN oppose learning Hindi?

Ch: You are in training , Do you know Hindi ?

(I said " I am learning now and before coming to Haryana for training  I learnt only 1 sentence in Hindi ". I though she will ask me what that sentence is but she didnot. She just laughed for me  knowing only 1 sentence)

Ch: Why is that 3 language policy not accepted in TN ?

(I said schools in TN teach Hindi on voluntary basis. The 3 language policy is slowly being accepted. Even the recent approval to establish JNV in TN , will help to learn Hindi on voluntary basis.)

Ch: So you mean to say TN government has accepted the 3 language formula ?

(Sorry Madam , I didnt mean it that way. If my words had given such conclusion I apologize for that. I meant in TN hindi is taught and learnt voluntarily.)

Ch: Let's leave it , why there is fall in no. of people from TN qualifying CSE AND CAPF exams, is language an issue ?

Ch: How did you know about CAPF exams?


M1: You know army is also used for internal security like CRPF but why there is high operational failure in CRPF , why is CRPF inefficient ?

M1: Though I appreciate your loyalty towards your organization , what is the difference between army working in JK and CRPF working in LWE ?

M1: Have you heard about weaponization of water ? How is it possible ? Will India use it ?

M1: How can China use it against India ?

(Made a blunder by mentioning about 3 gorges dam for which he replied that the dam has no relation with weaponization. Then I apologized for my misinformation)

M1: If China uses it , where will it divert the water ?

(I said I have to look into it )

M1: Take a guess.

(I was thinking , immediately he said the answer is not important)

M1: what are the latest developments in the field of civil engineering?

M1: Can you recollect the recent development done by IIT Madras?

( I said about glass fibre reinforced panel building done in the year 2017😂recent)

M1: That's right. Thank you.


M2: You are from chennai. What problem you faced in Chennai recently?

M2: what's the reason and solution for water scarcity?

M2: can we go for desalination of seawater since India is surrounded by sea in all three directions ?

M2: What is the problem in desalination?

M2: Have you heard about river interlinking project , can that be done ?

M2: Name one process used in desalination?


M3: 1 country has launched Gross National Happiness , do you know ?

M3: What is GNH ?

(I said I need to look into it detailly)

M3: What is GNP , difference between GNP and GDP ?

M3: What is the current rate of Inflation ?

M3: Why Inflation is a important indicator?

M3: Does India need Inflation?

M3: Last question How to control Inflation?

M4: Like Black gold , what is digital gold ?

M4: Gov has huge amount of this gold. Can we monetize it ?

M4: What are your suggestions for data security ?

M4: Why cant the gov monetize it like google , facebook ?

M4:  Can the data be shared among other government departments ?

M4: You being a sportsperson, how can we popularize basketball , kabbadi in India ?


Ch: Thank you

   I wished the chairperson alone , fastened my coat button and walked out.


Review : Entire interview can be reduced to 7 themes: Hindi language , Internal security , Civil engineering , Water crisis , Inflation , Data governance , Basketball.


There were only follow up questions and felt could have done better in few questions.


I expected the chairperson to say atleast Interview is over and ask me if I to share anything. Then came to know from others that such things does not happen in this board.


All the best👍😀✌


28 April afternoon

Board- smita nagraj mam

Medium -Hindi

Optional-medical science

College- GMC Nagpur (mbbs), BJMC ahmedabad(MD), Delhi (currently working)

Home state -Rajasthan

Profession - Doctor

Hobbies- no question asked

Your experience in interview- cordial board



If you want you can remove your mask


role of precautionary dose?

where are you working currently? location of hospital?

who was girdhari lal (my hospital named after him)

is it trust hospital- (i said no it is govt hospital under NDMC)

mam - then you are right candidate to ask about Delhi MCD merger what is you opinion?

don’t you think it is against decentralisation?

Your salary come on time ?


member 1 (lady)

many candidates are coming from your school what is special about your school? (nothing special, one candidate was from my school in the same board on previous day)

you have experience of 4 different states rajasthan, maharashtra, gujrat and delhi.. if you have to choose which one ?

i said rajasthan (my home state)

asked other than rajasthan- said maharashtra

why ? good memories

what memories?

how memories formed ?

then how we recall these memories?

tell me something about delhi you don’t like? (air pollution, traffic congestion)

how to solve this? said promote public transport like metro..

she said Metro is already overcrowded

did you travel by metro ?

what is route ?

when we say that a place is better for residence what facilities should be there?


member 2

What is mohalla clinic ?

What is delhi health system?

Health Insurance based model?

tell 3 things in health where we need to focus?

how your medical knowledge will be useful in civil services?


member 3

india’s stand on russia ukraine war?

delhi - center conflict why? and what are solutions?

what is raisina hill ? where exactly? what is raisina dialogue? issues discussed under it

delhi govt is giving 300 units free electricity what is your views on it?


member 4

what are models to predict covid wave ?

what is budget?

who is responsible for making budget?

You are working doctor.. suppose you come to finance dept how your knowledge will be helpful?


Date and session of interview-27/04, Afternoon

Board- Smita Nagraj Maam

Optional- anthropology

Profession -MBBS

Hobbies- Cricket, Running (no question)

Your experience in interview- Cordial board

Utility of mocks (if any)- Avoid Dristi,

Vajirao & Reddy, Chanakya mandal, KSG and 1 to1 with Ayush sir (ForumIAS) was helpful


No gloves, face shield or mask



1. Monologue on health issues India is facing in last decade - If we look at health seeking behaviour of people in last 10 year, what changes do you see?

2. During covid, we have seen that diseases like TB were neglected. Tell me 2-3 areas, where we need to focus most.

3. If you get selected as an IAS, in which areas you would like to work except health.

4. Which tribal areas in India are lacking in development ?

5. Tribal issues?

6. Tribes lives in inaccessible, forest areas, how administration can reach there or overcome this ?


M1 (Female)-

1. Covid+monologue on mental health. Reason behind this, whats the solution?

2. Why did you left Hospital job after 7 months ?

3. What diseases were common to patients visiting your hospital?

4. Have you heard about allergen testing? Explain



1. How PRIs are performing?

2. Economy of Rajasthan?

3. Rajasthan - tourist places and steps taken by govt to promote?

4. Contribution of tourism in Rajasthan GDP?

5. Where you have been working during covid.

6What difficulties you faced during work as a medical officer in delhi?

3. You left job but if you go to the same hospital, do you think your hospital is ready for further covid waves?



1.A monologue on rural development. Then question on economic integration.

2 cropping patterns in Rajasthan?

3. Monologue on freebies. Your view?

What about Delhi?

So you told us good about freebies, what’s wrong with it?




1. Status of education in India

2. Follow up question on dropping out of from schools?

3. How to reduce drop outs in schools?

4. MBBS seats are low compared to students appearing in exam. Reason and solution?


3-4 questions I don’t remember


Interview date: 27th April, Forenoon session, 5th to go

Board: Vyas sir

Home State: Bihar

Graduation: B.Tech , Electronics Engineering, IIIT D&M, Kancheepuram

Work ex: Teaching Physics for IIT JEE and NEET Exam

Hobbies: Cricket, Watching Travel Vlogs and Web series- Crime and thriller

Medium: Hindi


Chairman Sir:

1.why civil services after six years of teaching?

2.what are nanoparticles?

3.Tell me some uses in different sectors.

4.Mandate of NIA, how it is different from CBI, ED, etc.?

5.Recent amendment in NIA act.

6.As a DM, what would be your preparation 4 months before flood and actions during flood?and follow up questions.



1.Difference between Crime and Thriller.

2.Difference between Quality, Reliability and Safety of a product and follow up questions.

3.If a product has quality and reliability, can we say that it's safe also?

4.Any recent significant advancement in Physics

5.what is Higgs boson?



1.What do you know about TADA and MCOCA?

2.Name of terrorist organisations in J&K and in North East.

3.What is extradition treaty? Whom ( a particular person) India wants to extradite from Malaysia?

4.Relation of Turkey and Malaysia with India?

5.Ancient name of Malaysia?

6.Major imports from Malaysia? work that you would like to do if posted as BDO of your block?



1.What is the meaning of "unique" in UIDAI (Aadhar)?

2.Biometric data taken for Aadhar?

3.Apart from physical structure, what are other components of a biometric machine? ( Software, algorithm etc.)

4.Do we manufacture biometric machines and others electronic products in India( long question) ?

5.what are the steps taken by government in this sector?

6. If you are made Secretary to GOI of Ministry of electronics, steps that you will take?



1.What is PIL?

2.How it started?

3.Gave long description of a case, Do you know about it?

4.utility and present status of PIL. and follow ups.

5.If you are given 100 cr., What would you do with it?


Chairman Sir: Pranam AK ji, Your interview is over.


Overall cordial board.


Board TCA Anant sir

Date of interview 26 th april

 2022 afternoon session 4th to go

Medium-  hindi

Optional hindi literature

Graduation - agriculture

Hobbies and extra curricular activities - NSS , desh ke mentor scheme .music and songs ,

 Chairman  - aap mask hata sakte he .


Q . Desh ke mentor scheme me kab se kam kar rahe ho .

Q. Desh ke mentor scheme me konsi class ke student hote he

Q . Aapne ne kitne students ko guide kiya and kya guide kiya

Q . NSS scheme me kitne saal kam karna padta he

Q. NSS me tumhne kya sikha .

Q .konse village me camp kiye unke name batao or vaha pe logo ko kya problem Hain .

Q .NSS me kitne hours kam karna padta he .


 Member 1

 Q .started with nss what is the motto of nss

Q  nss me claping kese karte he teen bat karte he unhone hi bataya

Q agriculture extension kya role he and abhi farmers ke liye kya program chal rahe he

Q science ne agriculture ke liye kya kiya

Q iffco and seed corporation of india ka kya work hai .


Member 2 -

Cooperative federalism kya he and kya dikkat aa rahi he abhi isme govt ko

Niti aayog and yojana aayog difference

Defence me aatmanirbhar banne me kya dikkat aa rahi. He kya corporate house ko defence production dena kitan sahi he

Defence production or acquisition me negative list ke bare me concern he ki quality ka issue aayega uspe kya karna chaiye

Theater cammand kya hoti he kya role rahega inka


Member 3 (lady member)

Rajasthan govt launch new helpline number for medical care .

Tamil Nadu ka musical instruments jisko gi tag mila latest

Stray dogs ke liye kya kar sakte ho as a DM

Hindi sahitya me likhe walo ka number kam ho raha he as DM kya karoge district me

Dowry nhi leni chaiye iske liye 10 th class ke bacho ko kya samjhhaoge


Member 4 (I think agriculture expert)

Psuedomonas kya ?

Rhizospriliym kya he ?

Trichoderma virde ?

See weed ka agriculture me use ?

Doubling farmers income me kya dikkat he

Abhi agriculture me input cost sabse jyada kiski badh rahi he

Labour kyu nhi milti aajkal



Board was very cordial .


Board: Smita Nagraj Ma’am

Date and time: 18.04.2022/ 3:00(3rd to go)

NIT Jamshedpur( Metallurgical and Materials Engineering)

IOFS( almost 4 years)

Optional: Philosophy

English medium

Last attempt, Second interview

Home state: Bihar, serving in Tamil Nadu



Remove your mask and be comfortable. So you have worked in Ordnance Factory and a part of Ordance Factory Board. I said not anymore ma’am.

 1. what’s your PSU called? ( answered)

 2. What’s your take on corporatisation of Ordance Factories? ( Answered in Positive)

 3. Do you think private sector is ready to compete with you? ( yes, gave some examples, Ma’am was member of defence acquisition council)

 4. What is crony capitalism?

 5. Why do you think it’s bad for India?

 6. But developed countries encourage it, why?

 7. Then India should also encourage it. ( answered in negative. Monopoly and cartelisation, customer loss)

 8. Give example of telecoms sector and so many company closed and merged. Why? ( gave example of Jio and free pricing of data on trial rollout)

 9. Then CCI should have done something. ( Nodded in positive)

 10. What it should have done? ( Minimise basic pricing)

Member 1:

 1. Some GDP data.

Total budget expenditure( answered it wrong as per him)

Biggest  source of revenue earning

Biggest destination of revenue expenditure

Data( said sorry a few times)

And some more data

 2. Southern states contribute more still get less from central pool while northern states contribute less and get more. What’s the reason? ( development and other factors)

 3. Then it breeds inefficiency. I think we should stop it.( answered in negative as northern states need help to develop and centre can only provide)

 4. What’s one thing we can learn from Jamshedpur) my college was there. ( sanitation, planned development, urban governance etc)

 5. Tell me two positive and two negative of river Ganga.( answered)

 6. If you have to merge two states which ones will you merge and why? ( Andhra and Telangana, have reasons of Andhra asking for special status and low development and financial position)


Member 2:

 1. Tell me about Namami Gange program.

 2. What is being done under it.

 3. What is MSP

 4. When it is announced

 5. Recent controversy over MSP and farm bill

 6. It’s still continuing ( answered in positive)


Member 3:

 1. tell me about metaverse and NFT

 2. But what’s so special about NFT I can send the same message and have it ( he said that first SMS was sold for huge price) ( replied)

 3. But why we want to spend so much over something so trivial.( replied as it’s like owning a original monalisha and copy ones, the unique id means authentic NFT and it’s a matter of pride for the owner like the painting)

 4. Why blockchain is being criticised ( carbon emissions, anonymity leading to illegal activity and terror financing and ransom etc.)


Member 4:

 1. you are from engineering background so I will ask questions from medical field. What will you suggest to increase the number of doctors in rural India.

 2. There is govt program to lease space kf district hospitals to pvt players what do you think about it? ( I said good and bad both gave reasons)

 3. Then some data( I said i am sorry sir)

( these questions might be linked to DAF as my father runs a medicine shop)



At last chairman:

 1. So you talked about metaverse, now tell me what do you think about multiverse? ( said have watched Spider-Man and Star Trek )

 2. No No. not about movie. What if it’s proved to exist.( I said means multiple personalities in multiple forms in multiple universes)

 3. No. What will happen if the multiple universe theory proved?( said means our knowledge of origin and development or universe will prove to be wrong and then some random things that came in mind after watching a lot of sci-fi movies and she listened for some one and half minutes)

 4. Now your interview is over, you may go.



Overall I felt it was totally random and just 2-3 questions from DAF. Nothing or any relevance from DAF.


Board- sathyavathi mam

Date of interview - 22april

Optional- geography

Graduation subject- polymer science

1st interview


Initially they messed up with the sheet of attendance after DV . It took 10 min to resolve , anyway -


I entered the room , greeted mam and the other 4 board member

Chairperson read the daf aloud. Asked to put down my mask and she was not able to match my current look with photograph😒. I had to explain.



1.asked for clarification of hobby(food vlogs of Indian cuisine)

2. What is taught in the graduation

3. What are industrial application of polymers?

4. What are technical textile

5. Tell me some technical textile in the room.

6. How would u use your learning as president in administration(daf based)?




1. What step will you take as secretary of tourism to develop street food culture in India?

-i told some stuff then he asked

2. tell me something related to infrastructure and other step

3. Is uttar pradesh uttam pradesh

4. 6 strength of uttar pradesh in bullet point

(Was cut short on 2nd point)

5. What are the infrastructure status of uttar pradesh?



1. Which is sarvottam pradesh ( based on my earlier answer)?

2. What polymer used in this room.

3. Up lokayukta ( i did not know much)

4. Few more question don't recall (sorry)


Member 3- ( more concerned about home district)

1. Distance from Delhi

2. History of the district

3. What routes we may take

4.what are technical textile used in eastern uttarpradesh agriculture?

5 .one or two more question.dont remember.




1. What step will u take in addressing crime issue if u are posted as ssp in your home district.

2. Tell me some proactive measure.

3. Who guards our border

4. When army is deployed

5. Tell me inert polymer( here tried trap me  by saying I am not an expert update my knowledge)

6 . Is teflon an inert polymer , why is it so?

7. Which part of the complex hydrocarbon reacts?


Utility of mocks - attended 6 mocks

1. Next ias - some question asked directly

2. Vajiram- help me in identifying my mistakes , here board motivated me alot

3. Won't name coaching- but demotivated alot ( although I resolve to bounce back)

4. Vajirao - back with confidence ( feeling good after this)

5. Ksg- confidence and body language improved exponentially

6. Drishti- just a final practice , some question were asked directly .


One to one session-

1. Raveendran sir- excellent boosted my confidence

2. Shabbir sir- anticipating question, and answer in conversational manner

3. Khan sir- ( met 2 days before interview) - helped in building confidence to peak.


Finally this transcript channel is quite helpful in anticipating type of question.



1. Prepare daf well ,even if, question are not asked u will feel confident

2. Mocks helpful in mannerism  confidence build up , never to give wrong answer , broadening knowledge.

3. Take mock as learning rather than final judgement

4. Confidence in interview = comprehensive preparation of current affairs+ daf + sufficient number of mock (  number of mocks to be personally evaluated - don't go by coachings).




Date : 26/04/2022

Afternoon Session

Board : TC Anant Sir

Optional : Geography

Background : Civil Engineering

State : Bihar

Work : L&T and Deputy Collector (UT) (Currently Working as SDM Magh Mela)

Time : approx 35 mints

Medium : Hindi


Chairman Sir:

( Mask hatane ko bole aur comfortable hone ko bole)

1. DAF se 5-6 points padhne ke bad puchhe abhi kaha kaam kar rahe ho?

2. Magh mela me SDM kya karta hai?

3. Mela to khatam ho gaya, ab kya karoge aap?

4. Maharajganj me kitne time ke liye posted the aur kya kya kam kiye waha?

5. Maharajganj ka elaborated SWOT analysis kariye.

M1 :

1. Magh Mela ka aitihasik praman kaha se milta hai aur kab se ye manaya jata raha hai?

2. Cartographer kaun hote hai?

3. Modern technologies se cartography me kya help mil sakti hai?

4. Magh mela se kaun Raja sabse jyada prachalit hua tha?

5. Sarkar kyun karati hai magh mela, sarkar ko development ke kam karne chahiye. Magh mela se development kaise ho sakta hai ?

6. Magh mela me temporary tent city kyu? Permanent settlement kyu nahi, duplication of work kam ho jayega.


M2 :

1. 9 Dash line aur 11 dash line kya hai?

2. China PCA me Phillipines se ek island ka case haar gaya hai...kaun sa island hai wo?

3. China ke liye Indo-Pacific me kaun kaun se choke points hain?

4. Remote Sensing satellites kya krti hai?

5. Uska use aur technical functioning bataiye kaise kaam karta hai?

6. Magh mela jaisa UP ke 5 aur mahtvapurn melon ka naam bataiye.


M3 (Mam) :

1. Kitne din lagte hai mela ka pura arrangements karne me?

2. Itna jyada time kyu?...sara fabrications to ready rahta hoga bas ja kar set-up kar dena hota hoga to itna samay akhir kyun?

3. Maharajganj ka ODOP ke product ka naam bataiye.

4. Aap Pvt aur Govt dono jagah kaam kiye hai , ek brief comparison dijiye.

5. Aapke office me ek male adhikari ek mahila karmchari ko pareshan karta hai, aap kya karenge? Pura course of action samjhaiye.

6. Aap whistle blower kaise ban sakte hai ? Apka locus standi hi nahi hai?( Maine bola tha ki sare prayason ke baad bhi agar mahila karmchari taiyar nahi hoti hai complaint karne ke liye to mai whistle blower ki tarah act karunga)



1. Naam bahut wajani hai, kisne rakha hai?

2.  Kinhi do personalities  ke naam bataiye jo aapke anusar Karmveer kahe ja sakte hai.

3. Bhagwan Krishna to hinsa me vishwas rakhte the wahi Gandhi Ahimsa me aap dono ko Karmveer kaise kah sakte hai?

4. Karmveer matlab Hinsak ya ahimsak , ek chuniye.

5. Bangaram Island kaha hai?

6. Magh mela se to bahut pradushan failta hoga?

7. Namami Gange ke 5 achievement aur present status ko samjhaiye.

8. Iska dusra kya naam hai?

9. Kitna outlay hai Namami Gange ka?

10. India OBOR se kyu naraj hai?


Chairman Sir :

Aapka interview samapt ho gaya hai.

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