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(COMMUNITY INITIATIVE) MGP 2023 Discussion/Doubt resolving thread

This thread aims to form a community of aspirants writting MGP 2023. Aspirants can share their doubts and discuss answers or approaches towards particular questions. 

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" - Hellen Keller

ShinchanNohara,soccer_junkieand16 otherslike this


@Always27  MGP tests are flexible , complete your targets and then give MGP , that is what I do . But since you are always27 so you might have some control over time.
DancingMaster,mintea9and1 otherslike this

Can we give the previous tests ( which were supposed to be done in jan feb ) now at test centers offline?



So I recently joined MGP+, I have doubt regarding

1. How to approach for the syllabus particularly how to maximise the benefits of the Keyword, how to approach

2. I don't know anything about Forum's monthly compilation but after getting a glance seems interesting as compare to any other compilation, so my question is are they covering whole issues or just important issues in that particular month? 

@Aka227 prioritize,which subject you are going to give and which you will let it pass, in next 2 months. to be realistic and cover subjects with max utility, then give their tests without a miss.

after tests, come back and take note of keywords,arguments,etc which is missing in your notes/main source, and if it comes in the next exam, be ready to replicate.

see remarks, if you are missing dimension, or if your handwriting is not legiable, and if you are not able to complete it on time, intro and conclusion, styles of it. copy what you like maybe and iprove, it's a continious process

stuck with this harsh scheduled, and please be comfertable with random questions and "not prepared" mindset and do your best. just doing this,you will be ahead of many. all the best

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