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Mains 2021 Post result Thread: What went wrong and way forward.

The thread will be a one stop place to discuss the probable things that went wrong in mains exam and ways to rectify them. 

sonder,Just_relentlessand48 otherslike this


@GaneshGaitonde May be I am still lacking in those or may be have to do more of these 3 but I have done both the points. And, thats what is making me more uncertain of improvement next time. 


They say  that you’ll know the hardships only when you’re doing it. Yes, it’s easy to observe from an outsider POV. It’s a different world, when you’re the captain of the mission!  Let’s dive into the post - mortem of a failed mains attempt for what all happened. Sorry for the long rant!


      My essay part was already miserable. I thought my language skills would help to score decently in this paper. But, when I attempted a question in the mocks, I felt that it was lot more than that. 

     Essay requires a clear thought flow about the topic, that has to be brought out in the skeleton, and translated into the content. All of this requires a clear approach that comes with proper practice and guidance. Rather, guidance first. 

    Above all these, I put a risk by interpreting part -B essay in a different manner. Idk if that played out well. Let’s wait for the marks. 

General Studies

    GS was a ‘different game’ as it needed to-the point content delivery. Ex. Alignment of mountain ranges of the world, gig-economy, state and non-state actors etc., 

    It was easy to attend prelims questions even if you don’t know the exact points. But, in order to write quality answers, you must deliver the points that are relevant to the context, concise and structured.

   I would be grateful, if anyone helped me with content development and notes making.

Optional part 

    I felt that I was always convenient with language paper from school days . I was passionate about it. I enjoyed reading and talking about it. That’s why Despite technical education in college, I chose literature paper as it would help me overcome the monotonous preparation cycle and would add a lot of values to my persona.

     But, the exam expects a different skill set that is not taught in schools. You’ve to write creatively, that would bring out your connect with the subject. The good part is, both papers are complementary to each other. If you had a clear understanding, it’s a cakewalk. Else, it’s a disaster. 

    I tried to bring this out. I’ve been building content for this for the past 5 years!! Still I’ve some loopholes. I wrote only one full mock test for the optional. I did not approach or get my paper evaluated, even from my peers, which is a terrible miscalculation. I believed in my plan for the 80+ days, but a lot could have been done in the previous yrs of preparation.

    Anyways, I think, I’ve given a decent attempt. Let’s wait for the marks.

The execution part: 

  • The intial days btw exam and pre results are crucial. It’s important how you spend them. After all the exhaustion that the prelims cycle gives, you’ve to build your strength back for the mains burn-out. I missed this part. I spent this for taking rest which is a luxury only if you’re a Martian! 
  • Proper utilisation of this period requires : Gathering the relevant material, working out a strategic plan for the next 3+ months, revising key concepts of optional. Also, it’s important to meet your mentors and take their valuable inputs. 
  • I attempted 3 essay questions, 9 sectional tests of GS, one full mock test for GS and optional. It was difficult to incorporate the suggestions as time was running fast. 
  • Mains preparation requires a six point strategy that combines static revision, CA revision, stock points preparation at relevant places, optional revision plus value addition, a regular test cycle that is palatable! and incorporating the feedback. 
  • I lacked the repository of stock points / content which is crucial for a maxi-score. I was still in the learning phase when you’re expected to deliver. Moreover, I felt the lack of CA preparation while attending questions like India-Africa relations, Global Air Quality guidelines,  COP 26 outcomes etc.,
  • Presentation is vital. It’s not only about the structure of your answer. You should have a legible handwriting, your diagrams should be crisp, maps legit. It comes only through practice.
  • One should establish a fertile learning environment that is vital for his success. It helps one to overcome the challenges that the exam poses to the candidate. I went like a lone wolf with the test process as the only feedback loop. It did not work out. It’s the hard truth.
  • Planning one week before the essay paper is important. With the help of my friend, I planned it accordingly. I was in a good temperament and sound mind. Allotted time for revision of each paper, took ample rest and gave the exam well, despite the third wave of the pandemic and associated lockdowns.

Way forward :

  • Strategic preparation for prelims. Not much focus.
  • Content additions for some specific areas like world geography, international relations, governance, ethics case study.
  • Working on presentation skills. Have to change handwriting, work on mapping skills.
  • Go through topper’s answer scripts, niti ayog’s recommendations, CA materials and relevant handouts.
  • Keep calm and turn the storm.
GaryVee,CRISPRCas9and9 otherslike this
Got busy with uppsc, so now here I am. 

The reasons, which were disturbing me before result itself :
   * Time management issue:
First Half an hour was used to do just 2 10 markers in GS 1, 2.5 10 markers in GS 2 and 25 mins for just 1 case study. 
It was not that I didn't decide to do from war footing from question 1 but ya, trying to utilise that first impression could be one reason apart from the inertia. I thought in each paper to increase it but couldn't actually in the exam.

After that also, I was not able to keep track of time and questions well. I end up writing less in like just 1.2 or 1.4 pages in 2 15 marker and 1.2 or 1 page in roughly 3 or so 10 marker. 

This has led to bad quality content also in these questions.

Further, I feel I am not able to do these unknown questions within time. Because many of these unfilled and poor content ques are like CBI, Equality, mountain one, world history one, LED, tribal culture etc etc.

On content: I feel those I wrote were good atleast and specific but this has to be increased in more questions. This good ques has to be increased from 11-12 to 17-18 with almost all fully filled questions.
Yes, few of the very innovative things could be missing. Ya, couldn't utilise much of diagrams. 

The issue of time management I faced in my first attempt and first mains in 2019. I thought I would do better in context of time management but no I messed it up more may be. 

And, all this is after I have prepared full plan of how much ques I will do in slots, writing 11 GS tests, writing big, using subheads etc.

Now, it has become a setback as in end time towards mains, I don't know if same cycle repeats yet again. I was not able to do even tests on time, just doing 15 ques till my last test however hard I tried or may be I think.

So, I am clueless how to proceed on this. I request someone who faced similar issues and sloved it to talk about it or DM me.

For those you have similar problems, DM me. We can talk and form a group to may be find a way out in this chaos.


Thanks, for reading. 

I faced the same issue as you mentioned in the first para (slow start to the paper) in my 2019 Mains. My reasons were the same as yours (a) inertia - as it took some time to get both my brain and hands working at top speed; (b) trying to write a high quality answer to create a good impression and thereby aiming for perfection. 

Based on the suggestions by a mentor, I tried doing the following two things. 

1) Writing an answer or two about half an hour before the exam just to get into the groove. It can be any question (PYQ, test series question etc). 

2) Attempting some other 10 marker in the beginning rather than the first question. The only aim was to finish in 8-9 minutes; so writing a decent answer rather than a good one. Later, I can come back to the first couple of questions and then attempt them well to set the impression. 

See if this helps. 


Hi guys. In 2019 reached till Interview(1st attempt) but after that failed in 2 consecutive mains. Some of my close friends are appearing for Interview this time and I feel miss out badly. Also I am not able to concentrate on study and feel very bad about my situation.

I just need one suggestion. Is it advisable to change the place? I am looking to stay with my brother who is a working professional (govt) at tier 2 city and prepare from there. Anyone happens to be in similar situation in past please give your valuable feedback.



Hi guys. In 2019 reached till Interview(1st attempt) but after that failed in 2 consecutive mains. Some of my close friends are appearing for Interview this time and I feel miss out badly. Also I am not able to concentrate on study and feel very bad about my situation.

I just need one suggestion. Is it advisable to change the place? I am looking to stay with my brother who is a working professional (govt) at tier 2 city and prepare from there. Anyone happens to be in similar situation in past please give your valuable feedback.

This is not a massively irreversible decision. Do not waste time not making these decisions.

Change of place sometimes helps. There is no harm trying.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,dalphaand3 otherslike this
Got busy with uppsc, so now here I am. 

The reasons, which were disturbing me before result itself :
   * Time management issue:
First Half an hour was used to do just 2 10 markers in GS 1, 2.5 10 markers in GS 2 and 25 mins for just 1 case study. 
It was not that I didn't decide to do from war footing from question 1 but ya, trying to utilise that first impression could be one reason apart from the inertia. I thought in each paper to increase it but couldn't actually in the exam.

After that also, I was not able to keep track of time and questions well. I end up writing less in like just 1.2 or 1.4 pages in 2 15 marker and 1.2 or 1 page in roughly 3 or so 10 marker. 

This has led to bad quality content also in these questions.

Further, I feel I am not able to do these unknown questions within time. Because many of these unfilled and poor content ques are like CBI, Equality, mountain one, world history one, LED, tribal culture etc etc.

On content: I feel those I wrote were good atleast and specific but this has to be increased in more questions. This good ques has to be increased from 11-12 to 17-18 with almost all fully filled questions.
Yes, few of the very innovative things could be missing. Ya, couldn't utilise much of diagrams. 

The issue of time management I faced in my first attempt and first mains in 2019. I thought I would do better in context of time management but no I messed it up more may be. 

And, all this is after I have prepared full plan of how much ques I will do in slots, writing 11 GS tests, writing big, using subheads etc.

Now, it has become a setback as in end time towards mains, I don't know if same cycle repeats yet again. I was not able to do even tests on time, just doing 15 ques till my last test however hard I tried or may be I think.

So, I am clueless how to proceed on this. I request someone who faced similar issues and sloved it to talk about it or DM me.

For those you have similar problems, DM me. We can talk and form a group to may be find a way out in this chaos.


Thanks, for reading. 

I faced the same issue as you mentioned in the first para (slow start to the paper) in my 2019 Mains. My reasons were the same as yours (a) inertia - as it took some time to get both my brain and hands working at top speed; (b) trying to write a high quality answer to create a good impression and thereby aiming for perfection. 

Based on the suggestions by a mentor, I tried doing the following two things. 

1) Writing an answer or two about half an hour before the exam just to get into the groove. It can be any question (PYQ, test series question etc). 

2) Attempting some other 10 marker in the beginning rather than the first question. The only aim was to finish in 8-9 minutes; so writing a decent answer rather than a good one. Later, I can come back to the first couple of questions and then attempt them well to set the impression. 

See if this helps. 


This year, I have met more than 10 people for interview mocks who felt that delhi winters were bad for writing speed, and wrote their Mains from Bangalore.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,GaneshGaitondeand3 otherslike this
@Neyawn sir I am a former MGP student and was really hoping to talk to you regarding some aspects of mains if u could spare some time.....thank u


Guys aren’t we over analysing this without knowing the marks the first?

ab galti toh har cheez ke nikal ayegi insan hi hain aur rectify karne ke baad bhi galti nikal ayegi 




Hi guys. In 2019 reached till Interview(1st attempt) but after that failed in 2 consecutive mains. Some of my close friends are appearing for Interview this time and I feel miss out badly. Also I am not able to concentrate on study and feel very bad about my situation.

I just need one suggestion. Is it advisable to change the place? I am looking to stay with my brother who is a working professional (govt) at tier 2 city and prepare from there. Anyone happens to be in similar situation in past please give your valuable feedback.

This is not a massively irreversible decision. Do not waste time not making these decisions.

Change of place sometimes helps. There is no harm trying.

Thank you@Neyawn Sir  for this. 


How to get back the enthusiasm and zeal to crack after mains debacle ?

With prelims nearing ,I'm trying to revise but somehow it doesn't feel the same 

I have even applied for other exams to notch up the pressure and to secure some backup but that again feels like taking up time meant for upsc

Hopefully prelims mocks awakens me to reality

Sry just wanted to open up this issue ,apologies if this distracts






Hi guys. In 2019 reached till Interview(1st attempt) but after that failed in 2 consecutive mains. Some of my close friends are appearing for Interview this time and I feel miss out badly. Also I am not able to concentrate on study and feel very bad about my situation.

I just need one suggestion. Is it advisable to change the place? I am looking to stay with my brother who is a working professional (govt) at tier 2 city and prepare from there. Anyone happens to be in similar situation in past please give your valuable feedback.

This is not a massively irreversible decision. Do not waste time not making these decisions.

Change of place sometimes helps. There is no harm trying.

Thank you@Neyawn Sir  for this. 

I am saying this because when I meet candidates with 1st / 4rth Mains , 1st Interview , 4rth attempt, I ask them what worked for you this time.

Honestly, a part of me wants to hear "forum helped"

I do get that.

But what I also get is,

-sir last 4 years I was sitting at home and not in exam mode, this year I moved to Delhi

- sir last 4 years i wanted to join a library, but this year, i joined library and it helpd.

- sir this year, after prelims w/o waiting a single day I joined a library and shut myself out from the noise.

Small things may have a big impact in our lives. Do not ignore them.

Take good decisions. They will make you something.

Sometimes bad decisions are better than no decision.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,GaneshGaitondeand17 otherslike this

I'm 30 now. Good acads, good job. Had quit job in 2018 aug. 3 attempts since then. Wrote 2020,21 mains. Failed both. I'm just tired.

Mistakes - optional approach, no smart work, gave only few mains tests

But, yeah, I'll push for one last time may be. Buts it's just a little difficult mentally. 

jack_Sparrow,ZakirAnthonyand9 otherslike this


I'm 30 now. Good acads, good job. Had quit job in 2018 aug. 3 attempts since then. Wrote 2020,21 mains. Failed both. I'm just tired.

Mistakes - optional approach, no smart work, gave only few mains tests

But, yeah, I'll push for one last time may be. Buts it's just a little difficult mentally. 

I can't even imagine that how difficult is it for you to write but it gives a lot of strength to kids like me. Saw some amazing opportunities in academia n was constantly thinking about it. Your comment made me ask myself that "seriously "? Is this the why you started?

No second thoughts from now onwards. Will think about them only if need arises. Gonna give 100% to what am doing n am supposed to do. 

Thank You:)

ZakirAnthony,MVand4 otherslike this
@Celeborn Both practical points. First point, I was knowing. Thought of implementing it but in the last hour fails to control myself well and rather gets busy in revision though I myself know not those 10 mins revision will be that detrimental but writing answer can be. Will try to force myself much this time or try it in mocks.


Hiii guys,

Not now but after prelims, It would be very helpful if we can post our Mains 2021 mark sheets here and help each other analyze what went wrong

GaneshGaitonde,Prothom Alo
Is there anyone, or heard of anyone who wrongly interpreted "Hand that rocks the cradle ..." and ended up getting Essay marks 60s ? I went in the direction of IR and got heavily punished. 
any more input ?
@CRISPRCas9 Hey even I wrongly interpreted it as changing the status-quo and rocking the boat..
I got 102 in Essay, it's not that great but I think it was decent marks
I think they are not looking for the literal interpretation but to take a holistic view encompassing all perspectives.
That's my limited understanding.
Those who scored well in essay may correct me if I'm wrong

@CRISPRCas9 Hey even I wrongly interpreted it as changing the status-quo and rocking the boat..
I got 102 in Essay, it's not that great but I think it was decent marks
I think they are not looking for the literal interpretation but to take a holistic view encompassing all perspectives.
That's my limited understanding.
Those who scored well in essay may correct me if I'm wrong

Thanks for the clarification. 

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