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Mains 2022 - All Papers PDF + R**** Rona + Paper Discussion

@Capedcrusader1 that is correct... but in the exam hall, i thought listing options before the person 1st, then writing merits and demerits would make checker look back and forth and turn pages... so i thought i should evaluate each option there only...your approach is better now i think. 

i took tests in lukman. there he had changed my complete approach. he was of the opinion that first you list all options available because that way examiner knows ki we know the thing and he immediately sees the options. then draw a table and do merit demerit thing. good thing is upsc also asks that way. initially my approach was to list each option and do merit demerit there itself but thats not how upsc wants it. but the issue again is that i dont think all parts carry equal weightage. listing 4 options having 4 marks and evaluating all having 4 marks doesnt seem very judicious allocation of marks

This Lukman approach sounds interesting. Could you please share a sample or something? Thanks! 


Dear friends, Happy Diwali! exactly one month after mains got over, I propose we let go of what we did in Mains 2022 and get into a more productive discussion here for interviews/mains 2023 strategy for mains 2022 attempters and keep the thread going.

To get the discussion going, could somebody with knowledge of Zone IV cadres (WB, AS-MG, SK, TR, MN, NG) helpme understand the cadre order there? Any specific order that is suggested for an Aspirant raised in Delhi? Thank you! Kindly DM if you know something about these and don't want to share your views on a public forum.

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Excuse if I am being naive, but is economics optional doable if I have no economics background? Out of the entire GS syllabus, economics is my favourite part (closely followed by geography) but I have an engineering background (current optional - anthro).

In your specific case, you must attend some Paper 1 classes. Maybe take Unacademy optional 1 month subscription before committing to it. Yes there are overlaps but the places where overlaps aren't there (Paper 1), can land you in a soup later, and you won't be able to opt out in case you pay full optional fee somewhere. This is a make or break decision, take it rationally. DM me if you want some videos or something. Good luck!

Disclaimer: I studied Eco optional for 2 months and have a working knowledge of economics (and I don't mean Economy GS).


Kaptaan said Saturday the results might be announced. 

Bahut anxiety ho rahi hai. Kya kia jaaye?

Five things could be tried:

1. Pray that you clear with a decent margin. Better to clear with a 40-80 mark margin at least than to clear at all.

2. Figure out 2-3  hour long videos on youtube that you always wanted to watch and watch those, will get something off your to-do list. For example, some marathon on a subject that you studied some time back or an essay paper analysis that's there in everyone's watchlist. Did this essay thing in CSM21 and helped in CSM22.

3. Take some time to meet friends on the morning and afternoon of 25th and 26th. The result comes out in the afternoon 3-5pm and the folks who turn up at UPSC premises share a "Notice board cleaning picture" 2 hours before the pdf is out, so you will know well in advance don't worry sitting on browser and pressing F5. Under this, try to come back home by 5pm anyway and make use of the evening. 

4. Revise post independence India. I know sounds weird but somehow that subject does make me forget other stuff going around me.

5. If nothing else interests you, this thread would be buzzing with activity starting 9-10am so let's just sit together and read relevant memes that start coming in. Maybe get some popcorn and coke and use that Netflix subscription alongside?

Good luck!

Eagerly waiting for someone to start a discussion here.
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