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Maths Optional group for UPSC CSE 2022

Hi everyone can someone through some light on ways to revise. I mean how much to solve questions and what different sources apart from ims notes.

Basically the methodology of revision.

@Archand thank you for your response.
at some point I may forget basic questions like finding basis and dimension or say steps to find shortest distance between lines. What needs to be done for that? Revision from IMS or make question bank for them also?
@Archand thank you for your response.
at some point I may forget basic questions like finding basis and dimension or say steps to find shortest distance between lines. What needs to be done for that? Revision from IMS or make question bank for them also?

Don’t worry. This happens to a lot of us, specially if you’ve done lesser rounds of revision. The idea is to try and replace the IMS notes with your own short notes and question bank. I have noted some easy questions as illustrations along with the theory of such topics. 

Okay. Thank you that was helpful indeed.

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