Plz discuss all your issues for OBC certificate here.
My certificate is post 3 march 2020.. however my state format one is before that date. Plz suggest what to do.. or share your experience.
Note : This is being made the official thread for OBC certificate related issues.
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
PSU and government employees are treated differently when it comes to including salary or not. Some candidates have been denied service in the past because their parents were in PSU and hence, wealth test was applied on them based on salary.
Nearly ever year. At least I know of it since 2009. The government has not done the grading in PSUs and after getting the NCL certificate from HoD in PSU, govt has come up with its own findings and denied NCL benefits.
However, in that case you are treated as a general candidate , and not debarred from misrepresentation of facts or anything.
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
Hi, can anyone help me with this:
How are attempts calculated by UPSC if a person changes their category from unreserved in first attempt to OBC-NCL in subsequent?
Is this practice allowed? Will UPSC keep a record of the category chosen in first attempt , and that would be used to calculate number of remaining attempts?
And how are the marks considered then?
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS