@prowesshum aa gaye hai..
Ab questions puchho and discussion start karo..Let's re-create the old glory️
@doodlebeanyes. Good idea ma'am.
Although less presence might be due to upcoming prelims.
But a minimum level of pub ad can be done in a day despite that. Other will benefit from the approach, linkages aspect.
So, yes let's set the ball rolling.
2018 Pub ad paper can be the starting point. What say?
Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) "The scope of the discipline of Public Administration is determined by what an administrative system does." Does it mean that the scope of this discipline is boundaryless? Explain.
1.(b) "The concepts of rationality and efficiency are intertwined in the bureaucratic analysis of Max Weber." Comment.
(c) “New Public Service approach is an improvement over its predecessor, New Public Management." Discuss.
(d) "A leader is a people's developer" (Napoleon). Which aspects of subordinates' development can be positively influenced by a leader ? Discuss.
(e) “Herbert Simon's book Administrative Behavior presents a synthesis of the classical and behavioural approaches to the study of Public Administration." Explain.
(a) Dwight Waldo in his book, The Administrative State emphatically mentions that the roots of administrative theory lie in political theory. Critically examine Waldo's contention.
2.(b) “The Phenomenological Approach advocated by the New Public Administration has obstructed the path of theory building in Public Administration." Comment.
2.(c) Discuss the essential characteristics of public sector-centred and market-centred perspectives in Public Private Partnerships and also compare the two.
- (a) Communication represents the “Nerves of Government" (Karl Deutsch). How can the communication system in the government be made more effective, responsive and motivational?
3.(b) "Political and administrative systems have reciprocal relationship.” Discuss.
3.(c) "An effective Management Information System (MIS) is the key to successful headquarter-field relationships."Comment.
- (a) “Form of an organisation influences the success of a public enterprise, but the choice of a form has always remained problematic." Discuss the statement in the context of the comparative merits and limitations of departments, corporations, companies and boards. Give illustrations.
4.(b) "Chester Barnard's model of 'Contribution-Satisfaction Equilibrium' is still considered a logical model of organisational motivation." Do you agree? Give arguments.
4.(c) "The political approach to Public Administration stresses on the values of representativeness political responsiveness and accountability through elected officials to the citizenry" (David H. Rosembloom). Comment.
Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) "The Journey of Administrative Law has moved much beyond A. V. Dicey.” Comment.
5.(b) Edward Gibbon, the author of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire remarked : "Corruption, the most infallible symptom of Constitutional liberty." Critically examine this statement.
5.(c) To what extent has e-governance made the administrative system more citizen-oriented ? Can it (e-governance) be made more participative ?
5.(d) "The issue of development of women is closely related to the issue of women in development." How can women become equal partners in the process of socio-economic development?
5.(e) "The process of administrative development is generally slower than the process of socio-economic development." How can the speed of administrative development be made faster ?
- (a) In order to be development-oriented, bureaucracies need to be innovative, flexible, citizen-centric and result-oriented, but they are slow in imbibing these virtues in a democratic system. Do we need to go beyond the traditional models of bureaucracy and create alternative structures ? Elaborate.
6.(b) “Administrative values have no value unless they are valued by all stakeholders of the governance system." Comment.
6.(c) “Lateral entry is an antidote to the complacency in civil service.” Discuss.
- (a) How does ethnocentrism impact development administration in achieving sustainable goals ? Argue with examples.
7.(b) “Monetary policy of a country can help or hinder its development process." Discuss.
7.(c) "Sound Performance Auditing is impossible without systematic Performance or Outcome Budgeting." Explain the relationship between the two.
8.(a) "Administrative systems across the world can be understood only in their respective historical and social contexts." Explain the statement giving examples.
8.(b) Currently, administrative training focusses more on improving efficiency than on transforming the attitudes and behaviour of civil servants. What type of training will you suggest to fill this gap ? Elaborate.
8.(c) "A public policy without the active involvement of people in its formulation, implementation and evaluation is only a facade." How can this anomaly be corrected ?
Brilliant. This is the level of clarity we need
Bhagat Singh's concluding lines of "vacillating periphery, but stable core" will do the balancing act.
Adding to doodlebean ma'am's reply.
For 10 markers, the explanation part has to be very short and crisp. Too much elaboration here would eat away precious time and space, making your answer substandard.
For 15/20 marker, you can go in little more details ( details here would mean: expanding the sentence,citing some examples, and linking the concept with public administration paper 1 theories and thinkers).
For example on RTI:
RTI improves transparency by making administration accountable for their actions, it empowers citizens who can now seek information from administration. RTI has helped in revealing pilferage and corruption in PDS scheme in various districts. RTI thus helps in good governance also as it makes administration more transparent, accountable, responsive and citizen friendly. ( This much explanation can be done in 20 markers, but should be avoided in 10 marker)
For linkage part use any theory or thinker. Like RTI helps in moving administration from a closed system to an open system where the environment ( citizens, civil society) have a say in administration.
@doodlebeanI am at your service.
Even one stark is alive, winterfell would run
Some notes I made on ever note. Will share rest once I get them processed.
It is mainly for revision, coverage part, assembled from various sources. There is no structure as such.
Good. You wrote everything I had in my mind. Good going.
@prowesseverything you wrote is right, but it is not a direct answer to what has been asked.
The introduction is coming from very far, not required for 10 markers. Make it crisp, short.
Clearly talk about efficiency and rationality...it should come out vividly and visibly in your paper. It will improve your marks
Since question directive is comment, you can share your alternate views also in the end...like bureapathology, unintended consequences, red tapism etc..can talk about works like adhocracy( Alvin Toffler), end of bureaucracy thesis ( Bennis) as the argument why efficiency is not intertwined with rationality.
Approach of Bhagat Singh in that context is best.
@doodlebeanMaa'm hum bilkul idher hi hai. Job 8 baje tak rehta hai..
Hum chhode nahi hai...Pub Ad strategy pe kaam kar rahe hai..thoda thoda..ho jaane pe share karege logo se.
Rest of you guys...Keep the flame burning !
@Redthis answer has got all the right concepts. Just need to focus on "where to focus"..
The first three paragraph can be shortened to one paragraph of 4-5 lines which talk about NPM and NPS in brief.
The next part(body part) is all about substantiation how NPS is an improvement over NPM. You have used the right words, just show them explicitly.
Can use expression likes: NPM brings efficiency in public administration, but NPS restores soul of public administration by keeping public interest in the centre ( serve not steer) and thus improves upon deficiency of a "Pure NPM" approach.
Use of MIS tool to manage MNREGA shows blending of NPS( citizen focus) aspect and NPM aspect (Efficiency focus).
Make intro more sharp and short.
How about this.
NPM started in 1990s through the work of Christopher Hood. Here focus was on using private managerial practices like performance management, use of technology, target based approach, efficiency, productivity focus to manage public projects.
NPS comes through work of Denhardt & Denhardt ( who also originally gave concept of rowing and steering). Here they talk about state role of "serving,not steering". By this focus NPS can be called to be an improvement over NPM in many sense :
So tips for you:
Reduce focus on NPM in first part. Write the same things and get it done in few lines.
Focus should be how NPS is improvement over NPM. Hence identify problems, shortcomings in NPM approach and show how NPS makes an improvement there.
In the end you can make suggestions like: what we need today is a state with focus on NPS philosophy with NPM tool.
To all,
This old post from Mango dolly sir takes a fresh perspective on NPG & NPM.
Go through it, you will have some ideas.
I will share more on these in future:
Following is from mango_dolly:
Shift from Public Management to Public Governance. What does it mean?
Thinker to look for: Werner Jann ( Activating state)
If the item in bold is your query then my explanation follows:
Actually public policy implementation and public services delivery has undergone three waves of reform (if I may say so) .. first was the traditional PA .. then came NPM and then we are now in New Public Governance (NPG) wave..
Your statement deals with the transition from wave 2 (NPM) to waveNPG) ..
Actually NPG is a reaction to flaws in NPM .. wht flaws?
NPM had more intra-organizational focus( hence neo-taylorism came into being .. EEE of org etc)
NPM led to fragmented nature of Public Service Delivery .. so using analogy .. PAN card is being delivered by NSDL, UTISL and now govt is also trying to bring in e-Biz concept (Business Identification Number etc) .. So these varied institutions compete against each other and customer will have a choice.
Owing to its legacy in concepts of Taylor and mgmt theories which were majorly manufacturing focussed (Ops Research etc) .. NPM tended to become a muscular manufacturing centric () ..But as we all know .. govt is not into business of manufactured product deliveries (well atleast in developed countries .. as govt. here in India did deliver watches and bread till about 10-15 yrs back) .. and public service is more of a service based concept .. therefore tenets of NPM were not fitting well ..
Therefore a need was felt and more so in the 21st Century and in midst of globalisation .. that ..
there should be an approach of study which will focus NOT just on intra-org .. but also inter-org ..because public service delivery has been fragmented .. there is not just one party involved in delivery of service ..
there should be an approach of study on efficacy of public service delivery systems rather than individual units. (Focus of NPM was on individual units which used to compete amongst themselves)
So thinkers started putting their different approaches .. which are collectively grouped under New Public Governance.
Central ideas of NPG:
Citizens are at the centre of frame of reference in NPG. (You see above NPM had different frame of ref.)
State delivers public services through multiple actors and also through multiple processes ..
Citizens are central contributors to the public policy making
In my opinion the Mohalla Sabha and their contribution in budget and other public policy making initiatives taken by Delhi Govt. comes somewhat close to this NPG concept.
BTW .. Among the many approaches which are collectively grouped under NPG .......... New Public Service (NPS) is one such approach coined by, I think Denhardt ..
I hope I am clear .. you can piece out important items from above and frame your answer to fit in the word limit.
Good Luck !
P.S: i am not sure what is Activating State concept.
( End of text)
Oh. Got it. Thanks.
@Bhagat-singhsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:
@IWRAthanks for sharing this sir. Much clr now
This is from original paper of Osborne on NPG.
Mainly Network aspects/collaboration are dominant in NPG.
Inter-organisational relationship.
Example: PPP project, SHG etc
This is the original paper, in case you want to read.
@Hakunah_MatataHi Hakunah, You have used theory but not to the best use.
"Which aspects of subordinates development".. identify these and then use theories to explain them.
Aspects like skill development, behavioural attitude, motivation, team spirit, leadership qualities, productivity and efficiency of subordinates, on the job training ( A probationer IAS learning from a seasoned DC).
Now with respect to above aspects use various pub ad theories to show linkage...Path-Goal theory, Theory Y manager, Positive reinforcement theory, interactive-influence system, use words like delegation-authority-responsibility...just explore first three chapters of paper 1, you will find many theories and thinkers to link it with.
And that is what is going to be today's task for you .Read chapter 2 & Chapter 3 of Aribam and come up with linkages for this question.
@Bhagat-singhsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:
Good Bhagat Singh.
You are definitely going to be a top scorer in Public administration . Keep it up.
@LalSalaamsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:
Good effort. The sub-categorization in individual space and organisational space was appreciative.
But the examples could have been better. Slightly tangential answer, need to get more closer to what has been asked.
for example, under organisational space..The point decision making....the elaboration was not good...you should explain..how leaders help subordinates in decision making in a job...by providing on the job training, personal example, daily shadowing, giving independent charge...all this would help in development of decision making abilities OF SUBORDINATE in an organisational setting.
@Bhagat-singhsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:
@IWRAthanks sir . But its taking around 15 mins to write it. During exam only 7-8 mins available for 10 marker.
You will be able to do it..Don't worry..Focus on approach and thinking as of now..Once you get a hack of it, answers will flow smoothly.
Public Administration strategy: Part 1
This is the first part where I have discussed upon general approach towards public administration.
Will try to update this part if any more ideas come to me in future.
Will upload my notes in subsequent parts in future.
Hope it helps.
@safariok .will ask someone.
@Redsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:
@IWRAsir I stuggle in finding or even rememebering when writting answer the examples from Indian admin/contemporary examples from administration. In short the contemporary part of paper 2 has been my weakness...how to go about it? If you have jotted down relevant examples somewhere..would be greatful if you could share that. Thanks
Will share whatever I have eventually. Don't worry.
Meanwhile I would like to highlight that making linkage is an acquired skills and can be done only through practice and practice..
So keep practicing
In the link below I am sharing my pub ad notes.
@mahi2501Introduction good, thinking also good.
But points alignment need improvement.
*synthesis of the classical and behavioural approaches to the study of Public Administration
A better approach would be showing how Classical & Behavioural approach are reflected as synthesis in simon work.
Classical approach: science based, fact based
Behavioural approach: focus on behaviours, a function of values.
Simon's decision making approach though highlights importance of fact based decision, it does not ignore the values and considers value premises as one aspect of goal selection process.
Classical approach: Machine driven, principles driven, ignores the human in organisation.
Behavioural approach: often criticised for giving too much focus on man in organisation and their behaviour
Simon's model considers both..principles (fact based, SOP) and actor (decision maker and how he is influenced)
@Redquite good. Keep it up.
@nukeyou are able to see the notes?
I didn't do anything different...Just created the public link.
See...My comment above for Simon..It's better that u show both aspect together showing synthesis.
NPS/NPM wale me ...A very short introduction..( done already in previous comments . . Check) and then showing NPS is improvement over NPM...For that identify shortcomings and problems in NPM first
@Hakunah_Matatasaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:
@mahi2501It is argued that Simon just presented classisical theorists view of finding one best way of doing the job in a different way, the core concept was same.
Simon was influenced by Follet's view on exercise of authority and conflict resolution.
There used to be a famous question:
Though somewhat unwittingly, Herbert Simon and James March have provided, the muscle and flesh to the Weberian (bureaucratic) skeleton.Explain.
@mahi2501haha..loved your conclusion.
Well the answer is good enough..should easily get you 55-60% of marks.
Good elaboration on how administrative theory roots lies in political theory.
Just one suggestion is to focus little bit more on Waldo work here..That would be icing on the cake.
For example, in his work "The Administrative State" Waldo talks about relevance, social equity, justice, values aspect (These will later form the basis for New Public Administration,NPA in 1950-60s). He brought politics-administrative fusion highlighting that efficiency maniac approach of classical thinkers cannot work in the administration of a democratic state. Eventually he got engaed in famous Simon-Waldo debate where he highlighted the need of democratic values and relevance in administration in comparison to Simon's focus on science of administration, fact based, efficiency driven (satisficing) approach of administration.
adding few lines here and there from pub ad would increase the appeal of your answer. In any case i found your answer good enough.
Keep it up.
@mahi2501I found it ok.
My 2018 marks:
150+157: 307.
In this unpredictable world of UPSC, Pub ad was always a constant performer for me. Thank you Pub Ad for not breaking my trust in back to back 4 mains.
My journey with Pub Ad..mera pyaara subject.. :
2015...228 (This was a low score Pub ad year)
@AryaStark19 said inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:
Sir, I've got 124 too in essay (mock test ) but 75 , 49 .Second essay I've got a comment as "conclusion unexplored" what does that meant? (And the 2nd Essay was "Freedom is to be acheived not given" ) something. May be i was confused for the 2nd essay.@IWRA
conclusion thoda accha hona chahiye, giving a finality to the thought..maybe the reader did not find that finality.
Use these examples for mains
The role of IAS/IPS officers in Kerala flood and Fani cyclone handling in Odisha shows how we need civil servants as the guardian of the society.
These examples can be used in P1/P2 papers.
Perry's public service motivation (PSM) model explains the motivational factors for going beyond expected role for these officials. ( Pub Ad linkages).
Frederickson's administrative conjunction theory was also in play as bureaucrats shared their experiences going beyond hierarchies and geographical jurisdictions.
It was also an example of network governance as civil servants were aptly supported by civil society.
It was also an example of digital governance as crucial information of evacuation, coordination, help needed etc were shared and tracked through Facebook, Twitter.
It was also an exercise in pursuation and leadership as the senior IAS/IPS officers have to lead the walk, motivate the team and appeal to people directly convincing them for early evacuation.
All this also highlight why Warren Bennis's "eclipse of bureaucracy" is not going to be completely implemented in days to come. Why Bureaucracy is going to be relevant.
@Zohanmukharjeeyes... start answer writing
@Hermioneit's not over till it's over
That's the spirit.
From Invictus:
And yet the menace of the years.
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
@HermioneI had written this earlier
It may help you
How did you manage your UPSC preparation with a job?
First of all, you need to have a mindset about your current job. It should be treated as a temporary phenomenon in your life. Assume that it is just a job, it is not something where you want to spend your entire life. Your passion and that burning desire for civil services should be your guiding criteria at your work place. So, treat your job as it is: It is secondary to your preparation. By this I don’t mean that you become too negligent at work. That should not be the case and an aspiring civil servant should never do that. You should have that adequate level of efficiency and professionalism and you should be able to complete all your deliverables within time. Don’t run after appraisals. Even if you get a bad one, it is not the end of your life. A little sacrifice is needed for a noble cause.
I suggest that you keep your UPSC preparation a secret affair. I understand that this is applicable mostly to private sector as in public sector one might have to submit NOC and hence revelation.
Plan your time up to minutes and in some cases up to seconds also (I actually calculated how much time it takes to remove a laced shoes and a slip on shoes once I come back from office. I know it does not make much sense, but those who fight for seconds will look for all possible savings they can and that’s what I did. By changing from laced shoes to slip-on shoes I saved 30-40 seconds)
In initial years of preparation when the focus is on building foundation one will have to work extra hard. I remember waking up at 4 AM and reading for 2-3 hrs before leaving for office by 8 AM. So you have to show extra discipline and hardwork in initial years.
It gets difficult to read in evening sometimes due to office fatigue and stress. So set a manageable target in evening, don’t be too greedy.
Mornings are best for working professionals as chances of getting disturbed in morning is almost zero. So plan your sleep cycle accordingly. It is better to read with a fresh mind in the morning
Don’t wait for hardcopy of newspaper. Start reading pdf copies of newspaper (The Hindu/India express). These are easily available in various telegram groups.
Avoid reading on office computers, avoid discussing UPSC topics with colleagues. Stay committed to your work. You can read some news or some articles on your mobile though but do that during tea breaks or during lunch hours. I used to skip lunches and used to read something in that break. You see, you got to be hungry to qualify UPSC
You have to avoid social gatherings and office parties on purpose. It is just one of the sacrifices you have to make for UPSC.
Avoid confrontation at work place as much as you can. A disturbed mind is not good for preparation. You need to be calm as rock to keep your preparation on track.
Be respectful and kind: everyone you meet is fighting a different battle. Help someone at workplace if you can. I don’t know how it works but positive energy and blessings find a way to help you.
Use telegram extensively as it is faster, saves time and helps in network learning.
Use evernote or other online note making platform for making notes. As a working aspirant it is crucial to have an accessible note making platform in any situation.
Don’t take decisions in haste if you face any setbacks at any stage of exam: pre, mains or interview. Give a week time and get back to preparation again.
Quitting job is not really a solution. Take it as a challenge and assume that you might have to work in even harsher situations and deliver more difficult targets once you become a civil servant. Such a thinking will bring that positive boost to complete you assignments in your current job. It is important to balance UPSC preparation and your professional responsibility.
@Bhagat-singhsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:
Lets strt . Shld we strt doing chapter wise or solve ques papers.@doodlebean@IWRA@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh
QPs/Test series QPs... anything.
Key is start the discussion.
@LalSalaamGood introduction.
Orientation of answer needs improvement.
Certain points are good like that DA diagram and Political values linkages.
Give more dimensions:
An administrator does not work in a vacuum. He has to work in a political environment and hence understanding of political Environment needs a study of politics also.
Policy implications: Wildavsky covered role of politics in budgeting process which affects the overall administration in the end. So study of politics is important.
The CPA Brach of Public administration studies not only the administration but also politics of various states as politics affect administration. Example: Britain and Saudi Arabia political setting are different and hence administration typology is different.
Success of any administration depends on various factors. The system approach would highlight the need of studying politics as it will form part of environment.
Similar linkages can be thought of, with aim to explain why study of politics is essential part of PA discipline.
Hello guys.
Hope your prep is going good. Many have been asking about linkages and how to use thinkers in answer. I am attempting to address your query here.
The most important part of pub ad syllabus is Administrative thinkers & Administrative behaviour in my opinion. So, ensure that all key ideas of every single thinker is on your finger tips. whatever sources you are referring to cover thinkers: be it Aribam, P&P or your classroom coaching notes, ensure that you summarise all thinkers in 4-5 key ideas and be ready to use in your answers.
Again, first have a broad understanding of thinkers classification: from classical to human relations, behavioural and modern thinkers, what do they focus upon etc.
Just to elaborate, classical thinkers focus on 2M (Machine and Method) but it is human relations and behavioural thinkers who brought focus on 3rd M--that is Man aspect in organisation. This can be represented through a triangle in answers: Machine and method at base, Man at top. In sides, mention important thinkers. For example: Taylor, Fayol, Urwick, Gullic, Weber will come at base while Mayo, Follet, Likert, Chris Argyris, Barnard, Simon, Maslow, McGregor will come at top (they focus not only on machine and methodology but also quite a lot on man in the organisation).
Now with respect to individual thinkers prepare central ideas and keep thinking examples from Indian administration and other contemporary areas (modern corporate practices, factory working etc).
For example:
F.W.Taylor: His scientific management theory talks about differential piece rate system. You can link it with overnight duties done in few factories where employees are paid more than the normal day rate for night duty which extends beyond their day duty. Time and motion study can be linked to red Tapism and Indian government's recent focus on curbing same. By target based monitoring with timelines we are tackling the problems of red Taoism. Thus digitalisation of process is field level of implementation of time and motion study. The legal enforcement of same comes from citizen charters and right to service legislation. This is the applied part of Taylor's work.
Let's take another thinker: Chris Argyris. When it comes to Chris Argyris, his central work should come to your mind. His concept of incongruency between employees need and organisation demand, maturity-immaturity theory, fusion process, T-group etc should be on your fingertips. Let's see some descriptives, linkages and applied part.
In the descriptives, simply write the incongruence, maturity-immaturity theory and fusion process theory in your own words. You don't have to use the language of P&P or MB or Aribam (though Aribam has most simple expression). Use your own words and substantiate with examples. This is what I call "descriptives" of a thinker ideas ..extending it in your own word. For example, I would write that: Argryris has highlighted that there is basic incongruency b/w employees and organisation. Both want different things. Organisation demands that employees should work hard to achieve its goals, however employees feel that their needs are not being felt. For example: An employee would like to work on new skill but organisation would not allow that and rather want the employee to focus on an old project. This incogruency leads to dissatisfaction, low morale and ultimately poor productivity. As a solution, Argyris has suggested Fusion process where the needs of employee is fitted with organisation demands. This is where the role of manager becomes crucial also. Based on the new projects that company is taking few employees who have interest in these areas can be given responsibility to look into it. In many companies the HR follows talent rotation across various verticals to ensure emolyees skills are developed and they don't feel stagnated. This is one example how fusion can work. The supervisor/manager has a big role in ensuring that fusion process is implemented effectively.
What I have written above is not to be found in any book. It is my own language.
So, try to write central ideas of thinkers in your own languages and link it with various examples.
Some linkages:
Smart city mission: Municipality and Special purpose vehicle(SPV)should have "Power with" rather "power over" attitude in implementing smart city mission.( Follet: Power with rather than Power over)
SHG based on "creative experience" and "group dynamics" of rural women. SHG and going forward FPO( Farmer Producers Organisation) are institutions based on depersonalising authority and everyone takes order/instruction based on situation.( MP Follet: Depersonalization of order)
Constructive conflict and conflict resolution by integration in basin based river water management. Cauveri river dispute needs to have a solution by integration and not by domination, therefore move towards a basin based approach is needed( Integrationist view of a river vs state view of a river)[MPF: Conflict resolution by integration]
Guys, I am sharing my pub ad notes or any other tip/guidelines which can act as a nudge fo you and force you to read something ...I try to upload something daily to keep you all engaged..
Here is the link of my channel ..Share with pub ad students.