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PSIR - Strategy, resources & discussion

Hi peeps. Let’s do this!

1. Previous papers from 2009 (both papers are in the same PDF):here

2. Topic-wise PYQs: here 

3. Look for PDFs of books here: b-ok.cc

4. Model answers from SR:here 

5. OnlyIAS notes, if you need extra matter for a few topics:here 

6. SR notes,

Bajrang Lonikar,Saloni2607and92 otherslike this


Have anyone of you noticed that PSIR 2019 result wasn't upto that level which it's known for(280/290+) as in 2019 Vishaka Yadav scored just 246, which is quite unusual for topper. This might be anomaly. But even another rank holder Mukund Kr(rank 50+), who scored 221. And both of them performed relatively poor in paper 2nd, scored 107 and 97 respectively. And both of them performed good because of their high GS scores. I have read few answers of Pari Bishnoi but didn't able to find her marks. 

I have come across only Mahajan Sumit Rajesh(rank 200+), who got 286 marks.

And if I'm correct then this year also not many candidates from PSIR background have qualified for interview as compared what I usually see.

So, what is the reason behind the low score of PSIR toppers? Moreover is it because of UPSC "fanda" to start giving high marks in one optional as compared to other. I mean there overall tactics to become lenient in one particular GS paper and in optional and to become quite strict in others. OR SR notes is not at all sufficient for paper 2(which indeed the case but if one go by previous year toppers, it doesn't seems). Orare we not able to fulfill the requisite demand of the questions especially in paper 2.

Whose answer copy, you find most relevant ? No point in seeing answer copies of Mukund or Vishakha. They both rode on GS. Navneet Maan has exceptional score in PSIR but her GS score is not that good else the 50 marks diff in optional than AIR 6 and still she was in 30s like around 15-20 marks less. So Vishakha like covered here 50+ 15-20 marks in GS.

I know someone getting 248 but her rank is 200+ too.Other topper in and around 50s had score around 260 or so. So may be 240 range was good for 150+ rankers but subjective nature of this exam dont let any analysis to succeed as GS and essay is also there. Even in answer copies have so much variation and in optional that increase many times.

I want to create an algo if all topper marks and copies are available for better analysis but alas. UPSC is so secretive. The whole process seems fraud.

Jai Shree Ram !

Micro,AzadHindFauzand1 otherslike this
How would you guys approach a question asking about the achievement/ significance of NIEO? Would you take an idealist position on it or one that points out the lack of significant achievements?
How would you guys approach a question asking about the achievement/ significance of NIEO? Would you take an idealist position on it or one that points out the lack of significant achievements?

I would go with lack of significant achievement and add in the last that why it can be the new alternative and why the present LEO is declining.


The only place where you can find Ernest Barker's quote calling JS Mill a "prophet of empty liberty and abstract individualism" is in the UPSC PSIR ecosystem- all of whom presumably took it from SR notes. Has anyone been able to authenticate it? Does anyone have good quotes on JS Mill they'd like to share?

Check this out :D He did say a lot more too though.

Wow! Great find!

How would you guys approach a question asking about the achievement/ significance of NIEO? Would you take an idealist position on it or one that points out the lack of significant achievements?

I would go with lack of significant achievement and add in the last that why it can be the new alternative and why the present LEO is declining.

This year the question asked our opinion on whether it is possible to achieve the objectives of NIEO. Would it be too risky to say that they wont be possible even though the ideal is lofty?

How would you guys approach a question asking about the achievement/ significance of NIEO? Would you take an idealist position on it or one that points out the lack of significant achievements?

Both I think. I would say it was a valuable idea and had a lot of potential, but did not lead to significant results because of both the circumstances at the time and the failings of the members. Looking at the situation today it is still a valuable idea and still holds potential, and we need a new theory of NIEO that keeps the principle intact but also learn from the mistakes of the first time in practice. 

How would you guys approach a question asking about the achievement/ significance of NIEO? Would you take an idealist position on it or one that points out the lack of significant achievements?

Both I think. I would say it was a valuable idea and had a lot of potential, but did not lead to significant results because of both the circumstances at the time and the failings of the members. Looking at the situation today it is still a valuable idea and still holds potential, and we need a new theory of NIEO that keeps the principle intact but also learn from the mistakes of the first time in practice. 

Cool cool thanks 


anybody has OP Gauba WPT?


anybody has OP Gauba WPT?

gauba it from the market.

or else political theory of his has covered few thinkers but not separately you will find them in between the chapters.

Hey does anyone have good sources to study 'Principal Organs of the Union & State' part of the syllabus? Does BL Fadia have chapters on these? SR has shared some chapters but this is not included.

@whatonly are there any good academic texts shedding light on this?
Hey does anyone have good sources to study 'Principal Organs of the Union & State' part of the syllabus? Does BL Fadia have chapters on these? SR has shared some chapters but this is not included.

@whatonly are there any good academic texts shedding light on this?

I did not do anything except GS stuff on this :/ will update here if I find anything 


anybody has OP Gauba WPT?

gauba it from the market.

or else political theory of his has covered few thinkers but not separately you will find them in between the chapters.

That was such a beautiful pun it made my day! :D

Q. Examine the challenges to sovereignty of the State in the contemporary world.(2015)

What points would you all give for this?
@KropotkinSchmopotkin s Fadia book at all adding any substance or wht?I found it a mere compilation!😒

Hey does anyone have good sources to study 'Principal Organs of the Union & State' part of the syllabus? Does BL Fadia have chapters on these? SR has shared some chapters but this is not included.

@whatonly are there any good academic texts shedding light on this?

Same, I looked at Fadia and found it to be just a longer version of Laxmikant 



Q. Examine the challenges to sovereignty of the State in the contemporary world.(2015)

What points would you all give for this?

It will be easy enough to write an answer on challenges to sovereignty posed by globalisation - quote Kenichi Ohmae, David Held, Peter Willet, Susan Strange for different perspectives. Other challenges are a bit harder to find. Maybe, >>global issues- climate change, regulation of commons

>>non-state actors- diffusion of technologies has made them viable opponents to state sovereignty eg Graham Allison predicts that nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists is almost certain in future.

>>constructive view->humanist norm- equal dignity of all humans is being privileged over state sovereignty; democratic deficit in international system stands de-legitimised -->support for global governance

Hey does anyone have good sources to study 'Principal Organs of the Union & State' part of the syllabus? Does BL Fadia have chapters on these? SR has shared some chapters but this is not included.

@whatonly are there any good academic texts shedding light on this?

Hey, yeah, BL Fadia works well for this bit. Covers most themes - you can top it with current affairs/Google

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