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Places in news for CSE Prelims 2021

Places in news is an important topic for CSP. The idea of this thread is to share all important places I have covered from newspapers, hoping something clicks ;)

Deepak802,peacefulwarriorand56 otherslike this


Hi I have complied the places in news from June 2019 till June 2020 

Might help for revision


This is true hard work@skirti_0826946 . Relevant compilation, without any clutter. In order to say thank you, I just plotted all these places on google map, for super quick 'fluid' glancing. I thought it would be easy to revise all these places in this manner. Sharing the same for everyone's benefit. Though it will definitely work on smartphone, but I will recommend to use laptop to see this map (Attaching Screenshot). Here is the link- 

peacefulwarrior,Joeyisthebestand27 otherslike this

Hi I have complied the places in news from June 2019 till June 2020 

Might help for revision


This is true hard work@skirti_0826946 . Relevant compilation, without any clutter. In order to say thank you, I just plotted all these places on google map, for super quick 'fluid' glancing. I thought it would be easy to revise all these places in this manner. Sharing the same for everyone's benefit. Though it will definitely work on smartphone, but I will recommend to use laptop to see this map (Attaching Screenshot). Here is the link- 

THIS IS THE SPIRIT for which Forum IAS Discuss platform was once well known for. Collective Sharing rather than Collective hiding. Everyone benefits from such unconditional helps. May God bless you both. Keep this spirit of #Sharing_is_Caring alive in you, it will return back to you with multiplicity. Best wishes. 

Happy to see such good contribution from all the members here. Best wishes to all of you and maker of this thread. Keep it up. 👍😊


Itachi,Auroraand25 otherslike this

Hi I have complied the places in news from June 2019 till June 2020 

Might help for revision


peacefulwarrior,Joeyisthebestand22 otherslike this

All places taken from The Hindu at different point of time


Addis adaba
Dar es salaam
Incirlic, KurecikTurkey
Mabul IslandBorneo, Malaysia
Port of IzmailUkraine
Idlib, Azaz, Rojava, Kobane, hasakah, Ras Al din, Baghouz, Manbij, Sarrin, PalmyraSyria
Aurora,Letsdothisand19 otherslike this

Oasis,Auroraand12 otherslike this

Important locations on SCS. 

Scarborough Shoal- Disputed primarily between China and Philippines. 

Senkaku Islands-Japan/China

Paracel Islands(Woody Islands) and Spratly Islands: Vietnam/China/Thailand/Philippines/Brunei and pretty much everyone in the region. 

Please note that Senkaku Islands (Diayou islands) is in the East China Sea, not SCS. 

Aurora,Rise from Ashesand12 otherslike this

1. Duqm Port, Oman

India secured access to Duqm port on Oman’s south-eastern seaboard that is ideally situated between two other Chinese strategic jewels: Gwadar port on Pakistan’s Makran coast and Djibouti on the Horn of Africa.

Oman Duqm port: Access to Omani port to help India check China at Gwadar |  India News - Times of India

Rise from Ashes,chamomileand11 otherslike this

Hi I have complied the places in news from June 2019 till June 2020 

Might help for revision


This is true hard work@skirti_0826946 . Relevant compilation, without any clutter. In order to say thank you, I just plotted all these places on google map, for super quick 'fluid' glancing. I thought it would be easy to revise all these places in this manner. Sharing the same for everyone's benefit. Though it will definitely work on smartphone, but I will recommend to use laptop to see this map (Attaching Screenshot). Here is the link- 

Hey thanks this is so awesome . I have had marked it in atlas offline but this seems pretty easy to revise .

Thank you for Tagging the places . Hope its helpful for all the community members . 

Also , If there's editing option . I request all the community member to add the other places in news in the google doc shared , as all of us will have access to one doc for revision. 


EiChan,Rise from Ashesand10 otherslike this

2. Bougainville Island

- largest island of the Solomon Islands Archipelago.

- island has the world’s largest copper deposits.

- south Pacific Archipelago of Bougainville voted to become independent of Papua New Guinea.

Map of Papua New Guinea - Papua New Guinea Map, Geography of Papua New  Guinea Map Information - World Atlas

Caesar,Rise from Ashesand10 otherslike this
5. India is developing its maiden deep-sea port in Indonesia'sSabangclose to Andaman and Nicobar Islands making its maiden foray in the southeast Asian amid China’s slew of connectivity plans for ASEAN under BRI.

India's coastline now 'extends' from Seychelles to Indonesia | India News -  Times of IndiaIndia's Tsunami Relief For Indonesia Supplements A Strategic Pacific Twist  - Strategic News International
Caesar,Rise from Ashesand10 otherslike this

Please also keep an eye out for latitudes/longitudes of important sites (For instance, in Pakistan like Khyber Pakhtunkthwa, Panj Tirath, Gwadar Port, Kartarpur etc) just to have an idea in those annoying Arrange from N-to-S questions.

I just realised Hong Kong has a latitude similar to central India. 😅 Also that Pakistan's map looks like a Charmander running.

Letsdothis ,Dora-the_Explorerand9 otherslike this


​Oldest known natural pearl in the world has been discovered by Abu Dhabi archaeologists working at a Neolithic site on Marawah Island, just off the coast of Abu Dhabi.

Rise from Ashes,ArchAngel96and9 otherslike this
Northernmost town in the world is also the fastest-warming place on the planet.Longyearbyen, the capital of the Svalbard archipelago located between Norway and the North Pole.

Temperatures in the town have risen by 4 degrees Celsius since 1971. That is five times faster than the global average. During winters, the temperature has gone up by 7°C. 

GaryVee,chamomileand9 otherslike this

Great initiative!

Adding to the list-

Mahananda (a tributary of Ganga)- originates inDarjeeling; flows through Bengal, Bihar and Bangladesh

Mechi- tributary of mahananda- originates in mahabharat range ofnepal; join mahananda on right bank in kishanganj, bihar.

In news for-- Kosi-mechi interlinking project.

Aurora,Rise from Ashesand8 otherslike this

Five Sites are:

  1. Rakhigari (Haryana)
  2. Hastinapur (Uttar Pradesh)
  3. Sivasagar (Assam)
  4. Dholavira (Gujarat)
  5. Adichanallur (Tamil Nadu) 
Aurora,chamomileand8 otherslike this

Islands Lesbos, Chios, Samos 

In news because of Turkey and Greece tussle in the Aegean Sea.

Also worth remembering Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus.

Rise from Ashes,chamomileand8 otherslike this

Grand Ethiopian renessaince dam..and other places around. Remember that Ethiopia is landlocked

EiChan,Rise from Ashesand8 otherslike this

God you people are awesome. In these scary times your generosity and kindness to total (and nameless) strangers are so heartwarming. I hope you all achieve everything you want in life, not just in CSE. The world needs more people like you.

This is a map of water bodies since it’s a favourite area for prelims. May be useful. And it’s a lot more fun if you export the map to KMZ and open it using Google Earth so you can spin the globe around. It’s not much but I wanted to contribute something. Good luck to you all!

EiChan,Dora-the_Explorerand7 otherslike this

12.Masirah Islands- Oman - one of the largest nesting grounds of Loggerhead Turtles in the world - population trend of Loggerhead Turtles shows that there has been a 79 per cent decline in the nesting population on the Masirah island.

Oman - Masirah Island - Hitchhiking - Mentawai

Rise from Ashes,chamomileand7 otherslike this

18. Shaksgam Valley: Shaksgam Valley or the Trans Karakoram Tract is part of Hunza-Gilgit region of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), and is a disputed territory claimed by India but controlled by Pakistan. It borders Xinjiang Province of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the north, the Northern Areas of POK to the south and west, and the Siachen Glacier region to the east. Shaksgam Valley was ceded to China by Pakistan in 1963 when both countries signed a boundary agreement to settle their border differences. 

Brijesh P asked: Why did Pakistan and under what terms and conditions cede  the Shaksgam Valley to China? What is the geo-strategic significance of the  Valley? | Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence

Yo_Yo_Buddy_King,Rise from Ashesand6 otherslike this
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