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@gargakshita2203879 you can find some info here(summary of Two chps of NCERT 11 Fine Arts)
Post Mauryan Trends:

Sculptures of Yaksha and Yakshini- 3D
Narative at Barhut: Ruru Jataka, Queen Mayadevis dream

Sanchi: Toranas(Gateways) have life of Buddha and Jatakas, Carving better than at Barhut, Symbols continue, Buddha and Manushi Buddha( Past Buddhas: der are total 24 Buddhas). Other Narratives at Sanchi are: Queens Dream, Seige of Kushinara, Buddha visit to Kapilavastu, Ashoka to Ramagrama Stupa

Indigenous style, Secular, Buda got Human form here, imagaes modelled on Yaksha images, Vish n Shiv by Ayudhas, Robes are transparent 

Gandhara: Hellnistic Influence, Only Buddha imagaes, Buddha as Greek God, Musculine Buddha, Halo plain. 

Early Temples: 
Three kinds: Sandhara(no pradikshina) , Niranshara(pradikshina) , Sarvotabhadra( From all direction)

Deogarh, Eran, Udaygiri: Only hall shrine and veranda

Buddhist Monuments in South:

Vengi, Jaggayapetta, Amravati(Mahachaitya: Stupa with Jataka, early phase symbols, later phase images) Bhattiprolu, Gantapalle, Nagarjunakonda, Goli, Anakapalle, Sannati

Cave tradition in western india:

In Karle, biggest rock cut chaitya. It has animal and Human figures. -Vihara caves near Junnar called Ganeshleni. 

Other sites are Ajantha, Pithakora, Ellora, Nashik, Bhaja.

Ajanta: 29 Caves: 4 chaityas and 25 Viharas: Buddha and Bodhisatvas images: Mahaparinibbana image: Themes such as Life of Buddha, Jataka, Avadanas: Simhalava Avadana, Mahajanaka Jataka(entire wall), Vidhurpandita Jataka, Chadanta Jataka: Vajrapani and Padmanpani, image of Mara Vijaya with hand touching ground.(largst sculptural panel of Ajanta)

Ellora: 32 caves with 12 Buddhist and 16 brahmanical: one is triple storey. Secular . 
Figures of Tara, Mahamayuri, Akshobhya, Avalokiteshwara, Maitrya, Amitabha, Padmapani, Vajrapani, Vairochana, 
Then themes of Shiva  n Vishnu. Ravana shaking mt kailasa, Andakasurvadha, Kalyanasundara.
Rock cut temple: By Krish 1. Rashtrakut

Elephanta caves & other:
contemporary with ellora

Caves in Eastern India: 
Guntapalle, Rampaerrampallam, Anakapalli(biggest rock cut stupa in India) 
Udaygiri Khandagiri Cavez: Kharvela, Jain monks

Sanchi Stupa: @ MP, Toranas have jataka, have shalbhanjikas
Seated Buddha, Katra Mound, Mathura

Murals@ Ananatapadmanabha Temple, Kasargod; Rama kills Ravan at Mattancheri palace, Kerala

Later Mural Traditions:

Badamai Caves- 543CE- Patron: Chalukya King Mangalesha- Vishnu Cave- Palace Scenes

Pallavas: murals at Panamalai, Mandagapattu and Kanchipuram

Pandyas: @ Tirumalaipuram and Sittanavasal Caves, TN

Chola: Murals @ Brihadeshwara(Paintings of Shiva in Kailash, as Nataraja, as Tripurantaka) and Nartamalai

Vijayanagara: Paintings @ Tirupurakunran, @Virupaksha(Ramayana and Mahabharata and Vidyaranya) , @ Lepakshi(Dakshinamurty & Ladies attending parvati)

Nayaka: @Tiruparakunram(of Mahavira), Sreerangam, Tiruvarur(Muchukunda) @ Chidambaram( Shiva as Bhikshatamurty, Vishnu as Mohini) - others themes of Ramayana and Mahabharata. 

Kerala Murals: paintes inspired from Kathakali and Kalam Ezhuthu- Ramayaan and Mahabharata, Dutch palace, Padmanabhapuram palace, Krishnapuram Palace 

Other traditional forms: 
Pithoro: Rajasthan and Gujrat
Mithila: Bihar
Warli: Maharashtra


fews facts: 


1. Hetuvada(cause effect) and Kshanabhangavada (Momentariness)

2. 2nd B Council: schism into staviravadins and Mahasanghikas

3. 3rd council: Mahavibhashasshtra (sanskrit commentary on tripitakas) and schism into Hinayana n Mahayana

4. Hinayana: Original: Pali: SL, Bhutan: No idol worship: into Vaibhasika and Sauntantrika

Mahayana: Heavenliness of Buddha: Bhodisatvas: Sanskrit: Shunyavada and Vijnanavada

Vajrayana: magical: Taras: Bengal

5. Vajrapani: Indra: Thunderbolt

Avalokileshwara: Lotus wala

Manjushri: books with 10 paramitas

Maitreya: Future buddha

Kshitigriha: guardian of purgatories

Amitabh/Amitayusha: Heaven wala

6. Ashtashtana: Lumbini, BudhGaya, Satnath, Kusinagar, Sravasti, Rajhriha, Baishali, Sankasya


1. Syadvada: Theory of May be: Also called Anekantavada: Saptabhangi Nyavada

2. beleive in God but lower than jina. 

Beleived in Karma and transmigration of soul


sorry bro.. dont have much info on that.. second term denotes Theory of Momentariness.. As Buddha said nothing is permanent in this world..

However, knowing the term n dat they belong to Buddhism shall suffice for prelims.. 

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