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SFG Level 2 - We need your suggestions!

Dear All,

As we commence with SFG Level 2 with Entrance Test on February 17th, we want your opinion. All members are requested to submit their suggestions on the link below

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1. May be combination 4 GS HLT +1 CSAT FLT + 1GS FLT  per week could work. And if schedule continues till April end will cover approx. 10 CSAT test can cover all topics in CSAT 

2. In addition to it, FLT could also be positioned in schedule at the end of completing all HLTs for a specific subject. 


@Neyawn Namaste Sir, Its a good to have simulators in the the sfg itself(fine with the cost). But there should be an option to attend simulators offline though someone is part of just RLG(some people who live far away cannot attend it offline since commutation would take away 2-3 hrs ) 

We can have 1 core and non core subjects on an alternate basis.

The discussion videos are really not at par in the mgp too. Some faculties just read out the solution.

Money can be raised. ALLEN with deep pockets had too had to go for funding. So may be this is the way out. (But do not include ESOPS as u have mentioned for the employees )


@Neyawn sir please consider some sort of modification for working aspirants. I feel most of the programs nowadays cater for full time aspirants and some of us simply cannot afford that luxury. I was able to manage SFG till my previous attempt when I would just give the test online before rushing off to college. However, now as a school teacher it simply is not an option for me to take a test at 7AM online because I’m halfway to school at that that time.


On a slightly unrelated note:
I don't watch SFG L1 discussion videos at all. I just read the solutions pdf, extract relevant stuff and move on. Am I missing something significant? I'm a working aspirant so time-crunch is the primary factor, also I did try watching it at the beginning once but found nothing relevant in that video, so stopped doing it. But today, found a lot of individuals discussing it in the comments here.
Any insights into this doubt by anyone would be greatly appreciated. 🙏


Some people have suggested to include FLTs but make it optional. The whole point is that the people who need it ( candidates not so well prepared ) won't opt for it, because it is discomforting for them to write FLTs, and there can be no other time to do FLTs later than March. It's not like FLTs should be done once all sectional tests are done. You have to give the mind the time to make new patterns, and if not in March - April , then there is no other time for FLTs.

And the ones who are clearing prelims every year, will again do FLTs and clear it, while the ones who don't  will opt out as they wouldn't  want to face FLTs ( for the discomfort it ). This defeats the whole purpose.

If simulators are going to be there, it's mandatory and it's score will count for sfg ranking or it won't be there at all. I think in the interview list of about 1900 students that we have from forum, more than 600-700 are sfg students - including last year sfg and those doing sfg this year along with interview.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS


@Rashmirathi  Your take?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

Increase SFG from 10 offline centers to 20 offline center (where PTS is being conducted but not SFG).

Regional Offline centers won't do it at 7am. What is their incentive to wake up at 5am and open center by 6:30 ? They are not forum employees.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS


@Neyawn sir please consider some sort of modification for working aspirants. I feel most of the programs nowadays cater for full time aspirants and some of us simply cannot afford that luxury. I was able to manage SFG till my previous attempt when I would just give the test online before rushing off to college. However, now as a school teacher it simply is not an option for me to take a test at 7AM online because I’m halfway to school at that that time.

If I am not wrong, you have cleared IFoS cut off before and probably also appeared for IFoS interview ?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS



@Neyawn sir please consider some sort of modification for working aspirants. I feel most of the programs nowadays cater for full time aspirants and some of us simply cannot afford that luxury. I was able to manage SFG till my previous attempt when I would just give the test online before rushing off to college. However, now as a school teacher it simply is not an option for me to take a test at 7AM online because I’m halfway to school at that that time.

If I am not wrong, you have cleared IFoS cut off before and probably also appeared for IFoS interview ?

Sir, good morning.

wid due respect, hw bout PPL who hv paid tons of money for test series, and now simulator is given at dirt cheap discount to sfg students. Wat bout those whonhv paid both for test series nd sfg?

@Neyawn Sir, I'm fine with the fee increase if we're given access to those 10 FLT simulators forum conducts. But please ensure that these simulators are available to us in offline mode as well! I live in Indore and please see if I can give SFG in online mode and the simulator FLTs in offline mode. 

@Neyawn Sir! Some of us have already got the simulators and FLTs, please keep it optional.



@Neyawn Sir! Some of us have already got the simulators and FLTs, please keep it optional.


I am seized of those concerns too.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

1. I think flt idea is good.but you should also allow online students to attend FLT offline ,if centre is available in their cities



@Neyawn sir please consider some sort of modification for working aspirants. I feel most of the programs nowadays cater for full time aspirants and some of us simply cannot afford that luxury. I was able to manage SFG till my previous attempt when I would just give the test online before rushing off to college. However, now as a school teacher it simply is not an option for me to take a test at 7AM online because I’m halfway to school at that that time.

If I am not wrong, you have cleared IFoS cut off before and probably also appeared for IFoS interview ?

Sir, good morning.

wid due respect, hw bout PPL who hv paid tons of money for test series, and now simulator is given at dirt cheap discount to sfg students. Wat bout those whonhv paid both for test series nd sfg?

Do not exaggerate things. No one has paid a bomb for a test series. And no one is getting anything dirt cheap.

Let us avoid negative talks. 

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

@Neyawn last year i gave 3-4 simulators and 3-4 abhyas..I got around 80-85 from coaching keys in prelims..csat 60-65

I still don't know whether I should have given it or not.
Why we should give flts as per you@Neyawn sir.
Pls guide this year is very crucial for me.


I like the old pattern. No changes. 50 questions per test. 5 days GS and CSAT on Saturdays. CSAT provides the much needed break from monotony. 50 questions per test are the ideal amount to practice and reflect upon. FLT would have 100. After 2 hours of FLT, I will be a bit tired, and given that SFG lvl 2 is already more on the difficult side (comparatively), that might result in burnout. Keep FLT separate as SFG is all about those 50 questions, nothing more; nothing less.

However, if still FLT has to be added, then increase the fee so as to cover up for increased expenses.


Hi@Neyawn Sir, 

Good morning!!

SFG Level 1 Tests and the solutions are really helping in building core concepts. But, I thought , the discussions were not at par, specially for Economy ,History(art & culture, Ancient & medieval),Sci. & tech ,etc. ,there is some scope for improvement ,if you think the same way then please look into it.

For SFG Level 2 - For adding simulators - will be a good change.

7 AM is a good time for tests.


As Csat is becoming the deciding factor when it comes to prelims I suggest that the tests of gs1 should alternate with Csat and current affairs the next day

eg- 24 th feb - polity

        25 feb - Csat topic x,y,z + current affairs of month June , July etc

this should help as current affairs and Csat were not given space in sfg 1



Some people have suggested to include FLTs but make it optional. The whole point is that the people who need it ( candidates not so well prepared ) won't opt for it, because it is discomforting for them to write FLTs, and there can be no other time to do FLTs later than March. It's not like FLTs should be done once all sectional tests are done. You have to give the mind the time to make new patterns, and if not in March - April , then there is no other time for FLTs.

And the ones who are clearing prelims every year, will again do FLTs and clear it, while the ones who don't  will opt out as they wouldn't  want to face FLTs ( for the discomfort it ). This defeats the whole purpose.

If simulators are going to be there, it's mandatory and it's score will count for sfg ranking or it won't be there at all. I think in the interview list of about 1900 students that we have from forum, more than 600-700 are sfg students - including last year sfg and those doing sfg this year along with interview.

Ok sir, I agree to some extent that giving FLT simulators between sectional tests is fine.

If I look at it positively, it will force me to somehow find time for revising other subjects regularly.

But please don't add CSAT questions in between GS questions in SFG under any circumstance. Either keep them at the end, or conduct separate CSAT tests weekly. If you add marks of CSAT tests in weekly ranking, it should serve its purpose. But including them between GS questions violate UPSC pattern itself, and breaks the flow. I understand it is becoming tough, but disturbing the balance of a settled part does not increase the balance of the entire system.

I sincerely hope that if at all CSAT is being integrated into SFG, its questions are at the end.

I hope that the schedule will be released today before registration ends.

I am looking forward to a more productive SFG Level 2. Will give my best.

Thank you sir.



@Rashmirathi  Your take?

Hi sir 

Sir it’s very good decision to include FLTs (should be conducted on Sunday)in SFG program also inclusion of csat questions ( if possible limit these questions to maths and reasoning as all are English champions ) As fear of csat is real for many and it will help them solve adequate number of questions so that they are able to sail through it As said Fear is an illness , if we catch it and leave it untreated it can consume us so we have to face it .

Plz keep the timing same at any cost and quality of sfg should not be compromised.

As many like me only does SFG  as -

It’s difficult to swim against the tides.

But if we manage to do it,

Then we may find a shore that nobody has ever seen and that shore is clearing prelims with good margin 

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