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SFG Level 2 - We need your suggestions!

Dear All,

As we commence with SFG Level 2 with Entrance Test on February 17th, we want your opinion. All members are requested to submit their suggestions on the link below

darkHorse9,Abhijeet_G_Ghuleand4 otherslike this


@Neyawn  there other reasons too
1. We want some new question with new approach because solving 50+ test from same institute gives some kind of comfort with pattern of asking questions
2.exam setter most of the time set questions in and around sfg questions same is evident from last all india mock
3. It allows to check our all india ranking through flt (motivate/demotivate) us and help in not to be frog in Lake (I know sfg crowd is better isliye pond ki jagah lake ) but still there is ocean
4. Some reputed institute come up with open FLT like last year vajiram did and I found some off are good (this year "experience" test little bit okay )
5.need clarification regarding total GS+CSAT flt are 8 or 8 of each making 16 of both
 If it's 8 only then value for money may not be there 
6. Last year forum CSAT quality I found little bit not according to hallmark of forum 
7. And solving flt may have its benefit and all those who are aware they will find there own way to solve them( through market , open mock, foundation coaching provided )
8. And those who don't solve mock just bcz they are under prepared are people generally who don't subscribe to second month so again whole purpose of making it compulsory defeated
Rest we all have full faith in forum and whatever they decide I am sure it will be right for all of us 

@Rashmirathi Not everyone is english champion for sure (including me). And I would certainly want to focus on english comprehensions. Including CSAT questions in the GS tests is highly discouraging for people like me who want to give both GS and CSAT tests separately.

I don't understand the determination to cook khichdi here. When everybody is finding ways to make tests closer to UPSC pattern, we are discussing a deviation from it by mixing two different papers which require equal yet separate focus.

Anyways, I rest my case here. 

Please do not include Simulators in SFG. Let the aspirants have the liberty to solve FLTs from differnt coaching centres. After solving SFG level 1 and 2 the pattern of Questions and options in FLT would be monotonous and we don't want to be experts in forum only test. 
Headspace,Tarzannand1 otherslike this
@Rashmirathi Not everyone is english champion for sure (including me). And I would certainly want to focus on english comprehensions. Including CSAT questions in the GS tests is highly discouraging for people like me who want to give both GS and CSAT tests separately.

I don't understand the determination to cook khichdi here. When everybody is finding ways to make tests closer to UPSC pattern, we are discussing a deviation from it by mixing two different papers which require equal yet separate focus.

Anyways, I rest my case here. 

Ye bhi hai ,totally understand πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»

@Rashmirathi Not everyone is english champion for sure (including me). And I would certainly want to focus on english comprehensions. Including CSAT questions in the GS tests is highly discouraging for people like me who want to give both GS and CSAT tests separately.

I don't understand the determination to cook khichdi here. When everybody is finding ways to make tests closer to UPSC pattern, we are discussing a deviation from it by mixing two different papers which require equal yet separate focus.

Anyways, I rest my case here. 

Ye bhi hai ,totally understand πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»

Thank you.

@Rashmirathi Not everyone is english champion for sure (including me). And I would certainly want to focus on english comprehensions. Including CSAT questions in the GS tests is highly discouraging for people like me who want to give both GS and CSAT tests separately.

I don't understand the determination to cook khichdi here. When everybody is finding ways to make tests closer to UPSC pattern, we are discussing a deviation from it by mixing two different papers which require equal yet separate focus.

Anyways, I rest my case here. 

Ye bhi hai ,totally understand πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»

Thank you.

Then@Neyawn sir there can be a weekly csat test( as was the case earlier ) and inclusion of current affairs that too topic wise with every test like polity current affairs with polity sectional test 

darkHorse9,Abhijeet_G_Ghuleand1 otherslike this

Yes, If possible add subjectwise CA instead monthly compilations, as most students hunt for pt compilations instead of monthly in last 3 months 

darkHorse9,msquareand1 otherslike this


@Neyawn sir please consider some sort of modification for working aspirants. I feel most of the programs nowadays cater for full time aspirants and some of us simply cannot afford that luxury. I was able to manage SFG till my previous attempt when I would just give the test online before rushing off to college. However, now as a school teacher it simply is not an option for me to take a test at 7AM online because I’m halfway to school at that that time.

If I am not wrong, you have cleared IFoS cut off before and probably also appeared for IFoS interview ?

No sir im sadly ineligible for IFos

Please do not include Simulators in SFG. Let the aspirants have the liberty to solve FLTs from differnt coaching centres. After solving SFG level 1 and 2 the pattern of Questions and options in FLT would be monotonous and we don't want to be experts in forum only test. 



@Neyawn sir, will we get to know the daily schedule and updated pattern before the closing time of registration for entrance test?

Good evening sir. Sir please include FLT SIMULATORS to SFG 2.

@Neyawn sir anyway to give the entrance test for sfg level 2 again? It’s a working Saturday for me (it’s things like this which make me say that programs don’t cater for working aspirants)

@Rutvik_bhokare I strongly agree with 1 - same institute waala point.


@Neyawn sir anyway to give the entrance test for sfg level 2 again? It’s a working Saturday for me (it’s things like this which make me say that programs don’t cater for working aspirants)

A second date will be provided.

Please allow some more days for History and Art and culture subject in the schedule
Don't allow to candidates to leave before 1 hour.




@Neyawn sir please consider some sort of modification for working aspirants. I feel most of the programs nowadays cater for full time aspirants and some of us simply cannot afford that luxury. I was able to manage SFG till my previous attempt when I would just give the test online before rushing off to college. However, now as a school teacher it simply is not an option for me to take a test at 7AM online because I’m halfway to school at that that time.

If I am not wrong, you have cleared IFoS cut off before and probably also appeared for IFoS interview ?

No sir im sadly ineligible for IFos

Oh I remember someone with similar ID during a mock!

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

@Rashmirathi Not everyone is english champion for sure (including me). And I would certainly want to focus on english comprehensions. Including CSAT questions in the GS tests is highly discouraging for people like me who want to give both GS and CSAT tests separately.

I don't understand the determination to cook khichdi here. When everybody is finding ways to make tests closer to UPSC pattern, we are discussing a deviation from it by mixing two different papers which require equal yet separate focus.

Anyways, I rest my case here. 

Ye bhi hai ,totally understand πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»

Thank you.

Then@Neyawn sir there can be a weekly csat test( as was the case earlier ) and inclusion of current affairs that too topic wise with every test like polity current affairs with polity sectional test 

There are 2 reasons why this is better than previous year plan.

1. I badly wanted the csat test to be compulsory but couldn't enforce as its a qualifying paper, so there was a huge fall in people coming in - thinking I don't need csat practice. This despite the fact that csat was getting tougher every year, and we were constantly saying in all sessions not to miss csat prep/ tests.

2. As exam comes closer, your own strategy is best strategy. The extra two days you get off for a week can be used for rest and doing any FLT - this must be done.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

DM,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this
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