MPPCS is on 12th of January. Is it possible to shift the tests being conducted on 11th and 13th, like it was done during UPPSC?
Test 22 , Q. 3
Statement no 1 states that 'Vishnu's image as Vaikuntha Chaturmurti if found in Kandariya Mahadev Temple' and the answer key states this to be correct.
However, Kandariya Mahadev Temple is a Shiva temple and this image of Vishnu is found in Lakshmana Temple of Khajuraho.
I think the answer should be 2 Only (B) instead of Both 1 and 2 (C)
@Thinker Q.31 Test 33
Sir , i think the answer should be Option C , and not Option A.
Yada yada virus and chikungunya virus belong to the same group of Alpha virus