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Q -29

As discussed in the class as well as clearly mentioned in the EPA act 1986, Statement 3 is incorrect.The act says

 “ any person who has given notice of not less than sixty days, in the manner prescribed, of the alleged offence and of his intention to make a complaint, to the Central Government or the authority
 or officer authorised as aforesaid.“

The 3rd option says “A court” and 90 days, which makes it incorrect. The answer should be 1 only ( option A) and not 1&3 only ( option B) which has been given in answer key.


As conveyed  to us in discussion and mentioned in the body of CAMPA act, Minster MoEFCC is indeed the chairperson. Hence, 2&3 should correct ( option B) and not the 3 only ( option C).
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