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Starting UPSC preparation today for 2020. Serious aspirants can join and veterans can give their advice how to manage it.

If only anyone can help how to manage PSIR preparation alongwith with prelims. 



A good way to begin will be to begin with Prelims preparation. If you make it, you will have the paths open to the Mains by yourself. Having been in this arena for sometime now, I would however recommend you to readthis articleI wrote sometime back.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

sanemonk,GreenArrowand2 otherslike this
@Neyawn  this post is a magnum opus for anyone starting or exhausted few attempts. 

Thank you. It’s difficult to be sane or monk. You”re both !! :)

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

sanemonk,cot_ainokand2 otherslike this

It’s a downhill journey from here if you are trying to manage both PSIR and Prelims.

More people flunk prelims because of being confused between Prelims and Optional than because of being actually weak at MCQs.

Thete can be an exception , which would be in case you have some experience of cracking competitive exams before. By which I mean, three abilities

The ability to make quick notes and secondly, the ability to study under pressure. Thirdly, memorising facts and figures that are must needed for the exam.

Lastly, you will need to sit like an idiot and keep sitting for long hours.

Someone has done it before, exactly in the same shoes as you. You can watch himhere

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

leechongwei,sanemonkand2 otherslike this
@Neyawn  this post is a magnum opus for anyone starting or exhausted few attempts. 

Your article is  a gem.

"Work hard. You are young. There will be a time when you will be old, ill, lazy, tired - but that is 20 years from now. Why work less hard when your biology is working in your favor?"

I'm taking this with me.

Thank you tons, Sir.

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