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[Community Initiative] Thread for Posting Performance Sheet. (Reviving For SFG 2022)

Post your performance sheet of SFG  in this thread,It is to  track our own mistakes and also to compare our mistakes with others.

Rationale behind continuing with same thread

  • it becomes a good repository for longtime.
  • Creating new threads making confusion in forum.
  • Back then during discuss platform oldies used single thread so we will do it in old way.
  • The previous work motivates some to participate.


  • Pls don't use this thread for discussing anything.
  • Only use it,for uploading ur performance sheet(dont just upload score,pls do upload ur mistakes n if possible add a "y")(u can take reference from others previous work).

Google sheet to compare scores & gauge ones performance:

Please don't alter the google sheet, just enter your score. 


1)Sfg Related Discussion Thread:

2)Any UPSC Related Doubts:

3) Previous Year UPSC Prelims Questions Thread:

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand41 otherslike this


@Phantom You scores have been quite consistent. How are you keeping up? Any advice? My score have been ranging from 40-50.

1. Revise more frequently. Reading same thing time and again is very boring but it is very rewarding. If possible please try to follow spaced repetition.

2. Cover PYQ seriously. Try to find out the traps. Sometimes these traps are repeated. 
Thank you

DM,SAand8 otherslike this

This is a very good score. And a good accuracy. I remember one Aditya from earlier who used to attempt 45-50 questions and would get 40+ correct.

Try to replicate this on a waider syllabus. Like, if a test were to happen on whole of economy, would you be able to do it.

As in not now, but let us say if you would be able to do it on a wider syllabus / full syllabus by March April. Remeber March April is the time when you have your revisions, not read the stuff for the first time.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

dalpha,DMand8 otherslike this
@Raillife i am a working proffessional and i dont even get that much time as i work in one of the essential services. 

After office .. i get 3-4 hrs .. i engage myself in reading the topic and scribbling fast the important points from the chapter then and there.. in rough page. This way it engages me fully, i am focussed on what i am doing and get hold of things faster. If i just keep on reading my mind wanders. 

Morning i get up around 4am .. do my chores till 4.30 and sit back to study finishing remaining topics, revise whats already read and attempt the test sharp @7am. Then during the day, as and when i get time in office i revise my test. My score for past 6 test ranged between 50-69M. But i have made it a point to not miss a test. Even if i score low i wont miss it. 

I do not get enough time to see the videos. I wish to make best use of my weekends. Thats it. 

I hope this helps u in some way. 

Deepak802,ssver2and7 otherslike this

Osho,Patrick_janeand5 otherslike this
@Juggernaut yeah, here it is

Patrick_jane,CRISPRCas9and3 otherslike this

Too much to learn!

Glad this happened. 

Patrick_jane,Archandand3 otherslike this

guys how you able to complete the daily syllabus ?

also how you remembering the personalities and  event name,In today's paper,I knew one-two things about the every event/question but it did not solve the question.

@Raillife In history, create story. Link events of the same time/period. Recall without looking. And context yaad rakho. Also, for a personality remember what he is known for best,like for example bhagat singh - revolutionary + socialist (then events related to him&his ideology )- inke baare mein koi question aaye think on those lines only. 

I hope i made some sense. 

Raillife,Patrick_janeand3 otherslike this


SFG Test #19 - Geography

59.33M - 33C 10W 7U

Didn't complete syllabus. Need to move on with other work. Can't post errors here today.

The results do give some pressure. Gone are the times when results were the times of excitement which now became kind of depressing. 


I felt the same initially. Getting low scores consistently demoralised me and I almost felt like giving up. About a week ago I started reading the comments on this thread and it gave me a little hope. I am still too hesitant to post my score but reading your error assessments has given me a new perspective to approach this exam.

Most of the times when I look at your corrections, I go like, "man I knew this was confusing. I am not alone!!" You have inspired me to work on my mistakes and today when I read this post I felt obliged to thank you for your efforts. Keep working hard and keep inspiring!!

ssver2,Oasisand3 otherslike this

Adya,extinctinwildand3 otherslike this

Hello! I'll also be posting daily performance. I've started prep after a gap of one year and hoping daily posting will keep me in check. 

Today's biggest concern -Tribal and peasant movements 

Raillife,Patrick_janeand3 otherslike this

Polity 15th July

Correct: 45

Incorrect: 5


(Though felt that DPSP is for govt & nothing specific fraternity related therein; I tend to mark all of above in such Q, logic: kahin forum bol de ki 39(b)(c), 43A/B se bhi fraternity badhti hai)

Elusive prince, striped hairstreak AP

(Had read an article about largest butterfly of India: Himalayan female gold birdswing; 2nd:southern birdswing; mujhe bas south yaad aa raha tha, so eliminated AP/A&N. Actually I had missed this, even felt that that article was about some record & not new species. Tend to attempt 90%+, should learn smart skipping)

Budget discussion (1892 act)

(Galat yaad tha ki 1861: discussion, 1892:questions)

St helena act 1833

(Marked 1813, b/c waterloo, lol, even thay was 1815)


(B/c FC - tax devolution - federalism)

Patrick_jane,giri_jiten6786and3 otherslike this
Plz make a new thread for sfg2

Rationale behind continuing with same thread

  • it becomes a good repository for longtime.
  • Creating u threads making confusion in forum.
  • Back then during discuss platform oldies used single thread so we will do it in old way.
  • The previous work motivates some to participate.
Neyawn,Raillifeand3 otherslike this

sfg test - #9 May CA 2020

62.67M - 35C 11W 4U

1. Gopala Krishna Gokhale

2. Non Aligned MOvement membership

3. CBD - I knew it was just opened for signature in earth summit 1992 but thought it was adopted later. Over imposition of logic :P

4. POSHAN Abhiyan - MoWCD. Read a hundred times and forget a hundred times

5. SARFAESI - god knows about that SC judgement

6. National INfrastructure Pipeline - Never heard before. Thought it was some gas pipeline in exam. Turns out totally different

7. Mental Healthcare Act - Very important now especially after what happened to SSR. RIP SSR:heart:

8. Thought Botanical Survey of India was autonomous but it isn't.

9. MGNREGA - first of all I missed the rural household itself. So I am out. But I guess some good people might have passed this test and could have thought it wasn't the aim of MGNREGA to strengthen PRI. Anyway nothing to say from my side. Totally fallen flat.

10. Wildlife Protection Act - got correct for totally wrong reasons. Thought state couldn't declare for 'any area'. Turns out state can't declare at all and only centre can. Also remember that even centre can't declare an animal as vermin if it is listen in Schedule 1 or part 2 of second schedule

11. Competition Commission of India. - Totally forgot there was Mo Corporate Affairs. They put the same minister for both finance  & CA :smirk_cat: :smirk_cat:and I totally forgot there existed two separate ministries after just seeing Nirmala Ji everytime.

12. SAGAR doctrine only for Indian Ocean Region. Now-a-days even though there is a lot of talk about greater indo-pacific at least on paper, we just add pacific everywhere. Seems like this is only IOR. Also this concept is to be read with IOC which also deals with only IOR. India is not a member of IOC though, not even maldives :P

13. One nation one card. Knew about NCBC. But thought that was not indigenous

14. Forgot the concepts of tropical cyclones. BTW what is happening to my memory:fearful:

15.  Energy Transition Index - WEF. Read a lot about this before exam. How india is improving and all. But in exam forgot and put something else.

Okay peeps enjoy your weekend. I think I am going to go with Dil Bechara movie or a rewatch of masaan or may be something else.

ssver2,Raillifeand2 otherslike this

Though I got a decent score but I wanted to ask that does UPSC even ask questions like which minister got which portfolio or whether unionist party won or not etc. I mean I specifically tried rattafying facts of these nature because I knew that it was a sectional test. But is there a need to do this for the prelims?

Omen,Homo Neanderthalensisand2 otherslike this
Extremely bad performance today.. losing all hopes 😭
Tina1997,Homo Neanderthalensisand2 otherslike this

I couldnt attempt the SFG TEST 9 live yesterday as i was ill. Felt better today, so gave it offline.. as usual CA is a disaster. 😑 

Raillife,Patrick_janeand2 otherslike this

- NCERTs are really important(8th one specially)

- Trust 1st instinct(marked 4 wrong in 2nd iteration)

- Happy that I got chronology n war questions correct.

Yo_Yo_Buddy_King,Patrick_janeand2 otherslike this

ssver2,Raillifeand2 otherslike this

Note to me : -

1. Gandhian kaun padhega q m ...:smirk:

2. PSIR optional hai tera aur Harm Principle galat ho rha hai inse

3. CrPC(1973) : DPSP - ye to malum hi nhi tha bc

4. au bhi 

Patrick_jane,Ash5Manand2 otherslike this

test 11

correct: 43 

Incorrect: 6

score: 82

 1. Azad: involved in Kakori/Tilak: founding members of Deccan Education Society.

 2. Vivekodayam: mouth piece of SNDP

 3. Balshastri Jambhekar attacked Brahminical orthodoxy

4. Indian Bullfrog invasive/ Sch IV

5. Stree Purush Tulna: Tarabai Shinde

6. creation of Privy Council decided at Delhi Durbar of 1877

1. reform Organisation order of formation: 

extinctinwild,Patrick_janeand1 otherslike this
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