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I have never understood the logic of people who have not made it into the list asking advice from people who have made it to the list. They have made it. But We hold all the important lessons. Totally appreciating this initiative.

This was my 5th attempt , 3rd mains and 1st interview. I was pretty confident I'd be in the list - atleast somewhere near the bottom. But I wasn't. The uncertainty of this exam is too huge and the risk we take is equally humongous. I'm sure that failure in this exam doesn't measure who I am . Same applies for victory in this exam too.

Opportunities for decent jobs are available. But I have decided to give one more try at this exam. Definitely UPSC is not going to be my only focus this time. I'm going to focus on opportunities that give me job security simultaneously. The pandemic has closed many job avenues. Prelims is 50 days away. And this kind of makes my choice easier.

My advice to younger aspirants would be to have a pragmatic approach towards this exam. It's just another job. We can adore it ; but glorifying it is not gonna help you. High chances of getting caught in this never ending vicious cycle.

Make every attempt your best attempt. Get in soon or get out soon.

All the best!

@introvert  Learn the "principles of UPSC preparation" as soon as possible. Mere learning will take us nowhere. Bear in mind the "why" of every fact you read. Understand the design of the exam and adapt it to your own style. This costed me like 3 years. 

Give your everything to this goal for the next 1-2 years. Keep yourself sane though.  Start Cultivating the hobbies about which you'll be talking in your Personality Test. 

You need not be from IITs IIMs...Don't let anyone intimidate you.

About the job...21 is pretty young to be stuck in a job you don't like. But the luxury of quitting should solely be based on your family situation. If your job doesn't let you focus, muster the courage to quit it. Do bear in mind the long and uncertain road though.

One other mistake you should avoid is , letting others influence your goals and prep. Listen to experiences but follow only those that suits you and your personality. Everyone is unique and not everything works for everyone. This includes coaching centers and their spoon feeding. Just use them as a guide.

All the very best.

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