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My journey is similar to many other fellow aspirants and knowing that some empathetic souls will read this , I felt like expressing the emotional upheaval out here.

 I entered the boat of UPSC in 2016. Wrote 3 mains and gave one interview. I knew I was honest in my efforts. Always kept having the belief that I will see my name in the list someday. The emotion of not seeing my name in the final list in 2020 was a jolt which was hard to cope up with. 

In the next few days , I had all kinds of scenes from the past ( the moment I began preparing , the things I gave up for it including a PSU job and a very serious relationship) revolving in front of my eyes. 
Then the uncertainties of the future haunted me for quite some time. 
Although I have grown through the journey and new dimensions have been added in my persona, yet some part of me has been consumed in this as well. Probably that was a transition from a keen boy to a serious man.
 Having mustered the courage , I gave my 5th attempt in 2022. 
Whatever be the result , I now know that uncertainties are a norm of life and one can never have full control on the outcomes. 
Surely,  I am going to move forward to other endeavours though I don’t yet know what would they be.


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