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This was my 5th attempt, 4th mains and 1st interview. Worked really very very hard for this one. Stratergised well, optimised my resources and everything that i had imbibed since my previous attempts. I was so confident of getting through this year that i basically was trying to guess a rank for myself. 4th of august came as a huge shock for me. My hands were trembling in excitement while opening the holy pdf but when i couldn't find my name it came as a really rude shock. I was devastates. Tears came rolling down my eyes. My voice chocked. And i could barely call my parents to tell them about this heartbreak. Then came the hardest part. Informing my loves ones. I cried for 2 straight hours with them. All the struggles and motivations that have been a continuous accomplice appeared like a slideshow before my eyes. That feeling is indeed the worst. When u think you gave it all you have, tried your very best and still success eludes you. I pray for strength and the perseverence to get through another attempt. But at the moment things look really bleak. Can't deny that
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