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What are some mistakes you made in your earlier Prelims ?

We all make mistakes . What mistake did you make in your previous attempt if any that you would like to warn people about ?

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Guys completely unrelated to the topic but any idea when the results are coming out?

Interviews are not over yet! 



So many experiences, mistakes and suggestions. I too have my share of regrets. Being into fourth attempt when I look back I see only mistakes and mistakes. Can anyone here join me into this guilt of not doing enough for the exam? Countless spells of weeks without reading a single line. Always distracted, putting barely 3-4 hrs/day except when nearing the examination. Fast forward to my fourth attempt and again only a month left! And here I am again thinking why Aspirant why! Why can't you accelerate little earlier? Why everytime you woke up when it's too late? Why to make everything so difficult for you? Anyway it's the Past. From today exactly one month is remaining for prelims. Will promise myself to make best use of these days. Will see.... 

This guilt has been killing me from inside for the past three years... How do you deal with it? Its like a feeling that you constantly suppress. Nothing feels satisfying. A Goddamn curse !! 

@peterparker Two options 1. Live in the guilt and sabotage your chances of seeing yourself at the other side of the line. 2. Accept that the indiscipline is the result of accumulated habits over a long period of time which can't be easily reversed. Your preparation is going to be this way only. So don't make ambitious plan, study selectively but have a positive attitude that this could be done even with minimal effort. I moved to second option now. Anyways in the  current situation there is no option but to read:D
dalpha,DMand14 otherslike this
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