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What are your Post Mains Plans like? What do you plan to do till December?

So now that the Mains is over, how do you plan to spend ( or waste or utilise ) your days? Is it travel, gym studies, or plain browsing until the results come?
jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand20 otherslike this


So I started MA in History from JNU a couple of days back.(engineering graduate) and to be honest, I realised how pathetically lazy engineering professors are😂😂.

Do you guys remember that feeling back in school when you felt teachers actually give a damn about what's going on in your mind? The desire to impress a teacher through your work, to earn praise from him/her, to share your opinion with them. God it's just been a week, and I'm as giddy as a schoolboy. 

Yes civil services is still the endgame, and yes JNU faculty is most definitely politically opinionated ( averse to mine) but this week has been one of inspiration, and a renewed vigour in life. God bless you all💟

ssver2,GaneshGaitondeand15 otherslike this

I've completely withdrawn from all things UPSC for a while. No question paper discussions or cut off speculation, haven't replied to a number of DMs on Forum also (not on purpose, but simply because I log on to the forum for such a short time)! I've been playing some music on my Ukulele. Learning how to play Hedwig's theme as of now! Other than that, I watched TV shows, went cycling with the love, went for a small trip to the place where my college is, reminisced with friends, you get the gist. I've been reading the newspaper because I enjoy doing that with coffee in the morning! Been spending time on the Kindle as well, since I enjoy reading non-fiction. Before mains, I was thinking about the exam so intensely. I plan on withdrawing to the same extent for a full reset, and to that end, will be visiting a few friends in Bangalore during the next week. Once I come back, I plan on slowly working on interview and optional prep for say 6 hours a day or so till the results come.

An idle mind is a devil's workshop, and I gotta say, the devil's holding a disco in there. The serial chiller in me hath long been suppressed. He tells me that this is the window he gets to roam free with no guilt whatsoever. Therefore, for now, he runs around in my mind, in all his naked glory, screaming "FREEEEDOOOMMM!" Would be too cruel to deprive him of it. :P

Neyawn,ssver2and13 otherslike this
Just one thing I would like to say to all of you. Those of you who have written Mains, rememer that if it is your first Mains, you must keep an eye on your optional , ethics or 1 or more papers. Do not be lax at all. You just have 1 month for refining your Mains prep. After that everyone esle is in the race again.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Oasisand12 otherslike this

And about that quote, thats true.

Its a painful realisation. By the time you think you have figured out life, your time is over.

I turned thirty some years back, and it reminds of that friends episode where one of the them turns thirty and everyone recounts how they feel. And its not a good feeling.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,EiChanand10 otherslike this

I'm writing again. The lockdown reinvigorated the love for writing that had been lost into oblivion during the preparation. Now I just want to keep it alive notwithstanding anything. I realised that it completes me. As of now, I am working on an open-editorial. 

I don't know why but I don't feel like going back to books till 15th February. Also, I'm trying to learn more about my home state. I realised that I know very little about my own place.

Neyawn,ssver2and9 otherslike this



Met some old friends, listened to music/podcasts for hours, long video calls, watched some stuff, started some (non-syllabus) books. Went to my local park for morning runs. For three consecutive days. Then, sleep conquered. :/

Had joined LLM @ SAU; wrapped up projects etc. Read intro of few ES chapters. Hindu & factly. Read way too many (@Neyawn's) articles on interview, saw his obscure video, read a bit of transcripts-file. Joined CA 2021. Sent answers to Dipin sir yesterday. Almost cried. 

Procrastinated. A lot. 

Can't avoid the elephant anymore. Optional. NOW.<1st mains>

And ironically wasted some time on this:  Anuvaad | अनुवाद • A podcast on Anchor

Oh, the crying part is inevitable. Even if you are a boy  / man.

Theexamkinda makes you do this.

And as far as the obsure video is concerned, its obscure because you see you cant say those things on  Youtube :)

You see that it will make sense to the serious aspirants who invest their youth years in the exam, but wont make an iota of sense to someone who is not even in the process.

I met a candidate last week. 5th attempt guy. Had begged him to write down answers last year. ( At some point in my life, when I was more rebellious, I had some the same when someone begged me to take the last leg seriously ) 

And he did not. And shared his marksheet with me.

This is how pain looks like.

This can happen to any of us.

His fault ?

Why IAS?

( And several other things ).

The guy is hard working and very jujharu, and should make it, hopefully this year.

Sir, only 96 in personality test .. that.s an abnormally low score, right ? ..can you throw some light on what went wrong in the interview ?

That happens. Sometimes. There are four major reasons when you will score less marks.

One of them is not having written or Pre-mediated answer. Then you end up saying things that come to your mind. Also when you don’t write down your answers, on a temporal scale the second and third answers are not an improvement upon the first one. You say different answers to different people for the same question depending on mood , emotions , time of the day.

That can be bad.

We had formed a few groups last year and that was all I insisted on. ( Okay, there were few more things )

Write down your key answers, even if it Feels stupid and even if you have cracked a Google Interview.

Remember that the Interview is not a selection round but a negative selection one. It’s a rejection round. Not trying to scare. But you only read the success stories. All the good things. Some people have it easy. Usually less age, first timers - it’s all maaf. If you are a little mature, the board will expect more mature answers.

And sometimes that requires preparation.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,EiChanand6 otherslike this
Took a break from 17th to 31st Jan. Now Dedicating Feb to Optional plus GS value addition. Trying to go full throttle, failing at the moment, but will reach there soon. I do not want to be giving next mains if I have to with prep levels similar to the last one. 
Thinking of giving UPPSC this time too so trying to figure out something there too. 

Neyawn,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Meanwhile, I am working on the blog content to make it good enough so that I myself read it.

Suggestions are welcome.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,upsc2020and5 otherslike this


Met some old friends, listened to music/podcasts for hours, long video calls, watched some stuff, started some (non-syllabus) books. Went to my local park for morning runs. For three consecutive days. Then, sleep conquered. :/

Had joined LLM @ SAU; wrapped up projects etc. Read intro of few ES chapters. Hindu & factly. Read way too many (@Neyawn's) articles on interview, saw his obscure video, read a bit of transcripts-file. Joined CA 2021. Sent answers to Dipin sir yesterday. Almost cried. 

Procrastinated. A lot. 

Can't avoid the elephant anymore. Optional. NOW.<1st mains>

And ironically wasted some time on this:  Anuvaad | अनुवाद • A podcast on Anchor

Oh, the crying part is inevitable. Even if you are a boy  / man.

Theexamkinda makes you do this.

And as far as the obsure video is concerned, its obscure because you see you cant say those things on  Youtube :)

You see that it will make sense to the serious aspirants who invest their youth years in the exam, but wont make an iota of sense to someone who is not even in the process.

I met a candidate last week. 5th attempt guy. Had begged him to write down answers last year. ( At some point in my life, when I was more rebellious, I had some the same when someone begged me to take the last leg seriously ) 

And he did not. And shared his marksheet with me.

This is how pain looks like.

This can happen to any of us.

His fault ?

Why IAS?

( And several other things ).

The guy is hard working and very jujharu, and should make it, hopefully this year.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,EiChanand4 otherslike this
Bringing this old thread up again! So what are your post Mains plans like?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,TsarBombaand4 otherslike this
10 days have already passed with too much of rest and series watching. Next 10 days may be visit one place nearby delhi and read atleast 2 nonfictional books with bringing back the habit of reading newspaper. If possible have some overview of forumias interview transcripts and DAF

I will ask you to listen to this . Keeps me going.


I shared this in a family group on whatsapp and there was an uproar about why should one be restless about what one wants to achieve. 

I think that at least on one”s 20s and 30s one should be restless. Nahin to aage kaise badhenge?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,alankritbhatia6382and4 otherslike this
Going to write IFoS mains for the first time. So no chill time for me. 

Spirit! For me this was 4th CSE Mains and going to be 3rd IFoS mains. But no luck, still chilling at home because I chill at the wrong time:D

TheNotorious,MichaelScarnand2 otherslike this


I can totally relate to you. Coming from an engineering background, I'd be completing my MA in JNU this sem. All i can say is it would be a fun ride. Keep the end goal in mind, and absorb as much as you can. Good luck. :)

ssver2,EiChanand2 otherslike this

I'm writing again. The lockdown reinvigorated the love for writing that had been lost into oblivion during the preparation. Now I just want to keep it alive notwithstanding anything. I realised that it completes me. As of now, I am working on an open-editorial. 

I don't know why but I don't feel like going back to books till 15th February. Also, I'm trying to learn more about my home state. I realised that I know very little about my own place.

Thats great. Why dont you share your Home State Questions?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,AzadHindFauzand2 otherslike this
@Chanakya Welcome to the jungle my friend :'D. Finishing my MA from there this year.

ssver2,EiChanand2 otherslike this


Bringing this old thread up again! So what are your post Mains plans like?

Prepare for 2021. 

chamomile,TsarBombaand2 otherslike this
@Neyawn completely agree with the point but I think there comes a point in one's life when one has to and one should take some break from daily chores else there is lack of new perspective especially in preparation, in thinking and in outlook towards life. When one suffers from the inner dissonance that one has wasted enough days like 10-20 days in preparation, the time he/she restarts it, he will then never stop. 

But yes i will cutdown my next 10 days break into 5 days and then get restless for this exam.

AJ_,SergioRamosand2 otherslike this
@Neyawn What are the other three reasons? 

It’s extremely subjective varying a lot from person to person. So please be vetted by some good people before your interview.

Other reasons are when you are a fast speaker, such that older members are unable to follow you. The onus of being reasonably easy to understand is on you, not the board pointing out to you to be slow.

Yet another reason is when you dump a story when asked to answer a question that can be answered in 2-3 lines.

Plus yeah, the body language should reflect humility or the feeling that you are not speaking to equals or worse - subordinates. Some people do that.

The other extreme is bad too.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,HotBloodPrinceand1 otherslike this
Thread revival request
Tata,dravidpujaraand1 otherslike this
Since last 3 days always think about restarting prep from tomorrow and end up wasting whole day again. Seems like stuck in a loop
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