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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


Seeing the thread active, I thought kuch insider new aa gayi :sweat_smile:


How many of my friends on forum has taken any dose of vaccination ??

Do share your feedback like side effects , efficacy % and immunity developed.

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With all due respect, If this is your idea ofgetting psychological relief, Somehow i find this problematic.Bhadaas nikaalo. But don't go to such extremes. Generalize what you want to say. Because when people read stuff,they are simultaneously forming images in their head.And my heart skipped a beat, when you forced me to form an image of something that I dread.

No hard feelings. You were emotional. It was an outburst. Just a general advice. Even as an aspirant when you have to convince someone with your arguments (including the examiner who will check your paper in future), you will have to focus on how you present them. 

Our worst fears were yesterday's reality for some.

Let's acknowledge our privilege and cease to compare all qualities to that of a desired aspirant at this ungodly hour. 

Let's just listen.

Can't disagree with that 😊

More power to everyone. 

AJ_,Koro-Senseiand1 otherslike this
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With all due respect, If this is your idea ofgetting psychological relief, Somehow i find this problematic.Bhadaas nikaalo. But don't go to such extremes. Generalize what you want to say. Because when people read stuff,they are simultaneously forming images in their head.And my heart skipped a beat, when you forced me to form an image of something that I dread.

No hard feelings. You were emotional. It was an outburst. Just a general advice. Even as an aspirant when you have to convince someone with your arguments (including the examiner who will check your paper in future), you will have to focus on how you present them. 

A major reason for why we are seeing this day is due to that "Be nice, Don't speak harsh truth" attitude.

Had some of the adroit asvisors and ministers of the Leader been able to speak "No sir, this / that step is wrong... it might spell disaster with bodies strewn on the streets" instead of being "nice and presentable" with their words/argument, we wouldn't be seeing this day.

Whatever scenario brought dreaded chills to you is not hypothetical anymore, it's happening to our countrymen in hordes while we are debating on niceties.

As they say, you can either do plainspeak who shows the mirror or be an Ostrich. We don't need any more ostriches. We don't need to be ostriches anymore.

Dionysus,KatnissEverdeenand4 otherslike this
All our problems start and end with population. We are 17% of the global population living in less than 2.5% of the land area. Not even the best governments and bureaucracies of the world can save this country(or such similarly configured ones) when such a pandemic happens. Our systems were inadequate even before COVID-19 this just made it collapse fully. No aspirant should wreck their heads over a simple supply demand issue be it jobs(including the less than 0.1% success rate of UPSC), healthcare, education or infra in general, our population is the number 1 problem-always was and will remain till we stop breeding like rabbits(even though TFR is down still another generation will suffer till we peak). So stop worrying, take care of your and your families well being by following protocols and do not panic by watching media/social media 24*7. This was bound to happen and god forbid a major disaster like a mega quake(predicted this century in north india) happens will repeat because of POPULATION. TC everyone and ATB!


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A major reason for why we are seeing this day is due to that "Be nice, Don't speak harsh truth" attitude.

Had some of the adroit asvisors and ministers of the Leader been able to speak "No sir, this / that step is wrong... it might spell disaster with bodies strewn on the streets" instead of being "nice and presentable" with their words/argument, we wouldn't be seeing this day.

Whatever scenario brought dreaded chills to you is not hypothetical anymore, it's happening to our countrymen in hordes while we are debating on niceties.

As they say, you can either be plainspeak who shows the mirror or an Ostrich. We don't need anymore ostriches. We don't need to be ostriches anymore.

Don't agree! 

But entitled to have an opinion anyway! 



Does anyone have any info as to when would the UPSC Board schedule its next meeting to decide the calendar ?


How many of my friends on forum has taken any dose of vaccination ??

Do share your feedback like side effects , efficacy % and immunity developed.

A Frontline worker here.

Efficacy: >99.9% in preventing hospitalisation 

Immunity: Above figure says all about it. I haven't seen/heard a single vaccinated person around me going to hospital/ICU/dying even after getting positive. Current concurrence in scientific-medico fraternity is that immunity from vaccine should last for more than 6 months at least.

Side effects: None (Personal observation : only 10% people around me showed some slight fever/ arm sore which got over within a day)

Feedback: Prioritise vaccination at your home this way: Old>Comorbid people of any age>young

Aurora,Just_relentlessand17 otherslike this
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A major reason for why we are seeing this day is due to that "Be nice, Don't speak harsh truth" attitude.

Had some of the adroit asvisors and ministers of the Leader been able to speak "No sir, this / that step is wrong... it might spell disaster with bodies strewn on the streets" instead of being "nice and presentable" with their words/argument, we wouldn't be seeing this day.

Whatever scenario brought dreaded chills to you is not hypothetical anymore, it's happening to our countrymen in hordes while we are debating on niceties.

As they say, you can either be plainspeak who shows the mirror or an Ostrich. We don't need anymore ostriches. We don't need to be ostriches anymore.


I somehow strongly feel that UPSC is not going to postpone if the epistemological model of cases getting to their peak by May (be it middle or end) stands true. And even if it does, delay would not be of more than a few weeks.


1. Oxygen shortage is a matter of just a  week or two to get sorted- both due to internal ramped up production and establishment of supply chain and foreign aids. Add to that all sorts of aids coming up from over 2-dozen countries.

2. Vaccination- is the key differentiator this time than last year cuz vaccines are working and is a formidable option this year.

3. Last year's experience and chutzpah - if UPSC could conduct the exam last year immediately after the peak, they have no incentive to postpone it this year. Do any of you remember what shady and outright false statements were given by UPSC in the SC last year a day before Prelims- just because they didn't want to disturb the overall calendar and this goddamn exam- and still have hope that they care for you, of your well being or your rights?

4. We being a nation of dead morality and UPSC being nothing but a reflection of the society- Last year, so many aspirants suffered unimaginable hardships just in order to reach their centres. Many died due to infections. Was there any empathy for any of them? Or accountability for the gross violation of their fundamental rights? Is there any accountability of any body/Govt for the thousands people today dying due to holding of elections/rallies or massive religious congregation? Do you think it ever will be? There's no value of human life in our underdeveloped country aspiring foolishly to be a world beater. 

Now on, I don't have mere goal to crack this exam just to serve the nation (hardly the miniscule good souls get to actually serve the nation but only the political masters and the sold-out institutions; and if anyone dares to do sth extraordinary out of serving spree, he's shunted out or suspended) but also, very importantly, to live a safer and a more secure life cuz in this nation of fuckin unequals, your position might decide whether your mother gets a bed in hospital or expires on the road gasping for oxygen by the time the next calamity strikes- becoming just another statistic (lucky for you if Govt counts it in!) or a mere spectacle for others.

So, the highly revered commission will have no hesitation to conduct the exam if the public transport is running everywhere a week before the exam date- yes that would be the only criteria, even if you have to parade through a line of burning pyres on pavements on the way to your respective exam centres.

To my mind this post doesn't reflect only a sense of frustration as many here have made it out to be; instead has a tinge of empathy and compassion as well. The biggest challenge with Indian bureaucracy is an empathetic and compassionate approach. Rules and protocols should never take precedence over human connections. Covid times has changed things forever and when we pass through this storm, the two choices available to us would be, either to ignore and start afresh as if nothing ever happened or change this nation and its system forever. The former choice is easy. The latter is worthy. And you can only do the latter if you feel for your fellow beings. That's empathy. Running in a rat race doesn't always help. With so much mayhem  happening around, one really needs a thick teflon coating to not get affected mentally. And to my mind, you can only change things if you feel that something is wrong. You accept that something is wrong. In order to help others, you gotta help yourself first. That's what this damned virus taught us. So this post with all its hard hitting words needs to be taken in the right spirit. Our privilege should never be a source of propagating 'too much' positivity and 'all is well' syndrome which in these times is quite toxic! 

Thank you for saying this. The “improve yourself to cope with the system, without questioning the injustices of the very system” mindset is very sad. That’s not positivity, what that is - is not taking a stand. 

GaryVee,No 1and3 otherslike this

I somehow strongly feel that UPSC is not going to postpone if the epistemological model of cases getting to their peak by May (be it middle or end) stands true. And even if it does, delay would not be of more than a few weeks.


1. Oxygen shortage is a matter of just a  week or two to get sorted- both due to internal ramped up production and establishment of supply chain and foreign aids. Add to that all sorts of aids coming up from over 2-dozen countries.

2. Vaccination- is the key differentiator this time than last year cuz vaccines are working and is a formidable option this year.

3. Last year's experience and chutzpah - if UPSC could conduct the exam last year immediately after the peak, they have no incentive to postpone it this year. Do any of you remember what shady and outright false statements were given by UPSC in the SC last year a day before Prelims- just because they didn't want to disturb the overall calendar and this goddamn exam- and still have hope that they care for you, of your well being or your rights?

4. We being a nation of dead morality and UPSC being nothing but a reflection of the society- Last year, so many aspirants suffered unimaginable hardships just in order to reach their centres. Many died due to infections. Was there any empathy for any of them? Or accountability for the gross violation of their fundamental rights? Is there any accountability of any body/Govt for the thousands people today dying due to holding of elections/rallies or massive religious congregation? Do you think it ever will be? There's no value of human life in our underdeveloped country aspiring foolishly to be a world beater. 

Now on, I don't have mere goal to crack this exam just to serve the nation (hardly the miniscule good souls get to actually serve the nation but only the political masters and the sold-out institutions; and if anyone dares to do sth extraordinary out of serving spree, he's shunted out or suspended) but also, very importantly, to live a safer and a more secure life cuz in this nation of fuckin unequals, your position might decide whether your mother gets a bed in hospital or expires on the road gasping for oxygen by the time the next calamity strikes- becoming just another statistic (lucky for you if Govt counts it in!) or a mere spectacle for others.

So, the highly revered commission will have no hesitation to conduct the exam if the public transport is running everywhere a week before the exam date- yes that would be the only criteria, even if you have to parade through a line of burning pyres on pavements on the way to your respective exam centres.

To my mind this post doesn't reflect only a sense of frustration as many here have made it out to be; instead has a tinge of empathy and compassion as well. The biggest challenge with Indian bureaucracy is an empathetic and compassionate approach. Rules and protocols should never take precedence over human connections. Covid times has changed things forever and when we pass through this storm, the two choices available to us would be, either to ignore and start afresh as if nothing ever happened or change this nation and its system forever. The former choice is easy. The latter is worthy. And you can only do the latter if you feel for your fellow beings. That's empathy. Running in a rat race doesn't always help. With so much mayhem  happening around, one really needs a thick teflon coating to not get affected mentally. And to my mind, you can only change things if you feel that something is wrong. You accept that something is wrong. In order to help others, you gotta help yourself first. That's what this damned virus taught us. So this post with all its hard hitting words needs to be taken in the right spirit. Our privilege should never be a source of propagating 'too much' positivity and 'all is well' syndrome which in these times is quite toxic! 

Thank you for saying this. The “improve yourself to cope with the system, without questioning the injustices of the very system” mindset is very sad. That’s not positivity, what that is - is not taking a stand. 

Shukriya! :') 

@Lbsnaa2021 I am a doctor and so have been vaccinated with the 2 side effects are seen who had already been infected with the virus earlier.....however those with no prior infection,might report some degree of headache and fever for half a day maximum.....also this side effect is negligible and sometimes absent compared to the benefits of do go for it.....

Blueberry,Just_relentlessand3 otherslike this
@Imomf thanks in how many days does immunity develops .today I had single dose of covaxin  !


I somehow strongly feel that UPSC is not going to postpone if the epistemological model of cases getting to their peak by May (be it middle or end) stands true. And even if it does, delay would not be of more than a few weeks.


1. Oxygen shortage is a matter of just a  week or two to get sorted- both due to internal ramped up production and establishment of supply chain and foreign aids. Add to that all sorts of aids coming up from over 2-dozen countries.

2. Vaccination- is the key differentiator this time than last year cuz vaccines are working and is a formidable option this year.

3. Last year's experience and chutzpah - if UPSC could conduct the exam last year immediately after the peak, they have no incentive to postpone it this year. Do any of you remember what shady and outright false statements were given by UPSC in the SC last year a day before Prelims- just because they didn't want to disturb the overall calendar and this goddamn exam- and still have hope that they care for you, of your well being or your rights?

4. We being a nation of dead morality and UPSC being nothing but a reflection of the society- Last year, so many aspirants suffered unimaginable hardships just in order to reach their centres. Many died due to infections. Was there any empathy for any of them? Or accountability for the gross violation of their fundamental rights? Is there any accountability of any body/Govt for the thousands people today dying due to holding of elections/rallies or massive religious congregation? Do you think it ever will be? There's no value of human life in our underdeveloped country aspiring foolishly to be a world beater. 

Now on, I don't have mere goal to crack this exam just to serve the nation (hardly the miniscule good souls get to actually serve the nation but only the political masters and the sold-out institutions; and if anyone dares to do sth extraordinary out of serving spree, he's shunted out or suspended) but also, very importantly, to live a safer and a more secure life cuz in this nation of fuckin unequals, your position might decide whether your mother gets a bed in hospital or expires on the road gasping for oxygen by the time the next calamity strikes- becoming just another statistic (lucky for you if Govt counts it in!) or a mere spectacle for others.

So, the highly revered commission will have no hesitation to conduct the exam if the public transport is running everywhere a week before the exam date- yes that would be the only criteria, even if you have to parade through a line of burning pyres on pavements on the way to your respective exam centres.

With all due respect, If this is your idea ofgetting psychological relief, Somehow i find this problematic.Bhadaas nikaalo. But don't go to such extremes. Generalize what you want to say. Because when people read stuff,they are simultaneously forming images in their head.And my heart skipped a beat, when you forced me to form an image of something that I dread.

No hard feelings. You were emotional. It was an outburst. Just a general advice. Even as an aspirant when you have to convince someone with your arguments (including the examiner who will check your paper in future), you will have to focus on how you present them. 

A major reason for why we are seeing this day is due to that "Be nice, Don't speak harsh truth" attitude.

Had some of the adroit asvisors and ministers of the Leader been able to speak "No sir, this / that step is wrong... it might spell disaster with bodies strewn on the streets" instead of being "nice and presentable" with their words/argument, we wouldn't be seeing this day.

Whatever scenario brought dreaded chills to you is not hypothetical anymore, it's happening to our countrymen in hordes while we are debating on niceties.

As they say, you can either be plainspeak who shows the mirror or an Ostrich. We don't need anymore ostriches. We don't need to be ostriches anymore.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing . Last year , majority of students wanted no further postponement of interview and prelims . Now ,you are blaming UPSC for being cruel .

Recently , capf ac physicals were being conducted . Some students were worried due to upsurge in covid cases nd wrote to ITBP to postpone the process. But you know what ,most of the candidates didn't want it to be postponed . On telegram group , most of candidates were mocking(kya officer banoge tum, covid se dar gye) others for wanting it be postponed . Same candidates  r now mocking our govt for this covid crisis. you see,it is very easy to blame the institutions . 

When govt expedited the approval process for vaccines ,not just oppositions parties but even many'' intellectuals''  were causing  vaccine hesitancy among the people . Will they ever be held accountable for that crime ?

We all deserve each other ,Govts , bureaucrats nd honorable citizens . I agree, this is the biggest crisis that our generation is facing and Govts failed us big time . but  self realization is very imp. GOVTs and bureaucrats have almost zero accountability nd this has to change but Hum log bhi unke takkar ke hi hain  . 

No one is presenting a rosy picture here. No one is asking you to be silent and avoid asking harsh questions .As I said, please continue if it helps you. 

Disagree vehemently with some elements in your first  two para.

But that's okay. I prefer to choose silence now. ☮️


Seeing the thread active, I thought kuch insider new aa gayi :sweat_smile:

Exam was on 31st 2020

Postponed on May 4th 

Can we expect the same 🧐

45 ke neeche wale ka vaccination kab hobe


@Lbsnaa2021 I am a doctor and so have been vaccinated with the 2 side effects are seen who had already been infected with the virus earlier.....however those with no prior infection,might report some degree of headache and fever for half a day maximum.....also this side effect is negligible and sometimes absent compared to the benefits of do go for it.....

+1 to it. Got both of the doses being a healthcare worker. Fever for some hours sometimes, mild bodyache for a day may be and peace of mind for months for sure. Go for it. it works like magic. 


"Postponement of NEET-PG for at least 4 months: Considering the current situation in the wake of resurgence of COVID – 19, NEET (PG) – 2021 has been postponed. This Exam will not be held before 31st August 2021. At least one-month time will be given after the announcement of the Examination before it is conducted."

PS: But Govt also intends to use NEET PG aspirants services for COVID duties for a minimum 100 days

@Lbsnaa2021 it is said to develop 14 days after the second dose....but even the first dose offers some protection...I would also recommend u to take organic supplements esp, echinacea to boost ur immunity....,with%2050%CE%BCg%2Fml%20Echinaforce%C2%AE.

@palindrome7 upsc pre might also be extended.

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