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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Good morning everyone 
targets for 20th September 2021
Ancient History revision
Modern History- Personalities 
Misc. Topics
CA revision 
AJ_,Celebornand6 otherslike this
Which document are you guys following for Government Scheme ? Vision one is too bulky
AJ_,Celebornand3 otherslike this

20.9.21 revision day 1

1) Full test 26

2) Polity - 2test revision 

3) Basics revision 

4) CA revision part 1- 3months

5) Env - climate change 

6) Before bedtime- maps, national park & art,culture

AJ_,Celebornand6 otherslike this

Today's Minimum Program:

- E + G: NP/WLS

- Polity: Tables

- MH: Acts

- Indices 

UPDATE: All Done.

Celeborn,Archandand4 otherslike this
Going through some of the worst days of life. They say, “ when life throws lemons, make a lemonade.” I don’t know how to make best of the situation I am stuck at, but definitely, i will fight back. Not gonna drop my weapons before the actual fight begins. 

chamomile,TambourineManand10 otherslike this
Going through some of the worst days of life. They say, “ when life throws lemons, make a lemonade.” I don’t know how to make best of the situation I am stuck at, but definitely, i will fight back. Not gonna drop my weapons before the actual fight begins. 

Hey! As I have once told you, don't let those effect you who don't care about you(if that's the problem)

 We all are here with you and for you. Take care of yourself. And haar nahin man ni jabtak prelims nahin hojata. 

@Celeborn Thank you for your wishes!

chamomile,TambourineManand12 otherslike this

Good morning

Today - 


Environment static

Agri economics

Prelims tit bit

Mock & pyq

#for few days practice stoicism. Build an impenetrable wall between you and the world. Practice "maun". Everything can be dealt with after the prelims. 

Just some thoughts for fellow warriors. 

chamomile,AJ_and8 otherslike this
Going through some of the worst days of life. They say, “ when life throws lemons, make a lemonade.” I don’t know how to make best of the situation I am stuck at, but definitely, i will fight back. Not gonna drop my weapons before the actual fight begins. 

Hey! As I have once told you, don't let those effect you who don't care about you(if that's the problem)

 We all are here with you and for you. Take care of yourself. And haar nahin man ni jabtak prelims nahin hojata. 

@Celeborn Thank you for your wishes!

Yeah I remember that ✨ bilkul nhi manenge haar! 

TambourineMan,Celebornand5 otherslike this
Going through some of the worst days of life. They say, “ when life throws lemons, make a lemonade.” I don’t know how to make best of the situation I am stuck at, but definitely, i will fight back. Not gonna drop my weapons before the actual fight begins. 

Don't know why these problems come when exams are near.

last month was a tragedy for me and i am yet to mourn over it . I am continuously postponing my mourning session . But there is a frustration building inside to address the problem. I hope this bomb doesn't explode before prelims. 

Just few days left@Infinitybeyondinfinity for prelims. Till then try keeping the mind calm . As they say - "Seh Lenge thoda.."

chamomile,TambourineManand10 otherslike this

21 Sep-

1. Learn Buddhism and Jainism + Bhakti/Sufi by heart 

2. Finish Ancient history revision today

3. Read themes in Indian history part 1

4. Current affairs backlog (2 hrs)

5. CSAT (1.5 hrs ) mandatory chahe kuch bhi hojae

AJ_,Celebornand6 otherslike this
Good @Infinitybeyondinfinity  -beautiful poem by -मैथिलीशरण गुप्त जी ( hope you find some motivation from it)

कुछ काम करोकुछ काम करो

जग में रह कर कुछ नाम करो

यह जन्म हुआ किस अर्थ अहो

समझो जिसमें यह व्यर्थ  हो 

कुछ तो उपयुक्त करो तन को

नर हो निराश करो मन को।

संभलो कि सुयोग  जाय चला

कब व्यर्थ हुआ सदुपाय भला

समझो जग को  निरा सपना

पथ आप प्रशस्त करो अपना

अखिलेश्वर है अवलंबन को

नर हो निराश करो मन को.

जब प्राप्त तुम्हें सब तत्त्व यहां

फिर जा सकता वह सत्त्व कहां

तुम स्वत्त्व सुधा रस पान करो

उठके अमरत्व विधान करो

दवरूप रहो भव कानन को

नर हो  निराश करो मन को.

निज गौरव का नित ज्ञान रहे

हम भी कुछ हैं यह ध्यान रहे

मरणोंत्‍तर गुंजित गान रहे

सब जाय अभी पर मान रहे

कुछ हो  तज़ो निज साधन को

नर हो निराश करो मन को.

प्रभु ने तुमको कर दान किए

सब वांछित वस्तु विधान किए

तुम प्राप्‍त करो उनको  अहो

फिर है यह किसका दोष कहो

समझो  अलभ्य किसी धन को

नर हो निराश करो मन को.

किस गौरव के तुम योग्य नहीं

कब कौन तुम्हें सुख भोग्य नहीं

जान हो तुम भी जगदीश्वर के

सब है जिसके अपने घर के

फिर दुर्लभ क्या उसके जन को

नर हो निराश करो मन को.

करके विधि वाद  खेद करो

निज लक्ष्य निरन्तर भेद करो

बनता बस उद्‌यम ही विधि है

मिलती जिससे सुख की निधि है

समझो धिक् निष्क्रिय जीवन को

नर हो निराश करो मन को

कुछ काम करोकुछ काम करो

chamomile,TambourineManand11 otherslike this

Thank you@Rashmirathi and@TabsAndChords  for your words of comfort and motivation. Means a lot. And I can totally understand what you may be going through@TabsAndChords . More power to you friend ✨

chamomile,TambourineManand12 otherslike this


Geography - 2 NCERTs

2 open mocks


September CA

Mapping of countries

Good luck everyone!

Forget to update

geo NCERTs done

2 mock tests done

rivers done

Sept CA done

Little but of mapping of countries done

Today's targets - 

Vision open mock

August CA

Mapping of countries

OneNote Ancient & medieval history

Modern history to be started

2 hour PYQ session of polity with peer group

Good luck to everyone!

AJ_,Celebornand8 otherslike this
T66 18 Sept 2021 

Started with PYQ + An exam this day so not much could be covered.

T67 19 Sept 2021
Mock and analysis
Env CA

T68 20 Sept 2021
Env CA

AJ_,Archandand7 otherslike this
Going through some of the worst days of life. They say, “ when life throws lemons, make a lemonade.” I don’t know how to make best of the situation I am stuck at, but definitely, i will fight back. Not gonna drop my weapons before the actual fight begins. 

Nothing to add. You had spoken for yourself that you won't let the guards down. It's just 19 days of the fight and we will succeed this year. 

TambourineMan,AJ_and10 otherslike this

Didn't post targets yesterday as I was not able to complete them for last 2 days so wanted to complete at first.

Finally, yesterday was okay with targets getting completed.

Targets for today : 

Newspaper + 5 days CA notes from newspaper

Ethics (10-15 pages of notes)

Modern History  ( Matternich system, British democratic politics)

Keeping it less today as I have to be out of town till tomorrow eve.

@Infinitybeyondinfinity more power to you friend. Keep going :+1:

EiChan,AJ_and9 otherslike this

@InfinitybeyondinfinityThe Least Stress you Can take Is the Best. Stress Hampers your Thinking.

BD,AJ_and9 otherslike this
Anyone can tell me whats good score in vision flt 24 25 26? 
Hey guys haven’t been posting for the past few days because I’ve literally been working myself to death trying to cover everything (which is an impossible task), and I’ve basically been way too tired to do anything besides stumble to bed afterwards. But this is a slippery slope to burnout, and burnout induced panic. I realised that this is not a healthy, and sustainable routine for the next 18 days (even though a little voice inside says, its just 18 days, wear your big girl boots, and suck it up). I’m well aware just how important this goal is, and that it might be the last time that some of us might be chasing this dream. Dreams are good if they keep you alive, not if they kill you in their pursuit. So, a subtle, gentle reminder to everyone; study, but not at the cost of mental health. Make time for the things you like doing, even if its just an hour or 30 minutes everyday, listen to that music/ podcast you love, watch that youtube video/ show you’ve been meaning to watch for a while. Whatever be your form of self care, please don’t neglect it during this time. It seems counter-productive but trust me this “time waste” is the one thing that keeps you calm till the finish line, which is more important and helpful during crunch time than that one desperate mapping session at night.
D503,chamomileand14 otherslike this
Hey guys haven’t been posting for the past few days because I’ve literally been working myself to death trying to cover everything (which is an impossible task), and I’ve basically been way too tired to do anything besides stumble to bed afterwards. But this is a slippery slope to burnout, and burnout induced panic. I realised that this is not a healthy, and sustainable routine for the next 18 days (even though a little voice inside says, its just 18 days, wear your big girl boots, and suck it up). I’m well aware just how important this goal is, and that it might be the last time that some of us might be chasing this dream. Dreams are the good if they keep you alive, not if they kill you in their pursuit. So, a subtle, gentle reminder to everyone; study, but not at the cost of mental health. Make time for the things you like doing, even if its just an hour or 30 minutes everyday, listen to that music/ podcast you love, watch that youtube video/ show you’ve been meaning to watch for a while. Whatever be your form of self care, please don’t neglect it during this time. It seems counter-productive but trust me this “time waste” is the one thing that keeps you calm till the finish line, which is more important and helpful during crunch time than that one desperate mapping session at night.

Glad you put it here.

To be honest, I got so depressed yesterday looking at how much you and few others were clocking in studies.  I have been studying for 8 hours + on an average every day for the past 20 days.. and still I got the "FOMO" and started questioning my preparation.  So, I uninstalled the app. It really pushes me to work hard, but this time I did not want to take stress, so I did what my brain deserved and I had a beautifully productive day today.. 

I just want to reiterate what you said in my own way..

TRUST YOUR PREPARATION..  and listen to your mind and body as well.  At the end of the day we don't want to come out as robots, but rather as warriors who stood their ground in their tears and sweat of hardwork .. 

EiChan,chamomileand11 otherslike this
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