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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Thank you for writing this people. I have been unable to focus and I feel like giving up right now. I feel like I won't be able to clear and this thing just keeps cropping up everytime I start something. There is a feeling of guilt in me of not doing what's neccessary in these last days but then its brain. It is something which controls our every action and how much I try it's not happening. 

But what we can do is try and I am trying! Its a constant battle between me and my emotions. I hope I win. 

chamomile,TambourineManand10 otherslike this
Its weird how similar this time is for all of us here, I too am feeling that I was studying with more intensity 2 weeks ago than I am doing now. Everything is scattered.
TambourineMan,Arrokothand11 otherslike this
TambourineMan,Celebornand6 otherslike this
Its weird how same it is for all of us here, I too am feeling that I was studying with more intensity 2 weeks ago than I am doing now. Everything is scattered.

I dont know why but this ignites in me an intense urge to listen to an indie song that doesnt exist. It goes like  this: "Sab Bikhra Bikhra Pada Hai."

We must make one which goes like this one day 😂

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand6 otherslike this
MikeWozniak,chamomileand19 otherslike this
Its weird how same it is for all of us here, I too am feeling that I was studying with more intensity 2 weeks ago than I am doing now. Everything is scattered.

I dont know why but this ignites in me an intense urge to listen to an indie song that doesnt exist. It goes like  this: "Sab Bikhra Bikhra Pada Hai."

I'm now waiting for Rashmirathi to post some poem with that exact title :p 

Oasis,chamomileand8 otherslike this
Villanelle,TambourineManand9 otherslike this
Villanelle,TambourineManand9 otherslike this
@nerdfighter I was lucky enough to hear them live- khudi is relevant and good too bro,just listen to it too.

TambourineMan,Celebornand6 otherslike this
TambourineMan,Celebornand6 otherslike this

Hey everyone hope you're all doing well and everything's on track for prelims. I just had a quick question - is there an app or trick or something which lets us copy all the highlighted text from a pdf in one go? TIA

P.S. - Sorry for barging in with an unrelated topic, it's just that this is the most active thread now :) 

TambourineMan,Celebornand4 otherslike this

TambourineMan,Celebornand7 otherslike this

Hello fellow sailors (we must be, since we’re all in the same boat) it feels honestly so humbling to be around you guys who are open and vulnerable in an exam which makes it seem like “life is a race, and we must keep running” (they say distant echoes Viru Sahastrabuddhe were heard).

I’ve been feeling so frustrated as well, with how slow my studies seems to be progressing and how fast the hours seem to be vanishing. I feel the exact same way about September, its like the first love that we’ll never get back with, coz she got hotter and funnier over the summer (please tell me you can relate to that struggle). And the worst part is I keep comparing this time to last year in a despaired attempt to find some justification for this extreme slowing down (Bhagwan ne pichle saal saath nahi chhoda despite wasting XYZ hours, so is this year going to be any different etc etc)

What we can do, and we must do is to hunker down and stand our ground like the penguins that we are (I know my metaphors keep changing 🤷🏻‍♀️) or as a wise blue fish once said “Just keep swimming”

P.S i know this is all over the place, but ab kya karein raat ke 10 baje itna hi unseen composition hota hain.

chamomile,Villanelleand14 otherslike this

It has happened too many times to even count , telling myself that from now till prelims , I'll study as much as I can and work really really hard . And then , after some time you get up from your study table, waste half an hour somewhere . Guilty feel hoga  aur discourage bi hojate hai . That is such a shitty feeling .

Its so easy to make plans for the rest of days but its really about fighting hard each day . Making progress one day at a time .

chamomile,Villanelleand11 otherslike this
@dwightschrute pdf expert for iOS I use for  iPad  u can highlight underline and later export in pdf format.
Sorry, I have no idea about Android but there must be some feature like that for sure inbuilt in pdf reader app ,pdf expert is free(for this feature)but others might charge for the same.


Hello fellow sailors (we must be, since we’re all in the same boat) it feels honestly so humbling to be around you guys who are open and vulnerable in an exam which makes it seem like “life is a race, and we must keep running” (they say distant echoes Viru Sahastrabuddhe were heard).

I’ve been feeling so frustrated as well, with how slow my studies seems to be progressing and how fast the hours seem to be vanishing. I feel the exact same way about September, its like the first love that we’ll never get back with, coz she got hotter and funnier over the summer (please tell me you can relate to that struggle). And the worst part is I keep comparing this time to last year in a despaired attempt to find some justification for this extreme slowing down (Bhagwan ne pichle saal saath nahi chhoda despite wasting XYZ hours, so is this year going to be any different etc etc)

What we can do, and we must do is to hunker down and stand our ground like the penguins that we are (I know my metaphors keep changing 🤷🏻‍♀️) or as a wise blue fish once said “Just keep swimming”

P.S i know this is all over the place, but ab kya karein raat ke 10 baje itna hi unseen composition hota hain.

That comparison with last year is so true . Kabhi encourage krta hai toh kabhi discourage 


To everyone who's exhausted and frustrated, anxious and stressed, we have come very far, rest but don't stop. Easier said than done, i feel it as much as y'all do. this is my drop of contribution, I hope it helps 

Villanelle,TambourineManand10 otherslike this

@Celeborn -bhai not exactly the same title but I have read one hope you all will like it

@nerdfighter - no bhai I am not , I have read so little compared to you all and I always feel how much you all have read ( like when you post about books ) and this inspires me 

@sstarrr - hey don’t feel like this ( that you won’t be able to ) ,it’s not good ,have faith in yourself and you will do great 

@sjerngal @Villanelle @Archand @LetsGetThisBread -We all are in the same boat 

this is for you all ( By Dharmvir Bharti Ji)

ये शामेंसब की सब शामें...

जिनमें मैंने घबरा कर तुमको याद किया

जिनमें प्यासी सीपी-सा भटका विकल हिया

जाने किस आने वाले की प्रत्याशा में

ये शामें

क्या इनका कोई अर्थ नहीं?

वे लम्हे

वे सूनेपन के लम्हे

जब मैंने अपनी परछाई से बातें की

दुख से वे सारी वीणाएं फेकीं

जिनमें अब कोई भी स्वर  रहे

वे लम्हे

क्या इनका कोई अर्थ नहीं?

वे घड़ियांवे बेहद भारी-भारी घड़ियां

जब मुझको फिर एहसास हुआ

अर्पित होने के अतिरिक्त कोई राह नहीं

जब मैंने झुककर फिर माथे से पंथ छुआ

फिर बीनी गत-पाग-नूपुर की मणियां

वे घड़ियां

क्या इनका कोई अर्थ नहीं?

ये घड़ियांये शामेंये लमहें

जो मन पर कोहरे से जमे रहे

निर्मित होने के क्रम में

क्या इनका कोई अर्थ नहीं?

जाने क्यों कोई मुझसे कहता

मन में कुछ ऐसा भी रहता

जिसको छू लेने वाली हर पीड़ा

जीवन में फिर जाती व्यर्थ नहीं

अर्पित है पूजा के फूलों-सा जिसका मन

अनजाने दुख कर जाता उसका परिमार्जन

अपने से बाहर की व्यापक सच्चाई को

नत-मस्तक होकर वह कर लेता सहज ग्रहण

वे सब बन जाते पूजा गीतों की कड़ियां

यह पीड़ायह कुण्ठाये शामेंये घड़ियां

इनमें से क्या है

जिनका कोई अर्थ नहीं!

कुछ भी तो व्यर्थ नहीं!

Keep moving #RukanaNhiHai 

chamomile,Villanelleand12 otherslike this

Done for the day

Completed -Geography +CA,Agriculture +CA related to agriculture 

Signing off for the day

Celeborn,Archandand6 otherslike this

Targets - 

Parks, WS, Ramsar, Mountains

May and June CA

Govt schemes


Charter acts


Mnemonics revision

PYQ - MH and geo(partly)

@LetsGetThisBread Good to hear that.

@Rashmirathi Nice!

Parks, mountains done

May, June CA done


Modern history PYQ done, agriculture half done

Mnemonic and govt schemes - couldn't be done

Looks like everyone is in the same boat. Everyone is struggling with the Munchausen Syndrome(Feels like not studying but our subconscious mind is doing its bit every second and hour)

This is for you all - 

TambourineMan,Archandand5 otherslike this
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