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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Trying to start doing this now

polity - executive ✅

polity Pt 365 ✅

ancient India 

yesterday threw me off track as well

BD,AJ_and6 otherslike this

Couldn't sleep well last night. Woke up quite late than my normal routine.. 
Felt too weak physically throughout the day, probably fever and low BP. 
Hardly studied anything which makes me feel so bad because as per my plan only 8 days of studying are left.. 

This is just a reminder to you guys to take care of your health as well. Now is the time wherein we just think about studies and forget about looking after our health.

I wasted one day and it was a lesson learnt well within time.. I still have time to redeem myself.. 

EiChan,TambourineManand17 otherslike this
You will get better tomorrow bro just have a good night's sleep today,often happens with me too.

I have accepted that planning-execution deficit near prelims is as natural as fiscal deficit of India 😂😂

Omen,Villanelleand15 otherslike this

Today's targets: S&T + Medieval History + October and November CA .

If time permits, then do pending Geo + Modern from yesterday

S&T completed 75% (defence is left). Medieval history completed till Delhi sultanate. Rest is remaining. And did October CA. Not November. 

I realised I'd set too steep targets. It unnecessarily raised my anxiety. Tomorrow I'll try to go with the flow. 

AJ_,Archandand7 otherslike this

Today was not well optimised. 

Facing the issue of high mental and low physical energy. 

@sjerngal  rightly said. Facing the same thing. 

Take care you all

AJ_,Archandand6 otherslike this
Not a great day, just couldn’t get through anything satisfactorily. Looked and stared at books endlessly and got nothing done in the meanwhile. It would have been a better use of my day to just binge watch stuff instead of what I did today.
Arrokoth,AJ_and10 otherslike this
Not a great day, just couldn’t get through anything satisfactorily. Looked and stared at books endlessly and got nothing done in the meanwhile. It would have been a better use of my day to just binge watch stuff instead of what I did today.

I can't wait to binge watch one of my favorite shows on Netflix post prelims... 


BD,Archandand8 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

Made considerable progress today. Finished Modern History, will come back to it once more before prelims. Haven't be able to do PYQs, will have to figure a way out. Anyway, tomorrow is going to be kind of an exam simulation day. 


  • GS Mock 
  • CSAT Mock 
  • Finish Polity CA
  • Finish Polity PYQs  
  • Mapping - Flora & Fauna 

Did everything except mapping. I mapped some other places in news instead. Was just figuring out what needs to be done in the last days and it seems like there's so many things still left to be done. The silver lining of the day was that I redeemed my average performance in the forum open mock before this one. Fingers crossed!


  • Economy CA - Hopefully (1/2) 
  • Finish S&T PYQs 
  • Mapping - Flora & Fauna

Finished S&T PYQs but couldn't finish the other two targets. The concentration just wasn't there. Of course, I'm going to blame it all on the 92.51. Never a dull day in the prep it seems!


  • Economy CA (2/3) 
  • Finish Geography PYQs 
  • Finish Environment Mapping 

Couldn't finish the PYQs, but the other two targets were more or less done. 


  • Economy CA (3/3) 
  • Finish Geography PYQs 

Not happy with my concentration and the perennial sleepiness, have started getting distracted easily. Let's see what tomorrow holds. 

First half was going exactly as per plan, then I saw my prelims marks and lost track. I have a 15 mark differential so there wasn't any way I'd be able focus on revision after that. Instead, I gave a mock. Feel better now, will try to study for a bit before I go to sleep but the work will extend to tomorrow. 


  • Finish Economy CA 
  • Finish Geography PYQs 
  • Test Analysis 
  • Agriculture (1/2) 

Except Agriculture, finished the three targets. Need to wrap things up quickly but it seems like there's no way to be able to fight the delays. 


  • Agriculture (1/2) 
  • Environment PYQs (1/2) 

Going to push myself to finish the Environment PYQs, let's see how it goes. 

AJ_,balwintejasand5 otherslike this

Targets - 

Parks, WS, Ramsar revision

Charter Acts revision

Economy notes revision

Eco Survey revision

May and June CA revision

2 hours PYQ discussion

Writing all this while listening to the "Lost but won" soundtrack of Hans Zimmer - Get me into some good mood every time. And one of my favourite dialogue from this movie - 

Quote from the 2013 film Rush. It was an awesome movie, even the real Niki  Lauda liked it a lot and if you'd seen th… | Race quotes, Rush movie, How  are

Economics Notes revision done

Eco survey revision done

Budget revision done

Modern history pyqs 3/4th done

National parks/WS not done

May & June CA not done

Looks like I am not the only one panicking with the "Today was wasted" kinda feel. But let's not do it anymore.@LetsGetThisBread How was your entrance exam?

AJ_,Archandand6 otherslike this

Things done today-

Env- revision +CA+ PYQ


As written by Dushyant Kumar ji

जिंदगी ने कर लिया स्वीकार,

अब तो पथ यही है|

अब उभरते ज्वार का आवेग मद्धिम हो चला है,

एक हलका सा धुंधलका था कहींकम हो चला है,

यह शिला पिघले  पिघलेरास्ता नम हो चला है,

क्यों करूँ आकाश की मनुहार ,

अब तो पथ यही है |

क्या भरोसाकांच का घट हैकिसी दिन फूट जाए,

एक मामूली कहानी हैअधूरी छूट जाए,

एक समझौता हुआ था रौशनी सेटूट जाए

आज हर नक्षत्र है अनुदार,

अब तो पथ यही है

यह लड़ाईजो की अपने आप से मैंने लड़ी है,

यह घुटनयह यातनाकेवल किताबों में पढ़ी है,

यह पहाड़ी पाँव क्या चढ़तेइरादों ने चढ़ी है,

कल दरीचे ही बनेंगे द्वार,

अब तो पथ यही है |

Keep pushing -because it’s the only way 

Signing off for the day

AJ_,Archandand6 otherslike this
Good morning Friends , I am very late today !

Targets for 1st October 2021

Med. History revision

Agriculture revision




AJ_,Archandand6 otherslike this

Targets - 

Parks, WS, Ramsar revision

Charter Acts revision

Economy notes revision

Eco Survey revision

May and June CA revision

2 hours PYQ discussion

Writing all this while listening to the "Lost but won" soundtrack of Hans Zimmer - Get me into some good mood every time. And one of my favourite dialogue from this movie - 

Quote from the 2013 film Rush. It was an awesome movie, even the real Niki  Lauda liked it a lot and if you'd seen th… | Race quotes, Rush movie, How  are

Economics Notes revision done

Eco survey revision done

Budget revision done

Modern history pyqs 3/4th done

National parks/WS not done

May & June CA not done

Looks like I am not the only one panicking with the "Today was wasted" kinda feel. But let's not do it anymore.@LetsGetThisBread How was your entrance exam?

I think it went pretty fine. Ab jab rank list aayegi toh pata chelega :D

AJ_,Archandand7 otherslike this
does anyone have vision governance material in hindi need it for a friend if anyone has any idea please tell me ???

Targets - 

Parks, WS, Ramsar, Mountains

May and June CA

Govt schemes


Charter acts


Mnemonics revision

PYQ - MH and geo(partly)

@LetsGetThisBread Good to hear that.

@Rashmirathi Nice!

Archand,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this

Economy PT 2020-21 + Updation 1 2 and 3 and Extended Feb-May

Mrunal Economy

CSAT Read Comphrhension

Revise Env and FLora and Fauna National Park PT

Revise Mountains Peaks and National Park BR TR

Archand,balwintejasand5 otherslike this

Spent the whole month of September studying the best I could, and just when the exam is round the corner, I am somehow unable to devote even half of the time I used to spend earlier in studies. The worst part is, I don't even waste time anywhere... No chit chatting with friends, no going out, no random scrolling on internet. 

Feeling such a loser right now.. Just when it matters the most, my brain has decided to give up on me. 

Is it just me?? Or does this happen to anyone else as well?

chamomile,Villanelleand11 otherslike this

Spent the whole month of September studying the best I could, and just when the exam is round the corner, I am somehow unable to devote even half of the time I used to spend earlier in studies. The worst part is, I don't even waste time anywhere... No chit chatting with friends, no going out, no random scrolling on internet. 

Feeling such a loser right now.. Just when it matters the most, my brain has decided to give up on me. 

Is it just me?? Or does this happen to anyone else as well?

I have just been staring at front of my screen the whole day. I have no idea if I will actually remember anything that I've supposedly read today. And the worst part is that there isn't any time to be able to go back to it. 

I think many of us are going through something like this. How I've been coping with it is when I'm fedup of studying, I'll solve PYQs. When I'm fed up of PYQs, I'll watch some related videos. 

My motto for the next week is something that MLK said long back : "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

You've put in the hard yards, now is when you get to capitalise on it. All the best!

Villanelle,BDand9 otherslike this
Anyone who wants to list down important topics for current affairs please dm me Or tag me! 
Villanelle,Arrokothand9 otherslike this

Spent the whole month of September studying the best I could, and just when the exam is round the corner, I am somehow unable to devote even half of the time I used to spend earlier in studies. The worst part is, I don't even waste time anywhere... No chit chatting with friends, no going out, no random scrolling on internet. 

Feeling such a loser right now.. Just when it matters the most, my brain has decided to give up on me. 

Is it just me?? Or does this happen to anyone else as well?

It's the exact same with me bro. I've had a not so good day today itself. In fact, I guess that's how the last few days have gone for me everytime before prelims previously. And I'm sure a majority would be feeling that way. So you and me and anyone else are not losers. We're all just human.

Two things 

1) I'll completely second what@Archand said so beautifully. That's been my motto in these days. To just keep moving. 

2) We know more than we think we know. In the exam hall, you'll recall facts that you studied ages ago, even if you can't recall them right now. Your gut will tell you that certain statements are right or wrong, without offering any reason. It will usually be correct. All that's needed is to be calm on D-Day. 

So hold on, my friend :) And I'll try to do the same. 

Villanelle,TambourineManand9 otherslike this
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