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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this



Didn't complete my targets. Whatever I did, the majority was done before lunch. I just didn't have the strength to do much post lunch. I thought by taking a small break I'll feel better. I don't, up till now. I now hope that tomorrow I'll wake up feeling refreshed and energised.

Targets for tomorrow:

World History 

Modern Algebra (normal subgroups to ideals) 


CA class 

which CA classes are you attending

Forum's classes by Dipin sir 

D503,Rashmirathiand1 otherslike this
@Celeborn  how much difference is there in videos and handouts? 

@Celeborn  how much difference is there in videos and handouts? 

Depends on the topic actually. But on average it's about 1 A4 size page worth of extra content that I note down. The rest is just explanation of the points in the handouts. 

Rashmirathi,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this
Writing ritual adhered to.
Rest not satisfactory.

I don't know why I am unable to give the efforts which I was giving before 10th.
But no excuse will be entertained. I need to bounce back and to get back to beast mode.

Good night mitron.
Will come tomorrow with new energy.

Celeborn,Tk17and3 otherslike this
@Celeborn  how much difference is there in videos and handouts? 

Earlier (at the start of the program) he used to give a lot of extra points but now his handouts are more than enough, just 5-6 extra additions per topic.

Oasis,Celebornand5 otherslike this
How is QEP of MK Yadav Sir ?? Any suggestions ?

Good morning everyone..

Exactly 80 days before mains. Woke up early in stress. 

Targetss for 19/10/21

  • World history (as much as possible) 
  • Topic 5.1 paper 2 optional
  • Newspaper

Good luck to me and everyone. 

D503,Kapiushonand6 otherslike this
Do we have a GS 2 mains thread as well?

We had this last year

If you want you can make another one for this year. 

Let’s revive this one itself

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this

Transitioning from a ‘near silent’ member to a participating one because the shift from prelims mode to mains mode is offering too much inertia. This is my first attempt so it’s all uncharted territory.

  • Strategy for the remaining 11 weeks are drawn but must begin the work on them and not just keep redrawing😤
  • Get into the analytical bend of mind with quick and efficient visualisation of the multiple perspectives possible for the topic at hand.
  • Must not get complacent with the amount of work done or procrastinate.
  • Must, must and must limit my resources. Fomo for resources has been my kryptonite :(
  • Breadth over depth, breadth over depth, breadth over depth 

Today’s targets

  • The Hindu (done)
  • From Veena Das 1) Dipankar Gupta 2) Satish Deshpande 3) Surinder Jodhka + Revise 1) Thomas Pantham 2) Sudipta Kaviraj
  • From Haralambos Revise Chapter 0 & 15

Task is to show up here everyday and be honest. Everyone who posts here, I have so much respect for you folks. I’ll try to post a quote with every post so here is to the beginning, with a cliched one-

“Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.”

Good luck everyone and Godspeed ⚡

Kapiushon,IwWand7 otherslike this
  • Newspaper 
  • Polity Revise + practice 10 
  • Disaster revise +questions
  • Optional paper 2 
IwW,Celebornand3 otherslike this

Good morning to all the lovely people here

Targets for the day (19/10/21)


Anthro -whatever could be done before lunch 

Post lunch -have to visit doctor

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this
Is there an easy way to cover world history in 2-3 days? I've read the basics but notes aren't prepared. Are there any 20-30 page notes available that'll suffice?
Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

Good morning friends,



A. UPSC= 5 QA writing practice GS2, Optional to complete revision till Mauryan period and revising test series solution.

B. UPPSC = Drishti revision, Q bank from June to Sept 1st week

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

Day 80

  1. 10.30- 2.30- anki thinkers
  2. 3.00- 6.00- polity notes
  3. 6.30- 10.00- anki thinkers
  4. 11.00- 3.00- ankify IR

Yesterday- skipped IR. Again wasted 2 hours on shopping. Need to increase concentration. 

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this
Is there an easy way to cover world history in 2-3 days? I've read the basics but notes aren't prepared. Are there any 20-30 page notes available that'll suffice?

shreyansh kumat sir notes available for world history


Duck it, lets do this.PYQ_Mains.pdfUPSC_Mains_Checklist.pdf

wfh till 12


PYQ analysis

Optional P1 two topics revise

organize essay fodder

Not much done apart from consulting friends regarding strategy from now on. 


same targets +CA backlogs 

Best wishes to everyone


Ca backlogs+ Newspaper

Optional next two topics

PYQ analysis GS

see through topics in Mains365 2020

Good eventful day yesterday. 


Optional next one topic

PYQ GS4 and writing

CA backlog and Newspaper

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

Targets - 

Optional Answer writing

GS1 - World History

Newspaper backlogs

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this
Bro they are really good but joining them now can do more harm then good. I am saying this from my experience of last year. You won't be able to complete entire classes before exam if you do something else than those classes. One class is full of too much content and sir keep talking entire time. It will take more time than the length of the lecture since you would find it necessary to note down whatever he is saying. And last year classes  didn't complete before exam.
But they could have been really helpful if you had joined them since the beginning. My suggestion to you is  just contact someone who has already taking classes and ask him/her if they can give you class notes with handouts.
In my opinion Handouts won't make much sense if you didn't attend class.

@Steph_Curry Bro they are really good but joining them now can do more harm then good. I am saying this from my experience of last year. You won't be able to complete entire classes before exam if you do something else than those classes. One class is full of too much content and sir keep talking entire time. It will take more time than the length of the lecture since you would find it necessary to note down whatever he is saying. And last year classes  didn't complete before exam.
But they could have been really helpful if you had joined them since the beginning. My suggestion to you is  just contact someone who has already taking classes and ask him/her if they can give you class notes with handouts.
In my opinion Handouts won't make much sense if you didn't attend class.

AureliusM,Celebornand2 otherslike this

@Purplesunbird bro, you had shared a pdf of mains pyqs in some thread I guess. 

I can not find them rn. Can you please re share it here? 


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