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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


PSIR Targets done

Society Targets half done 

Stupid Headache reduced the efficiency today! :disappointed:

Need to go warp speed to complete the syllabus.

Targets for 3/11/2021 

1. Finish Society

2. PSIR 1A - Hobbes/Mill/Locke/Arendt PYQs practice

3. PSIR 2A - Politics of Representation and Participation

4. Newspaper

IwW,Celebornand5 otherslike this

2nd November 2021

Will strictly adhere to plan from today onwards | GS1+Anthro till 10th

  • Write AWFG T5 + analyse (2)
  • Anthro P1- Unit 5, 8 (Notes+PYQs+Google+Memorise) (3+3)
  • World History(+PYQs) 1/2 (2)
  • Revise Society notes+PYQs→ write 5 MGP questions→ analyse model ans→ add to notes (3) *everyday
  • CA class+revise (3)
  • CA/NP/PIB (0.5)


  • Ethics PYQ booklet Case Study notes- 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016  *highlighted [1 per day] (1)
  • Watch Anthro 1.4 disc+notes (3)
  • See desktop ethics folder
  • Couldn't read Anthro at all. Will keep tomorrow's schedule simple enough to follow!

    Dhanananda,Celebornand5 otherslike this

    3rd November 2021

    1. Write 5 MGP questions + 3 remaining AWFG questions | Analysis

    2. Complete final Case Study notes PYQ __12pm

    3. Revise Anthro P1 for T2- Unit 5, 7, 8 (Notes+PYQs+Google+Memorise)

    4. GS1 PYQs framework

    5. CA/NP/PIB

    If time permits

    1.  Watch Anthro 1.4 disc+notes

    2. See GS1 topper's copies @desktop

    Dhanananda,Celebornand6 otherslike this

    Nearly completed targets yesterday. (some portion of polity not done)

    Today's targets:

    1) Fluids (try to finish) 

    2) Polity (try to finish) 

    3) AWFG 

    4) Governance class 

    5) Newspaper 

    Dhanananda,Silentknightand4 otherslike this


    Q1: I revised my notes ~ 2 layers (1 layer for some topics). These are mostly just the important IMS questions, either from their notes or test series. After that focused on practicing more and more:

    - Did IMS 2020 TS in Practice Mode (only 2 tests in TEST MODE)

    - Did IMS 2019 + 2018 TS in Practice Mode.

    - Did Shankar 2020 TS + SuccessClap TS for Practice.

    - Did PYQ 2011 to 2020 in Practice Mode 

    - Any other Question Bank/Source

    Revised the notes made on the basis of above.

    Also revised micro notes (which are formulas + some tricks). See Kanishak Sir's Micro Notes for reference.

    Q2: If you haven't done either before. I think do the PYQs from 2011 to 2020. Then move to IMS test series. But if you have done till 2011, then go for Test Series instead of going beyond 2011. This is keeping in mind the paucity of time.

    Thank you for the detailed response! And wow you worked really hard!! 


    This answers most of my queries too!!

    I just have one more thing to ask, is it necessary to do solved examples and practice problems from standard books (MDR, Krishna series etc) ?

    Also, congratulations and best of luck 😀😀

    Celeborn,sjerngaland2 otherslike this

    Hello fellow breads! I’ve realised that the major problem with me not being able to complete things is my lack of consolidation as far as notes as concerned. Aaj mar jayenge but polity khatam karenge. Targets for 3.11.21:

    Copy writing

    Editorial- IE+ Hindu


    Daily C/A

    Polity- (4/4)


    Fingers crossed folks!

    Dhanananda,Celebornand6 otherslike this
    @Steph_Curry Could u plz elaborate on anthro 1.4 disc?

    Also how do u write 5 MGP questions?
    Did u enroll for the test n practice 5 questions daily before writing the test?


    Completed yesterday's targets 

    Targets for today


    2.anthropology 2.3

    3.current affairs of geography consolidate one place

    4.ethics practice answers 

    Dhanananda,Celebornand4 otherslike this

    November begins-
    Day 1-

    World History 1/12

    Geography 1/3

    CA brush up


    Soldier fell on Day 1 only. Terrible headache and stomach ache.

    Nevermind, will start again as Day 1.

    Targets, roll over!

    Days left in the buffer stock- 


    All the best folks!

    Pretty decent day. 70% completion.


    World History day 2/12

    Geography 2/3


    Dhanananda,BDand9 otherslike this

    Targets for 3/11/21

    • Finish economic geography
    • SolveALL PYQSrelated to economic geography
    • Ethics topic 7 probity in governance... Half.. Along with pyqs


    DM,Dhananandaand10 otherslike this

    Good morning.

    Targets for Nov 3, 2021

    1. Meditation - 2x
    2. Political Ideologies + PYQ + 1 hr AWP
    3. Old backlog
    4. Dont create new backlog
    5. Glancing through P1A Good Copies.

    Looking forward to Wonderful Wednesday !

    IwW,Celebornand4 otherslike this

    More of less what Arrokoth said. See my idea is to cover as many test series as possible. The only difference is some tests will be given in TEST MODE (proper 3 hour format), some in answer writing mode (write 3-4 answers a day and submit copy for correction) and remaining in Brainstorming Mode (for practicing points generation + recollection and content addition).

    Brainstorming Process:

    - See a Question. Give yourself few minutes to form a broad outline of dimensions. Think of specific points + case studies + examples + best practices etc. MENTALLY form an answer.

    - Compare with with either the Topper Copy or the Solutions given by coaching, as is the case.

    - Add relevant material (whatever you feel is important) to your notes. And revise these notes. Then repeat the process. Essentially this is the process.

    Basically, REPEAT {Revise - Practice - Modify Notes}

    @Asmita_101 Broadly you'll have to focus on 2 things:

    - Collection of more content for such issues and topics where you do not have anything.

    - Practicing forming answers, so that you can atleast write some "generic points" in such questions.

    chamomile,Dhananandaand8 otherslike this

    Good morning friends, 

    Completed just 50 percent of yesterday target.

    Target for 3.11.21 -

    1. Optional - 

    Map practice , AWP, Ancient revision and culture topic, Medieval selected topics 

    2. Ethics- topic 1 completion and 4 AwP

    3. Gs 1- Geog Phy complete and 3 AwP

    Dhanananda,Celebornand4 otherslike this

    The time b/w Pre and Mains in the context of Optional, was spent practicing Maths problems and not learning any new theory. Micro notes were already prepared, and if not can be easily done so in few days (at max). 

    Since you're not so confident, I think you may need to do 1-2 Layers of Syllabus ALONGSIDE problem solving. 1 Layer of Syllabus MAY BE substituted with an easier test series, if you find that approach more comfortable. 

    @Prisonmike Set a hard date for completing the syllabus. Try to wrap it up quickly, without going into each and every possibility of content enrichment. That can come later on. Also note what @Arrokoth said.
    - Finish Syllabus (say by 10th Nov)
    - Start Revising Notes (multiple layers)
    - Do Brainstorming + Answer Writing
    - Modify Notes (based on above)

    @sator A general anxiety is very common. Don't worry :)
    I had fortunately given decent number of optional tests and GS tests BEFORE PRELIMS. So that did add to the confidence. 

    @chamomile Ideally you do the relatively more important questions and NOT EVERY QUESTION. That would be very time consuming. I did a lot of tests in Practice Mode. Which meant that I did all the 8 questions (using timer at times, but not in a 3 hr slot), and that gave me a lot of practice. So you can try that. 

    Also do refer to one of my earlier posts, where I listed down some Maths Sources and all.

    @Imomf Each subsequent revision takes less and less time. You start "flipping pages" as Neyawn sir once said. You keep highlighting important things each time. We try to prioritize, for example one cannot read a 500 page book on A&C for Mains multiple times. 

    Balancing would depend on your optional a lot. Use Tests to benchmark your comfort in GS/Optional. And keep changing the time allocation ratio (based on the tests) every week/10 days.

    chamomile,heisenberg_and8 otherslike this


    The time b/w Pre and Mains in the context of Optional, was spent practicing Maths problems and not learning any new theory. Micro notes were already prepared, and if not can be easily done so in few days (at max). 

    Since you're not so confident, I think you may need to do 1-2 Layers of Syllabus ALONGSIDE problem solving. 1 Layer of Syllabus MAY BE substituted with an easier test series, if you find that approach more comfortable. 

    @Prisonmike Set a hard date for completing the syllabus. Try to wrap it up quickly, without going into each and every possibility of content enrichment. That can come later on. Also note what @Arrokoth said.
    - Finish Syllabus (say by 10th Nov)
    - Start Revising Notes (multiple layers)
    - Do Brainstorming + Answer Writing
    - Modify Notes (based on above)

    @sator A general anxiety is very common. Don't worry :)
    I had fortunately given decent number of optional tests and GS tests BEFORE PRELIMS. So that did add to the confidence. 

    @chamomile Ideally you do the relatively more important questions and NOT EVERY QUESTION. That would be very time consuming. I did a lot of tests in Practice Mode. Which meant that I did all the 8 questions (using timer at times, but not in a 3 hr slot), and that gave me a lot of practice. So you can try that. 

    Also do refer to one of my earlier posts, where I listed down some Maths Sources and all.

    @Imomf Each subsequent revision takes less and less time. You start "flipping pages" as Neyawn sir once said. You keep highlighting important things each time. We try to prioritize, for example one cannot read a 500 page book on A&C for Mains multiple times. 

    Balancing would depend on your optional a lot. Use Tests to benchmark your comfort in GS/Optional. And keep changing the time allocation ratio (based on the tests) every week/10 days.

    Finishing syllabus by 10th November is an uphill task.. 

    When u say tht syllabus should be finished by 10th, are u saying that we should be mains ready by 10th?? 

    Or just a general overview?? 

    Also, did you cram data n definitions n diagrams in the first revision iteration or did u do it in December, i.e near exam??? 

    BD,Celebornand4 otherslike this

    @sator My advice regarding newspaper: Skip the backlog. Use a coaching compilation to get up-to date with major events. And henceforth, read newspaper regularly.


    Q1: Everyone has a different strategy. And you can see this in my and Arrokoth's Case. He decided to go for very little tests and more of base material. I went for "TESTS, TESTS and MORE TESTS" type approach :D

    At the end of the day, it all comes down to "reading more content, more number of times". And whether you do it by reading new material or solving more tests is entirely your choice.

    Q2: I'll avoid answering this, as my answer would be biased.

    Q3: I joined SFG multiple times. In short, extremely helpful. It's however to SUPPLEMENT other test series and NOT SUBSTITUTE because of the basic nature of questions asked.

    Q4: Maybe try practicing more philosophical themes. Practice a broad structure, instead of writing the full essay. And do this for multiple Essay Topics. Try reading some Topper Copies too. Maybe that will help.

    @Indian_Human If time is less, "delegate" the responsibility of PROBLEM SELECTION to coachings. If you still feel underconfident in a topic, then you can go for basic books. But within these 3 months, it can be avoided. As it becomes difficult to identify the stopping point in a book.

    @sjerngal I mean the LEARNING PORTION and BROAD TOPICS must have been covered. That is to say, one should not be joining a course or, say start a new book on World History after 10th November. Also everyone has their own strategy, and if you feel reading a new book is crucial (even in December), please go for it. 

    DM,Dhananandaand9 otherslike this
    Guys the issue is what to plan for the day! So much to cover. 60 days, whole GS+ optional(Maths)+Value addition+Answer writing. My score for GS was miserable 270 in last mains. Any tip? I would consider 360 in GS a significant improvement. But how??
    chamomile,Xeraand2 otherslike this

    My mains GS marks have been my pain points.
    Can anyone share their experience and review MK Yadav QEP program for Mains content enrichment (static/current)? Is it advisable to join it along with already joined Dipin sir's Current affairs classes?
    Also, there is insights insta bridge course for gs 1,2 etc covering static in 10 days each, does anyone have idea about it. I do not have my own GS notes for each paper. should I make my own with value added materials, ncerts, google in this month or should I rely on these classes for basic notes,PYQ analysis and dynamic linkage and just focus on its revision and tests.
    I really need to improve my mains GS marks this time. Kindly guide
    @AJ_ @Arrokoth @whatonly and others.

    Anduin,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this
    My ethics score was 68 last year. I didn't make any notes.. but this time I made notes from dk balaji book and ethics red book. But Not much answer writing. Should I take a crash course since I am still not confident with the questions asked or just answer writing and analysing toppers answers?
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