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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Haven't really been posting targets for the past few days. Last week was not very productive.

Targets for today and tomorrow:

Finish all pending topics of maths. Plus watch couple of CA classes 

Master,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this
@Jesse_pinkman thank you so much pinkman. i also thought so many unnecessary topics were included. Do you study old govt schemes in detail like PMJDY, SBM, SCM etc? 

hello everyone, one question

when listing out ethical issues/dilemmas involved in a case study, do you explain it? or is just listing them out like profit vs social responsibility or something fine?

kinda confused coz i've got contrasting reviews, one where i was asked to not discuss them in detail and the other where i was asked to

plmokn25688524,Celebornand3 otherslike this
@Villanelle  I explain ethical dilemmas in about 2-3 lines. Without explanation, profit vs Social responsibility might seem superficial and it can be interpreted as our lack of ethical knowledge. Just try writing enough that examiner think you know enough. 
In dilemmas, I generally explain it completely while around 1 line for ethical issues. 

EiChan,Villanelleand7 otherslike this
@Villanelle  I explain ethical dilemmas in about 2-3 lines. Without explanation, profit vs Social responsibility might seem superficial and it can be interpreted as our lack of ethical knowledge. Just try writing enough that examiner think you know enough. 
In dilemmas, I generally explain it completely while around 1 line for ethical issues. 

you're right. i'll just try to keep it brief. thank you :)


Hello everyone, this might seen irrelevant here and quite close to a spam comment. Apologies for that.

A friend of mine has developed a fast, cheap and easy to use CBC lab equipment with a potential to solve inaccessibility to crucial lab facilities in far flung areas. Getting CBC report through that is as easy as checking your glucose level. 

With device in final stage, he needs data regarding present CBC results. There's a google form, won't take even a minute to fill it up. I'm pasting his message down below. 

Thank you for your time and effort.  :)

Hi. This is a Complete Blood Count(CBC) report survey. This is an anonymized form to check the distribution of time taken to get your report back wrt geographical location. 

Context: CBC report contains your Red Blood Cell count, White Blood Cell count, Platelet count, Hemoglobin levels etc. It might have been prescribed when you were really sick (dengue, malaria etc.) or as a part of a routine checkup.

Please fill it to the best of your knowledge. Thanks!

Villanelle,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this

A video for a break.

One of the best, hard interview I have seen ever. Articulation of thoughts and interviewing skills of this journalist truly impressed me especially when the former CJI was being offensive. 

Neyawn,D503and12 otherslike this

@Neyawn sir a small suggestion about MGP. 

1. If it is possible could you issue some sort of tracking ID for each copy (a la courier package style). It would be really helpful for online students who cannot come to centres to enquire about their copies individually.

2. Can there be a feedback column for each test? I just got a copy checked and nothing against the marking, but I can barely read the handwriting for the comments made. It defeats the purpose of giving a test then.

1. - My Copies ( -is this what you're looking for?



@Neyawn sir a small suggestion about MGP. 

1. If it is possible could you issue some sort of tracking ID for each copy (a la courier package style). It would be really helpful for online students who cannot come to centres to enquire about their copies individually.

2. Can there be a feedback column for each test? I just got a copy checked and nothing against the marking, but I can barely read the handwriting for the comments made. It defeats the purpose of giving a test then.

1. - My Copies ( -is this what you're looking for?

This just leads me to the forum website, not a specific place.



@Neyawn sir a small suggestion about MGP. 

1. If it is possible could you issue some sort of tracking ID for each copy (a la courier package style). It would be really helpful for online students who cannot come to centres to enquire about their copies individually.

2. Can there be a feedback column for each test? I just got a copy checked and nothing against the marking, but I can barely read the handwriting for the comments made. It defeats the purpose of giving a test then.

1. - My Copies ( -is this what you're looking for?

This just leads me to the forum website, not a specific place.

click it once more after logging into forum. forum has this weird habit of directing people to the main academy page the first time you click on any link




@Neyawn sir a small suggestion about MGP. 

1. If it is possible could you issue some sort of tracking ID for each copy (a la courier package style). It would be really helpful for online students who cannot come to centres to enquire about their copies individually.

2. Can there be a feedback column for each test? I just got a copy checked and nothing against the marking, but I can barely read the handwriting for the comments made. It defeats the purpose of giving a test then.

1. - My Copies ( -is this what you're looking for?

This just leads me to the forum website, not a specific place.

click it once more after logging into forum. forum has this weird habit of directing people to the main academy page the first time you click on any link

You are a godsend my friend :)



» show previous quotes

*Done GS4 test

*Done spacetech,Robots&AI,Covered some parts of IT&computers

Targets for 05/12/21 will be:-

*S&T remaining topics

*Achievement of Indians in S&T,New tech's remaining 

Tomorrow's targets:

*Internal security(1.5 days)

*Just done 2 topics of Internal security.

Tomorrow's targets:-

*Remaining topics of Internal security(last day)

*Done Internal security Except Security forces and their mandate

Targets for 08/12/21 will be:

*Environment(2 days)

Could not do Environment To the potential instead done some CA classes in addition just done Biogeochemical cycles and disruptions,Terrestrial ecosystems and threats.

Tomorrow's targets:

*polity:legislature,executive,judiciary,PRI's,Federal relations,Sep of powers.

*Done legis,Exe,Jud,PRI's,Sep of powers.Federal relations half done

Tomorrow's targets:

*Fed relations,Governance,Role of c.s in democracy,pressure groups,Role of NGO's,SHG's&other groups in dev process.

All done.

Targets for 11.12.21:-

*Sig provisions of constitution


*Consti,regulatory,Statutory bodies

*Comparison of constitutions

*Done all except comparison of constitutions.

Targets for 12/12/21 will be:-

*Vulnerable sections

*Social sector


*Revision of Old topics 

D503,Celebornand2 otherslike this

Today, I feel exhausted. 

In the last outstation trip (more than a year ago), I went to Manali to enjoy one landscape that I most enjoy– The Himalayas. Like always, me and three of my friends started our journey to check the most important item on the itinerary– to trek in the mountains. Only this time, we took a decision to go for one of the most secluded waterfalls in Old Manali. This one is so unconventional that it doesn’t even have a name. All we had was an offline map that we had downloaded before heading off, fully aware that there would be no mobile networks in the vast jungles. It was a 6 km uphill trek one-way and we had to be back by evening, which makes it 12 km up-down in an 8 hour duration (which we eventually had to overshoot to 12 hours).
Long story short, we did reach our destination and we did return the same day, but got lost in the middle of the jungle while returning back when it had almost become pitch dark . No light except the stars gazing in the sky and the flashlights of our phones which could die any moment. Apparently the offline map that we had downloaded had failed us.
I had loved the mountains way too much before that day.. But in that particular moment I just wanted to get away from all that. There was absolutely no sign of humanity in a 6 km radius and no one was aware that we were on the trek since it was not a traditional trekking route. 

Eventually we did make it back after almost 12 hours and there was nothing more elating than seeing civilization again. 

This incident is so similar to the mental agony that I am facing at the moment. That day, I was not just physically tired but I had mentally given up too. One of the most emotionally challenging moments of my life where every step had to be taken with a sense of reassurance and constantly telling yourself that it's just a few more kilometres to go, few more steps to take. 

Today I am so tired, mentally drained with all the stuff that I have to cram. Mentally drained of sitting on the same chair daily.. Every hour, I feel like giving up. But the very thought that the destination is worth every tear I shed, every anxious heartbeat, makes me sit for an hour more.. And just like that, I tread. Slowly ofcourse, but never stopping , because that is not how I want to look back. It is as mentally and physically draining as the day in the mountains.. 

That evening I was pretty convinced I would never travel to the hills again, let alone trek on a relatively unchartered territory. But with the benefit of hindsight, I can fairly say that it was one of the most daunting things I had done. The most adventurous and totally worth it. The amount of grit and perseverance that made it possible for me to not give up was more than what I knew that possessed. 

Today, I am trying to channelise the same amount of grit and determination to get over this mental baggage and fatigue.  Upsc preparation for me at the moment is not just about the amount of knowledge I have, or the quality of answers I am writing, but also about the sheer determination which is not letting me quit despite all the fear and anxiety. As much as I want to take a long vacation and give my mind the rest it deserves, I also realise, every second, that I still have to play my part and the journey is not over yet. 

Just like that day when I surprised myself with my mental strength, I surprise myself every day by waking up early and showing up on my study table.
I do not know what the result will be. Will it be as beautiful as the waterfall the other day? I am not sure.. 

There is only one thing that I can say to myself at the moment “rest if you must but don't you quit”.. !!

Deepak802,D503and36 otherslike this

I made sure I won't rant here but here I'm. :) 

Before prelims, I was quite confident about mains preparation level but idk what happened post prelims. Whole prelims uncertainty, state pcs, previous exams results, family occasion, health etc. Everything soon turned into a bumpy ride. Now all I'm left with regrets. With such a huge opportunity cost of what I could've done. I'm pretty sure, I won't be in state post mains that I've given my best shot. Now it's all upto the results. I can actually sense the shortcomings. It's not like I'm incapable of amending them. I can. I will. But it just couldn't happen in past 2 months. But again, I can try fix 'some' things up in next few weeks. Hopefully I'll. Or maybe I won't be. Irrespective of the outcome, it's a good learning curve that I never got in my previous exams before cse. Momentum is such btch, so easy to bring everything at halt. 

It is what it is, now upto me how to make it work. I need to, just how drop year in 12th  was never a option.

DM,GaryVeeand24 otherslike this
@Purplesunbird Most of the prep for mains is done in the last month. Don't drop the guns yet.

Civils Mains:2017,2018,2020,2021,Forest Mains:2021.

GaryVee,Villanelleand10 otherslike this

I made sure I won't rant here but here I'm. :) 

Before prelims, I was quite confident about mains preparation level but idk what happened post prelims. Whole prelims uncertainty, state pcs, previous exams results, family occasion, health etc. Everything soon turned into a bumpy ride. Now all I'm left with regrets. With such a huge opportunity cost of what I could've done. I'm pretty sure, I won't be in state post mains that I've given my best shot. Now it's all upto the results. I can actually sense the shortcomings. It's not like I'm incapable of amending them. I can. I will. But it just couldn't happen in past 2 months. But again, I can try fix 'some' things up in next few weeks. Hopefully I'll. Or maybe I won't be. Irrespective of the outcome, it's a good learning curve that I never got in my previous exams before cse. Momentum is such btch, so easy to bring everything at halt. 

It is what it is, now upto me how to make it work. I need to, just how drop year in 12th  was never a option.

This is so similar to how it’s been like for me. I feel you. I don’t even want to crib talk about wasting the entire October (will do that post mains).

I think one feels good about one’s prep only until the exams are near. 

Plus, be it mains or prelims, it’s like only a month before exam, you figure out how to “effectively” do things. And how everything you’ve done upto this point does so little in terms of adding anything concrete to your exam day performance.

I don’t think I’m going to make it this time. I’ll probably fail spectacularly going by present status of things, but now is not the time to think of all that.

Whatever days remain, the plan is just to execute somehow, and leave everything else to the universe. 

Mutant,Dhananandaand19 otherslike this

Just watched Formula 1 title decider race. Max, who won the game, was totally out of contention (like miles away) until the last lap. And with luck he won the race only at the last moment. Just shows "its not over until its over". And this is what sport teaches us. Obviously my prep isnt going so great, but I take lessons from here. Until the last paper, until the last second, you got to fight and push every minute till the game is over. Keep pushing hard peeps, we got this.

MikeWozniak,GaryVeeand15 otherslike this

it seems almost everyone's prep isnt going great and some of us are only going to be selected. 

In words of Mrunal, UPSC is not a competition to determine who is a better singer than Mukesh or Mohammad Rafi instead who is less worse than Yo Yo Honey Singh and Dinchak Pooja. 

So working hard to enter into the less worse zone. 

D503,Muraliand20 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

*Done GS4 test

*Done spacetech,Robots&AI,Covered some parts of IT&computers

Targets for 05/12/21 will be:-

*S&T remaining topics

*Achievement of Indians in S&T,New tech's remaining 

Tomorrow's targets:

*Internal security(1.5 days)

*Just done 2 topics of Internal security.

Tomorrow's targets:-

*Remaining topics of Internal security(last day)

*Done Internal security Except Security forces and their mandate

Targets for 08/12/21 will be:

*Environment(2 days)

Could not do Environment To the potential instead done some CA classes in addition just done Biogeochemical cycles and disruptions,Terrestrial ecosystems and threats.

Tomorrow's targets:

*polity:legislature,executive,judiciary,PRI's,Federal relations,Sep of powers.

*Done legis,Exe,Jud,PRI's,Sep of powers.Federal relations half done

Tomorrow's targets:

*Fed relations,Governance,Role of c.s in democracy,pressure groups,Role of NGO's,SHG's&other groups in dev process.

All done.

Targets for 11.12.21:-

*Sig provisions of constitution


*Consti,regulatory,Statutory bodies

*Comparison of constitutions

*Done all except comparison of constitutions.

Targets for 12/12/21 will be:-

*Vulnerable sections

*Social sector


*Revision of Old topics 

*Done all.

targets for 13/12/21:-

*Gs2 revision

*Gs2 test

DM,Celebornand4 otherslike this
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