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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


 I surprise myself every day by waking up early and showing up on my study table. (Sjerngal)

I don’t think I’m going to make it this time. I’ll probably fail spectacularly going by present status of things, but now is not the time to think of all that. (Villanelle)

Saving these lines for the tempest in coming days. 

Last week attempted : society and optional paper 2 (75%) 1st round.

Left : entire history, optional paper 1 A part 1st round.  

D503,DMand18 otherslike this

 I surprise myself every day by waking up early and showing up on my study table. (Sjerngal)

I don’t think I’m going to make it this time. I’ll probably fail spectacularly going by present status of things, but now is not the time to think of all that. (Villanelle)

Saving these lines for the tempest in coming days. 

Last week attempted : society and optional paper 2 (75%) 1st round.

Left : entire history, optional paper 1 A part 1st round.  

You guys, alll you guys, hold your guns. This is the time for action. Stop thinking wheather you will make it or not, an just do your job. And that is to study.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,DMand30 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

*Done GS4 test

*Done spacetech,Robots&AI,Covered some parts of IT&computers

Targets for 05/12/21 will be:-

*S&T remaining topics

*Achievement of Indians in S&T,New tech's remaining 

Tomorrow's targets:

*Internal security(1.5 days)

*Just done 2 topics of Internal security.

Tomorrow's targets:-

*Remaining topics of Internal security(last day)

*Done Internal security Except Security forces and their mandate

Targets for 08/12/21 will be:

*Environment(2 days)

Could not do Environment To the potential instead done some CA classes in addition just done Biogeochemical cycles and disruptions,Terrestrial ecosystems and threats.

Tomorrow's targets:

*polity:legislature,executive,judiciary,PRI's,Federal relations,Sep of powers.

*Done legis,Exe,Jud,PRI's,Sep of powers.Federal relations half done

Tomorrow's targets:

*Fed relations,Governance,Role of c.s in democracy,pressure groups,Role of NGO's,SHG's&other groups in dev process.

All done.

Targets for 11.12.21:-

*Sig provisions of constitution


*Consti,regulatory,Statutory bodies

*Comparison of constitutions

*Done all except comparison of constitutions.

Targets for 12/12/21 will be:-

*Vulnerable sections

*Social sector


*Revision of Old topics 

*Done all.

targets for 13/12/21:-

*Gs2 revision

*Gs2 test

*Done gs 2 test.

Tomorrow's targets:-

*Energy security,climate change,Mains 365

It will be a miracle if I clear this paper now. :/
What a haphazard journey it has been. But will still try to push on and try. Dekhte hain kya hota hai. :)
D503,DMand14 otherslike this


Just watched Formula 1 title decider race. Max, who won the game, was totally out of contention (like miles away) until the last lap. And with luck he won the race only at the last moment. Just shows "its not over until its over". And this is what sport teaches us. Obviously my prep isnt going so great, but I take lessons from here. Until the last paper, until the last second, you got to fight and push every minute till the game is over. Keep pushing hard peeps, we got this.

What a race it was...had given up any hopes for a Verstappen victory....what an absolute thriller it was...and yes it's not over untill it's over...a great lesson to be learnt from the race...

Rashmirathi,Muffinand1 otherslike this

searching for modern history questions in gs1 paper 2020

geography bhar rakha itna sara !!
sbhati,Omenand14 otherslike this
@SergioRamos captain miracles do happen and no journey is easy ( only the traveler knows what it takes) .Keep going 

DM,Celebornand7 otherslike this

Celeborn,SergioRamosand2 otherslike this
                                           FEAR by Khalil Gibran
                             It is said that before entering the sea
                                         a river trembles with fear.

                      She looks back at the path she has travelled,
                             from the peaks of the mountains,
                the long winding road crossing forests and villages.

                                       And in front of her,
                                  she sees an ocean so wast,
                                            that to enter
                there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.

                                      But there is no other way.
                                       The river cannot go back.

                                           Nobody can go back.
                            To go back is impossible in existence.

                                  The river needs to take the risk
                                          of entering the ocean
                             because only then will fear disappear,
                           because that's where the river will know
                          it's not about disappearing into the ocean,
                                        but of becoming the ocean.
#Keep going comrades 
Deepak802,D503and34 otherslike this
धारा रोके यदि राह, विरुद्ध चलो रे…!!!

- दिनकर
Menchester14@,Mettleand14 otherslike this

Like many others, my preparation is also not going very smooth. I’m lagging behind by schedule. Reason is my never ending obsession with content enrichment. As a result, i am missing out on writing tests in second revision. This thought of not completing too many tests is overwhelming, and at times a nightmare. 

But there is something more here I would like to share. On day of prelims result this year, I was really very much nervous. There was higher probability that I won’t clear this time. So couple of hours before result, I made a promise to God. Promise was obvious. Results came and were positive. Since then that promise is my driving force for all efforts.

Now, I can not assure delivery of good results in mains. But I will ensure delivery of good promise made.

Let’s all of us fight unto last, to give up so much close to the exam MUST never be an option. Good days are waiting for us. We’ll definitely sail through !

dalpha,DMand14 otherslike this
@Arsene Can you explain why the Mercedes are calling it foul play ?? Too much technical terms are being used especially in indian express ..
Kuch desi language main explain



@Arsene Can you explain why the Mercedes are calling it foul play ?? Too much technical terms are being used especially in indian express ..
Kuch desi language main explain

overtaking is not allowed under safety car..mercedes objected that Verstappen overtook under SC however Red Bull reverted saying he didn't...

Also all cars were not allowed to unlap themselves instead only cars between Max n Hamilton were asked to go ahead of the safety car...

EiChan,Rashmirathiand1 otherslike this
@EiChan it majorly revolves around the ‘unlapping of cars’ 
when the safety car entered the track after Latifi’s crash, Hamilton was positioned just behind the safety car and behind him were other drivers (who were a lap behind) and then Verstappen (who went for a pit stop when the safety car came in, so lost his track position) 
Now, F1 rules say that any lapped cars may be allowed to unlap themselves, which in this case would have meant that the cars take up a formation that reflected their current position in the race. Now since Verstappen had lost quite a few places due to him going for a pit stop, there were 5 (iirc) cars between him and Hamilton.
For them to take their actual position, they needed to overtake the safety car and then join the back of the line. 
Initially, this wasn’t allowed but as the safety car was about to go in (means outside the track), the race director suddenly allowed the cars between Hamilton and Verstappen to ‘unlap’ themselves. At the same time, cars behind Verstappen weren’t allowed to do so.
That meant that now Verstappen and Hamilton would go for the final lap side by side. 
Mercedes were irked because not all cars were allowed to unlap themselves, only those between Max and Lewis. 
Secondly, the safety car going in must be announced a lap beforehand. (Not possible in this case as only 1 lap was left and the director did not want such a ‘boring’ end to the race i.e. behind the safety car)
The argument from the director was ‘we went car racing’ i.e. a dream final lap where the top 2 battle it out for the championship (not at all related to spiking the popularity and revenues)
Also, Mercedes made a tactical decision of sticking to their grip position (top) instead of going to the pit and choosing softer tyres, which incidentally, Verstappen decided to go for. 
Now following all this, Verstappen was with better suited tyres (softer, thus more grip and faster cornering) and Hamilton was running on hard tyres which were also worn down quite a bit. 
All this resulted in a Mercedes loss in the final lap when they led for whole of the race, thus they feel quite hard done by.

In even simpler words, 1&2 were far, after crash 2 pitted and 1 did not, 1&2 then had 5 cars between them, who were right in the end removed from between them, bringing 1&2 back together with 2 having better equipment now which eventually led to 1 losing a race he was winning the whole time

Basically, considering Mains is very close, I believe Michael Masi provided us a good example of the Doctrine of Double Effect and the Pauline Principle to help our GS4 preparation.

EiChan,Xeraand6 otherslike this
@necromancer Thanks  For such a nice explanation 

Can anyone please share mgp full length generic answer booklet pdf. Thanks in advance.


Like many others, my preparation is also not going very smooth. I’m lagging behind by schedule. Reason is my never ending obsession with content enrichment. As a result, i am missing out on writing tests in second revision. This thought of not completing too many tests is overwhelming, and at times a nightmare. 

But there is something more here I would like to share. On day of prelims result this year, I was really very much nervous. There was higher probability that I won’t clear this time. So couple of hours before result, I made a promise to God. Promise was obvious. Results came and were positive. Since then that promise is my driving force for all efforts.

Now, I can not assure delivery of good results in mains. But I will ensure delivery of good promise made.

Let’s all of us fight unto last, to give up so much close to the exam MUST never be an option. Good days are waiting for us. We’ll definitely sail through !

I also suffer from this "always looking for content enrichment" Syndrome. 

For prelims I was constantly having the fomo of not reading the PT magazines.. 

At the end one sentence of Neyawn's that he used in one of his videos changed my strategy. 

He said " You will not fail prelims because you did that one current affairs question wrong. But you will flunk it because you got the basic polity/economy question wrong"... After that I just focussed on revising basic books as many times.. 

At this moment I'm trying my best to stick to this for mains also.. Content enrichment jitna hona tha ho gya.. No use of looking for more and more if you can not revise it and use it in exam.. 

DM,EiChanand16 otherslike this
Time for some mains test series writing..22 days left..

Civils Mains:2017,2018,2020,2021,Forest Mains:2021.


the beauty of philosophical essays is that they are open to interpretation, one is not caged by the burden of rigidity, also any framework can be inserted in any essay, anywhere, and in any manner of our liking, it is just that they have to have a consistent natural flow. Also reading a lot of abstract stuff a few days prior and watching similar abstruse content might come in handy.

DM,brownianMotionand7 otherslike this
@SergioRamos captain miracles do happen and no journey is easy ( only the traveler knows what it takes) .Keep going 

Just moving forward as it is the only thing I can do! :)

Rashmirathi,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this
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