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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this


Targets for the day:

  • SFG: Test + Analysis
  • S&T Backlog
  • SFG Prep - Environment
  • Newspaper
Keeping things light for a few days. Will pick up pace soon.

Except S&T Backlog, did all. Pushing this to the post SFG week now along with all other backlogs. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Mock Test Analysis 
  • SFG Prep - Environment 
  • Newspaper 
  • If time, Modern History Revision 

Realised that there was a lot of content to be covered for the SFG test today and so I could only do 25% of the test analysis. Could not finish the course for today's test either :/


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Finish Mock Test Analysis 
  • SFG Prep - Environment 
  • Newspaper 
  • If time, finish today's leftovers

Spent a lot of time on following the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Couldn't do mock test analysis or go back to backlogs. Would really appreciate book recommendations on Soviet dissolution!


  • SFG: Test + Analysis (done) 
  • Newspaper (done) 
  • Finish Mock Test Analysis 
  • Environment 
Celeborn,Archandand11 otherslike this

Back after skipping an update.

Today's targets 25/02/2022 ---

  1. SFG -- Environment- bas - there is already too much in biodiversity to cover!
  2. Newspaper  

chamomile,SAand17 otherslike this

(55/310) 25/2/22

  1. Indian Express: Done
  2. Csat: Done
  3. A & C Wrong Revision =1/2 Done
  4. Modern History: Not Done

9:08 PM Friday

Celeborn,Archandand6 otherslike this
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Done for today....

25 February 2022 :

-Meditation 20 min

-The Hindu

- RS Sharma - chapter 11-15

-Economy - Banking

Done for today....

26 February 2022 :

-Meditation 20 min

-The Hindu

-RS Sharma 16-20

-Economy - Banking

Celeborn,Archandand6 otherslike this

Back after a busy week at college. Targets for 26.2.22 are:

Environment- block 1, block 4

Daily C/A

C/A Class

Editorial- IE+ Hindu

Skim other articles

FnF- (will we get to start this at least today?)

Jan 2022 C/A backlog- 1/3

That’s all folks! Let’s get this bread!!

Celeborn,Archandand9 otherslike this

Targets for 26.2.22 

Meditation (Done)

1: Newspaper

2: Geography Lectures (Indian geography)

3: Videos (issues explained)

4: MIH(test solutions)

5:PMF (Atmosphere)

Have a good day people..:)

Not everytime a perfect click matters.. sometimes a picture reflects everything..:)

chamomile,Casablancaand16 otherslike this
Targets for the day:

  • SFG: Test + Analysis
  • S&T Backlog
  • SFG Prep - Environment
  • Newspaper
Keeping things light for a few days. Will pick up pace soon.

Except S&T Backlog, did all. Pushing this to the post SFG week now along with all other backlogs. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Mock Test Analysis 
  • SFG Prep - Environment 
  • Newspaper 
  • If time, Modern History Revision 

Realised that there was a lot of content to be covered for the SFG test today and so I could only do 25% of the test analysis. Could not finish the course for today's test either :/


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Finish Mock Test Analysis 
  • SFG Prep - Environment 
  • Newspaper 
  • If time, finish today's leftovers

Spent a lot of time on following the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Couldn't do mock test analysis or go back to backlogs. Would really appreciate book recommendations on Soviet dissolution!


  • SFG: Test + Analysis (done) 
  • Newspaper (done) 
  • Finish Mock Test Analysis 
  • Environment 

All done. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis
  • Newspaper 
  • Environment Backlogs 
  • If time, Mock Test Analysis
Celeborn,IamThatand8 otherslike this

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, both ways you are right.



Post Mauryan India- 1/4

Geography- 1/10

All the best folks. :)

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. 

Something similar happened with me as was not able to complete my history target.

New Targets-


Finish yesterday's History backlog

Geography 2/10

Have a good day peeps!

Celeborn,Archandand9 otherslike this

26/2 ; 

So I was contemplating a change in sleeping schedule since a very long time and now I think the time has come when I am willing to do that. These initial few days would be difficult. 

Targets - 

1. SFG 1 / analysis 

2. SFG Test prep 

3. June Complete 

4. Newspaper 

5. CSAT 

6. Misc. 

Good day people :)

Anduin,Celebornand11 otherslike this

Took a break yesterday to celebrate brother's birthday. Back to studies now

Targets for today(23-Feb)

  1. Newspaper + Civilsdaily -- done
  2. Art & Culture Class 11 NCERT (2/3)
  3. TN Class 11 History (3/6)
  4. Revision of CA Class + Economy PYQs
  5. 1 hour for Optional

" If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice."

Best of luck everyone!

Economy PYQs and CA Class revision not done. Rest of the targets completed. 

Targets for today(24-Feb)

  1. Newspaper + Civilsdaily --done
  2. TN Class 11 History (4/6)
  3. Art and Culture Class 11 (3/3)
  4. Revision of CA Class + Economy PYQs
  5. 1 hour for Optional

Good luck everyone!

Economy PYQs and CA Class revision still not done.  Rest done.

Targets for today(25-Feb)

  1. Newspaper + Civilsdaily --done
  2. TN Class 11 History (try to wrap up)
  3. CA Class
  4. 1 hour for Optional

"Don't watch the clock; Do what it does. Keep Going!"

Targets more or less done. Taking a half day break today .

Targets for today( 26-Feb)

  1. Newspaper + Civilsdaily --done
  2. CA Class

All the best everyone!

Anduin,Celebornand9 otherslike this



Newspaper done

25 pages of Modern India (has aimed for 50)

Not a very good day yesterday. Been feeling ill some since days due to lack of adequate sleep. That led to a lot of procrastination yesterday, which I regret :(

Now planning to get enough sleep for the next few days, irrespective of how much progress is made on the targets.



1. Newspaper + Notes

2. 50 pages of Modern India

Have a great day everyone : )

Celeborn,Archandand7 otherslike this
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Done for today....

25 February 2022 :

-Meditation 20 min

-The Hindu

- RS Sharma - chapter 11-15

-Economy - Banking

Done for today....

26 February 2022 :

-Meditation 20 min

-The Hindu

-RS Sharma 16-20

-Economy - Banking

Done with today's targets. Feeling tired after every week so planning to keep things light tomorrow 

27 Februray 2022 :

-Meditation 20 min

-The Hindu

-Art and culture - Theatre, Music, Dance

-Ancient Notes (depends on mood and energy)

Celeborn,Archandand7 otherslike this

26/2 ; 

So I was contemplating a change in sleeping schedule since a very long time and now I think the time has come when I am willing to do that. These initial few days would be difficult. 

Targets - 

1. SFG 1 / analysis 

2. SFG Test prep 

3. June Complete 

4. Newspaper 

5. CSAT 

6. Misc. 

Good day people :)

Worst study day! Schedule change impacted my productivity, I felt a lot more tired and unwilling to study. But I am not willing to let these initial days of unproductivity impact by decision and hence would continue this morning schedule. 

Targets - Repeat! 

Dionysus,Celebornand8 otherslike this

Targets for 27/2/22:

  1. Economy - budget (try to finish) 
  2. Daily CA
Celeborn,Archandand8 otherslike this
Targets for the day:

  • SFG: Test + Analysis
  • S&T Backlog
  • SFG Prep - Environment
  • Newspaper
Keeping things light for a few days. Will pick up pace soon.

Except S&T Backlog, did all. Pushing this to the post SFG week now along with all other backlogs. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Mock Test Analysis 
  • SFG Prep - Environment 
  • Newspaper 
  • If time, Modern History Revision 

Realised that there was a lot of content to be covered for the SFG test today and so I could only do 25% of the test analysis. Could not finish the course for today's test either :/


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Finish Mock Test Analysis 
  • SFG Prep - Environment 
  • Newspaper 
  • If time, finish today's leftovers

Spent a lot of time on following the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Couldn't do mock test analysis or go back to backlogs. Would really appreciate book recommendations on Soviet dissolution!


  • SFG: Test + Analysis (done) 
  • Newspaper (done) 
  • Finish Mock Test Analysis 
  • Environment 

All done. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis
  • Newspaper 
  • Environment Backlogs 
  • If time, Mock Test Analysis

Environment will take time. Can't slack off from revising well. Rest of targets completed. 


  • Newspaper (Done) 
  • SFG Prep - Agri 
  • Environment Revision 
  • If time, Mock Test
Celeborn,IamThatand7 otherslike this

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, both ways you are right.



Post Mauryan India- 1/4

Geography- 1/10

All the best folks. :)

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. 

Something similar happened with me as was not able to complete my history target.

New Targets-


Finish yesterday's History backlog

Geography 2/10

Have a good day peeps!

Ego is a bubble. Instead of bursting it and seeing what all lies outside,

we invest most of our energy protecting it.

Yesterday all targets were completed as I put small targets, contrary to what my ego desired. 

Targets for today-


Post Mauryas 2/4

Geography 3/10

Best of luck junta! :)

Celeborn,Archandand9 otherslike this

Targets for 27.2.22 

1: Newspaper

2: Geography Lectures ( River system+ soil system)  

3: MIH( test solutions)

4: PMF( geo notes) 

Some amazing lines i read this morning..

" Everytime you become aware of yourself dropping into victim mode and make a more courageous choice,you rewrite the narrative.Each time you vote for your superior self you starve your weaker side - and feed your inherent power"..!!   

Starting the day a little late..Have a good day peepul..:) 

Celeborn,Archandand10 otherslike this
Can people here share their experiences of libraries in Karol Bagh or otherwise too.
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Done for today....

25 February 2022 :

-Meditation 20 min

-The Hindu

- RS Sharma - chapter 11-15

-Economy - Banking

Done for today....

26 February 2022 :

-Meditation 20 min

-The Hindu

-RS Sharma 16-20

-Economy - Banking

Done with today's targets. Feeling tired after every week so planning to keep things light tomorrow 

27 Februray 2022 :

-Meditation 20 min

-The Hindu

-Art and culture - Theatre, Music, Dance

-Ancient Notes (depends on mood and energy)

Done with today. Hopefully did not take any break....

28 February 2022:

-20 min Meditation

-The Hindu

-RS Sharma 21-25

-Art and Culture - Theatre, Music, Dance revision

-Economy - Banking Revision + Vivek singh MCQ

From tomorrow, planning to walk 10k steps everyday. 

Celeborn,Archandand6 otherslike this
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