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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this


(50/315) 19/2/22

  • Indian Express : Done
  • Art and culture revision painting : Done
  • Test notes : Done
  • Csat : not done

  • 10:34 pm
  • Saturday
DM,Celebornand6 otherslike this

Yesterday's updates: 60 pages of spectrum modern india done

Today's target : 50 60 pages of spectrum, and sleep well today. Best of luck with targets everyone : D

DM,Celebornand5 otherslike this

Only 28 days left, for UPPSC, much to cover(((

Day starts from 6 o clock

Posted @ 3:30 am

To- do list ( 20th February 2022) 

1.current affairs complete revision May 2021

2. Current affairs revision for the month of january & February 2022 ( issue based current affairs) ( self made notes) 

3. One csat paper ( previous year) prelims sectional test 

5.MGP test on 22nd feb. ( complete revision of that subject) for uppsc mains

chamomile,SAand13 otherslike this


  1. newspaper + ca
  2. medieval backlog (XII : 7,9; VII : 6,8,9)  [imp]
  3. sfg targets [pyqs, ncert, notes]
  4. sfg analysis[imp]
  5. miscl.

Good Luck :)

update: 1: done; 2,3,4,5: partially done


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. finish medieval backlog
  3. sfg targets (pyqs, miscl.)[imp]
  4. sfg analysis
  5. miscl.

Good luck :)

update: 1,3,4,5: done; 2: not done

17/2 [already starting super late]

  1.  newspaper +ca
  2. sfg analysis
  3. sfg topics (pyqs, miscl.)
  4. miscl.

Good Luck :)

update: 1: done 2,3,4 not done [bad day :/ ]


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. sfg (ncerts, pyq)
  3. weak pts/ backlog (ancient, medieval, AnC)
  4. ca backlog[imp]

"Yeah Mr. White !! Yeah Science !!"   -Jesse Pinkman

update: 1,3 done; 2,4 partially


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. flt + analysis
  3. ca backlog
  4. sfg analysis

Good luck :)

update: 1,2,4 done; 3:not done


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. pyqs , bio ncert [14 ch], miscl.[imp]
  3. test + analysis
  4. miscl. [plan; arrange room, table etc.][imp]

Good Luck :)

Celeborn,Archandand7 otherslike this
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Meditation (done) + A good morning session ( History) 

Targets for 17.2.22 

1: Newspaper + ( thode se Backlogs)

2: Geography Lectures ( Climatology) ( L30-36)

3: Videos(issues explained) 

4: MIH ( Revise Test Solutions) 

5: PMF Geo notes ( have to study this properly) 

Yesterday's update. All Done( bas MIH test solutions nahi hue) 

Have a good day people..:) 


Meditation ( Done)

Things to do today..

1: Newspaper

2: Geography Lectures (Climatology)( L35-41)

3: Videos(issues explained) 

4: Videos GEO( to understand few terms) by AMIT SENGUPTA 


6: PMF GEO( notes) 

Yesterday's Update: All done except PMF notes + 1(lecture of Geo)... Husshhhh :/ .. It's good that my focus is back but sometimes it's not because of the continuation of classes..:/ :/ :/ 

Have a good day peepul..:) 


Meditation ( DONE) + 30ques( MIH) test

Targets for 19.2.22 

1: Newspaper + ( CA Backlogs)

2: Geography ( Revision of class notes + Test) 

3: VIDEOS( Issues explained) 

4: MIH( Test solutions) (30que) 

5: PMF Geo( notes revise) 

6: RAU's FOCUS Jan'22( will start from today) the weekend starts.. will dedicate majority time for revision..! Most importantly MIH+ GEO(uptil now).. Will try to solve PY paper of CSAT(tomorrow)..!! 

Have a good weekend peepul..:) LET'S DO IT..!

Goodie Good morning peepul..:) 

Meditation ( Done) + Skipping 

Targets for SUNDAY..

1: Newspaper+ Yesterday's Editiorials

2: Geography Lectures ( Climatology+ Regions 

3: Videos( issues explained) 

4: PMF notes ( Revision) 

5: MIH( Test) 

Yesterday's Update: It was a good day...! Not everything was done but still gained some knowledge and guidance (which is the prime motive)..:) Load of "Bahot kaam Krna hai" still continues + each day passing with it's own speed..Magical..:) 

Have a good Sunday peepul..:) 

Celeborn,Archandand6 otherslike this

Targets for today ( 17th Feb)

  1. Newspaper + Civils Daily -- done
  2. Red Book Agriculture Revision (2/4)
  3. CA Notes Revision
  4. Sriram IAS Economy (Yesterday's backlog+ 2 more chapters atleast)
  5. Optional: 1 hr

Economy targets only partially done which means more backlogs. Rest more or less done.

Targets for today(18-Feb)

  1. Newspaper + Civilsdaily --done
  2. Agriculture Red Book (3/4)
  3. Economy (Backlogs)
  4. CA Class
  5. Optional - 1 hour

Another 150 seats added by UPSC yesterday. 1000+ vacancies after a long time. All the best everyone. 

Decent day with all targets more or less accomplished.

Targets for today:

  1. Newspaper + Civilsdaily --done
  2. Agri Red Book (4/4)
  3. Economy Sriram IAS(next 3 chapters)
  4. CA Class +Revision
  5. 1 hour for Optional

"Don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny" 

Have a great day everyone!

Economy backlogs have been piling up. Rest done.

Targets for today(20 Feb)

  1. Newspaper + Civilsdaily -- done
  2. Economy Backlogs ( as much as possible)
  3. CA Class
  4. SFG Level 2 Test
  5. 1 hour for Optional

" We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action"

Best of luck everyone!

Celeborn,Archandand7 otherslike this


Dionysus,DMand24 otherslike this

I really got inspired by some of you sharing the good thought to share some of the photos I took..back in 2020 lockdown (home edition) ( folder maintained)..! Some day will share other pictures:)

chamomile,Ash5Manand5 otherslike this

Good morning folks! Targets for 19.2.22 are:


Dec C/A backlog 3/3

Editorial- IE+ Hindu

Daily C/A

Skim Papers

Fasts and feasts 1/10

Econ survey- 1/10

World history- 2/15

Long day ahead. So let’s get this bread!

Again couldn’t read my book or look through the papers. I think I’ll have to schedule some time separately for it in my day

Celeborn,Steph_Curryand3 otherslike this

These are really cool!

sjerngal,Rubi990and2 otherslike this
No targets for today. Going to meet my friends 🥳🥳
Jurgen_klopp,Anduinand8 otherslike this

Saving the first photo..
Awesomee :)

Rubi990,Magnetozand1 otherslike this
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2,3 done. 1 - did not, 4- skipped, ate an ice cream on top of that :/

Today's targets -- 18/02/2022 

  1. Walk - done (must do in the morning. Else, will be skipped)
  2. SFG Science and tech
  3. Newspaper

1- done. 2- needs more time today and tomorrow 3- done

Today's targets 19/02/2022 --

  1. Walk
  2. Missing sociology - Social classes
  3. Science and Tech NCERTs
  4. Newspaper

1,4 - done. 2,3 - partially
Sleep deprivation debt from the rest of the week had to be cleared :/ Could not even study well in the time I did mange to study. Avoid sleep debts, sfg or not.
  1. Science NCERTs
  2. Newspaper

Have some commitments today. Hope to finish the SFG NCERT targets...

I'll admit I have done all of these in desperate attempts to stay focused.  >u | Study motivation quotes, Cheer up quotes, Cute inspirational quotes

chamomile,Celebornand12 otherslike this

Wow, never knew you could take such wonderful pictures using Redmi phone camera! My redmi phone cries in pity 😂 Hence proved that skill matters more than the equipment . Awesome!

chamomile,sjerngaland6 otherslike this

Targets for 20/2/22

  1. Polity - emergency, amendments, elections, governance
  2. Infinite series
  3. June CA (2/4)
  4. Daily CA
  5. CSAT
Celeborn,Ash5Manand6 otherslike this
@Thunderstorm wow awesome. 
Sarv gunna sampann😃


Yesterday didn't achieve my targets.


1) SFG entrance 

2) Pending articles 

3) Plan for next week 

@Thunderstorm These are amazing! Keep them coming :) 

Ash5Man,sjerngaland5 otherslike this
@giovanni plz invite some of us for the feast after its cooked😁

Legible Neutrino,
@LetsGetThisBread bread crunch🙃

Legible Neutrino,
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