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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

"When in doubt, observe and ask questions. When certain, observe at length and ask many more questions."

Created this thread as a one stop solution for all members so that all the doubts wherein any conceptual clarification is required can be solved here. 

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand122 otherslike this


why the 3rd statement is correct? General statement is correct kind of thing? 
Constitutionally, President has administer oath to newly elected members of the house. But as per convention, he appoint to senior most member of the house as a protem speaker to preside over the first sitting so that house can elect speaker.

@SergioRamos i personally believe in this algorithm
‘thesis’ (dont fear the topic, even if we have not read it - leads to - calming the nerves - leads to - presence of mind - leads to - application of common sense - leads to Eureka Moment)

this thesis has to be followed by ‘anti thesis’ (reading through examiner’s perspective and UPSC’s lenses)

finally concluding to ‘synthesis’ based on consensus of above two.

Easier said then done, but if we go through UPSC PYQ, there are many questions doable this way,  precisely the ancient, art culture, because hindi words used here can always be broken into sub words which have their universally contextual meaning.  



@SergioRamos i personally believe in this algorithm
‘thesis’ (dont fear the topic, even if we have not read it - leads to - calming the nerves - leads to - presence of mind - leads to - application of common sense - leads to Eureka Moment)

this thesis has to be followed by ‘anti thesis’ (reading through examiner’s perspective and UPSC’s lenses)

finally concluding to ‘synthesis’ based on consensus of above two.

Easier said then done, but if we go through UPSC PYQ, there are many questions doable this way,  precisely the ancient, art culture, because hindi words used here can always be broken into sub words which have their universally contextual meaning.  

Real ID se aao Friedrich Engels. :P

Jokes aside, you are absolutely spot on here. If we just do not give up immediately after reading a question but struggle with it a bit, good things would happen. Thanks. :)

ArchAngel96,Omenand4 otherslike this
I am suffering from dengue fever from last 10 days , my platelets declined to 40000, this was my first experience of any type of fever who pulled me to hospital. I couldn't see even the mobile screen or listen. I really felt the intensity of dengue fever. However after 10 th day my platelets increased to 75000 signing well in near time. Hope all of you will be ok and should be fine, please avoid half shirts etc as in my hospital new blocks were opened for increasing volume of dengue patients. You have your test next Sunday so be calm and consume healthy foods only. My best wishes ..
chamomile,muskand5 otherslike this
@SergioRamos if I tell people that I’m a philosopher, no body would take me seriously 😂
Anonymity is the key : )


@Jammu  and@Hououin_Kyouma , these type of questions can be a deal breaker though. 2-3 questions means 6 marks. The thing is, how to develop such aptitude? Is it all related to calming our nerves or is there something more?

So as I think-

Major part is having time at your disposal in exam, like last year paper was too lengthy. So there was less chance of getting such answers:

for example- before prelims, Azad hind mentioned about KONDA and related it with Andhra Pradesh, It helped me to correct one question

at the same time due, I wasn't able to look at question like KULYAVAPA, DRONAVAPA. But there also it was easier to guess the answer. 

they can fail us also, if applied illogically like question like GHANTASHALA, as CHAUL and KAdura were also there, I went with Buddhist centre :P

can be said that, it is mixture of your vocabulary across some Indian languages, general awareness of things, available time, risk taking attitude, most importantlyit has to be your day. Go with the instincts if something clicks, it may or may not work, but the study of 2-3 years isn't working properly so taking such risk (limited) should not be an issue

applying things in mocks can help, it can be sort of habit for some, but as exam is close, we can look at some PYQs and try to apply some logics. 

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So as I think-

Major part is having time at your disposal in exam, like last year paper was too lengthy. So there was less chance of getting such answers:

for example- before prelims, Azad hind mentioned about KONDA and related it with Andhra Pradesh, It helped me to correct one question

at the same time due, I wasn't able to look at question like KULYAVAPA, DRONAVAPA. But there also it was easier to guess the answer. 

they can fail us also, if applied illogically like question like GHANTASHALA, as CHAUL and KAdura were also there, I went with Buddhist centre :P

can be said that, it is mixture of your vocabulary across some Indian languages, general awareness of things, available time, risk taking attitude, most importantlyit has to be your day. Go with the instincts if something clicks, it may or may not work, but the study of 2-3 years isn't working properly so taking such risk (limited) should not be an issue

applying things in mocks can help, it can be sort of habit for some, but as exam is close, we can look at some PYQs and try to apply some logics. 



@Jammu  and@Hououin_Kyouma , these type of questions can be a deal breaker though. 2-3 questions means 6 marks. The thing is, how to develop such aptitude? Is it all related to calming our nerves or is there something more?

So as I think-

Major part is having time at your disposal in exam, like last year paper was too lengthy. So there was less chance of getting such answers:

for example- before prelims, Azad hind mentioned about KONDA and related it with Andhra Pradesh, It helped me to correct one question

at the same time due, I wasn't able to look at question like KULYAVAPA, DRONAVAPA. But there also it was easier to guess the answer. 

they can fail us also, if applied illogically like question like GHANTASHALA, as CHAUL and KAdura were also there, I went with Buddhist centre :P

can be said that, it is mixture of your vocabulary across some Indian languages, general awareness of things, available time, risk taking attitude, most importantlyit has to be your day. Go with the instincts if something clicks, it may or may not work, but the study of 2-3 years isn't working properly so taking such risk (limited) should not be an issue

applying things in mocks can help, it can be sort of habit for some, but as exam is close, we can look at some PYQs and try to apply some logics. 

I don't know if it is a correct logic or not but I marked the ghantashala, Chaul question correct by the logic that Chauls are colonies in Mumbai and mumbai is a port city. Now I maybe wrong here, but I genuinely feel it's not just what you have read for the exam that will help you, but if you use your general awareness or understanding of your surroundings that can help you to eliminate many options. 

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So as I think-

Major part is having time at your disposal in exam, like last year paper was too lengthy. So there was less chance of getting such answers:

for example- before prelims, Azad hind mentioned about KONDA and related it with Andhra Pradesh, It helped me to correct one question

at the same time due, I wasn't able to look at question like KULYAVAPA, DRONAVAPA. But there also it was easier to guess the answer. 

they can fail us also, if applied illogically like question like GHANTASHALA, as CHAUL and KAdura were also there, I went with Buddhist centre :P

can be said that, it is mixture of your vocabulary across some Indian languages, general awareness of things, available time, risk taking attitude, most importantlyit has to be your day. Go with the instincts if something clicks, it may or may not work, but the study of 2-3 years isn't working properly so taking such risk (limited) should not be an issue

applying things in mocks can help, it can be sort of habit for some, but as exam is close, we can look at some PYQs and try to apply some logics. 

KULYAVAPA, DRONAVAPA   How was this easy??? 

In fact it cOnfused me even more. Kulyavapa reminded me of "kulya" Or kulpati.. So on and so forthh.. 

Dronavapa reminded me of dronacharya.

Based on these logics.. I thought these are land grants... 

But the answer was that these are units of measurement, I mean wtf.. How to come to this option based on "logics and common sense"? 

chamomile,sstarrrand1 otherslike this
I use lingusitics many times for example
1. As said konda related andhra 
2. Alai related to tamil nadu ---- mudumalai , megathmalai etc 
3. Kulam related to malaylam (kerala ) ---- eravikulam , paravikulam etc 
3. Atta related to karanataka --- goyembattaa

And others , I am not able to remember , but we can use our common sense here , it can fetch marks , for example in Buddhism linguistics can be used effectively words like thera , theri , madhyamika etc can be linked to Buddhism .

 It can be used but sometimes it backfires also , that thing can be avoided by avoiding wild guesses , if something is connecting linguisticly than we can apply this but on own your that this world can be related to some region that can cause more negative , our brain works in patterns , when ever I read things which are factual I connect them daily life things in. Some other way possible , either linguistic or act or place or thing. May be do not get exactly while solving , but the patterns remains in mind and your common sense will tell you ohk this is most probable answer .
chamomile,Casablancaand3 otherslike this

One more example of where "logics" Failed me was a question on "dwarasamudra" Probably in case 2020 or 2019.. 

I was like dwarasamudra sounds like gateway of India, so must be in maharasthra... 

And boy,, I was soo wrong.. 

Not to say that logics don't help, but we can not rely on them 100%.. 

Kya pata meri hi kismat khraab hai, mere logics hi illogical hote hain shayd 🥵

@HeNeArKr  I too looked at Chaul and thought about Chaul being famous in Mumbai, but port didn't come to my mind
as  I said it has to be your day
they may or may not work but if applied in 3-4 questions can give you net positive in most cases

I landed to the answer with Dronacharya only, but it wasn't in the exam hall, so doesn't matter 

@sjerngal  it was bad guess :P


of the little experience i have at this exam, i can assure you that if one doens't commit blunders in attempting questions from standard sources in the exam hall he/she would sail through. 

questions like  omkareshwar, ghantnasthal etc are no doubt an added advantage but trust me even if they dont strike you in the exam hall you can still get through with accumulated knowledge you have gathered over the time. 

have faith on your preparation and knowledge base. 

chamomile,SergioRamosand2 otherslike this

One more example of where "logics" Failed me was a question on "dwarasamudra" Probably in case 2020 or 2019.. 

I was like dwarasamudra sounds like gateway of India, so must be in maharasthra... 

And boy,, I was soo wrong.. 

Not to say that logics don't help, but we can not rely on them 100%.. 

Kya pata meri hi kismat khraab hai, mere logics hi illogical hote hain shayd 🥵

Mistake in these is acceptable. But How to guess these qns if you don't know all provisions of scheme. 

Which of the following are the objectives of 'National Nutrition Mission'?

1. To create awareness relating to malnutrition among pregnant women and lactating mothers.

2. To reduce the incidence of anaemia among young children, adolescent girls, and women.

3. To promote the consumption of millets, coarse cereals, and unpolished rice.

4. To promote the consumption of poultry eggs.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 1, 2 and 3 only
  3. 1, 2 and 4 only
  4. 3 and 4 only

My confusion wud be b/w A and C


One more example of where "logics" Failed me was a question on "dwarasamudra" Probably in case 2020 or 2019.. 

I was like dwarasamudra sounds like gateway of India, so must be in maharasthra... 

And boy,, I was soo wrong.. 

Not to say that logics don't help, but we can not rely on them 100%.. 

Kya pata meri hi kismat khraab hai, mere logics hi illogical hote hain shayd 🥵

Mistake in these is acceptable. But How to guess these qns if you don't know all provisions of scheme. 

Which of the following are the objectives of 'National Nutrition Mission'?

1. To create awareness relating to malnutrition among pregnant women and lactating mothers.

2. To reduce the incidence of anaemia among young children, adolescent girls, and women.

3. To promote the consumption of millets, coarse cereals, and unpolished rice.

4. To promote the consumption of poultry eggs.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 1, 2 and 3 only
  3. 1, 2 and 4 only
  4. 3 and 4 only

My confusion wud be b/w A and C

I think we can discount statement 4 considering that India has the maximum proportion of vegetarians in the world. Don't think any scheme can change such food habits.

However, what made you discount statement 3?

millets, coarse cereals, and unpolished rice, poultry eggs. - Not available pan India 

Poultry are commerical eggs

Regional food differences

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