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kya karu kya na karu.. yeh kesi uljhan haye..

@tryingsomething thankyou for saying what all you said. Especially  this expiry  date thing.
I am 29 and my family has already assumed that i don't  want to marry or now i will not get anyone. 

Everyone keeps making fun that by now i should have two kids. I hvae only 2 attempts  left.
Now i dont know what to do. Should  i get married or play this upsc gamble for 2 more years.. i bave spent 3 months just thinking .
There seems no way. 
Life at home is hell..being treated like i should help in household  chores , why am i not doing anything  with my life . I can never find a job.

What should  one do, when nobody around  you can get you..its a different  battle  altogether. 
Then i feel like why am i going through  this hell?? But i didn't  do anything wrong.
Now the issue is not of exam only..its whether will i get married or end up alone in life
Yesterday  my sister was giving me an example of old lady all by herself in a flat..
Said your life will also be same..

There is no word like expiry date....its just aunty uncle stuff...there is so much to life ....29 is not late in any case..whether for marriage or for career.... pls dont be demotivated.......get out of your house will find your way........this is same case with everyone..and corona and 2020 attempt made it strong girl.......

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