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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


There are logistic issues in having centres across many districts for national level exams.

Not to mention the problem of lack of manpower and other resources we will face.

That's why postponement until situation becomes more conducive is the best option.

I really didn't get the logic of postponing exam in April when we have limited cases and then conducting them when we have massive surge and community transmission. 

I don't understand why they are being so hasty

To me, it clearly reflect that authorities decide to conduct or postone exam based on their logistic convenience instead of students concerns or comfortability.

But what can we say.

If they conduct exam then we have to appear.

I feel bad for jee/neet students. First Lockdown and now the uncertainty and stress due to politicization of exam dates. Sigh....


Its likely that patent will be filed.

Its not lack of manpower 
Its lack of willpower ... 

@Reborn2 These guys are using exams as a tool to give stimulus to economy....
I don’t know who came up with this out of the box idea💡


I agree with everyone's point.

This doesn't concern UPSC but since many here are giving UP mains....what the hell is UP govt thinking. 22-26 sept mains. just a week before prelims. Weekend lockdown -sat n sunday have been extended till 30th sept. No gatherings, social, religious etc. coz there is a surge in cases. But mains couldn't be held later. For exams they will open everything on weekends.  Even last year mains was in oct 2019. The testing in UP is limited to main cities barring a few.  What is the sense all of it don't know. The exam spans over 5 days with one day gap- don't know how will poor rural candidates manage this

But if JEE NEET n this UP govt conducting all exams like PCS mains, B.Ed.; the govt will definitely say that it is safe to conduct exams. They have lost it. 

UP govt has already conducted two big exams ..
Bed entrance and BEO 
RO/ARO being lined up on 20th sep 

Uppsc mains ki bheed is negligible in comparision to above three exams

@Reborn2 Lol... In April, there were no trains or buses to travel 663km to my Centre. 
Logic is same now. 

Actually, Government should have acted sooner by quarnatining overseas Travellers immediately as in January itself the threat was clear (Check your January current affairs notes) 

@Reborn2 Yeah... Because Capitalism. 
Is there any system apart from capitalism and socialism? 
Please don't say Monarchy. Its already outdated. 

@vikkyanthro28607 I know that is what I am saying but concern is, many appearing in UP pcs mains are going to give UPSC prelims & every year they keep this in mind and schedule the dates accordingly. Plus crowd is less 6k butonly 3 centres. Moreover if our point is covid for UPSC - transport & lodging, think abt the candidates who will have to stay for5 daysminus the travelling time. and as seen in the past months many from here- Forum are appearing for it. I mean the dates n covid is messing up here. Plus ye UP govt ki covid related taiyarri is sub standard. Don't know how will they manage for 4-5 days. 
BEd and all were 1 day exams like pre....even that BEO was 1 slot exam and around 24 cities.

and this is what i am saying,if these exams are being conducted govt will give these eg.s as an excuse for upsc.

Well whatever it is, we'll have to adjust. 

UP govt has already conducted two big exams ..
Bed entrance and BEO 
RO/ARO being lined up on 20th sep 

Uppsc mains ki bheed is negligible in comparision to above three exams

Oh! That's B.Ed... For a minute my pervert mind started thinking what is that exam about in a weird way. 



To all who want the exam to happen when cases soar to 1Lakh+/day,

There are a couple of questions which are bothering me for a while, please help me find the answers. 

  1. Should a husband whose wife will be 5-9 months pregnant on the day of the exam travel 100-150KM and give the exam?
  2. What about a woman who is pregnant?

Note: Considering that this would be their last attempt.                                                       


I hope these questions cross the minds of UPSC or Government or whoever decides the exam dates. 

Exactly. They have left the candidates to arrange that of their own. 

@vikkyanthro28607 There is no guarantee that you or me will be alive tomorrow too my friend . Life is fragile and unpredictable.  The only thing that will protect is rational hope. 

I think you will be familiar of the Russian roulette (else kindly Google it (thanks for googling)) . The scenario now is like this CORONA is a game of optional biased russian roulette . Optional as in if you take utmost precaution u will have less turns with the pistol which has only one loaded bullet. Conducting exam in the time of CORONA is like using a Gatling gun with just couple of empty slots in the magazine.

Vaccination (according to popular scientific which was cautious at the starting about the vaccination has turned largely positive now.
We don't even have to wait for the vaccination  the middle path would be to have a downward curve

of corona virus  bringing it down to atlest sub 10k cases per day all over India .

Conducting exam now is and will be a blood bath . 


I agree with everyone's point.

This doesn't concern UPSC but since many here are giving UP mains....what the hell is UP govt thinking. 22-26 sept mains. just a week before prelims. Weekend lockdown -sat n sunday have been extended till 30th sept. No gatherings, social, religious etc. coz there is a surge in cases. But mains couldn't be held later. For exams they will open everything on weekends.  Even last year mains was in oct 2019. The testing in UP is limited to main cities barring a few.  What is the sense all of it don't know. The exam spans over 5 days with one day gap- don't know how will poor rural candidates manage this

But if JEE NEET n this UP govt conducting all exams like PCS mains, B.Ed.; the govt will definitely say that it is safe to conduct exams. They have lost it. 

To make things worse even nabard mains is been scheduled on 24 its like choosing between uppsc mains n nabard mains nw


All you postpone exam guys giving logic,  stop giving it. It's not Congress government, who will listen to your demands like 2014.

Tjis is the government that wants to bring Ramrajya, not Sita or Luv_Kush Rajya.

So stop crying and give exam. And get Corona free...! 

At least government should give extra attempt to everyone irrespective of age and attemps.
At least government should give extra attempt to everyone irrespective of age and attemps.

Ha ha ha ha.....itna bada vardan mang liya aapne😂😂



GaryVee,Gargi__and15 otherslike this


@vikkyanthro28607 There is no guarantee that you or me will be alive tomorrow too my friend . Life is fragile and unpredictable.  The only thing that will protect is rational hope. 

I think you will be familiar of the Russian roulette (else kindly Google it (thanks for googling)) . The scenario now is like this CORONA is a game of optional biased russian roulette . Optional as in if you take utmost precaution u will have less turns with the pistol which has only one loaded bullet. Conducting exam in the time of CORONA is like using a Gatling gun with just couple of empty slots in the magazine.

Vaccination (according to popular scientific which was cautious at the starting about the vaccination has turned largely positive now.
We don't even have to wait for the vaccination  the middle path would be to have a downward curve

of corona virus  bringing it down to atlest sub 10k cases per day all over India .

Conducting exam now is and will be a blood bath . 

The only absolute truth in this world is Death. Corona virus has come to take us to the only truth of life. 😂




@vikkyanthro28607 There is no guarantee that you or me will be alive tomorrow too my friend . Life is fragile and unpredictable.  The only thing that will protect is rational hope. 

I think you will be familiar of the Russian roulette (else kindly Google it (thanks for googling)) . The scenario now is like this CORONA is a game of optional biased russian roulette . Optional as in if you take utmost precaution u will have less turns with the pistol which has only one loaded bullet. Conducting exam in the time of CORONA is like using a Gatling gun with just couple of empty slots in the magazine.

Vaccination (according to popular scientific which was cautious at the starting about the vaccination has turned largely positive now.
We don't even have to wait for the vaccination  the middle path would be to have a downward curve

of corona virus  bringing it down to atlest sub 10k cases per day all over India .

Conducting exam now is and will be a blood bath . 

We'll bring in Russian vaccine for Russian roulette. 🤣

@God so relatable lmao

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