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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


perseverance and street-smart approach is needed. particularly in exam hall. left too many questiosn at start for a look in second round. that never came for some 20-25 questions.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights —->D) 1,2,3 


Universal Declaration of Human Rights —->D) 1,2,3 


Common Man those are rights these are can they relate?


The biggest thing that makes me sad here is, I don't where did I fault. Where should I improve? There are no answers to that. We don't know at all what to do next year if we want to improve. Makes me very sad. You can glorify it the institution as much as you want, but this is not smart. The questions did not require smart guesses, you couldn't deduce it from your understanding I am pretty sure in most of the questions. It is more around tricks and guesses there. Call me a candidate who has had a bad exam and is ranting but this is NOT about smart guesses and testing understanding. This is Random. Purely random. I can't digest the fact that we don't have an answer to What should one do to improve. (I am done with that generalist answer, that Improve understanding of world around you. You should live current affairs. This was NOT a current affairs heavy exam. Looks like UPSC is taking some revenge from coaching wallahs and in turn students and to fulfill that, they'll make sure randomness increases to the extent that it is not current affairs anymore. ) 

Like someone mentioned earlier, it makes the ground equal for someone who has studied x sources with y revisions, to someone who has studied 5x sources with 10y revisions. 

On the topics from which questions were asked, 

Just to be sure I did(Because I thought the UPSC wants to test contemporary knowledge rather than just few months, want to know smart candidates) I did PTs of 2 years for Science-Tech and Environment Ecology. Nothing out of that. Not more than 2-3 protected areas from last 2 years news. Are we supposed to remember 550 WLS and 104 national parks? May be I faulted there. Did all tiger reserves, biosphere reserves, elephant reserves because they were doable. Nothing from there. Did all Sci-tech from last 2 years both years PT, but hatred of UPSC for vision (all coachings actually) costed me my year. 

No GI tag question, No folk music, art, paintings. How much of it did I do expecting they repeat every year. 

Wireless technology, I don't remember any proper wireless tech question. 

Transfer of Power 1940-47 I don't remember any question. 

No indexes, No PVTGs/tribes as far as I remember. 

Switched to world rivers from Indian rivers. 

The Repeatedly asked question thread was gold, I followed it, revised all those topics on the last day but the yield is bound to be less. 

Don't know do ignore I am writing my random rant, in the end I am just a stupid student who found the paper not doable and obviously who am I then to tell UPSC something. UPSC will still be the glorious institution which is capable of testing if I person knows world around him well or not. I did glorify the institution and exam similarly for the last 2 years, I pay the price today by feeling today that I may really not know anything about world around me. But with the small voice I have, I'll repeat this is not how you test understanding. There are multiple other ways. 

We would keep hailing UPSC and find something in this exam the UPSC, specially wanted to test here. I myself would do it in 10 days I can assure you. But for today this is my voice and this is how I feel. 

P.S Random Rant, with no structure, can be ignored. 

U r correct this paper was below upsc standard. As I already said may be due to pandemic.


guys. this key appears to be aunthetic. got it from my friend..

getting 106 with 64 right 33 wrong answers with this key

CSE Prelims 2020 Key.pdf

Bad bad bad very bad @UPSC_Prelims_2020😢😢😢
@Phagocyte even CSAT was downright cruel

perseverance and street-smart approach is needed. particularly in exam hall. left too many questiosn at start for a look in second round. that never came for some 20-25 questions.

there was almost no easy picking. may be 2 or 3. almost every question needed analysis.



Byju's key for Set C is out, 63 correct, 34 wrong, scoring 103.33 in that, hopefully doesn't go under with more keys coming out


119.33 per this. 69/28. Few questions are wrong in this I thought. Like judicial review one 

CRISPRCas9,plmokn25688524and1 otherslike this
@Phagocyte even CSAT was downright cruel

RCs are a trap in paper II. always have to be done at last. they are there to waste your time.

but today even quant I think was a bit on difficult side.


बड़े बेआबरू होकर तेरे कूचे से हम निकले, मय भी मयस्‍सर नहीं कि दिल से मेरे गम निकले ।


Last attempt..Such a waste

Rise from Ashes,MaeveWileyand5 otherslike this
Second paper was for SSC aspirants
plmokn25688524,Durkheimand3 otherslike this
MPLADS —->D) 1,2,4 (10% inspected by district authority)

Yes 10% is mentioned in the guidelines.


Where can i download Set C question paper to match byjus answer key?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights —->D) 1,2,3 


Common Man those are rights these are can they relate?

[(k) who is a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education to his child or, as the case may be, ward between the age of six and fourteen

Article 51A. May be this way.

@Sherkhan1428 while checking the answer keys.. I feel I might have a nervous breakdown or a heart attack.. too much tensed.. 

Aurora,Rise from Ashesand2 otherslike this
@peterparker Dude, same. 


Spectrum modern history bipin chandra

Your game is over.

I could answer those history questions with lucent. 

Ayushi7,plmokn25688524and2 otherslike this
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