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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


No not possible. All subscribers of ledger has to agree with new transaction. If all agrees... only then new block gets added. Block represents a transaction.


 is jungle of jugglers


According to visionias 

Minister eligibility question 

Option A is wrong 

@Navya  i have listened this word furst time. left the question.


After seeing that vision has given answer of Preamble wala questions as A that means further deduction of 2.6 marks

Ye Dukh Kaahe Khatam Nahi Hota Hai - Meme Template

in their own discussion teacher told answer to be D .

anyone who is clearing gs1 bt not clearing csat?
@Devanapiyam could go either way i feel.........even if he meant whole nation, it was specific to the context of the swadeshi movement in bengal.

what about rakhmabai question? vision is giving only 2&3 as correct. found something for that?


Guys I just want to remind you one thing. Don't dwell on this for too long. I understand the urge to crib and criticize UPSC, having done it myself after my first attempt. But remember, that this is something we have to tolerate and overcome eventually. 

Don't blame your failure on unpredictability and tukkebaazi, don't belittle the competition and the exam. There's a difference between blind tukka and calculated guesswork, and I feel that in last 2 prelims, the latter has been the deciding factor. Options were such that if you could eliminate 1/2, you could make a "reasonable guess". Also this becomes easier if you haven't constrained your preparation to limited books, wide reading is key, newspaper is non negotiable, staying up-to-date with science tech(agriculture AI stem cells- all these have been recurring topics, so UPSC expects us to keep googling about it frequently).

Build on this frustration, remember this feeling of helplessness. This is what's going to push you harder the next time. PRELIMS IS NOW A SCRAMBLE FOR CRUMBS.explore the margins, and most importantly do not go mainstream (PT 365- I find no utility in PTs, the only reason I go through them is that if by chance something comes out of it, most will be able to answer it while I'll be left clueless. STILL PT 365 continues to be a disappointing random assortment of facts without any organic insight.

(P.S. please don't think of this as condescension. I too felt this helpless after 2018 prelims(attempted 83).But I did manage to clear 2019(ifos+CSE- attempted 77 questions) and hoping for the same in 2020.I can see a few of you are distraught and clueless right now, but you will eventually figure it out for yourself. Trust yourself, don't shy away from hardwork, don't give too much importance to test series and study material, go beyond margins. And remember, Hum Honge Kamayab ek din✊)

rahulgandhi,Blueberryand3 otherslike this
when does shankar come out with cutoff any idea? anyone?
That preamble part legal effect wala question is there in some college's Dept of Pol Science model question. They haven't provided the answer. Here's the link - (question no. 2) 

what is correct?

I marked C . My reasoning

Legal effect = Just legal bearing.. 

But if legal effect = strict case of justiciability

. ans is A.

It makes C right. They specially made heading for legal effects. Kya upsc google kar ke paper babaya h kya. 

Found this straight on wiki -,been%20foreseen%20by%20their%20drafters.&text=In%20India%2C%20the%20Supreme%20Court,the%20Constitution%2C%20especially%20its%20Preamble.

preamble is an introductory and expressionary statement in a document that explains the document's purpose and underlying philosophy. When applied to the opening paragraphs of a statute, it may recite historical facts pertinent to the subject of the statute. It is distinct from the long title or enacting formula of a law.


Is sulphur always a raw material for phosphoric acid based fertilizer?

Found everyone talking about oil refineries only.

@TabsAndChords  you can crosscheck polity answers here:


My logic was that the author Sakharam Deuskar a Bengali born Maharashtrian who had promoted Sivaji Maharaj in Bengali , how can he restrict the word "Desha" to Bengal. When he has never forgotten his roots. Based on it i had stuck the statement 3 as wrong n arrived at the option. 

@Howzthejosh neither statements are correct.....there is no dispute on that

Don't panic seeing coaching centre keys. Only upsc has the final say. I still remember a former chief election commissioner saying right to vote is a legal right and his opinion changed nothing.
That preamble part legal effect wala question is there in some college's Dept of Pol Science model question. They haven't provided the answer. Here's the link - (question no. 2) 

what is correct?

I marked C . My reasoning

Legal effect = Just legal bearing.. 

But if legal effect = strict case of justiciability

. ans is A.

It makes C right. They specially made heading for legal effects. Kya upsc google kar ke paper babaya h kya. 

Found this straight on wiki -,been%20foreseen%20by%20their%20drafters.&text=In%20India%2C%20the%20Supreme%20Court,the%20Constitution%2C%20especially%20its%20Preamble.

preamble is an introductory and expressionary statement in a document that explains the document's purpose and underlying philosophy. When applied to the opening paragraphs of a statute, it may recite historical facts pertinent to the subject of the statute. It is distinct from the long title or enacting formula of a law.

Any inputs ??


Is sulphur always a raw material for phosphoric acid based fertilizer?

Found everyone talking about oil refineries only.

Seems like no one is facing this doubt


My logic was that the author Sakharam Deuskar a Bengali born Maharashtrian who had promoted Sivaji Maharaj in Bengali , how can he restrict the word "Desha" to Bengal. When he has never forgotten his roots. Based on it i had stuck the statement 3 as wrong n arrived at the option. 

could be right....but he used it during swadeshi movement so could be bengal most probably. can you share the whole page?


For preamble question, D is correct. Suppose, govt enacted a law to given effect to DPSP or any other provision, and if there is a case in SC regarding some ambiguity, then SC can use Preamble as a guide to give judgement. 

Here SC will use Preamble + DPSP or Preamble + (any other part of Constitution). Thus legal effect of preamble only holds if it is used in combination to some other part. 

Govt.  cannot enact a law to give effect to provision of Preamble alone, neither can SC declare a law void if it goes only against preamble. Therefore, Preamble has no legal effect of its own, 

But when used in combination with any other part, it has legal effect.

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