Prelims 2016: Survey Results & Estimation of Cut off for Prelims 2016

Disclaimer: The Cut off estimation from the below data reflects a very small sample size of student and does not reflect the official cut off by ForumIAS. ForumIAS does not come up with a cut off though members are entirely allowed to debate it. We, at ForumIAS would ask all those with marks around 100 or more to prepare for the Mains, even it is your last attempt.

For those of you for whom 2015 was not the last attempt should anyway prepare for Mains.

Hi Friends,

Thank you for attempting the test at Less than 3000 candidates submitted their scores. Lower than 5600 candidates who wrote the FREE open Test 😛

We removed a few hundred scores which were unrealistic or erroneous.

Anyway, going by the data, we have plotted a graph of the scores. A histogram, has been drawn.

See the scores below




Based on the above data, an estimated cut off in the range of 110 can be expected. This is purely based on this data and may have no relevance to actual cut off.

We again appeal to all those of you with scored in the range of 100 to prepare for the Mains Examination.


23 responses to “Prelims 2016: Survey Results & Estimation of Cut off for Prelims 2016”

  1. Lord Vorminious Avatar
    Lord Vorminious

    Wow man 180 on Paper I, how did you achieve this seemingly impossible feat? :O

  2. Do_or_Die Avatar

    it appears realistic .. I also believe cut off would be the range of 107-113 (110 +-3)

  3. Vijaykarthik Avatar

    What ur score ?

  4. Anyone who matches 10keys ll get a range of around 10-15 marks on an avg. More variation for higher no of attempts. Going by discussions on various fora, at least 10 qns seem debatable – IFC, chief secy, mahabalipuram, drip irrigation, millets, unfccc, BEE, ghatika etc. Most keys ll get around 2-6 questions wrong that way. Individual variation could be +/-5 marks from our median scores across keys for each candidate. Plus even if we research n find out the right answer, upsc may beg to differ like in tax/GDP qn last year. Not even an analytics expert or an alumnus of ISI can predict this with 99℅ confidence interval. It may happen just by fluke. So enough of “matching” keys for me. Wasted 5 days in hoping against hope. I still hope though that it’s forum’s key that prevails out of all! After all – statistics is like a bikini.. what’s revealed is suggestive, what’s concealed is vital!
    PS: Matches are made in heaven, ITC and UPSC. Lol.

  5. Thanks.

  6. sorry i couldn’t take part in survey but with the keys i am getting 180+ and 160+ in paper I and Paper II respectively………thanks to ur valuable contribution through out to make me score such marks ……..i would like to thanks to the team for such genuine effort……….i would hoping for your help in mains…….are you planning something for mains like you did for prelims and please start daily brief……..that would be extremely helpful for me or all for us who done well in prelims are we are hoping for the mains to be same……..thanks again folks……may god bless you…………….

  7. Cornerstone Avatar

    So this graph also indicates that cut off will be around 120 where approx 2/3rd percentile lies.

  8. From this graph cutoff seems to be in between 120-130.

  9. Dibyojyoti Chatterjee Avatar
    Dibyojyoti Chatterjee

    Jai bhai its not that only u thought it was difficult. many other ppl are there.Evn in some paper i read students gave this feedback. Someone who has got common will say easy bcz of more factual and ca questions. hasula rakkho bhai. i too hope cut off doesnt go upto 110

  10. Jaime_Lannister Avatar

    This graph is scary. It is indicating something which I am afraid to say forthrightly.
    Also, all credit to ForumIAS guys for not spreading panic.

  11. Vishal Kumar Avatar
    Vishal Kumar


  12. 110 range means ?
    – 100 -to- 110 or
    – 110-to-120

  13. Pata nhi 110 kaise jayegi cut off. 3-4 saal se padh raha Hun. Is baar ka paper last year se difficult laga tha. Sirf mujhe hi difficult laga lagta hai. 109 marks ban rahe. Gaya kaam se. 🙁

  14. Hmm my score is 90.. Still preparing for mains 🙁

  15. Got it..Thanks all !!

  16. Bhavika Avatar

    I guess your score is 78.22 and negative marking is 1/3 of 2(marks of each ques)or .66or .67

  17. paper 2 men kitne hai?

  18. pirateone Avatar

    it is 1/3 of marks per question.
    It means 1/3 times 2 or simply -2/3 marks per wrong marked.

  19. DrKingSchultz Avatar

    @forumias-715d91778d743b59134e3cab3b0ffb1d:disqus ,
    The negative marking is “one-third of the marks allotted to that question”. So for GS questions, you get +2 on giving the correct answer and 1/3rd of 2 marks = 0.67 gets deducted for every incorrect answer.

    Simply put, your score = 2(no. of correct answers) – 0.67(no. of incorrect answers).
    2 marks should be deducted for every 3 incorrect answers. 🙂

  20. abhishek134 Avatar

    negative is 1/3 of alloted marks for the question and that is equal to 1/3*2marks =2/3

  21. I think you calculated the negative marks using -2/3 while the negative mark for prelims 2016 was -1/3..make me correct if I m wrong..I got 50 correct and 33 wrong..the score displayed was 77 but going by -1/3,I should be getting somewhere around 89-90

  22. IndianSuperhero Avatar

    thank you,,,

  23. Dreamz Unlimited Avatar
    Dreamz Unlimited

    Some sensible prediction at last.

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