[Solution] – Saturday CSAT Quiz #8

Passage 1:
Mr. Smith was regarded as a kind of luck -bringer among the miners who took care of him, did all he gently asked of them. He built his house and spent hours of their free time assisting him. When in a sentimental mood he first wrote about miners. Smith described them as large , muscular men; when he met them working underground and unclothed. he was struck by the slightness of their build. They were slim and tough, of the stuff from which swift footballers were made. On big holidays they dressed smartly, but the comradeship among them was such 
that a dressy young man did not mind being seen with one who neither wore nor owned a collar.

Q.1) Smith’s attitude towards miners was one of:
a) detachment

Explanation– Smith’s attitude is not of detachment and suspicion towards miners. They have an affectionate relationship between them.

Q.2) Smith had formed false impression of miners’  regarding:
(a) bodily structure.
(b) mental ability
(c) capacity for work
(d) generosity

Explanation– “Smith described them as large , muscular men ; when he met them working underground and unclothed. he was struck by the slightness of their build”. This clearly points out to his false impression about bodily structure of miners.

Passage 2:

For nearly twenty years I taught boys, lovingly and was being loved in return. When, after twenty-eight years of political work, I returned to education, I might have confined myself to administrative side, but took part in the actual instruction. This I did because I found happiness in it. Modern conditions do not tolerate caste and its monopolies, and the high calling of the educator is open to all.

Q.3)Which one of the following phrases best helps to bring out the precise meaning of the term ‘high calling of the educator’?
a)The noble profession of teaching
b)The serious advice to the teacher
c)The difficult work of educational administration
d)The high-sounding phrases used to describe a teacher

Explanation– Higher calling means to act in service to a higher i.e. more noble cause, a greater good which here clearly means a noble profession of teaching.

Q.4) The author suggests that he left teaching after twenty years because:
a) He was dissatisfied with teaching
b) He wanted to become administrator
c) He wanted to take part in political activities
d) He was busy with family and domestic affairs

Explanation– “When, after twenty-eight years of political work” this phrase tells he left teaching to pursue political activities.

Q.5) Find the number at the place of question mark in figure.

a)  1332
b) 1321
c) 1231
d) 1331

Answer: (d)
Explanation– Bigger numbers are cube of the vertically opposite smaller numbers. 64 is cube of 4, 343 is cube of 7 and therefore ‘?’ will be cube of 11 ie. 1331.

Q.6) Find the number to be placed at question mark?


a) 16
b) 12
c) 90
d) 48

Explanation– The central number is product of all the numbers in the 4 corners.



Therefore, ‘?’ will be product of = 10*3*1*3=90

Q.7) If the measure of three angles of triangles is 2:3:5 then the triangle is
a)Equilateral triangle
d)Right angled

Sum of all angles in a triangle =180 degrees
Let the proportionality be ‘x’
Therefore, angles are in proportion=2x:3x:5x
x=18 degree
Angles are=
2*18=36 degree
3*18=54 degree
5*18=90 degrees

Clearly the triangle is right angle triangle.

Q.8) In a certain place, volume of the completely spherical cricket ball is numerically equal to its surface area. Diameter of the ball is
a) 4 cm
b) 2 cm
c) 3 cm
d) 6 cm

Ans – [D]
Explanation – Volume of spherical ball= 4/3*pi*(radius)^3
Surface area of spherical ball=4*pi*(radius)^2
Now, volume of ball=surface area of ball
4/3*pi*(radius)^3=4*pi*(radius)^2; on, solving we get
Radius= 3cm
Diameter=2*radius= 2*3=6 cm


Q.9) The average run of two innings of the players who scored highest in average is:
a) 70
b) 75
c) 80
d) 85

Explanation– Highest average runs are scored by Dhoni in the two innings. This average is (60+80)/2=70

Q.10)The average score in second innings contributed by the four player is:

SUm of all runs in second innings=80+50+10+20=160
Average runs= 160/4=40


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  1. disqus Avatar

    THnks sir

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