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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


After so many days, perhaps three weeks, I just don't want to look at my books right now.. I want to burn them.. 
And this fact is making me even more anxious that I am wasting time right now because of this feeling. :( 

I should have rather been studying right now. :\

I wish this is the the last day of feeling like this...

Some battle are lost physically but most of the battle are lost mentally 

Villanelle,TambourineManand12 otherslike this
@SergioRamos Needful will be done captain to guide the chariots of all comrade towards the destination 

TambourineMan,SergioRamosand3 otherslike this

To everyone out here, you have fought thousands of battles and emerged victorious to be standing today. Success is just beyond this final battle now. The very feelings of despair, anxiety, and fear are nothing in front of your battle scars from your erstwhile duels. We all have come too close to fail now. This is something that we have to conquer, not for anybody else, but for ourselves. We have to, for the spirit inside us which, gave us the courage to opt for such a tedious challenge and motivated us countless times to push harder. 

The final lap is the hardest, but it is the hardest only for those who have ran their lungs out in the prior laps. So, pat yourselves for the hard work you have been doing till now, and just bring out some extra energy from within to finish off this race! We will do it! :D
It will be all worth it in the end! :)

Casablanca,Villanelleand16 otherslike this

And this for you all@sstarrr @the_initiated and all the lovely people here-

वह प्रदीप जो दीख रहा है

झिलमिल दूर नहीं है।

थक कर वैठ गये क्या भाई!

मंजिल दूर नहीं है।

अपनी हड्डी की मशाल से

हृदय चीरते तम का

सारी रात चले तुम दुख –

झेलते कुलिश निर्मल का

एक खेय है शेष

किसी विध पार उसे कर जाओ

वह देखो उस पार चमकता है

मंदिर प्रियतम का।

आकर इतना पास फिरे

वह सच्चा शूर नहीं है।

थक कर वैठ गये क्या भाई!

मंजिल दूर नहीं है।

दिशा दीप्त हो उठी प्राप्त कर

पुण्य प्रकाश तुम्हारा

लिखा जा चुका अनल अक्षरों में

इतिहास तुम्हारा

जिस मिट्टी ने लहू पिया

वह फूल खिलाएगी ही

अंबर पर धन बन छायेगा

ही उच्छ्वास तुम्हारा।

और अथिक ले जांच

देवता इतना क्रूर नहीं है।

थक कर वैठ गये क्या भाई!

मंजिल दूर नहीं है।

#Keep pushing yourself-Don’t give up 

More apt words couldn't have been there 👌

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this


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More apt words couldn't have been there 👌



And this for you all@sstarrr @the_initiated and all the lovely people here-

वह प्रदीप जो दीख रहा है

झिलमिल दूर नहीं है।

थक कर वैठ गये क्या भाई!

मंजिल दूर नहीं है।

अपनी हड्डी की मशाल से

हृदय चीरते तम का

सारी रात चले तुम दुख –

झेलते कुलिश निर्मल का

एक खेय है शेष

किसी विध पार उसे कर जाओ

वह देखो उस पार चमकता है

मंदिर प्रियतम का।

आकर इतना पास फिरे

वह सच्चा शूर नहीं है।

थक कर वैठ गये क्या भाई!

मंजिल दूर नहीं है।

दिशा दीप्त हो उठी प्राप्त कर

पुण्य प्रकाश तुम्हारा

लिखा जा चुका अनल अक्षरों में

इतिहास तुम्हारा

जिस मिट्टी ने लहू पिया

वह फूल खिलाएगी ही

अंबर पर धन बन छायेगा

ही उच्छ्वास तुम्हारा।

और अथिक ले जांच

देवता इतना क्रूर नहीं है।

थक कर वैठ गये क्या भाई!

मंजिल दूर नहीं है।

#Keep pushing yourself-Don’t give up 

Trust me this was really encouraging. Thank to you andDinkar Ji! 

I am going to read him after prelims!  

Villanelle,Archandand6 otherslike this

The last two days have been so-so. I've studied a bit, but mostly I feel sick of studying. The anxiety is crippling. I thought I'd be better this time, since I'm an 'experienced' aspirant by now. But self doubt always remains.

It's good to see all the messages here. So much positivity and inspiration being shared. So much honesty and vulnerability being shown. The great solace is that even in this trying times, we're in it together.

Thank you all! And all the very best for the coming few crucial days. 

chamomile,Casablancaand13 otherslike this

And this for you all@sstarrr @the_initiated and all the lovely people here-

वह प्रदीप जो दीख रहा है

झिलमिल दूर नहीं है।

थक कर वैठ गये क्या भाई!

मंजिल दूर नहीं है।

अपनी हड्डी की मशाल से

हृदय चीरते तम का

सारी रात चले तुम दुख –

झेलते कुलिश निर्मल का

एक खेय है शेष

किसी विध पार उसे कर जाओ

वह देखो उस पार चमकता है

मंदिर प्रियतम का।

आकर इतना पास फिरे

वह सच्चा शूर नहीं है।

थक कर वैठ गये क्या भाई!

मंजिल दूर नहीं है।

दिशा दीप्त हो उठी प्राप्त कर

पुण्य प्रकाश तुम्हारा

लिखा जा चुका अनल अक्षरों में

इतिहास तुम्हारा

जिस मिट्टी ने लहू पिया

वह फूल खिलाएगी ही

अंबर पर धन बन छायेगा

ही उच्छ्वास तुम्हारा।

और अथिक ले जांच

देवता इतना क्रूर नहीं है।

थक कर वैठ गये क्या भाई!

मंजिल दूर नहीं है।

#Keep pushing yourself-Don’t give up 

Thanks brother, your poems are totally nd apt to the point. You've introduced Dinkar to me n many ones here.. 😃😃

Rashmirathi,THE_MECHANICand2 otherslike this

Sab random updates de rahe hain, toh mai bhi:

1. Mind is overflowing with facts rn. I’m reading some things and while reading them, I question the point of it all, as how can I possibly recall some random trivia them in the exam hall. I miss the time where I would enjoy reading these same things without pressure.

2. Also, a new thing: slight dark circles are beginning to show. Hope I don’t turn into a raccoon by the time we’re done with prelims. This has got mum worried for no reason. 

3. Restlessness at times. Trying to work on it by taking one day at a time, but not going well so far.

Not the best days of days, but I know I’ll justify all of this if prelims bach gya 😂 

TambourineMan,BurtMacklin_FBIand13 otherslike this
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Covered everything but again, at low efficiency. Sigh. The last vision open test was so arbitrary that you don't even want to feel happy about a decent score. It is just your luck in those papers. 


  • Finish Polity Tomorrow
  • Mapping (if one subject gets too boring!) 

Finished the static portion. Will have to come back to bits of CA later. The mind keeps wandering in weirder places by the day. Seems like infinite things left to read and miniscule time left. In a way, it is comforting to see that I'm not the only one struggling with all of this. May the force be with us!


  • Modern History (1/2) 
  • Finish Polity CA (1/2)
  • Mapping - Ramsar Sites 
  • Environment PYQ (1/2) 

Edit: Added Polity CA to the list. Might delay other targets but let's try!

TambourineMan,AJ_and7 otherslike this

Today's targets - 

Mock test and peer analysis 

Vision test analysis (One of the worst open test I had seen in recent times)

August CA(Priority)


OneNote History

PYQ discussion - Economics

2020 August CA done

Enviro - half done

PYQ discussion done for economics and agriculture

Most test and peer analysis done

Vision test analysis not done yet

OneNote history - Not completed

Things which are rare - watching Arsenal winning, the sight of Brahmakamal flower blooming and@SergioRamos coming on forum nowadays :/

And yes, the final lap is here, lets do what we were doing for last few months@sjerngal @Celeborn 

याचना नहीं, अब रण होगा,
जीवन-जय या कि मरण होगा।
(RS Dinkar)

12432TrivendrumRajdhani,Celebornand10 otherslike this

Good morning everyone 

Sorry could not post targets of last few days 

Target for 23rd Sept. 2021

CA revision : May 2020- Dec 2020


Mock Analysis



Facts revision

Celeborn,Archandand7 otherslike this

Hum bi thora likh de kaisa chal rha hai 

1. Starting out in morning feels a bit daunting and causes anxiety but after 1-2 hrs of studies , feels a bit better 

2. Putting in hours but not able to give my complete focus at times and getting distracted by thoughts . Any tips?

3. 15 min evening walk is really helping me. Would recommend it 

4. A shout out to the forumites on YPT. You make studying a little less lonely .

My best to everyone . It's not easy but we have to go all the way !

Casablanca,12432TrivendrumRajdhaniand14 otherslike this
Hi. Just want to remind you all that the most important thing going forward is a clear head. You have already done the hard yards. If the paper is tough, it will be tough for everyone. To a point, everybody reads and re-reads the same material. The knowledge you have accumulated is sufficient. The demons in your head are the ones you need to tame. This is easier said than done, but I feel it’s important that you consciously remind yourself about it every single day. To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, I wish you will try to keep your head about you when there is so much doubt surrounding you. I hope you will be ready to meet with triumph or disaster, and be ready to treat those two impostors just the same. I hope you will fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run. I hope you will remember to be kind. Be kind to others and to yourself. This itself will put you in a good mental space. I know, better than most, how this exam can feel like the end of the world. But I assure you, it is not. There is a weird sense of comfort you get if you can isolate yourself from the result and simply focus on the process. 

I know how hard it is to do the above; I have struggled with it for many years now. Yet, I feel it is what we must find the courage to do. Good luck to you all. May good things come to you. 
EiChan,chamomileand24 otherslike this

After so many days, perhaps three weeks, I just don't want to look at my books right now.. I want to burn them.. 
And this fact is making me even more anxious that I am wasting time right now because of this feeling.:( 

I should have rather been studying right now.:\

I wish this is the last day of feeling like this...

Some battle are lost physically but most of the battle are lost mentally 

Wrote this on a piece of paper and pasted it right in front of my line of sight on my study table... 
This says it all!!!!
Going to study like a maniac for the next 16-17 days... 
I can do it.. I will do it... 

EiChan,TambourineManand14 otherslike this

Today's Minimum Program:

- Read Through ~ V-OT

UPDATE: All Done.

TambourineMan,Celebornand8 otherslike this
Is EPIC August released?

Hey all. 

Just remember this - when u can't recall stuff, anxiety of performance creeps in - everyone is in the same boat. Not everything needs to be remembered. Whatever you have done is enough. 

And from experience can tell you - post exam you will realise how many of those worries were futile. Don't worry about stuff that may never happen. 

My plan for today - 

1. Revise pending polity

2. Sci and tech

3. Mocks 

4. Pyq

TambourineMan,AJ_and12 otherslike this

23 Sep

1. Revise polity (6 hrs)

2. Current backlog (2.5 hrs)

3. CSAT (1.5 Hrs)

See pyqs !

AJ_,Celebornand10 otherslike this

Targets - 


Animals and parks

Geography brush up

2020 July CA

Test analysis

PYQ analysis

AJ_,Celebornand9 otherslike this
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