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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Targets for 28.11.21 are:

finish up yesterday’s backlog

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

@EiChan  it was test 4 of cohort 7. Gs3 papers infact felt easier. 

@Murali  it's my first mains as well, I'm getting score around 90. 

EiChan,Celebornand2 otherslike this

Guys.. is it alright to choose Delhi as centre for mains.. what about the peak cold during Jan 7 -16 period.. will it affect the performance ? 

Please suggest how to prepare oneself to face the weather in case one chooses to write from Delhi. 



Guys.. is it alright to choose Delhi as centre for mains.. what about the peak cold during Jan 7 -16 period.. will it affect the performance ? 

Please suggest how to prepare oneself to face the weather in case one chooses to write from Delhi. 

If you’re currently in Delhi, it will be difficult but you’ll slowly acclimate to the cold. It’s difficult for the first 20 minutes, while your fingers haven’t warmed up yet, it gets ok after a while. 

Levi,Celebornand3 otherslike this
how  is one supposed to cover disaster management? kahan se aur kaise?

@YouCanBeKingAgainno dear I am not taking awfg.

But enrolled in mgp cohort 12.

how  is one supposed to cover disaster management? kahan se aur kaise?

I'm doing from only ias prahaar.. Very few pages.. 

Plus whatever dipin sir will teach in class



Concentration is wavering like anything.. 

It's been almost a week now like this.. 

I think I'll have to take full day break tomorrow, and waste as much time as I can... Maybe the guilt trip will help me in getting back on track.. 

What do you guys think? 

Celeborn,Archandand3 otherslike this

Concentration is wavering like anything.. 

It's been almost a week now like this.. 

I think I'll have to take full day break tomorrow, and waste as much time as I can... Maybe the guilt trip will help me in getting back on track.. 

What do you guys think? 

I was in the same condition till yesterday. Took a mentor call and got a reality check. She asked me to plan for each week by allocating tasks to each day. When i did that i realised, i have shit load of work to do in very limited time. Planned accordingly. And today was a productive day for me. This was because i know in my head that if i stick to the plan, i will be able to complete things. And this took the stress off and i could concentrate. Just hoping it stays this way.

u can try out this plan thing.

Xera,SAand12 otherslike this
Anyone who wants to buy mk yadav qep can message me (2021 mains). I purchased it and now discontinued the preparation


Concentration is wavering like anything.. 

It's been almost a week now like this.. 

I think I'll have to take full day break tomorrow, and waste as much time as I can... Maybe the guilt trip will help me in getting back on track.. 

What do you guys think? 

I was in the same condition till yesterday. Took a mentor call and got a reality check. She asked me to plan for each week by allocating tasks to each day. When i did that i realised, i have shit load of work to do in very limited time. Planned accordingly. And today was a productive day for me. This was because i know in my head that if i stick to the plan, i will be able to complete things. And this took the stress off and i could concentrate. Just hoping it stays this way.

u can try out this plan thing.

Same, I made a plan for December and suddenly it feels doable.

Celeborn,satorand2 otherslike this

Targets for 28.11.21 are:

finish up yesterday’s backlog

Done, thankfully 

Celeborn,satorand1 otherslike this

Targets for 29.11.21 are:


GS 3 (DM)

GS 1 Medieval

Mains 365- polity (section 2)


Ethics AWP

Thats all for today folks. Jam packed but let’s get it!

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this
@sjerngal I would suggest to hang on and put in some limited effort even if u dont like doing anything.Taking a break will break the momentum.

Civils Mains:2017,2018,2020,2021,Forest Mains:2021.

Celeborn,satorand1 otherslike this

I wrote a PSIR test yesterday and obviously they aren't the best answers, but I feel confident that they are the best ones I have written this year. 

For today, just a lot of gs answer writing practice and some left over areas of GS 1.

ATB everyone and remember to submit DAF 1. 

Xera,Celebornand8 otherslike this

Concentration is wavering like anything.. 

It's been almost a week now like this.. 

I think I'll have to take full day break tomorrow, and waste as much time as I can... Maybe the guilt trip will help me in getting back on track.. 

What do you guys think? 

I am going through the same. The guilt however worsens the situation atleast in my case. Keep doing the bare minimum and try to push a little fit further every day. ATB 

Celeborn,satorand3 otherslike this
Yesterday wasn't a good day. I felt like shit. So I took an unplanned break.

I realize how much I needed that break.
I know I'm working harder than ever before but it never feels enough. And then eventually the pressure accumulates and I break down.

Just having some non-study time gave me the freedom to reflect on the past couple months. I've realised that I've intentionally subdued my anxieties and fears, to fool everyone including myself that I'm handling this well. Spoiler alert - I'm not. 

But that's probably how it's supposed to be. This is one of the toughest things I've ever done. I can't expect it to be a cakewalk. And so I will have bad days. I will feel overwhelmed. My goal shouldn't be to not feel any of that. But to keep moving forward in spite of all. To keep giving my best, even if sometimes 'the best' means to simply get out of bed and sit at my table. 

So today I continue my fight. Hopefully wiser than yesterday. Definitely more energised than yesterday. And willing to keep moving forward and give my best. 

Joeyisthebest,GaryVeeand18 otherslike this

Tired and guilty after attending a wedding, let's get back to the grind. 


    - Revise half GS3

    - Env mains365

    - Particle 

sjerngal,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

Didn't take the break that I was talking about, as many people also rightly suggested. 

In fact I had no clue how to spend my day had I taken a break.. I'm not a "binge watch TV shows" Kind of person... 

Woke up as my normal schedule and glad to say I have had a fairly decent first half of the day.. 

I figured out sources of my distractions because of which I wasn't able to concentrate  ... 

I have thrown my cellphone in the farthest corner of my cupboard, which will only be taken out for evening walks now.. Also blocked some websites... For the next 30 days, which I can not unblock now till the 30 days get over.. 

As far as the break is concerned, it will make a lot more sense and would be meaningful after giving your 200% in this remaining one month(approx).. Would probably go to the mountains after thiss... *sighs*.. 

Anduin,Celebornand5 otherslike this
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