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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this


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Could not start statics & dynamics, I've finished 3D but not happy with my progress. Will revise it tomorrow once more before I proceed. Could not see the topper copy either. Have to make it a regular habit. 


  • 3D - Revision 
  • Statics & Dynamics - Theory 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Answer Writing & Review 
  • Disaster Management (1/3)

Wasted the first half today. Was able to touch upon all the topics but my progress in them wasn't satisfactory. 


  • Finish S&D Theory 
  • Disaster Management (2/3) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing Review + Write 2 Case Studies 

I was fanboying over Vishakha Yadav's topper copies a while back, saw Divya Mishra's copy today and I'm awestruck. They deserve all the success that they've got, insane skills. Need to put in a lot of efforts to even run in the same race as them. Hopefully one day! Good luck people. 


  • Finish S&D 
  • Revise 3D 
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Bad day streak continues. Only did maths today and the newspaper. 


  • Review - S&D, 3D
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Was able to cover most of the targets yesterday. However, my efficiency was less and it reflected in the test I gave today. Might have to give more time to same topics, confused as of now. 


  • Test - done 
  • Finish Disaster Management 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Not able to come here on a daily basis but I'll keep trying. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Write 1 Essay 
  • Newspaper 

Could not start Ethics Test review due to time paucity. Did the rest. 


  • Maths - Complex Analysis (1/2) 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper 

Was not able to finish test analysis. Barely did 30%. Finished the other targets. GS1,2 and 3 are lagging behind, wish there was a way for us to function optimally 16 hours a day! Good day people!


  • Finish Complex Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Finish Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper
DM,Vesuviusand5 otherslike this

Break over. Covered backlogs yesterday - newspaper, class, etc. 


1. Optional - LPP 

2. GS3 Economy PYQs 

3. Ethics - Topics D, E

Archand,Caffeinityand1 otherslike this

Had a really poor week.. nothing achieved .

Now taking a break from work, hopefully this will help.

Targets ( Posting a 15 days target , will post micro daily targets later)

1. GS 1 ( Complete+ Answer writing)

2.GS 4 (Ethics Classes + Answer writing)

3. Optional Paper 2


Archand,Caffeinityand1 otherslike this
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Could not start statics & dynamics, I've finished 3D but not happy with my progress. Will revise it tomorrow once more before I proceed. Could not see the topper copy either. Have to make it a regular habit. 


  • 3D - Revision 
  • Statics & Dynamics - Theory 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Answer Writing & Review 
  • Disaster Management (1/3)

Wasted the first half today. Was able to touch upon all the topics but my progress in them wasn't satisfactory. 


  • Finish S&D Theory 
  • Disaster Management (2/3) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing Review + Write 2 Case Studies 

I was fanboying over Vishakha Yadav's topper copies a while back, saw Divya Mishra's copy today and I'm awestruck. They deserve all the success that they've got, insane skills. Need to put in a lot of efforts to even run in the same race as them. Hopefully one day! Good luck people. 


  • Finish S&D 
  • Revise 3D 
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Bad day streak continues. Only did maths today and the newspaper. 


  • Review - S&D, 3D
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Was able to cover most of the targets yesterday. However, my efficiency was less and it reflected in the test I gave today. Might have to give more time to same topics, confused as of now. 


  • Test - done 
  • Finish Disaster Management 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Not able to come here on a daily basis but I'll keep trying. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Write 1 Essay 
  • Newspaper 

Could not start Ethics Test review due to time paucity. Did the rest. 


  • Maths - Complex Analysis (1/2) 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper 

Was not able to finish test analysis. Barely did 30%. Finished the other targets. GS1,2 and 3 are lagging behind, wish there was a way for us to function optimally 16 hours a day! Good day people!


  • Finish Complex Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Finish Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper

how many hours are you able to study productively? 

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Could not start statics & dynamics, I've finished 3D but not happy with my progress. Will revise it tomorrow once more before I proceed. Could not see the topper copy either. Have to make it a regular habit. 


  • 3D - Revision 
  • Statics & Dynamics - Theory 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Answer Writing & Review 
  • Disaster Management (1/3)

Wasted the first half today. Was able to touch upon all the topics but my progress in them wasn't satisfactory. 


  • Finish S&D Theory 
  • Disaster Management (2/3) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing Review + Write 2 Case Studies 

I was fanboying over Vishakha Yadav's topper copies a while back, saw Divya Mishra's copy today and I'm awestruck. They deserve all the success that they've got, insane skills. Need to put in a lot of efforts to even run in the same race as them. Hopefully one day! Good luck people. 


  • Finish S&D 
  • Revise 3D 
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Bad day streak continues. Only did maths today and the newspaper. 


  • Review - S&D, 3D
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Was able to cover most of the targets yesterday. However, my efficiency was less and it reflected in the test I gave today. Might have to give more time to same topics, confused as of now. 


  • Test - done 
  • Finish Disaster Management 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Not able to come here on a daily basis but I'll keep trying. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Write 1 Essay 
  • Newspaper 

Could not start Ethics Test review due to time paucity. Did the rest. 


  • Maths - Complex Analysis (1/2) 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper 

Was not able to finish test analysis. Barely did 30%. Finished the other targets. GS1,2 and 3 are lagging behind, wish there was a way for us to function optimally 16 hours a day! Good day people!


  • Finish Complex Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Finish Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper

how many hours are you able to study productively? 

think it is very wrong to put it in terms of a number of hours to study and measure the study performance based on time. It should be more on the number of subjects or topics that you have covered. 



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Could not start statics & dynamics, I've finished 3D but not happy with my progress. Will revise it tomorrow once more before I proceed. Could not see the topper copy either. Have to make it a regular habit. 


  • 3D - Revision 
  • Statics & Dynamics - Theory 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Answer Writing & Review 
  • Disaster Management (1/3)

Wasted the first half today. Was able to touch upon all the topics but my progress in them wasn't satisfactory. 


  • Finish S&D Theory 
  • Disaster Management (2/3) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing Review + Write 2 Case Studies 

I was fanboying over Vishakha Yadav's topper copies a while back, saw Divya Mishra's copy today and I'm awestruck. They deserve all the success that they've got, insane skills. Need to put in a lot of efforts to even run in the same race as them. Hopefully one day! Good luck people. 


  • Finish S&D 
  • Revise 3D 
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Bad day streak continues. Only did maths today and the newspaper. 


  • Review - S&D, 3D
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Was able to cover most of the targets yesterday. However, my efficiency was less and it reflected in the test I gave today. Might have to give more time to same topics, confused as of now. 


  • Test - done 
  • Finish Disaster Management 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Not able to come here on a daily basis but I'll keep trying. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Write 1 Essay 
  • Newspaper 

Could not start Ethics Test review due to time paucity. Did the rest. 


  • Maths - Complex Analysis (1/2) 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper 

Was not able to finish test analysis. Barely did 30%. Finished the other targets. GS1,2 and 3 are lagging behind, wish there was a way for us to function optimally 16 hours a day! Good day people!


  • Finish Complex Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Finish Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper

how many hours are you able to study productively? 

think it is very wrong to put it in terms of a number of hours to study and measure the study performance based on time. It should be more on the number of subjects or topics that you have covered. 

yes I  completely agree.. productivity is more essential..

Productive study of less hours is always a better option than less productive and less focused study of more time.

but I was asking about this not for analyzing study performance.. It was just a general query ..Because personally I am not someone who is able to study productively for 12 hours  and more.

Anyone selling any test series?
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Was not able to finish test analysis. Barely did 30%. Finished the other targets. GS1,2 and 3 are lagging behind, wish there was a way for us to function optimally 16 hours a day! Good day people!


  • Finish Complex Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Finish Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper

Did not have the energy to do complex analysis, did the other targets. 


  • Finish Complex Analysis 
  • Maths Test 
  • Science & Tech - (1/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy
  • Answer Writing 
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how many hours are you able to study productively? 

Until one month before prelims I'd only been studying 7-8 hours and I do not think that anymore than that is possible if we are preparing for a long time.

However, I have been trying to have 10 hours of effective study nowadays since I am writing my first mains and do not have any prior experience. I strongly believe that number of hours should not be a factor of concern. Instead, target completion is a much better way to measure effectiveness. Good luck!

The 16 hour phrase was said in jest. Even if someone magically puts in 16 hours for a day or two, they will eventually harm their whole week. Sustainability is very important in my opinion. 

dalpha,Vesuviusand9 otherslike this


Break over. Covered backlogs yesterday - newspaper, class, etc. 


1. Optional - LPP 

2. GS3 Economy PYQs 

3. Ethics - Topics D, E

1,3 partly done. 2 not done. 


1. Optional - LPP 

2. Ethics - Topic D + 1 case study 

3. Newspaper + 1 TV debate

Archand,Curiosityand1 otherslike this


  1. PSIR - Revise - Aurobindo, Gandhi, Ambedkar, MN Roy, Liberty, equality, and justice - write 8 answers
  2. GS 3 - Economics and Agri portion left over Value addition in notes.
  3. 1 Topper copy of Essay and value addition on the topic.
Celeborn,JohnButlerTrainand1 otherslike this
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Was not able to finish test analysis. Barely did 30%. Finished the other targets. GS1,2 and 3 are lagging behind, wish there was a way for us to function optimally 16 hours a day! Good day people!


  • Finish Complex Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Finish Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper

Did not have the energy to do complex analysis, did the other targets. 


  • Finish Complex Analysis 
  • Maths Test 
  • Science & Tech - (1/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy
  • Answer Writing 

Did not start S&T. Also, I didn't have time for the topper copy. I have been procrastinating about it since a long time, hope tomorrow is better. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Maths Test 
  • Science & Tech - (1/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy
  • Answer Writing 

Heavy day tomorrow, hope I can cover most of the targets. Good luck everyone :)

DM,Celebornand2 otherslike this



Break over. Covered backlogs yesterday - newspaper, class, etc. 


1. Optional - LPP 

2. GS3 Economy PYQs 

3. Ethics - Topics D, E

1,3 partly done. 2 not done. 


1. Optional - LPP 

2. Ethics - Topic D + 1 case study 

3. Newspaper + 1 TV debate

1, 2 - done; 3 - skipped. 


1. Optional - Complex (1/2); Cyclic Groups 

2. Disaster Management + 1 Ethics Case Study 

3. CA class 

4. News backlog

DM,Celebornand1 otherslike this

Last week's targets completed. Took one day extra.

Targets for today:

1) Complex Analysis (1/2)

2) Social Justice (1/2)

3) CA class 

4) Newspaper 

5) Answer Writing 

Have a great day! 

DM,Archandand4 otherslike this
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Did not start S&T. Also, I didn't have time for the topper copy. I have been procrastinating about it since a long time, hope tomorrow is better. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Maths Test 
  • Science & Tech - (1/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy
  • Answer Writing 

Heavy day tomorrow, hope I can cover most of the targets. Good luck everyone :)

It was a difficult day today, only did the essential tasks except for starting GS3. Will compensate for it tomorrow. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Science & Tech - try to finish 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy
  • Answer Writing
DM,Celebornand2 otherslike this




Break over. Covered backlogs yesterday - newspaper, class, etc. 


1. Optional - LPP 

2. GS3 Economy PYQs 

3. Ethics - Topics D, E

1,3 partly done. 2 not done. 


1. Optional - LPP 

2. Ethics - Topic D + 1 case study 

3. Newspaper + 1 TV debate

1, 2 - done; 3 - skipped. 


1. Optional - Complex (1/2); Cyclic Groups 

2. Disaster Management + 1 Ethics Case Study 

3. CA class 

4. News backlog

Almost done. 


1. Optional - Complex (2/2); Algebra (Finish cyclic)

2. GS3 Disaster Management (2/2) + PYQs

3. GS4 Civil Service Values (1/4) + 1 case study

4. Newspaper

DM,Celebornand1 otherslike this

Does writing essay for upsc means only describing the essay or we can dig for new meaning, or give contradictory view to essay . 

Got poor marks in essay mocks for doing that ,the copy cheker have written not relavant/stick to demand of essay type comment every where. 

I don't know what I have done wrong 

1) Made the essay unnecessary complex.

2) I lack langauge(articulation)skills to convince the reader to my narrative. 

3 ) The reader,reading the essay is searching for some fixed format or trying to earn more money by giving only a cursory reading .

Essay score 130 in 2016,Essay 135 in 2017(I thought these marks were due to my handwriting illegible at times,spelling and grammar error ) 

Essay 103 in 2018(wrote a one sided essay showing contemt for indian  culture in customary morality topic).

Writing mains after 2 year drops and 1 csat negligence. 

Anybody with good essay marks or improvement over time please reply .






Break over. Covered backlogs yesterday - newspaper, class, etc. 


1. Optional - LPP 

2. GS3 Economy PYQs 

3. Ethics - Topics D, E

1,3 partly done. 2 not done. 


1. Optional - LPP 

2. Ethics - Topic D + 1 case study 

3. Newspaper + 1 TV debate

1, 2 - done; 3 - skipped. 


1. Optional - Complex (1/2); Cyclic Groups 

2. Disaster Management + 1 Ethics Case Study 

3. CA class 

4. News backlog

Almost done. 


1. Optional - Complex (2/2); Algebra (Finish cyclic)

2. GS3 Disaster Management (2/2) + PYQs

3. GS4 Civil Service Values (1/4) + 1 case study

4. Newspaper

Only half done. 


1. Modern Algebra (1/5) 

2. GS3 - finish DM; start Security

3. Ethics - Repeat + 2 case studies 

4. Newspaper

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Did not start S&T. Also, I didn't have time for the topper copy. I have been procrastinating about it since a long time, hope tomorrow is better. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Maths Test 
  • Science & Tech - (1/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy
  • Answer Writing 

Heavy day tomorrow, hope I can cover most of the targets. Good luck everyone :)

It was a difficult day today, only did the essential tasks except for starting GS3. Will compensate for it tomorrow. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Science & Tech - try to finish 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy
  • Answer Writing


  • S&T 
  • PDE (1/3) 
  • Answer Writing & Review 
  • Newspaper 
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