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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this


P.S. Obligatory New Beginnings Pep Talk

Oasis,Mettleand13 otherslike this
Thanks for starting this thread, mate. 

In March, when the mains results came, I was quite shattered to be frank. I was fully expecting to clear the mains stage at least, and half expecting to get my name somewhere in the rank list, at least at the bottom. However, the result was on unexpected lines. When you devote so much of your time and energy to something, and it consistently gives you nothing in return, it’s draining. It took me all the strength in the world to stand back up on my feet again post my repeated failures at prelims in 2019. I found the strength I needed to do that from this platform. I found a mask I named Patootie. Yet, it is so much harder to find that the second time around, after you’ve been knocked down. This exam is ruthless, and it owes you no debt, no matter how much you think it does. 

So, when I failed mains last time, my immediate course of action was self preservation. I needed to find myself a job. I needed to find myself again. I know how clichè that sounds, because I also agree there is never one you. You keep changing, and your experiences keep moulding you into the person you are at any given point in time. I guess, I needed to find out who I was, outside the scope of this exam. I did not want to tell people I was preparing for an exam. I wanted to feel like anything but a failure, who took on more than he could chew. I wanted to feel worthy again. Of something. 

So, I found a job. I consider myself extremely lucky. And I have performed reasonably well at my job since. I like some of my work, and can live with most of it. It offers a good life. Yet, I am somehow drawn back to this platform and you people, over and over again. I can’t simply shake this off. 

When@whatonly and@AJ_ cleared the paper, I felt that joy in my heart and wondered how their lives would have been like at that very moment. When@MaeveWiley wrote a frustrated and heartfelt post today, I felt every bit of it too. When I read @D503’scomments, I somehow always feel connected with their experience. This community understands and feels, and somehow, I feel there’s a part of me that I can reveal here that one who is not intricately connected with the exam would never understand. 

At this point, for me, it is not even about the job for me. I want to clear the exam. It is as simple as that. It is an intensely personal struggle and it has been for at least the past 2 years. Good thing is, I finally feel that I can truly give my best again towards that goal. The time for austerity is done, now is the time for audacity. “Audacity of hope? “

I missed the mains cutoff by 5 marks.  When I was telling my mom about it over the phone, I broke down crying. I didn’t know that I felt that emotional about it any longer, given I hadn’t touched my books properly for over 9 months. Since I failed to clear mains, I was nowhere close to where I needed to be to get the service of my choice. However, I did feel robbed at that moment. I don’t know why, can’t put my finger on it. However, as time passed, I realised it was the best possible outcome. Maybe I did a few things right. I don’t know what they were and even if I did identify them, whether they would work again. Yet, somewhere in my marksheet, I’ve found my will to try again. 

This forum carried me the last time I was active on it. I’m just trying to stand up again, and I didn’t know where else to go. Thanks for this thread, mate. 2022. Maybe, just maybe. 

ssver2,Oasisand56 otherslike this
ssver2,Oasisand12 otherslike this

@nerdfighter and@Patootie bhai for you both-

                                                      हक़ीक़तें हैं सलामत तो ख़्वाब बहुतेरे 

                                                      उदास क्यूँ हो जो कुछ ख़्वाब राएगाँ निकले 

ssver2,Oasisand13 otherslike this

@Patootie so, so, so, so happy to see you back friend. Sending you all the best wishes I have plus some borrowed from here and there for 2022 :)

ssver2,DMand18 otherslike this

Thank you@nerdfighter for this thing. We know we all are in this together.

I am filled with guilt, regret as well as the odd feeling of enthusiasm. I don't want to fall in the trap of self doubts. I know once I am in that it will be very difficult for me to come out of it. I want to move forward and look at the things which are in my control. I know where I lack and which things I should focus from now on. One clarity has been achieved, that is to have a backup. 

Hard work pays off one day or other. Maybe luck did not favour us this time, but it is not like it won't favour us anytime. Let me do what I have in my control. 

Tomorrow's target : For UPPSC 

1. History PYQ - Last chapters - 1/3  

2. Science and tech - Bio + physical portion - 1/3 

3. Env - Pollution. 

4. Random GK - from youtube, someone suggested that. 

I am not sure if I will clear this, considering the time that is left, but if not this time, next time it will help. 

P.S Sorry if you all find its too early to post this :)

TambourineMan,AJ_and11 otherslike this
@sstarrr any specific channel for random gk.
Can u suggest me too.



@sstarrr any specific channel for random gk.
Can u suggest me too.

Refer the UPPSC thread. I would go for study for civil services as many people suggest this.

I am starting now, should I target CSE 2022?because only 7.5 months are remaining.
THE_MECHANIC,Dauminashunand1 otherslike this
@nerdfighter Thank you Clay.



Villanelle,TambourineManand11 otherslike this
@Patootie "At this point, for me, it is not even about the job for me. I want to clear the exam. It is as simple as that. It is an intensely personal struggle and it has been for at least the past 2 years. Good thing is, I finally feel that I can truly give my best again towards that goal."

I relate to that so much. Was expecting interview call at least, ended up getting the least marks so far. Confidence totally shattered. Started looking at other jobs and other exams. But eventually I realized if I run away now, I will regret it for the rest of my life. It may not be rational, and I don't know if it is right sort of motivation for becoming a good officer, but now I want to do it because I feel that I can't. When Livepool beat Barcelona 4-0 (after being defeated by 3-0 at Barcelona), Jurgen Klopp told the players before the match to either "win or fail in the most beautiful way". Now, I want to either clear the exam or at least come close. Won't run away before that.
Oasis,Villanelleand13 otherslike this


@Patootie "At this point, for me, it is not even about the job for me. I want to clear the exam. It is as simple as that. It is an intensely personal struggle and it has been for at least the past 2 years. Good thing is, I finally feel that I can truly give my best again towards that goal."

I relate to that so much. Was expecting interview call at least, ended up getting the least marks so far. Confidence totally shattered. Started looking at other jobs and other exams. But eventually I realized if I run away now, I will regret it for the rest of my life. It may not be rational, and I don't know if it is right sort of motivation for becoming a good officer, but now I want to do it because I feel that I can't. When Livepool beat Barcelona 4-0 (after being defeated by 3-0 at Barcelona), Jurgen Klopp told the players before the match to either "win or fail in the most beautiful way". Now, I want to either clear the exam or at least come close. Won't run away before that.

"Won't run away before that" , "I run away now, I will regret it for the rest of my life" 

Exactly my state :)

Oasis,sbhatiand13 otherslike this


@Patootie "At this point, for me, it is not even about the job for me. I want to clear the exam. It is as simple as that. It is an intensely personal struggle and it has been for at least the past 2 years. Good thing is, I finally feel that I can truly give my best again towards that goal."

I relate to that so much. Was expecting interview call at least, ended up getting the least marks so far. Confidence totally shattered. Started looking at other jobs and other exams. But eventually I realized if I run away now, I will regret it for the rest of my life. It may not be rational, and I don't know if it is right sort of motivation for becoming a good officer, but now I want to do it because I feel that I can't. When Livepool beat Barcelona 4-0 (after being defeated by 3-0 at Barcelona), Jurgen Klopp told the players before the match to either "win or fail in the most beautiful way". Now, I want to either clear the exam or at least come close. Won't run away before that.

As much as I despise Liverpool, I hope I can turn my life around like Liverpool did on that magical Anfield night. Let's keep hustling, because it's the only option we have! 

sbhati,Celebornand6 otherslike this

Hello everyone,

I have been waiting for this thread thank you@nerdfighter . I am one of those silent observers who reads most of the comments get inspired and relates to what others are going through. I had my failures in 2018, 2019 and 2020 prelims itself--decided to change optional midway from psir to mathematics for 2020---strange? Yeah I know.

Failed 2020 prelims by 1.33 marks--dejected I decided to get a job. Applied for anything and everything got close in every exam and failing within the margin of 10 marks. But Out of the list means out of the list no ifs and buts.

Still waiting for 3 more results. Though I have not given 2021 prelims but have decided to give one more shot in 2022 with all I have left inside me and ofcourse getting inspiration from you people.

Currently I am preparing for UPPCS on 24th. Let's see how things roll out.

P.S. I will try not to go silent again and to those silent readers sorry for opting out this might help me😜

sbhati,TambourineManand14 otherslike this
Mightily impressed to see the commitment you guys have, to an extent that I sometimes feel intimidated. More power to you all! :)
ThePhenom,sbhatiand9 otherslike this
Okay so Prelims 2021 was my 1st Attempt, but i did my graduation in 2016 and then worked for an MNC. Now in dilemma should I appear for 2022 or 2023 ? And talking about 2021 I lacked in revision that's it.

Good morning everyone 

To do list for 12th October 2021 

[] Ethics : Probity in Governance [1/2]

[] Sociology: Social change in Modern Society[1/2]

[] 10K steps 

[] Gym Workout session

ThePhenom,Celebornand4 otherslike this

This forum community is such a wonderful blessing. I'm preparing from home. Gave 2021 attempt, could not revise much. Was ill-planned. And sometimes felt lost out, somehow came across this platform and have learned so much from the people here, their journey and the courage they've shown year after year. 

Before writing the prelims 2021paper, somehow my mind started singing a prayer I used to sing in the morning assembly of my school. That is

" We shall overcome, we shall overcome someday. Deep in my heart, I do believe that we shall overcome someday. "

ThePhenom,sbhatiand9 otherslike this
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