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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this


I have had scattered preparation during my previous attempts. I was doing everything and still felt I have done nothing in the end. A little bit of answer writing here, a few current affairs classes there, a little bit of ancient, a few time economy, etc. In short, there was no coherence and consolidation in whatever I was doing. I used to feel I know something still I was terrified of appearing for tests. I have waste time chatting on random Telegram study groups which I am completely going to avoid henceforth. It has been a major distraction with no help whatever in proportion to the time we spend on it.

I have decided to complete the syllabus in a coherent manner in this attempt. I will be doing subjects one by one by going through classes and making notes. This is all that I am thinking to do right now. Tests, current affairs, answer writing everything will be done in time but the first priority is to complete the syllabus and have basic notes ready for each.

Till now I have completed Ancient, Medieval, Art & Culture and Modern India. I intend to complete Society and Geography during this month and then I will move to Ethics, Science & Technology, and Economy during November. Polity, Governance, IR will be done in December. Environment, IR, Social Justice in January.  This is the minimum I want to complete. This is quite an uphill task and requires a lot of effort given that I am working but I'm willing to put in effort into the same.

GaneshGaitonde,Mariposa27and5 otherslike this
@Patootie May I know what is your approach for creating Anki cards? I made cards of previous year questions from Modern History. I am now planning to do it for facts while going through Spectrum.

Another question is do you keep a single deck for all subjects or have a different deck for each subject. It became unmanageable for me to everyday revise 150+ scheduled cards spread across multiple decks.



@Patootie May I know what is your approach for creating Anki cards? I made cards of previous year questions from Modern History. I am now planning to do it for facts while going through Spectrum.

Another question is do you keep a single deck for all subjects or have a different deck for each subject. It became unmanageable for me to everyday revise 150+ scheduled cards spread across multiple decks.

Hey, I use a deck for each topic in each subject. For example, today I made cards for Simon Commission and Boycott movement. Instead of typing long answers, I click a  photo  of the relevant page.  I make Questions from mains pov,  and use the subject name as a tag.  I just started using Anki, so I don’t know how it’ll work out eventually

Mettle,Kapiushonand3 otherslike this

Good morning to  all the lovely people here ,it’s good to see you all and I will be posting regularly from now onwards 

Targets for the day are (18/10/21)-



Anthro Paper -2 -ch-2

Read Homo sapiens sapiens 

Kapiushon,12432TrivendrumRajdhaniand2 otherslike this
Can anyone please guide me regarding mains GS static syllabus. I have collected some coaching notes for each paper available online. Will that+ CA notes suffice for GS?
Can I use Casio 991ES for maths optional? Although UPSC says any non-programmable calculator is allowed, but I'm a little apprehensive about using this one as it has differentiation and integration functions. Please help. 

I think it is 991ex. Yes you can use this.

I meant the 991es plus one. You're probably talking about the 991ex classwiz one (i googled 😂). Anyways, if they allow the 991ex one, there shouldn't be a problem with the 991es one. Thanks ,😄


18 Oct

are koi hai jo anthro ki strategy batade ya recommend krde kisi recent topper ki>>>  

Check jayant's channel. Got AIR 59


Going to take a break from forum people, you have been very very supportive, maybe I just need time for settling this feeling that I might just not clear. I am trying and failing every time. 

I am planning to finish UPPCS, then wait for pre results, and then see how I might go about preparation. I feel so lost at this moment. Anything I am trying isn't working. 

To all, for your motivating messages I am very very grateful, I will be back but after conquering my emotions, being little more strong, focused and clear about how I would like to move forward. 

All the very best everyone.

D503,Kapiushonand13 otherslike this


i am planning to join IMDP integerated mcq and mains answer writing programme of onlyias for completing my syllabus and practising?? Any reviews?? Esaay included

Another option is forum ias prelims test series 21 oct but here mains I myself had to plan and finish

Both have same FEES 10000

 optional tests i am giving somewhere want to PrepareGS . I have to prepare mains specific notes so thinking to plan as per any test series.( mgp is difficult to follow now) 


I have been on an erratic schedule. Completed one lecture of Social Justice and could not revise anything.

Here are my targets for 19-Oct

  1. Social Justice - Women Issues (Complete 2 Lectures)
  2. Revision of Bhakti & Sufi Movement and Architecture from my notes.
  3. Revision of Units 1 and 2 of optional by going through the notes.

Targets for 19.10.21

Optional 1 hour Done

Poverty and Hunger 3 hours  Done

Geography Questions 1 hour Not done 

 Newspaper and Notability Done

Thought of the Day: Can the end of debate in parliament end the presumption of constitutionality too?

Rashmirathi,sjerngaland3 otherslike this
Can I use Casio 991ES for maths optional? Although UPSC says any non-programmable calculator is allowed, but I'm a little apprehensive about using this one as it has differentiation and integration functions. Please help. 

Yes you can.. i used 991ms last yr.  

Can I use Casio 991ES for maths optional? Although UPSC says any non-programmable calculator is allowed, but I'm a little apprehensive about using this one as it has differentiation and integration functions. Please help. 

Yes you can.. i used 991ms last yr.  

Ok. Thanks 😊

20th Oct
1. Newspaper + CA 
2. Ethics [E4, E5, E6, case studies] 
3. Optional [power+ PYQ Analysis]
4. Miscl. 

Targets for 20.10.2021

Geography Questions 2 hour

Modern History 1 hour

Newspaper and Notability


 Thought of the day: 


Homo Neanderthalensis ,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this
Good Morning Everyone 

Targets for 20th October 2021

Sociology : Social Change theories , Tribes

GS III: Internal Security [1/3]

Ethics Notes Pages[1-12]
BD,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this
Guys, done with theory part of Ethics, but no idea how to start Case Studies for Ethics. Any source?
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