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Can we share some motivational quotes or 'Thought of the day' here?

In these difficult times, us, the aspirants must be loosing tracks and getting demotivated. To pump up and get everyone stoked, we can share some motivational quotes here.
jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand65 otherslike this


@Tetsuko Why are you feeling "guilty & sad"? You have no control over such things. One thing which is in your control is yourself. So first, try to help yourself, every other thing will fall in line.

This can also be because of depression, if this feeling is persistent. To know about depression, just Google it, or atleast visit a psychiatrist once.

Although it's considered a taboo. But you should be open about it and should not hesitate from consulting a doctor.

If you have studied "Poor Economics", you would be knowing how costly health problems become in longer run. Do not delay further. In my family, it's a rule to have routine full body check up and consultation atleast once in 2 years, especially for our parents. You can also devise such routine for your family.

"Prevention is better than cure."

@Tetsuko Why are you feeling "guilty & sad"? You have no control over such things. One thing which is in your control is yourself. So first, try to help yourself, every other thing will fall in line.

This can also be because of depression, if this feeling is persistent. To know about depression, just Google it, or atleast visit a psychiatrist once.

Although it's considered a taboo. But you should be open about it and should not hesitate from consulting a doctor.

If you have studied "Poor Economics", you would be knowing how costly health problems become in longer run. Do not delay further. In my family, it's a rule to have routine full body check up and consultation atleast once in 2 years, especially for our parents. You can also devise such routine for your family.

"Prevention is better than cure."

@Naadan_Parinda Do you think feeling helpless at the inefficiency of our administration system might be a sign of depression?


How you all are dealing with the mental crisis of feeling helpless seeing suffering of people during this time especially?

It is so disturbing that this world is full of miseries created by humans itself. I recently watched the video of a 70-year-old woman dragging a cot of her 100-year mother to bank to give them proof of her life and resume her pension. Although I try to avoid all such random news but this is not a single incident of this kind. I feel so guilty and sad at such system and society.


@Tetsuko Not the administrative inefficiency as such. But the choice of words like miseries, guilty, sad etc.

Anyway, I've seen the worse, I know the worst. I come from a state which has the worst system in the country. But I've made a peace with that for now, but not forever. If I get a chance, I'll make sure that "Babus" get to work and consider their work as public service and not a favour.

During this Corona, we had to take charge in our village and distribute food, just because of the inefficiency of the administration. 

Yesterday our maid, who had worked in our home 3 years ago, came to us for food because she can't find work anywhere due to the stigma created by corona.

The case you mentioned is common in our area. 

Ofcourse, these things did not come to minds of the people at higher level who were responsible for nationwide lockdown, and the rule of personal reporting in the case you mentioned. But make sure that if you reach to that level, you will consider the possible impacts of your decisions at each level. This is why GS-4 has been included in our syllabus.


“Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I’ll ever know. Live and die on this day, live and die on this day”


Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. - Napoleon Hill

jack_Sparrow,Deepak802and2 otherslike this
Diamond is chunk of coal that made good under pressure. 
Deepak802,ssver2and3 otherslike this

You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so.

For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.

Deepak802,Tetsukoand3 otherslike this

A little off topic ..but still this is what I have been feeling lately.

We all will find our desired way, some day, one day. Till then, let us try and build Love, Compassion and Kindness each and every passing day.

Deepak802,Casablancaand3 otherslike this

"Don't be bitter in race of betterment."

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take eyes off your goal".

Deepak802,Mettleand4 otherslike this

Deepak802,Itachiand13 otherslike this
"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!"

- Rocky Balboa
Deepak802,peacefulwarriorand14 otherslike this
"Where willingness is great, the difficulties can not be great. "
Deepak802,peacefulwarriorand1 otherslike this
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. 
Deepak802,peacefulwarriorand5 otherslike this

Quality of wise man :

1. Realism 

Wise arerealisticabout how challenging many things be. 

They are not devoid of hope but they are conscious of the complexities entailed in any project. e.g starting a business, falling in love, preparing for exam. 

Knowing that something difficult is being attempted, don't rob the wise of ambition,

But itmakes them more steadfast and calmer, and less prone to panicabout the problems that will invariably comes their way. Probably aware that much can and does wrong.  

Source: School of life.

Deepak802,GaryVeeand5 otherslike this

2. Gratitude :

Probably aware that much can and does wrong, the wise are unusuallyalive to moment of calm and beauty. 

Even extremely modest one : they cantake pleasure in single uneventful sunny day or just some pretty flowergrowing at home. 

It's not that they are sentimental and naive, precisely the opposite. Because they've seen how hard things can be to get. 

Theyknow how to draw full value of from peaceful and sweetwhenever and wherever these arise. 

Deepak802,GaryVeeand1 otherslike this

छिप-छिप अश्रु बहाने वालों, मोती व्यर्थ बहाने वालों

कुछ सपनों के मर जाने से, जीवन नहीं मरा करता है।

-- Gopal Das Neeraj

( You who is crying hiding from the world, you who is wasting pearls away

Even if some dreams remain unfulfilled, you don.t stop living.)

Deepak802,GaryVeeand2 otherslike this

3. Folly

Wise know we all deeply sunk in folly. We all have irrational desires and want incompatible things. 

We prone to mood swings and buffeted by curious demand of our sexuality. 

Wise areunsurprised by ongoing deep immaturity along side quite adult qualities like intelligence and morality.Aware that half of life is irrational. 

Theytry whenever possible to budget for madness and slow to panicwhen it reliably raised in head. 


jack_Sparrow,Deepak802and1 otherslike this

"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."

"What is once well done is done forever."

Deepak802,chamomileand5 otherslike this
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