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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


@Villanelle  great job. Like seriously, woaaah! 


@Villanelle that’s  a very detailed and intelligent explanation. Thank you for writing it :)

Since I’ve really come to admire how articulate and knowledgeable you are, please accept this humble tribute (although I’m sure you’d do a much better job yourself :p)

Hahahaha. Oh man :D this is truly touching. Also, that admiration is 100% mutual. I mean you are a living Leslie Knope, what more inspiration can I need as an aspiring civil servant. :D

I low-key feel as appreciated as Ann Perkins probably feels when Leslie hits her with those wacky compliments. Thank you ❤️

Not to forget, I see a potential meemer in you.

Hahaha thank you! Highest praise I could want or get! ♥️ And meemer is the cutest word ever! 

@Villanelle No I presume you have pol science as the optional or studied it during graduation.
That's why said so. Please Dont mind

I do have PSIR as optional. But I have to deny I know more than anyone else here. Actually it’s hard to take compliments such as those. I feel like this meme. 

Aurora,Buddhijeevi Parsadand6 otherslike this

Hello everyone, first attempter here seeking some guidance.

For Mains GS, would it be a good idea to do Mains365 (2020) right now and make its concise notes? At present I have Mains notes for some subjects not all. I was suggested the following as good content for Mains - QEP (IASHub), Mains365/Vision Monthly, and Test Series (Vision).

What would be the best option (please let me know if some other would be better at my stage)? I do not want to give too much time to Mains right now as Prelims prep is incomplete.

Any suggestions/advice would be really helpful. Thank you! :) 

Hi There.
Since you are a first attempter, I would advise you to focus on your optional much more than preparing GS notes in the extended time period. That does not mean you do not make GS notes, but it should be secondary to optional.

Personally, I have not seen the notes of MK Yadav so I do not know much. But I liked vision mains 365 material. You can download last year's from the website and look for yourself.

Disclaimer: I did not clear the mains this time so take my advice with a pinch of salt. :)

Aurora,EiChanand4 otherslike this
@Buddhijeevi Parsad I had not read about that opinion on Israeli offerings being rejected at all... thank you for pointing it out. I will go do some digging. There’s so much more to understand. 


@Shodai21 I would second what@SergioRamos said too. After preparing for prelims exhaustively, as will end up happening due to postponement, GS topics for mains won’t really be new to you. It will be much easier if you sort out your notes for optional instead now, in whatever time you can spare from prelims prep, so it doesn’t take too much time after prelims. 

chamomile,AJ_and2 otherslike this
The memes in this thread reminds me of r/comedycemetery
Monkey D. Luffy,Villanelle

some suggestions and inspiring words welcomed-

I got 122 in prelims 2019, got 749 in mains, For 2020 prelims I felt like I know prelims well and will clear it. preparation for mains was on track to clear all the hurdles. 

later as it happened I couldn't clear prelims 2020. 

1st- It's been a pattern in last 1.5 year mains 2019(2marks), RPSC 2018 mains, prelims 2020(was scoring b/w- 98-105), then RBI grade b pre(1.25 marks) - somehow not making to the list. If someone has faced similar situation, how to deal mentally. now i sometimes fear thinking about prelims only. Wonder is luck that bad (feels like haan bhai m hi cutoff hu, mere se 1 jyada le aao)

2nd- after failing pre, my mains preparations went off track, while I am mostly happy about essay, ethics, optional (though can be improved by huge margins), somehow I feel , I can't be scoring above 80s in GS1,2,3. 

though I never wanted Prelims to get postponed, but now it looks like blessing in disguise. Considering it is last time I want to prepare full time, (had thoughts about giving it last time but I don't think I will stop before exhausting all attempts, if no selection )

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Thank you for the suggestion, will read up!

It's a well established tactic for sure. I would think Pakistan's over-reaction to the France upheaval recently would be the same tactic, except for the obvious lack of clout compared to Israel.

Clout does not matter for  a clown state. 

On a lighter note -

बकौल लाल टोपी का पैरडी।

Aurora,Ayushi7and2 otherslike this
@Master do suggest a good documentary on world history!


@Villanelle What a comprehensive write up! Main apne PSIR ke notes issi se na bana lu? :P 

Also, it'd be very interesting to see Indian reaction to this entire recent flare up. Given that off late, we've had some tweaks in our foreign policy, the times are very interesting in a post Biden world. Even though, we've called for both to maintain the status quo and adhere to the UN Security Council Resolution 2334 and adherence to International Law & obligations under it for a two state commitment, India's reaction is to watch out for as situation between those two states evolves. Nonetheless, I feel we'll keep our neutral stand calling for mutual peace as usual, given that it's the most sanest thing to do in a conflict as complicated and intertwined like this.

And like, I've always hoped about this kinda sane continuous approach prevailing in the post partition Indo-Pak symmetry because at the end, it's the ordinary people who suffer the wounds of any conflict but khair woh sab kabhi aur. :) 



I remember watching this video around the time it was released. It was quite interesting to see both sides of the debates through the eyes of ordinary people


@SergioRamos @whatonly Thank you very much for the advice, I will certainly work on this! :)


Is there any crash course available for mathematics optional? I feel it would be good to have a video on the basic concepts of a topic so that I can save the time of googling and searching on YouTube  about it and can solve more and more problems.

I did my optional till feb and now I feel like I know nothing. 😔



Is there any crash course available for mathematics optional? I feel it would be good to have a video on the basic concepts of a topic so that I can save the time of googling and searching on YouTube  about it and can solve more and more problems.

I did my optional till feb and now I feel like I know nothing. 😔

I would strongly recommend against any crash course. Almost all the 2-3 available online are under prepared and promising way more than delivering. 

In your situation I would recommend rather join a test series which has chapter wise tests. Start with topics with which you are comfortable in and write the test on weekend. Test series feedback would keep you motivated to the process for the upcoming week. 

chamomile,AJ_and2 otherslike this
@Omen Sorry I didn’t mention that I am appearing for 2021 ( if it happens :p). Won’t it be too much to go for a test series at this time?

@DHARNA Try SuccessClap Test Series for revision. You can read through the tests or solve in practice mode to revise concepts, since the tests are pretty basic - despite what they claim.
Also they have copied a lot of questions from IMS material, so it's good for revision.

Save the IMS Test Series for the time between Prelims and Mains. 

@DHARNA There is a channel by the name of Mathocrat on youtube. You can check that. 


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