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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


@Omen  was feeling same last year and later resulted into missing prelims cutoff

I would have joined job after prelims 2020 if not for 27 june

such are the times 

@sstarrr Lol, I was mortified for a moment.

Nobody loves Arnab except Bhakts. Sadly he was once a member of civil services aspirants community. And not watching Tv is good. Tv is crap these days . But NDTV is a sigh of relief. 

EiChan,chamomileand10 otherslike this
Any expected date for EPFO? Will it be held before or after prelims? 

Epfo seems like an ignored kid of upsc. Planned before cse pre, but no date given. Pre's date they could fix


The only silver lining is that it won't feel like the same paper has been distributed that was originally made for June 2021.

Last year, I have no doubt in my mind, the paper handed out on October 4th was the one made in May 2020. 

Aurora,EiChanand13 otherslike this

The only silver lining is that it won't feel like the same paper has been distributed that was originally made for June 2021.

Last year, I have no doubt in my mind, the paper handed out on October 4th was the one made in May 2020. 

Yay. Now we get to study more current affairs. I could not be more excited about that.

sonder,EiChanand22 otherslike this

The only silver lining is that it won't feel like the same paper has been distributed that was originally made for June 2021.

Last year, I have no doubt in my mind, the paper handed out on October 4th was the one made in May 2020. 

Yay. Now we get to study more current affairs. I could not be more excited about that.

Yeah, how exactly is that a silver living 😂

Aurora,EiChanand6 otherslike this

The only silver lining is that it won't feel like the same paper has been distributed that was originally made for June 2021.

Last year, I have no doubt in my mind, the paper handed out on October 4th was the one made in May 2020. 

Yay. Now we get to study more current affairs. I could not be more excited about that.

Sarcasm detected! 

Kapiushon,Villanelleand5 otherslike this

Speculation about CS Mains dates for CSE 2021 : 

1) If they go with the 95 day gap between prelims and mains like in CSE 2020(revised schedule), then it would begin from January 14, 2022(friday, since the new practice is of mains spread over 10 days and beginning on a friday and ending on the next sunday).

2) If they go with the 81 days gap as per the original schedule announced for CSE 2021, then it would begin from December 31, 2021(friday, NEW YEARS EVE ESSAY PAPER hahahaha)

3) Any other scenario ! 

sonder,Duryodhanand6 otherslike this


Anyone else feeling hopeless ? I mean i get it the postponement gives more time to prepare well and all that but given the nature of humanities as a subject there would always be another dimension to explore no matter how long you have studied. 

Need some suggestions regarding the idea of joining a job right now ? What do you all think ? The whole thought of waiting until October for the exam cycle to start is giving me anxiety right now. 

If you have spent more than two years preparing without a job, I think it’s unwise to keep waiting for this exam to work out for you.

Last year, when the pandemic hit, I was 2 and a half years without a job. I decided to keep on going with preparation even though I struggled with hopelessness. I turned things around a little bit, but before mains, I believe the anxiety came back and flooded my entire existence. When the mains results came, I was three and a half years without a job. What was worse, the second wave was at its onset and the economy had tanked like crazy due to the pandemic. Luckily, things worked out for me, but only because I had a lot of goodwill at my old company. I had lost a lot of value in the market (other than at my old company) because of my gap years. This isn’t fair or right necessarily, but that is simply how the game goes. 

Nobody but you can make the decision of whether you should join a job now or not. I was sharing what happened with me. In hindsight, maybe I should have joined a job last year, but it’s easier to say that now. Whatever decision you choose to take, let it come from a rational place and not from an emotional one. Consider your own mental health and put that first. Consider the state of the economy and the inherent uncertainty in this exam. If you think financial independence and a secure future would help alleviate your pain, do that. 

Don’t look at it as a 5 month postponement. Consider mains and interview as well. Do take into consideration the worst possible situation of clearing both prelims and mains and failing at the interview. I don’t wish that for you or anyone, but it’s important you consider that before you take this decision. This hopelessness and anxiety has a tendency to grow on us as we get closer to the goal. Think long term. Even the worst possible outcome. Do what you think is best for your health. All the best. :)

sonder,Just_relentlessand14 otherslike this
Surreal how everything is repeating itself, hopefully the failures don't join that cycle too.

It’s weird because I have felt like most of my life events repeat themselves in such a pattern.. deja vu at a macro level ..

Aurora,Kapiushonand2 otherslike this
I hope things get much better well before October 10 and that there isn’t a third wave as catastrophic as the last two. 

The second isn't over yet.

@scribbler Even I feel deja vu many times, I feel like what's happening is what I saw in my dream but this happens periodically and not every day or at any regular interval...then I watched some youtube videos and found that it is normal... :D :)

@scribbler Even I feel deja vu many times, I feel like what's happening is what I saw in my dream but this happens periodically and not every day or at any regular interval...then I watched some youtube videos and found that it is normal... :D :)

Even I feel  deja vu many a times , I think whatever is happening right now happened some time back and things are repeating. Never got an answer to that, as to why this happens? like when I read the notification got the feeling that something like this happened some time back, EXACTLY same. 

Sankoza,KV17and1 otherslike this
@scribbler Even I feel deja vu many times, I feel like what's happening is what I saw in my dream but this happens periodically and not every day or at any regular interval...then I watched some youtube videos and found that it is normal... :D :)

Those youtube explanations didnt convince me that much though. 🤣 because sometimes i can very clearly remember that this has happened.. timeline may be blurred.

@scribbler Even I feel deja vu many times, I feel like what's happening is what I saw in my dream but this happens periodically and not every day or at any regular interval...then I watched some youtube videos and found that it is normal... :D :)

Those youtube explanations didnt convince me that much though. 🤣 because sometimes i can very clearly remember that this has happened.. timeline may be blurred.

For me , these things never happened , yet they seem to be like happened exactly. 

People taking about deja vu is itself giving me deja vu :p .
sonder,Auroraand8 otherslike this
@peterparker The only problem with me is that it's not regular. If it was then I would have gone to some research mental health institutions to know more :D, like in 'Aparichit' movie :P or I would have started predicting the future like astrologists...

Surreal how everything is repeating itself, hopefully the failures don't join that cycle too.

I know right? Its like when in Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry and Hermione go back in time, and try to rectify everything. :P Feeling the pressure to do everything right this time around.

sonder,Auroraand10 otherslike this
On a lighter note, where can I watch Radhe? Want to kill some time today with beer and chicken without having to pay for that movie on zee.
I hope things get much better well before October 10 and that there isn’t a third wave as catastrophic as the last two. 

@Patootie and we all get vaccinated before oct 10. 

Just_relentless,Ayushi7and2 otherslike this
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