Now that 1 week is over, it is time to shift focus to Mains. With barely 103 days left there is no time to waste.
@John_Titorplz count me in...I have done syllabus once before pre..2 Mains/1st with PSIR
would it be advisable to skip writing conclusion in 10 markers ?
@John_TitorGive atleast one line conclusion. It will give an ending to answer, which may fetch an 1/2 mark. To be honest not all questions will permit this- time, space, knowledge constraints. Try to write it for maximum questions possible.
Just seen last year mains marksheet thread on forum. Literally people's reactions are scary. Though useful for getting answer writing tips and yes also for understanding how much UPSC can be unpredictable. last year GS 1 checking strict hua tha kya? Can someone throw light who had written mains last year?
Guys. I have a question.
I was writing answers daily for sometime. Then, I realized that I did not know certain static stuff from Lakshmikant. I skipped answer writing for 3 days and found myself rusty when again started. Has this happened to any of you guys? Does this mean, we need to write answers daily till mains. We cannot skip at all?
@chandler_bingYes...Its feel like mind stops thinking and when you write daily and force your brain to think it becomes faster with time. Another thing that I have noticed about answer writing is even if you know the answer and you have content but it is the presentation on answer sheet that makes all the difference...I have analyzed 2017 rank 1 answer sheets. and I was amazed at his presentation skill. So simple and clear language yet covers all dimension with relevant facts and examples. Atleast what I have understood is writing good answer is different thing and then writing in speed to complete question paper is different. Even if you have speed but not enough content then also answer writing doesnt help to fetch good marks.
@gandhibhai, link share karna plz
@gandhiThanks for replying bro. Good to see others have the same problem.
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