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Mains 2021: Doubt and strategy discussion thread

I don't know what to say, really. Prelims is over. The discussion as regards the authenticity of answer keys is the most futile discussion. So, I am creating this thread as a necessary and much-needed diversion. Three months to the biggest battle of our professional lives begins now. All comes down to how we heal and grow from now on, and either, we heal or we're gonna crumble. Day by day

We're in a toxic environment right now, fellas. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the s**t kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. Mains is the road ahead for everyone of us notwithstanding our current predicament. So, let's continue to fight and not let our guard down.

Yours faithfully

Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020 is to be conducted on 8,9,10,16,17 January, 2021.

1.Topic wise questions compilation from PYQs-

2.Previous years' question papers collection- Essay, GS I, GS II, GS III, GS IV, PSIR

3.New emerging technologies fodder

5. This is awebsite by CSE 2019 selected candidates. Contains a lot of info ontest series/answer writingand alsohasGS notes.Must go through! =>   

6. World history notes of Shreyans Kumat Rank 4, UPSC CSE 2018:  

7. Download Anudeep Sir's hand made notes from here. From GS 1 to GS 4, everything:

8.Ethics keywords' definition table:

This will keep you going-
jack_Sparrow,Deepak802and112 otherslike this


@skandagupta I know, but given the situation I am in, my only alternative is this. 

@UncleDeadpool I wish you success in whatever decision you take. But I do urge every youngster out there please for god sake DO NOT SIT AT HOME! Give 2 or 3 attempts at max and if u cannot clear get a corporate job/develop skills/side business or you will thoroughly ruin your youth and career. I have and know many others like me but even better profiles like IIT/NITs who are unemployed at 30 with all attempts gone. This(upsc+govt jobs) is a russian roulette of the highest order!Play safe and play well. God bless everyone.

Oasis,phoebeand8 otherslike this
@UncleDeadpool I wish you success in whatever decision you take. But I do urge every youngster out there please for god sake DO NOT SIT AT HOME! Give 2 or 3 attempts at max and if u cannot clear get a corporate job/develop skills/side business or you will thoroughly ruin your youth and career. I have and know many others like me but even better profiles like IIT/NITs who are unemployed at 30 with all attempts gone. This(upsc+govt jobs) is a russian roulette of the highest order!Play safe and play well. God bless everyone.

True words@skandagupta "Saviour of India". I agree with this opinion from very Core Of My Heart.

Oasis,Barcelonaand3 otherslike this

What works for people who have given mains.. can some senior highlight what can be done so that there is no self made mistakes.. 

Please guide! 

@AzadHindFauz @Sherkhan1428 

@azad will give a better answer. This (hopefully) is going to be my first mains. As much a student as you. As much a newbie as you  :)
can someone suggest how to ask doubt to dipin sir wrt to CA ??
Wrote a sectional test on Modern History/World History today. Could only complete only 16 questions. Any suggestions on how to increase the speed? Do these sectional tests go too deep or am I just trying to pacify myself?

How are you guys managing answer writing and test series?

As in, how many answers do you write each day and how do you self analyse them? Also, how many tests are you planning to write along with daily answer writing? 

Aurora,Ayushi7and2 otherslike this

How are you guys managing answer writing and test series?

As in, how many answers do you write each day and how do you self analyse them? Also, how many tests are you planning to write along with daily answer writing? 

Writing/trying to write at least 3-4 PYQs every evening on topics that I am covering in optional during the day. I find that when I look back at them that night, I can identify some flaws - either by comparing them to the source material (points I’ve missed out) or just reading it calmly (flow, structure, emphasis). Also comparing to good toppers’ mocks if I find a question with some overlap. Some of the truly terrible answers I am trying to rewrite. 

Optional 8 tests (Trying to write at least 20 PYQs on each section of each paper before actually attempting the test so as to not waste the test on a totally substandard answer). Trying to stick to the test schedule (delayed one by 2 days, will write on the same day henceforth) so as to have a milestone in mind coming up.

Going through ethics model answers as I do the topics, haven’t written PYQs yet but will start now. 7 tests in the test series, hoping to give them all (at least some of the motivation is coming from the sacrilege of wasting those pricey tests).

GS will start as soon as I finish OOEE. Will join test series then. Not sure how many I’ll be able to give etc. This prospect of GS still largely untouched is scaring me no end but trying to finish OOEE as quickly as possible so I can give it enough time.

Strangely miss prelims days now. Thought that was scary... this is a whole new game. 

Oasis,missionmangaland19 otherslike this

Note- Sharing this to lighten/freshen up the mind plus I wasn’t able to locate the memes vala thread. :/



When the chief priest says, “Drop that बूंदी का प्रसाद”.  I guess this is how lit the diwali party at Ayodhya this year will be.

p.s.- Mr J P Nadda wishes to know his location.  😆😁

Any good source to practice daily ethics questions (with good synopsis)?
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Writing/trying to write at least 3-4 PYQs every evening on topics that I am covering in optional during the day. I find that when I look back at them that night, I can identify some flaws - either by comparing them to the source material (points I’ve missed out) or just reading it calmly (flow, structure, emphasis). Also comparing to good toppers’ mocks if I find a question with some overlap. Some of the truly terrible answers I am trying to rewrite. 

Optional 8 tests (Trying to write at least 20 PYQs on each section of each paper before actually attempting the test so as to not waste the test on a totally substandard answer). Trying to stick to the test schedule (delayed one by 2 days, will write on the same day henceforth) so as to have a milestone in mind coming up.

Going through ethics model answers as I do the topics, haven’t written PYQs yet but will start now. 7 tests in the test series, hoping to give them all (at least some of the motivation is coming from the sacrilege of wasting those pricey tests).

GS will start as soon as I finish OOEE. Will join test series then. Not sure how many I’ll be able to give etc. This prospect of GS still largely untouched is scaring me no end but trying to finish OOEE as quickly as possible so I can give it enough time.

Strangely miss prelims days now. Thought that was scary... this is a whole new game. 

In addition to this , do prepare summaries and outlines with pointers of all the questions you are attempting. If you think about it, even if you were to write 12 FLTs and practice 200 answers separately, it will run into close to 1000 pages of written sheets. 

Crisp summaries will help you revise everything within minutes. Attaching a sample of how i am going about the process. Customize according to your needs. Please Do this. And don't forget to mention my name in your topper's talk next year :D...Sherkhan..Naam to padha hi hoga 🤪


MikeWozniak,Auroraand12 otherslike this
Any good source to practice daily ethics questions (with good synopsis)?


Before prelims, I had joined a daily answer writing course of 7 weeks duration. 

Thursdays were reserved for GS4. They used to give 4 questions in total. 3 questions were  10 markers and one case study(20 marker). 

So I am willing to share those questions with you along with model answers. Theonlyconditionis that after I share with you the questions, you must send me your answers of those  questions. Once I receive the answers, I will help you with the model answers as well. This way, it won’t seem to be a one-sided affair but more like a two-way process, in other words, a barter system kinda thing.

The course was of 7 weeks duration so you will have exactly 21 (10 marker questions) and 7 case studies to practice along with their model answers.

I am sharing 4 questions below including the case study for you to have a look at the quality of the questions asked.

If interested, please DM me your TG Id.

Q1. “In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so”-


Q2. “Human values are virtues that anchor the moral ship amidst storm”- Evaluate.

Q3. “Educational institutions play an instrumental role in the inculcation of values in any individual”- In the context of

the above statement discuss some basic values that can be developed in children through educational institutions.

Q4. You are the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) in a particular district which is presently under the grip of Novel

Coronavirus (Covid-19).The virus has reached its community transfer phase and therefore the district has been kept

under the Red Zone (most vulnerable) category. However amidst the corona crisis, a certain section of population in the

district has not followed the social distancing norms prescribed by the state government, which has contributed to rapid

increase in the number of daily positive cases. Hence the state government has ordered you to ensure a speedy eviction

of that section of the population out of the district to control the spread of the virus. This order has created a kind of

quandary for you as it goes against your basic ethical values of targeting a section of population and forcefully evicting

them from the district. However if you fail to implement the order it will be considered as dereliction of duty.

a) Under such circumstances highlight the possible options that are available to you.

b) What course of action would you follow under the given circumstances?

Thanks bhai ..
DMed you..

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Writing/trying to write at least 3-4 PYQs every evening on topics that I am covering in optional during the day. I find that when I look back at them that night, I can identify some flaws - either by comparing them to the source material (points I’ve missed out) or just reading it calmly (flow, structure, emphasis). Also comparing to good toppers’ mocks if I find a question with some overlap. Some of the truly terrible answers I am trying to rewrite. 

Optional 8 tests (Trying to write at least 20 PYQs on each section of each paper before actually attempting the test so as to not waste the test on a totally substandard answer). Trying to stick to the test schedule (delayed one by 2 days, will write on the same day henceforth) so as to have a milestone in mind coming up.

Going through ethics model answers as I do the topics, haven’t written PYQs yet but will start now. 7 tests in the test series, hoping to give them all (at least some of the motivation is coming from the sacrilege of wasting those pricey tests).

GS will start as soon as I finish OOEE. Will join test series then. Not sure how many I’ll be able to give etc. This prospect of GS still largely untouched is scaring me no end but trying to finish OOEE as quickly as possible so I can give it enough time.

Strangely miss prelims days now. Thought that was scary... this is a whole new game. 

In addition to this , do prepare summaries and outlines with pointers of all the questions you are attempting. If you think about it, even if you were to write 12 FLTs and practice 200 answers separately, it will run into close to 1000 pages of written sheets. 

Crisp summaries will help you revise everything within minutes. Attaching a sample of how i am going about the process. Customize according to your needs. Please Do this. And don't forget to mention my name in your topper's talk next year :D...Sherkhan..Naam to padha hi hoga 🤪


please tell me the name of the platform you r using for this process : the note making seems interesting!

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Writing/trying to write at least 3-4 PYQs every evening on topics that I am covering in optional during the day. I find that when I look back at them that night, I can identify some flaws - either by comparing them to the source material (points I’ve missed out) or just reading it calmly (flow, structure, emphasis). Also comparing to good toppers’ mocks if I find a question with some overlap. Some of the truly terrible answers I am trying to rewrite. 

Optional 8 tests (Trying to write at least 20 PYQs on each section of each paper before actually attempting the test so as to not waste the test on a totally substandard answer). Trying to stick to the test schedule (delayed one by 2 days, will write on the same day henceforth) so as to have a milestone in mind coming up.

Going through ethics model answers as I do the topics, haven’t written PYQs yet but will start now. 7 tests in the test series, hoping to give them all (at least some of the motivation is coming from the sacrilege of wasting those pricey tests).

GS will start as soon as I finish OOEE. Will join test series then. Not sure how many I’ll be able to give etc. This prospect of GS still largely untouched is scaring me no end but trying to finish OOEE as quickly as possible so I can give it enough time.

Strangely miss prelims days now. Thought that was scary... this is a whole new game. 

In addition to this , do prepare summaries and outlines with pointers of all the questions you are attempting. If you think about it, even if you were to write 12 FLTs and practice 200 answers separately, it will run into close to 1000 pages of written sheets. 

Crisp summaries will help you revise everything within minutes. Attaching a sample of how i am going about the process. Customize according to your needs. Please Do this. And don't forget to mention my name in your topper's talk next year :D...Sherkhan..Naam to padha hi hoga 🤪


Bhai this is impressive. But doesn't this take a lot of time?

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Writing/trying to write at least 3-4 PYQs every evening on topics that I am covering in optional during the day. I find that when I look back at them that night, I can identify some flaws - either by comparing them to the source material (points I’ve missed out) or just reading it calmly (flow, structure, emphasis). Also comparing to good toppers’ mocks if I find a question with some overlap. Some of the truly terrible answers I am trying to rewrite. 

Optional 8 tests (Trying to write at least 20 PYQs on each section of each paper before actually attempting the test so as to not waste the test on a totally substandard answer). Trying to stick to the test schedule (delayed one by 2 days, will write on the same day henceforth) so as to have a milestone in mind coming up.

Going through ethics model answers as I do the topics, haven’t written PYQs yet but will start now. 7 tests in the test series, hoping to give them all (at least some of the motivation is coming from the sacrilege of wasting those pricey tests).

GS will start as soon as I finish OOEE. Will join test series then. Not sure how many I’ll be able to give etc. This prospect of GS still largely untouched is scaring me no end but trying to finish OOEE as quickly as possible so I can give it enough time.

Strangely miss prelims days now. Thought that was scary... this is a whole new game. 

In addition to this , do prepare summaries and outlines with pointers of all the questions you are attempting. If you think about it, even if you were to write 12 FLTs and practice 200 answers separately, it will run into close to 1000 pages of written sheets. 

Crisp summaries will help you revise everything within minutes. Attaching a sample of how i am going about the process. Customize according to your needs. Please Do this. And don't forget to mention my name in your topper's talk next year :D...Sherkhan..Naam to padha hi hoga 🤪


What a beauty of a note!! Thanks so much, did not think of this. Will try to make time to do it henceforth. 

I can say with certainty that I will definitely mention all your help here in the comments under your talk 😛

@MarcusA i can hear his words but that man with wild smile 😂


@Bolt I use a hybrid model. A software called mindmaster (CLICK ME) to prepare the outlines on my laptop and then write stuff down (for mind-hand connection and better retention) in Notability on an Ipad. 

@DramaticAdmiral it does bro. but what choice i got. Question answer reading is the only thing i am focusing on for this attempt. Am looking at an exposure  to anywhere between 800-1000 quality questions (optional and GS included). So when it is the only thing i am relying upon, i better do it with everything I got :). Like i said earlier, All the mistakes and shortcomings (which i know are many) will have to wait for my next mains. Iss baar to strategy fixed hai more or less.

@whatonly Aa ji yeh to aap ka badappan hai ji. Aap bas crack kar lo. hum ussi mein khush hain. :)

Raillife,whatonlyand2 otherslike this
Thank you :-)
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