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Mains 2022 - All Papers PDF + R**** Rona + Paper Discussion

Guys, Essay Paper is over. How was it?

DM,Oshoand33 otherslike this


@zombieland you will get it this time 

Any post mains telegram group for chit chat ?

PubAd review? 

Did anyone else feel like they were writing generic answers for some question in P2?


PubAd review? 

Did anyone else feel like they were writing generic answers for some question in P2?

this is for every non numerical paper. just look at law optional paper, you'll know

Jajantaram Mamantaram
@Aspirant123 Mine was civil eng. , found paper 2 difficult. Many theory Qs in paper 2. Also numerical Qs were not direct. Need to make some assumptions in some Qs.

@Darvey78 i am pub ad guy.. my all paper went well, except paper 2.. found pub and paper 2 weird. Not satisfied with content i have written.

Anyone with History Optional? How was your paper? Did you find the map questions a bit difficult compared to previous years?
Guys, is it really possible to fill all the fifty pages,  in GS papers. As I had written many 15 marker questions in 2 or 2.5 pages

when you order a big pizza with the original intentions to satisfy your curiosity about it as well as get full, that is, satisfy your hunger..... and achieve them both with half of that pizza, with other half lying there ready to share the night with your dustbin..... how do you measure the paisa-wasool index of that pizza? By the question that whether the pizza satisfied the original objectives that triggered the very order of the pizza or simply by the fact that you couldn't finish half of that implying you could consume only half the money-equivalent of what you actually paid? Obviously this evaluation varies from person to person.

A wise person will focus on the satisfaction and quality of pleasure that one half of pizza gave him, ignoring the wastage. A relatively incompetent person will spend the night with regrets and thoughts of wasting half the pizza that despite best efforts, he couldn't finish.

So i believe, a wise evaluator will ignore unfinished space ( uneaten half of pizza) and prioritise quality of what's written ( pleasure derived from one half of pizza) but not everyone is necessarily wise. your prayers should focus on giving your copies a wise evaluator. that's all i guess.

And yes by hook or crook, by sama dama danda or bheda, diagrams, flow charts, maps and graphs, it's possible to fill every square inch of each of those 50 pages in 2:55 hours and relax for 5 minutes after that, although  i could never do any such thing whatsoever.

Jajantaram Mamantaram
Anamika_04,Shinchen_makingUsighand4 otherslike this
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when you order a big pizza with the original intentions to satisfy your curiosity about it as well as get full, that is, satisfy your hunger..... and achieve them both with half of that pizza, with other half lying there ready to share the night with your dustbin..... how do you measure the paisa-wasool index of that pizza? By the question that whether the pizza satisfied the original objectives that triggered the very order of the pizza or simply by the fact that you couldn't finish half of that implying you could consume only half the money-equivalent of what you actually paid? Obviously this evaluation varies from person to person.

A wise person will focus on the satisfaction and quality of pleasure that one half of pizza gave him, ignoring the wastage. A relatively incompetent person will spend the night with regrets and thoughts of wasting half the pizza that despite best efforts, he couldn't finish.

So i believe, a wise evaluator will ignore unfinished space ( uneaten half of pizza) and prioritise quality of what's written ( pleasure derived from one half of pizza) but not everyone is necessarily wise. your prayers should focus on giving your copies a wise evaluator. that's all i guess.

And yes by hook or crook, by sama dama danda or bheda, diagrams, flow charts, maps and graphs, it's possible to fill every square inch of each of those 50 pages in 2:55 hours and relax for 5 minutes after that, although  i could never do any such thing whatsoever.

Filling three pages gives a sense of completion. It has some psychological effect. If one is leaving one page blank in many questions it will give impresaion that something is missing.

Here the role of diagrams charts and big font comes. They help in writing more content in less words with filling of pages. 

Also if one is writing 250 words in two pages it means smaller font size and difficulty in reading. It may or may not affect marks. It will dependent upon wisdom of examiner. 

If someone is writing in good font and completion of pages with relevant content, dependence on mood or on his wisdom will get reduced

Steph_Curry,mvpand3 otherslike this
paper completetion is overrated...i got 105 in gs 2 last to last year and did only 16.5 questions...i completed paper in gs 4 and got 66.... quality>>>>>>quantity
Osho,lionisnisand11 otherslike this
What happens if you don't strike off pages for unattempted questions in optional ?
paper completetion is overrated...i got 105 in gs 2 last to last year and did only 16.5 questions...i completed paper in gs 4 and got 66.... quality>>>>>>quantity

Bro 105 last in GS2 was not a good number. It was slightly lenient last year. Large number pf candidates got in range of 115-120. U atleast 5 marks below average. 

Had u completed paper then it might have been possible that u could have got in range of 110 to 115. Nd remember after rank 100 fight is for 1 marks and not 10 marks. Nd u have just lost 5 to 10 marks


i wrote last to last year

@kar.sourav28590 it was easy compared to previous years.


please suggest good books in hindi.


please suggest good books in hindi.


What happens if you don't strike off pages for unattempted questions in optional ?

in my first mains in 2020, i got 150 in paper 2 optional. i didn't have time to cross the blank pages but wrote good answers. in my second mains i wrote poor answers in p2, but diligently crossed all blank pages and got 108 so you decide....

Jajantaram Mamantaram

@DM for novel reading 

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